Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

This is why people Hate the PVP Cyrodil Community

  • DamianDemonist
    @jabrone77 I logged into Sotha PC NA 1pm Eastern Australian time Sunday, the biggest pop DC and EP managed to get was two bars each, on the Sotha PC NA forums no AD have bothered to show that pop were even before with screenshots. Until AD come here or Sotha PC NA and shows EP and DC having equal population to AD don't tell me that we were getting low pop from "people giving up".

    Four months ago an AD posted this ^^^^^^
    I screenshotted this June 1st

    I know alot of AD really want the crappy gear at the end of the month bonus but with jewelry crafting its made useless since you can gold every ring and necklace now. So maybe the population wasn't there to fight the AD in the first place?

    Edit to clarify @jabrone77

    I only complain because AD always calling guilds in from other campaigns cause they are always losing even tho they outnumber us, EP didn't lose last campaign and that AD screenshot was when AD lost to two bar DC vs Pop lock AD, so maybe instead of killing off whats left of a dead campaign maybe we can maybe not zerg everything to death?
    Edited by DamianDemonist on June 17, 2018 10:04AM
  • Kel
    @jabrone77 I logged into Sotha PC NA 1pm Eastern Australian time Sunday, the biggest pop DC and EP managed to get was two bars each, on the Sotha PC NA forums no AD have bothered to show that pop were even before with screenshots. Until AD come here or Sotha PC NA and shows EP and DC having equal population to AD don't tell me that we were getting low pop from "people giving up".

    Four months ago an AD posted this ^^^^^^
    I screenshotted this June 1st

    I know alot of AD really want the crappy gear at the end of the month bonus but with jewelry crafting its made useless since you can gold every ring and necklace now. So maybe the population wasn't there to fight the AD in the first place?

    Still not a excuse to blame one side for having the numbers. What are they supposed to do? What's the solution here, not play?
    Hearing lots of excuses and no solutions. But whatever.
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    Back to the original issue OP did you report the action using the in-game feedback? If you and all those complaining in zone chat reported the issue that is a big message to ZoS that something needs to be done.

    A suggestion (someone else may of said it but I wasn't reading any more of the comments) as a solution as people have said the scroll respawns zos just needs to reduce the timer more when the scroll is not being held/interacted with.

    I also saw a suggestion of healing/shielding it might be an idea however I don't believe you can interact with objects whilst swimming
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • Royaji
    Looks like...

    The Scroll is as lost to you as the White Gold Tower!


    I'll show myself out.
  • Vahrokh
    People flout rules. Others complain that all games have rules and cheating breaks the game for everyone. The complainers then get told they are the problem and 'don't take it seriously, dude'.

    Some people will cheat at monopoly or even solitaire, or break their littler sibling's toys, because they can. A lot of people are a-holes and PvP exposes their miserable little lives to others in ways that cheating at solitaire or stealing candy from littler siblings does not.

    Imagine being so sick in the head and so sad inside that any attention, even being loathed and despised by 100s of others in a game, makes you feel better. Imagine being so desperate to be seen as tough that you defend the candy stealer/solitaire cheater! Even banning doesn't work because in the minds of these people getting banned from a RPG is an achievement.

    Short of supplying good therapists, there is no cure for this.So there not much ZoS or anyone else can do about sad sorry little jerks., except make that cheat/hack impossible. Then the little jerks will spend/waste hours of their lives trying to find another way to spoil everyone else's fun.

    You just described the average Goon in EvE Online! B)
  • barshemm
    That map though... Looks like to me someone trolled a bunch of AD doing pvdoor in an empty campaign.
  • amir412
    Aliyavana wrote: »

    This along with scroll trading is one of the things wrong with cyrodil. Today I had the "pleasure" of being in the receiving end of the whole scroll griefing that goes on in cyrodil. He went and took THREE Elder scrolls far into slaughterfish waters with his argonian swimming speed so that the scrolls would be out of reach. This one person apparently is toxic in all three factions and felt invincible when doing it, just like the VAS exploiters that felt they wouldn't be banned (yet apparently scroll griefing is ok?). How is it ok for people to ruin the pvp aspect of Cyrodil for HUNDREDS of other people yet pve gets priority in bans with the whole VAS exploit. One ruins Cyrodil for hundreds of paying pvpers and another ruins bragging rights for a few talented pvers. We pvpers need to be thrown a bone man and Zos needs to be consistent among things in the TOS and do something about this or toxic people will continue ruining the game for others while laughing at zos. Also this is one of the reasons we need a faction loyalty campaign. Also add in a water detection for scrolls or something.
    [Edit to remove profane image]

    And nightcapping zerging 24/7 the map is not ruining the campaign for everyone?
    Edited by amir412 on June 17, 2018 2:22PM
    PC | EU | AD |Stam Dk named "-Saidden"| 1700 CP|
    "..A world without fire. Ashen one, is this truly thy wish?.."

  • ZOS_JesC
    Greetings, we've removed several baiting and inflammatory comments. This is a reminder to stay on topic with your comments. The conversation can remain constructive with out derailing into personal insults. Thank you for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • SugaComa
    Minyassa wrote: »
    This is why I will never voluntarily PvP. Just knowing that it's full of people like this and people who defend them or just don't care makes the whole thing look like less fun than a quadruple root canal.

    One *** hundreds of really cool people ...

    PvP isn't full of *** just so you know
  • ktdotexe
    I haven't played PVP in months. Cyrodiil is (mostly) full of idiots and fruitloops. :D
  • Minyassa
    SugaComa wrote: »
    Minyassa wrote: »
    This is why I will never voluntarily PvP. Just knowing that it's full of people like this and people who defend them or just don't care makes the whole thing look like less fun than a quadruple root canal.

    One *** hundreds of really cool people ...

    PvP isn't full of *** just so you know

    Okay so several people have answered me with this, in varying degrees of hostility. Let me pose this question, then: have you SEEN all the threads in this forum about nasty behavior in PvP and how many of the responses are people defending it? It's not the same few people all the time. It's dozens of different ones going out of their way to defend nasty behavior, to ridicule people for wanting sportsmanship and basic decency, and to deflect by immediately pointing at PvE. There's *never* not someone defending any horrible behavior someone takes to the forums to complain about. And yeah, that might just mean that the *forums* are what's really toxic, but you have to also consider that these people aren't just in the forum, they are in the forum AND in Cyrodiil enjoying making other people's lives miserable. So I think I have a pretty good cause for my thinking that Cyrodiil is full of people who live to ruin other people's fun. It's what I've seen here in the forum nearly every day for the year or so I've been playing. How am I supposed to NOT think that's indicative of the PvP community?
  • SugaComa
    Minyassa wrote: »
    SugaComa wrote: »
    Minyassa wrote: »
    This is why I will never voluntarily PvP. Just knowing that it's full of people like this and people who defend them or just don't care makes the whole thing look like less fun than a quadruple root canal.

    One *** hundreds of really cool people ...

    PvP isn't full of *** just so you know

    Okay so several people have answered me with this, in varying degrees of hostility. Let me pose this question, then: have you SEEN all the threads in this forum about nasty behavior in PvP and how many of the responses are people defending it? It's not the same few people all the time. It's dozens of different ones going out of their way to defend nasty behavior, to ridicule people for wanting sportsmanship and basic decency, and to deflect by immediately pointing at PvE. There's *never* not someone defending any horrible behavior someone takes to the forums to complain about. And yeah, that might just mean that the *forums* are what's really toxic, but you have to also consider that these people aren't just in the forum, they are in the forum AND in Cyrodiil enjoying making other people's lives miserable. So I think I have a pretty good cause for my thinking that Cyrodiil is full of people who live to ruin other people's fun. It's what I've seen here in the forum nearly every day for the year or so I've been playing. How am I supposed to NOT think that's indicative of the PvP community?

    Ok I get what you're saying but do you know I personally get more toxic behaviour in pve than in cyrodil

    In cyrodil I was invited to a group in a few minutes of being near a group of players, they introduced them selves to me, they asked me questions and not just about the game but about me ... When. I was comfortable to ask I asked questions and got answered including questions about pve

    I can enter a dungeon on vet and go over only done normal can some explain mechanics ... And kicked

    So I keep quiet, o watch videos I learn o get into a dungeon we wipe I try to explain the mechanic and ....kicked

    Pve is far more toxic

    This scroll dumping is just one *** head who isn't doing anything ... Cos there is so many objectives you can just do them till they reset it's no big deal ... You just see at one cos you want to hate on PvP ...

    This games got bigger worries then some *** trying to be clever with scrolls that reset to where they where in ten to twenty minutes meaning he's just wasting his time
  • Heimpai
    Throwing scrolls into the Slaughterfish water is bad sportsmanship but you know what else is bad sportsmanship? Always outnumbering both factions combined. Its easy to take scrolls and Emp from both factions when you can steamroll though them. When OP complained about Pvpers experience being ruined from scrolls in water, other Pvpers experience got ruined from the sheer number of AD that log on.


    Ah but it’s aight if DC pvdoors all night long then cries during the day acting as if a NA server should be played on EU time..or how EP has done what AD is currently doing the entire campaign till AD finally decided to comeback
  • Shadowmaster
    You know what just ban me already, the PvP in this game is 100% guaranteed to make me hate the staff, ZMI, and the playerbase, every time I play it.

    Every time I start to like this game, all I have to do is encounter the jerk patrol to remember why single player games like Skyrim are mo
    hahahaha we owned you last campaigne why so mad its all in good fun go fish for scrolls

    Been back 4 months and EP won 3 of the last 4 in Vivec.

    If you ain't in EP on NA you've been getting served lately.
  • Shadowmaster
    Throwing scrolls into the Slaughterfish water is bad sportsmanship but you know what else is bad sportsmanship? Always outnumbering both factions combined. Its easy to take scrolls and Emp from both factions when you can steamroll though them. When OP complained about Pvpers experience being ruined from scrolls in water, other Pvpers experience got ruined from the sheer number of AD that log on.


    If we are listing all the bad sportsmanship currently being exhibited in PvP aren't we going to need a few more threads?
  • Shadowmaster
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    OP puts this scroll trolling into the same level of obvious cheating for gain (achievements and making gold, etc.). However, does not explain how being silly, maybe a little absurd, is the same as blatant cheating.

    Please do enlighten and explain why this scroll trolling issue is a banable offense.

    It would be interesting to see what she said that stoked the replies posted in that SS.

    Griefing other players is against TOS. Perhaps you should read them. I certainly read the forum TOS I just knowingly violated.

    Killing other players is griefing isn't it. Say I am fishing in cyro, I shouldn't be killed because I don't want to be killed yes?

    No, its part of the game, as is scroll play.

    Taking a scroll and putting it in an unreachable spot simply to "grief other players" is the definition of griefing behavior.

    I for one hope anyone who does this, or anyone who supports them are banned. It would improve the rest of our experiences by banning these selfish players.
  • helena21
    evoniee wrote: »
    ZOS never care about PvP community, PvP dont give money tl them. PvP is abandoned content.

    Of course, considering that for weeks now the walls in outposts are still invisible, enemies get in and crush you without you even realising where they came from, it's been out already but is still happening! WHY?

    AND YET they do fix the only "bug" that was ever somewhat useful like giving speed to other mates who are not in your group.

    That thing with the scroll is so annoying it's up to the player to not choose to exploit every aspect of poor design by the developers' side but this is more about ZOS not giving a damn about PVP.

    But no wait a minute, they DID give us sloads of good stuff...! So disappointing

  • JumpmanLane
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    OP puts this scroll trolling into the same level of obvious cheating for gain (achievements and making gold, etc.). However, does not explain how being silly, maybe a little absurd, is the same as blatant cheating.

    Please do enlighten and explain why this scroll trolling issue is a banable offense.

    It would be interesting to see what she said that stoked the replies posted in that SS.

    Griefing other players is against TOS. Perhaps you should read them. I certainly read the forum TOS I just knowingly violated.

    Killing other players is griefing isn't it. Say I am fishing in cyro, I shouldn't be killed because I don't want to be killed yes?

    No, its part of the game, as is scroll play.

    Taking a scroll and putting it in an unreachable spot simply to "grief other players" is the definition of griefing behavior.

    I for one hope anyone who does this, or anyone who supports them are banned. It would improve the rest of our experiences by banning these selfish players.

    I unno, I’m jus’ a Lil Lane, but I’ve played games where people used the physics engine to literally crash the entire game, over and over, ALL day long. Lol.

    I’m still NEW; so, I haven’t actually figured out what kind of people actually MAKE this game, much less what kind of people actually play it. But every day I’m amazed. Like, the OP actually thinks playing with the Scrolls is actually GRIEFING. Lol.

    We used to say, “It’s not griefing unless you actually GRIEVE.” I mean did anyone actually feel real bad the 10 minutes it took for the Scrolls to reset.

    ESO seems to me like an online amusement park. I don’t know if it’s the “entitled, participation trophy” generation that’s finally all grown up and is gaming now or what lol. My actual friends in ESO tell me stories about toxic people doing toxic stuff in games and I’m like “I’ve done that! I’ve done that.”

    I didn’t even know what toxic was until I came here hehehehe and sadly must conclude I’m a pretty toxic guy. A little google work proves it hehehehe. But Jumpman Lane is the SUN, shining brightly down on everyone! If I did it it wasn’t my fault. I’m digressing.

    I was EP in Sotha that night. EVERYONE was bored, even AD. Folks hardly noticed the scrolls. Some AD hopped on EP trying to hype folks up to take Bruma looking for fights. I knew some of the people we were 3 manning against and they whispered looking for other folks to fight. In the end we all hopped to Vivec. Boring night.
    Edited by JumpmanLane on June 17, 2018 9:02PM
  • zacvanm
    Scrolls being dumped in the water isn’t as bad as the lag, freezes, and disconnects in Cyrodiil. This is why us PvPers hate the PvE community..y’all get all the love and we get locked in the closet and forgotten about. Wait until the Midyear Mayhem event. Probably going to play different games that week.
    EP Nord StamDK PvP
    EP Breton Magplar PvP/PvE
  • Aliyavana
    zacvanm wrote: »
    Scrolls being dumped in the water isn’t as bad as the lag, freezes, and disconnects in Cyrodiil. This is why us PvPers hate the PvE community..y’all get all the love and we get locked in the closet and forgotten about. Wait until the Midyear Mayhem event. Probably going to play different games that week.

    Zos makes content for the larger player base, don't blame us for that.
    Edited by Aliyavana on June 18, 2018 1:57AM
  • zacvanm
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    zacvanm wrote: »
    Scrolls being dumped in the water isn’t as bad as the lag, freezes, and disconnects in Cyrodiil. This is why us PvPers hate the PvE community..y’all get all the love and we get locked in the closet and forgotten about. Wait until the Midyear Mayhem event. Probably going to play different games that week.

    Zos makes content for the larger player base, don't blame us for that.

    Imagine how we feel in PvP when everything ZOS does breaks the ONLY part of the game we enjoy. Gg
    EP Nord StamDK PvP
    EP Breton Magplar PvP/PvE
  • Heimpai
    zacvanm wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    zacvanm wrote: »
    Scrolls being dumped in the water isn’t as bad as the lag, freezes, and disconnects in Cyrodiil. This is why us PvPers hate the PvE community..y’all get all the love and we get locked in the closet and forgotten about. Wait until the Midyear Mayhem event. Probably going to play different games that week.

    Zos makes content for the larger player base, don't blame us for that.

    Imagine how we feel in PvP when everything ZOS does breaks the ONLY part of the game we enjoy. Gg

    I couldn’t imagine if the server was fixed, that would bring some players back and bring new players in...full scale battles..oh man, i guess fixing it is asking for far too much it seems

    Or we could ask the PvE community to help us complain till they fix it
  • Diminish
    Count your blessings, at least you can make it 5 minutes in PvP without a disconnect.
  • DanteYoda
    Why on earth would people play this?

    I don't get it.
  • LuckyLuke
    A brilliant strategy. I will have to do this the next time I run it lol B)
  • dsalter
    LuckyLuke wrote: »
    A brilliant strategy. I will have to do this the next time I run it lol B)

    and get a ban, smart idea. this is a greif+exploit, you'd be an idiot to try it.
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Feanor
    1 person isn’t the PvP community. But way to go to slander everyone.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Ectheliontnacil
    I don't get why you're not allowed to have some fun with a scroll. Zerglings can admire their scrolls 24/7 if they so wish. Usually no one gives one *** about the scrolls, all that really happens is a scroll chase once or twice a day.
    But if the scroll gets stolen for an hour or so until it resets, you suddenly need to have it back NOW.

    I was never really part of the scrollfarmer movement. A couple friends of mine used to do this bigtime however. Hiding the scroll in that weird boulder/dolmen up north. I joined them once or twice and I have to say it was a lot of fun. Of course zone chat will throw a massive tantrum over it, countless report threats etc. but at the end of the day it brings some life into an otherwise dull map.
  • Feanor
    I don't get why you're not allowed to have some fun with a scroll. Zerglings can admire their scrolls 24/7 if they so wish. Usually no one gives one *** about the scrolls, all that really happens is a scroll chase once or twice a day.
    But if the scroll gets stolen for an hour or so until it resets, you suddenly need to have it back NOW.

    I was never really part of the scrollfarmer movement. A couple friends of mine used to do this bigtime however. Hiding the scroll in that weird boulder/dolmen up north. I joined them once or twice and I have to say it was a lot of fun. Of course zone chat will throw a massive tantrum over it, countless report threats etc. but at the end of the day it brings some life into an otherwise dull map.

    Scroll farming is very different to dropping it into lava or slaughterfish though.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    The bigger problem than the scrolls in the water is that the map is just one color. That is the most important problem. The game is best when the map is multicolored. If it is just one color, congrats on killing the PVP. You have made Cyrodil safe for the PVErs.
This discussion has been closed.