Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

This is why people Hate the PVP Cyrodil Community

  • BloodBeast_ESO
    i gotta go water some scrolls brb
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Ep griefers logged into ad alts to grief ad scrolls again while we were capping a scroll keep

    are you not amused i had fun

    your implying that your the scroll griefer :/

    funny thing is you don't know that this is no longer my @ name
  • Aliyavana
    another one, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Wrobel is scroll trolling allowed at all?
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Ep griefers logged into ad alts to grief ad scrolls again while we were capping a scroll keep

    are you not amused i had fun

    your implying that your the scroll griefer :/

    no but i have him on my friends list and he said he will do it for the lulz

    or is it allowed and people are allowed to ruin other people's fun for the lols? we could have taken the scroll for points from the elder scroll temple but it went into the river instead...
    Edited by Aliyavana on June 23, 2018 6:26AM
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    another one, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Wrobel is scroll trolling allowed at all?
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Ep griefers logged into ad alts to grief ad scrolls again while we were capping a scroll keep

    are you not amused i had fun

    your implying that your the scroll griefer :/

    no but i have him on my friends list and he said he will do it for the lulz

    or is it allowed and people are allowed to ruin other people's fun for the lols? we could have taken the scroll for points from the elder scroll temple but it went into the river instead...

    OH YEAH SCORE top kek now that is funny
  • JumpmanLane
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    another one, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Wrobel is scroll trolling allowed at all?
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Ep griefers logged into ad alts to grief ad scrolls again while we were capping a scroll keep

    are you not amused i had fun

    your implying that your the scroll griefer :/

    no but i have him on my friends list and he said he will do it for the lulz

    or is it allowed and people are allowed to ruin other people's fun for the lols? we could have taken the scroll for points from the elder scroll temple but it went into the river instead...

    We need some more cheese for all the rats around here hehehehe
  • Aliyavana
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    another one, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Wrobel is scroll trolling allowed at all?
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Ep griefers logged into ad alts to grief ad scrolls again while we were capping a scroll keep

    are you not amused i had fun

    your implying that your the scroll griefer :/

    no but i have him on my friends list and he said he will do it for the lulz

    or is it allowed and people are allowed to ruin other people's fun for the lols? we could have taken the scroll for points from the elder scroll temple but it went into the river instead...

    We need some more cheese for all the rats around here hehehehe

    the OP does not know someone in his guild is just screen shotting everything he says

    nothing shameful about what im saying, the fact that im being messaged ingame messages mocking me says a lot about a demographic of pvpers. Plus the coordinated tbagging that has happened since I have complained about scroll griefing

    And messages such as these
    Edited to remove profanity
    Edited by Aliyavana on June 23, 2018 6:54AM
  • idk
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    another one, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Wrobel is scroll trolling allowed at all?
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Ep griefers logged into ad alts to grief ad scrolls again while we were capping a scroll keep

    are you not amused i had fun

    your implying that your the scroll griefer :/

    no but i have him on my friends list and he said he will do it for the lulz

    or is it allowed and people are allowed to ruin other people's fun for the lols? we could have taken the scroll for points from the elder scroll temple but it went into the river instead...

    Scroll trolling has been around since the first year of the game. Back when we had faction locks. OMG, it was hilarious watching all the mice fall for the bait time and time again.

    There is the auto reset which is counter to this. Really not much that Zos should do further or we end up with an Orwellian Cyrodiil
  • Turelus
    Way late to this one but...

    Friend of mine once took a scroll whilst drunk (as EP) and started running it towards DC saying in zone he was giving it back to them (as a troll), he got a wave of abuse in zone chat then eventually put it in a friendly keep before logging off and going to bed.

    Woke up the next morning with a hangover and a support email from ZOS with an official warning that trolling with scrolls could land him a suspension.

    Never heard of it happen any time but then, however.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • _Ahala_
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    _Ahala_ wrote: »
    Happened again tonight on PC NA Sotha, several scrolls in the water and a AD on an EP lowby toon attempting to deliver an EP scroll to the AD

    It was the same ep that did it last time, he picked up a scroll from a keep we just captured on his ad toon to throw it into the water and by the time it reset, ep had already retaken the keep it was taken from. so a ad logged into ep to let ep know what it feels like but that ep logged into his dc character to prevent that from happening. This shouldn't even have to happen and factions shouldn't feel helpless to see their scroll hopelessly delivered to the enemy faction, or thrown into the water. Players shouldn't have to log into other toons to counter this sort of griefing.

    yeah having someone gank that scroll thief was so satisfying and watchin him die was the best thing i've ever seen thank you dc for the help on the scroll recovery u get a fish

    When do I get my fish :*
  • Aliyavana
    Turelus wrote: »
    Way late to this one but...

    Friend of mine once took a scroll whilst drunk (as EP) and started running it towards DC saying in zone he was giving it back to them (as a troll), he got a wave of abuse in zone chat then eventually put it in a friendly keep before logging off and going to bed.

    Woke up the next morning with a hangover and a support email from ZOS with an official warning that trolling with scrolls could land him a suspension.

    Never heard of it happen any time but then, however.

    Please reintroduce this zos
  • JumpmanLane
    I unno WHAT people are doing in Sotha on AD (Besides modeling Sloads Semblance and resurrecting their dead hehehehe) to have all this time worrying about scrolls.

    Hop in Vivec. The AD Zerglings need some good Zerg Leaders. They’re dying in WAVES.
  • JumpmanLane
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    another one, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Wrobel is scroll trolling allowed at all?
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Ep griefers logged into ad alts to grief ad scrolls again while we were capping a scroll keep

    are you not amused i had fun

    your implying that your the scroll griefer :/

    no but i have him on my friends list and he said he will do it for the lulz

    or is it allowed and people are allowed to ruin other people's fun for the lols? we could have taken the scroll for points from the elder scroll temple but it went into the river instead...

    We need some more cheese for all the rats around here hehehehe

    the OP does not know someone in his guild is just screen shotting everything he says

    What guild? Scroll Watchers R Us? Yellow is the Color of Cheese (and We Want Some)? Or Tell on Me, I’ll Tell on You!-A Friendly Casual Rp/PvP Guild hehehehe.
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    I unno WHAT people are doing in Sotha on AD (Besides modeling Sloads Semblance and resurrecting their dead hehehehe) to have all this time worrying about scrolls.

    Hop in Vivec. The AD Zerglings need some good Zerg Leaders. They’re dying in WAVES.

    they are taking it in waves every inch
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    another one, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Wrobel is scroll trolling allowed at all?
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Ep griefers logged into ad alts to grief ad scrolls again while we were capping a scroll keep

    are you not amused i had fun

    your implying that your the scroll griefer :/

    no but i have him on my friends list and he said he will do it for the lulz

    or is it allowed and people are allowed to ruin other people's fun for the lols? we could have taken the scroll for points from the elder scroll temple but it went into the river instead...

    We need some more cheese for all the rats around here hehehehe

    the OP does not know someone in his guild is just screen shotting everything he says

    nothing shameful about what im saying, the fact that im being messaged ingame messages mocking me says a lot about a demographic of pvpers. Plus the coordinated tbagging that has happened since I have complained about scroll griefing

    And messages such as these
    Edited to remove profanity

    your acting like that poster ganked you as hard as handbanana did
  • Doctordarkspawn
    The fact that these people are legitimately messaging the OP now is proof that this should result in bans.

    Seriously. Do you want the people, who go out of their way to devalue the PVP experience, actively ruining the PVP experience, when you could just rightfully ban them for violating TOS?
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    ✭✭✭ tonight, you now that is truly funny
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    The fact that these people are legitimately messaging the OP now is proof that this should result in bans.

    Seriously. Do you want the people, who go out of their way to devalue the PVP experience, actively ruining the PVP experience, when you could just rightfully ban them for violating TOS?

    he does not care about the scrolls just being t-bagged is all he cares about
    Edited by BloodBeast_ESO on June 23, 2018 7:21AM
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    The fact that these people are legitimately messaging the OP now is proof that this should result in bans.

    Seriously. Do you want the people, who go out of their way to devalue the PVP experience, actively ruining the PVP experience, when you could just rightfully ban them for violating TOS?

    there are a few people doing it and the responses are funny he does not care about the scrolls

    It's still griefing. And the messages the OP has recieved are targeted harassment.

    All ya'll should get banned. It'd be better for everyone.

    everyone has sent ad hate mssgs these last 3 days zos does not care
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    looks like DC is going to cap you guys hard tonight
  • Sheezabeast
    You're making the Pact look bad.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Doctordarkspawn
    You're making the Pact look bad.

    Pact has allways attracted people like this sad to say.
  • Brazilionaire
    As an AD veteran (hail the queen), I'm appalled by this scroll trolling that's been happening for quite some time now. A few DC and EP troublemakers can't accept the fact that we have an army that's much greater than theirs combined. That our tactics like stack-and-conquer, blitzkrizerg, etc. render their forces helpless. That we don't stop until we hold all keeps and resources. Instead, they resort to infiltrating our forces only to hijack our scrolls (our most valuable assets) with the sole purpose of feeding them to slaughterfish, who are carnivore and don't digest paper very well.
    I did not start playing The Elder SCROLLS Online to have my scrolls be treated like that. I feel like Zenimax's board has to take this seriously and get together to discuss how to address this situation as soon as possible. Here are a few ideas for you to consider:

    1- Segregate Cyrodiil per faction. AD shouldn't share an instance with those EP and DC barbarians, we deserve better and we prefer PVE anyways.
    2- Make the scroll fish-able. How come I'm not allowed to grab my fishing pole and just fish the scroll out of the water?
    3- Require a group of 100+ to carry the scroll. This would prevent any non-AD faction to even move the scroll. Note to devs: players need to be on the same faction - no team purple.

    Brazilionaire [PC-NA]
  • Inoki
    @Aliyavana nothing's going to happen I'm afraid. This company only values money, not the source it comes from. It's one of the reasons I'm so discouraged to play lately. I log in, do my writs, log out, the end.

    No balance, no justice, no common decency, no fun.

    Some may think the game being nice is enough to have fun, but one just can't ignore the company behind it and how it runs the show here, how we do not matter to them at all.

    I am more and more convinced to join the many who have cancelled their ESO+ and just quit the game and not come back.

    Edited by Inoki on June 23, 2018 9:17AM
  • pieratsos
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Sylphie wrote: »
    >still caring about pvp objectives


    yes, because there is more to cyrodil than an ap grind

    You mean like painting the entire map in one color and basically killing PVP?
  • CoCa_BoJangLeS

    If you're the type of PvPer that actually cares about Player-versus-Player and are continually getting run down by large groups that just want to play the map(PvDoor), it can be demoralizing... I can understand the desire to troll, but how the hell do you let the same person pick up all three scrolls

    I also find it odd that OP is trying to claim victim status here when you look at the map, OP's faction is clearly in a position of power and AD is in first place with a super solid lead.
  • Heimpai

    If you're the type of PvPer that actually cares about Player-versus-Player and are continually getting run down by large groups that just want to play the map(PvDoor), it can be demoralizing... I can understand the desire to troll, but how the hell do you let the same person pick up all three scrolls

    I also find it odd that OP is trying to claim victim status here when you look at the map, OP's faction is clearly in a position of power and AD is in first place with a super solid lead.

    And dc pvdoors every chance they get..ep as well, they just love to cry about it and act like victims but in truth they‘re hypocrites

    As for the scrolls i have no idea

    EP was pvdooring with a 10k lead over second last campaign..soo a 4k lead isn’t that solid
  • KingMagaw
    I dislike the majority of PvP community because the majority are using broken builds that are bugged rather than having some skill to offset the playing experience.

    ESO has always been about cheat or abuse bugs or exploits to get ahead. This will not change because ZOS are incapable of delivering a product in any decent state and rarely ban people and/or lift the ban depending if account if bringing in money/streamer. This reinforces the ethics of being not legitimate.
  • Inoki
    KingMagaw wrote: »
    I dislike the majority of PvP community because the majority are using broken builds that are bugged rather than having some skill to offset the playing experience.

    ESO has always been about cheat or abuse bugs or exploits to get ahead.
    I have yet to encounter a game that is free of this. It's easier to go for what's most broken than to pick up something that requires actual thinking instead of just mashing buttons. People are most afraid of failure, clueless about the fact it is the only teacher, thus they pick up broken classes / items / builds to keep up the win ratio and with that trick themselves into believing they actually got skill than to face the hard truth.
  • gameswithaspoon
    looks like DC is going to cap you guys hard tonight


    Those ROE fights were awesomesauce.

    DC gated EP though.
    Spoon-no-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Templar AD BWB
    Spoon-ware-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Stamplar AD Bahlokdaan
    Guild Leader Imperium of the Eagle Ravenwatch NA-PC
    Takes Drive-Thru Orders for This is a Wendy's.
  • Darkmage1337
    You're on PC-NA. Just play on Shor instead of Sotha Sil.
    Scroll-Trolling rarely ever happens on Shor. I've been Emperor on Shor PC-NA 4 times within the past 40 days, on 4 different characters, and at least once on each faction. I've only seen Scroll-Trolling happen twice in the past 2-3 months. We're all friendly here. :innocent:
    Edited by Darkmage1337 on June 23, 2018 12:17PM
    ESO Platform/Region: PC/NA. ESO ID: @Darkmage1337
    GM of Absolute Virtue. Co-GM of Absolute Vice. 8-time Former Emperor, out of 13 characters. 3 Templars, 3 Sorcerers, 2 Nightblades, 2 Dragonknights, 1 Warden. 1 Necromancer, and 1 Arcanist. The Ebonheart Pact: The Dark-Mage (Former Emperor), The Undying Nightshade, The Moonlit-Knight, The Killionaire (Former Emperor), Swims-Among-Slaughterfish (Former Emperor), The Undead Mage, and The Dark-Warlock. The Aldmeri Dominion: The Dawn-Bringer (Former Empress), The Ironwood Kid (Former Emperor), and The Storm-Sword. The Daggerfall Covenant: The Storm-Shield (Former Empress), The Savage-Beast, and The Burning-Crusader CP: 1,900.
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