Maintenance for the week of June 24:
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This is why people Hate the PVP Cyrodil Community

  • usmguy1234
    The best troll I have seen is there is a well somewhere near aleswell and a red troll on a dc character popped a camp on top of the well. Literally 20+ people fell in the well. Chat was so lit it was ridiculous. I had a good laugh but people were furious. Obviously we lost ales. I think it's been patched now...ah the good ol days.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • Kuramas9tails
    Some people like to watch the world burn
      Your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady of ESO
      New PSN name: SundariTheLast. Proud seller in RedEye Empire, PURPLE GANG and Backalley Trading.
      AD High Elf Mageblade DPS (General)(Former Empress) -- Stormproof/VMOL, VHOF, VDSA completion
      AD Khajiit Mageblade DPS -- Flawless Conquerer
    • Fiktius
      Minyassa wrote: »
      SugaComa wrote: »
      Minyassa wrote: »
      This is why I will never voluntarily PvP. Just knowing that it's full of people like this and people who defend them or just don't care makes the whole thing look like less fun than a quadruple root canal.

      One *** hundreds of really cool people ...

      PvP isn't full of *** just so you know

      Okay so several people have answered me with this, in varying degrees of hostility. Let me pose this question, then: have you SEEN all the threads in this forum about nasty behavior in PvP and how many of the responses are people defending it? It's not the same few people all the time. It's dozens of different ones going out of their way to defend nasty behavior, to ridicule people for wanting sportsmanship and basic decency, and to deflect by immediately pointing at PvE. There's *never* not someone defending any horrible behavior someone takes to the forums to complain about. And yeah, that might just mean that the *forums* are what's really toxic, but you have to also consider that these people aren't just in the forum, they are in the forum AND in Cyrodiil enjoying making other people's lives miserable. So I think I have a pretty good cause for my thinking that Cyrodiil is full of people who live to ruin other people's fun. It's what I've seen here in the forum nearly every day for the year or so I've been playing. How am I supposed to NOT think that's indicative of the PvP community?

      Reason why you see more toxic posts on forums is something which can be explained with basic common sense:

      When something is actually going well in game and people are satisfied, they enjoy the content & company of players they have around and are actually having good time. How likely these players are going to arrive on forums and make a thread:
      "Hey guys, I had fun today and met awesome players in PvP. I had amazing 1 vs 1 fights and I learned a lot."
      That's not too likely going to happen. But when something is irritating players, something goes wrong or if players find any other kind of reason to complain, then it's more likely that threads about it pops up, including certain levels of toxic comments. But then again the same goes with PvE. Not many will arrive on forums and telling how awesome trial/dungeon round they had with great team they happened to complete the content with. But when someone gets treated horribly by players with elitist attitudes, stories about that will higher likely show up on forums. Nothing uncommon nor unexpected here.

      And now if players are telling you that some bad apples among certain community does not reflect entire PvP/PvE player base, you are refusing to believe, based on what you've read on forums over time. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore for you. You've decided to believe what you want and probably no one can change that.
      Edited by Fiktius on June 18, 2018 5:50PM
    • antihero727
      Just wait until someone on Sotha runs one into the Whinery. Or shows the scroll to the giant. Those are both fun times.

      It's an annoyance, maybe, but it's part of the game. Nothing to get one's pauldrons in a bind over.
      Just wait until someone on Sotha runs one into the Whinery. Or shows the scroll to the giant. Those are both fun times.

      It's an annoyance, maybe, but it's part of the game. Nothing to get one's pauldrons in a bind over.

      I haven’t seen a good breaking the stairs with both scrolls farm in a long while. It’s time for a comeback campaign for true trolling expertise.
      Veldrn-AD Magica Sorc
      Bizarro Veldrn-AD Stam Sorc
      Antiherro-AD Stam DK
      Antihero-AD Magplar
      Aww Crit-AD Magblade
      AD Since PC beta
      On A lag free vacation
      for the near and far future
    • Hamrb
      ak_pvp wrote: »
      Hamrb wrote: »
      Bhaal5 wrote: »
      As all things pvp, zos dont care

      you're kidding, right?
      all nerfs and buffs that happen are for pvpers. do you know how many times zos has made massive changes to the way we have to run 12 man trials, because pvp was unfair. I understand why they have to do it, not trying to act salty. just pointing out that your statement clearly has no knowledge behind it.

      This comes up often, it is wrong.
      • All the morrowind changes to non tanks were due to PvE. PvP has no CP already, if people didn't like it, then they would play that. No PvPer complained about light/med then. Wrobel wanted light/heavy phases.
      • The proc set crit change, PvE. PvP already has impen to lower the effect, and it changed nothing, procs were still OP. They were changed because the DPS from them was too high for PvP
      • Light/Heavy attack changes. It was too easy to do a light rotation, so sustain was nerfed, then people switched to heavy rotations, so heavies were nerfed, and light was buffed, then offbalance was changed, etc.
      • Zaans was a PvE addition to fix the issue of unwanted MDKs/Mplars. Melee, magbased fire, high damage.

      That’s 4 changes. Even if you were right, what about the other 50-100+ changes over the last 4 years
      Founder of Sheogorath's Mortals NA PC

      Exiled Lannister EP Sorc dps
      Hamrb EP Temp healer or dps
      l mufasa l EP Stamblade
      Fat Tyrion EP DK dps
      Mia Stone AD DK tank or dps
      Finn the Altmer AD Nightmage
      Launch Pad McQuack DC DK DPS
      Sterk Stonecrusher EP Stamplar
      -Wabba Jack DC Stam Sorc
      Sheo's Sweeper DC Magicka Temp
    • Hurtfan
      Because of a handful of trolls the ENTIRE pvp community is it....
      For the Pact!
      Keyboard not found, press any key to continue
    • Aebaradath
      Most innovative.

      But I will say it's a gargantuan stretch to make a thread titled "This is why people Hate the PVP Cyrodil Community", just because of a few rotten apples that don't represent the entire PvP community.

      It's about as stupid as making a thread titled "Waaaaaa. Dis is y poeples haet PvE Commoonity" just because there are some toxic people there too.
    • FlaviusPK
      I must tell one thing about zergs you guys hate so much. We as a guild always are looking for guild vs guild pvp - that's the most interesting part (sometimes depressing more than exiting when u wipe constantly). We rarely or never use the power of the whole group to humiliate let's say some small group. That's just not our goal. But getting called a zerg all the time and tons of hate in pm. Why? We spent our time, made lots of work setting up builds and interaction inside the group etc. We invested time and efforts and now able to kill those who have not.

      If you can not beat the huge guild group - go call for help, gather some allies or try running around and kill one by one. But not just die in them and cry.
      Edited by FlaviusPK on June 18, 2018 7:21PM
    • exeeter702
      This is *** hilarious i love it.. then again that is coming from someone that thinks keep warefare pvp is best reserved for neckbeard larpers and that cyrodill is less srz bzns than a homeless man stealing a cardboard box.

      Anything that throws a wrench in this machines cogs is A-Ok in my book if it means PvKeep Door zerg groups get thrown for a loop.

      Seriously its not a big deal lol.....
    • Ratzkifal
      Easy fix: swimming drops the scroll.
      This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
    • Thunderknuckles
      As much as that guy is an ***, he's completely right. He's doing it because ZOS is too lazy to add code on scroll drop that makes it go back to terrain if it's in water. As a developer it's your job to design a game that can't be broken by the players, because they WILL try to break it

      In every game since ever. You're exactly right.
    • BlazingDynamo
      I can see Zos' solution to this now. Nerf Argonian swim speed.

      Problem solved.
    • swippy
      Ratzkifal wrote: »
      Easy fix: swimming drops the scroll.

      only works if you write an algorithm to determine where on land the scroll will re-drop to. otherwise you're leaving us with the exact same problem.

      and my support character with Windrunning and Rapids can sprint and jump (especially off a cliff) pretty durn far into the water, and that's without Medium Armor bonuses and Swift jewelry. way too far in for someone to not have to swim to recover something from the point where i hit the water.

      there are some easy fixes conceivable here, but that isn't one of them.
    • LordSemaj
      swippy wrote: »
      Ratzkifal wrote: »
      Easy fix: swimming drops the scroll.

      only works if you write an algorithm to determine where on land the scroll will re-drop to. otherwise you're leaving us with the exact same problem.

      and my support character with Windrunning and Rapids can sprint and jump (especially off a cliff) pretty durn far into the water, and that's without Medium Armor bonuses and Swift jewelry. way too far in for someone to not have to swim to recover something from the point where i hit the water.

      there are some easy fixes conceivable here, but that isn't one of them.

      Quite the opposite. Terrain maps in video games have zoning for the triggers. The game itself also traces every single coordinate the player moves through to animate it appropriately on the rendered map. So jumping into the water comes with it a list of previous coordinates sent to the server for movement, some deemed "in water", others "in air", and others "on land" according to the jump states and localized zoning. The scroll merely needs to appear at the last valid place it could drop before entering an invalid drop area. Lots of games already do this which is why kicking an enemy off a cliff doesn't cause the loot he drops to be trapped on the bottom of a cliff (it used to but advancements were made). Instead the loot simply appears as close to the edge as he was when he left the valid terrain and entered freefall.
    • BloodBeast_ESO
      lol 6 pages
      Edited by BloodBeast_ESO on June 19, 2018 12:22AM
    • Aliyavana
      lol 6 pages
      hahahaha we owned you last campaigne why so mad its all in good fun go fish for scrolls
      Aliyavana wrote: »
      This along with scroll trading is one of the things wrong with cyrodil. Today I had the "pleasure" of being in the receiving end of the whole scroll griefing that goes on in cyrodil. He went and took THREE Elder scrolls far into slaughterfish waters with his argonian swimming speed so that the scrolls would be out of reach. This one person apparently is toxic in all three factions and felt invincible when doing it, just like the VAS exploiters that felt they wouldn't be banned (yet apparently scroll griefing is ok?). How is it ok for people to ruin the pvp aspect of Cyrodil for HUNDREDS of other people yet pve gets priority in bans with the whole VAS exploit. One ruins Cyrodil for hundreds of paying pvpers and another ruins bragging rights for a few talented pvers. We pvpers need to be thrown a bone man and Zos needs to be consistent among things in the TOS and do something about this or toxic people will continue ruining the game for others while laughing at zos. Also this is one of the reasons we need a faction loyalty campaign. Also add in a water detection for scrolls or something.
      [Edit to remove profane image]

      he's not toxic when he's on the ebonheart pact, get your info right.

      lol your ok with this, probably as long as it isn't done to your faction
      Edited by Aliyavana on June 19, 2018 12:38AM
    • AcadianPaladin
      Wow, I thought this thread would be about why PvE players dislike the PvP community. I'm a PvE player and don't know from dropping scrolls and such. And I don't dislike PvP players; when my bow/bow stamsorc needed to do her time in the penalty box long enough to get caltrops, she found the PvP players she was lucky enough to group with were very supportive and patient with her.

      Now all that said, what I don't like about PvP is the plethora of nerfs that seem to originate there that make me dread every patch / 'update'. My PvE characters have suffered numerous nerfs that are absurd from a PvE perspective. This is not really the fault of PvP players as it is ZoS refusal to admit that PvP and PvE are incompatible. I do recall that when my elf encountered serious PvP players in Cyrodiil, they might as well have been from a different game or, heck, even a different planet. Heavy armor magic users all decked out in impen gear. . . .
      PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
    • ArchMikem
      Don’t chase scrolls.

      Scrolls are 10 points now.
      CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
      Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
    • Surragard
      I thought the scrolls reset after 30 minutes if no one touches them. Do they not reset if left in water?
      I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
    • Prabooo
      Trolls exist everywhere, specially in a war.

      All I am sayin is give Trolls a chance
    • Dredlord
      Forget Cyrodiil, let the poor thing die

      just when I was starting to like you...
      Edited by Dredlord on June 19, 2018 2:45AM
    • ArchMikem
      Prabooo wrote: »
      Trolls exist everywhere, specially in a war.

      All I am sayin is give Trolls a chance

      Except in War "Trolls" are executed for Insubordination/Treason. While in ESO they get to laugh at everyone and talk *** in Zone chat.
      CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
      Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
    • BloodBeast_ESO
      lol another scroll went for a swim i can't stop laughing
    • BloodBeast_ESO
      that argonien gets a big fish
    • ProbablePaul
      The sad truth (mostly[for good reason(mostly)])
      Bosmer Melee Magicka Nightblade
    • _Ahala_
      Happened again tonight on PC NA Sotha, several scrolls in the water and a AD on an EP lowby toon attempting to deliver an EP scroll to the AD
    • Facefister
      Stuff like this is the reason why PvP will be never taken seriously by any MMO dev. PvP is a minigame and the funny thing is that the PvP community itself finds its ways to ruin their own experience.
    • Aliyavana
      _Ahala_ wrote: »
      Happened again tonight on PC NA Sotha, several scrolls in the water and a AD on an EP lowby toon attempting to deliver an EP scroll to the AD

      It was the same ep that did it last time, he picked up a scroll from a keep we just captured on his ad toon to throw it into the water and by the time it reset, ep had already retaken the keep it was taken from. so a ad logged into ep to let ep know what it feels like but that ep logged into his dc character to prevent that from happening. This shouldn't even have to happen and factions shouldn't feel helpless to see their scroll hopelessly delivered to the enemy faction, or thrown into the water. Players shouldn't have to log into other toons to counter this sort of griefing.
      Edited by Aliyavana on June 22, 2018 6:31AM
    • BloodBeast_ESO
      Aliyavana wrote: »
      _Ahala_ wrote: »
      Happened again tonight on PC NA Sotha, several scrolls in the water and a AD on an EP lowby toon attempting to deliver an EP scroll to the AD

      It was the same ep that did it last time, he picked up a scroll from a keep we just captured on his ad toon to throw it into the water and by the time it reset, ep had already retaken the keep it was taken from. so a ad logged into ep to let ep know what it feels like but that ep logged into his dc character to prevent that from happening. This shouldn't even have to happen and factions shouldn't feel helpless to see their scroll hopelessly delivered to the enemy faction, or thrown into the water. Players shouldn't have to log into other toons to counter this sort of griefing.

      yeah having someone gank that scroll thief was so satisfying and watchin him die was the best thing i've ever seen thank you dc for the help on the scroll recovery u get a fish
    • Edziu
      jabrone77 wrote: »
      Throwing scrolls into the Slaughterfish water is bad sportsmanship but you know what else is bad sportsmanship? Always outnumbering both factions combined. Its easy to take scrolls and Emp from both factions when you can steamroll though them. When OP complained about Pvpers experience being ruined from scrolls in water, other Pvpers experience got ruined from the sheer number of AD that log on.


      Get more of your guildies/friends involved, then?

      how? how get more guildies/friends to pvp when or they dont want pvp because they hate it and if pvp players just quitting because its enough for them?
      jabrone77 wrote: »
      Still not a excuse to blame one side for having the numbers. What are they supposed to do? What's the solution here, not play?
      Hearing lots of excuses and no solutions. But whatever.

      yes it is excuse
      and Im with @DamianDemonist

      it just sick how its on PC EU Vivec, since roghly 2 years zerg squad appeard in AD and started winning campaign then really fast just AD aliance in pvp get outnumbered and even when zerg squad ended their adventure here outpopulated in AD remained and mostny in midday we had 3 pops of yellow bar to single pop bar of reds and blue

      you was logging into game in this midday and what you see? in every day since 2 years you have seen not only nonstop AD on 1st place (every month of 2 yesrs) but also still full yellow map

      as for me its not funny and this isnt even pvp because its pure pve from AD side and with this way they win campaign 2nd year in every month in row through pure pve

      for mee good start to balance population will be as highest population alliance cant have more than 1 bar of population more than this with the lowest
      for example if someone have only 1 bar od pop then this AD wont be able to get over 2 bars and this will be good sttart to stop outnumbering in pvp
      this will force players to split between other alliances if they want that play instead of fill up for max single alliance while leaving other alliances just empty in compare to this full
    This discussion has been closed.