Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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[Class Rep] Templar Feedback Thread

  • StarOfElyon
    Templars: We need fixes!

    ZOS: Templar, heal thyself.
  • Vapirko
    Templars: We need fixes!

    ZOS: Templar, heal thyself.

    Build your house and stay in it. Seriously, go inside, we don’t want to look at you anymore.
    Edited by Vapirko on May 27, 2019 2:06PM
  • Mr_Nobody
    technohic wrote: »
    So running magplar. Toppling charge is great when it works but it hitches and does nothing a lot, particularly if you are fighting on keep steps. And this bug is back. Im sure @Joy_Division remembers

    L O L

    It used to be a lottery to use this skill in 1.6 and other few patches
    ~ @Niekas ~

  • StarOfElyon
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Templars: We need fixes!

    ZOS: Templar, heal thyself.

    Build your house and stay in it. Seriously, go inside, we don’t want to look at you anymore.

    If only I could survive the AOE dumps in my little house.
  • Joy_Division
    technohic wrote: »
    So running magplar. Toppling charge is great when it works but it hitches and does nothing a lot, particularly if you are fighting on keep steps. And this bug is back. Im sure @Joy_Division remembers

    Wonder if the old "fix" of drinking a potion works...
  • Firstmep
    technohic wrote: »
    So running magplar. Toppling charge is great when it works but it hitches and does nothing a lot, particularly if you are fighting on keep steps. And this bug is back. Im sure @Joy_Division remembers

    Wonder if the old "fix" of drinking a potion works...

    Just open the crown store or open some crow crates. Tends to fix most animation bugs(not being sarcastic, sadly).
  • Jabbs_Giggity
    technohic wrote: »
    So running magplar. Toppling charge is great when it works but it hitches and does nothing a lot, particularly if you are fighting on keep steps. And this bug is back. Im sure @Joy_Division remembers

    And ZOS wont make a polearms weapon skill line... :D
  • technohic
    technohic wrote: »
    So running magplar. Toppling charge is great when it works but it hitches and does nothing a lot, particularly if you are fighting on keep steps. And this bug is back. Im sure @Joy_Division remembers

    And ZOS wont make a polearms weapon skill line... :D

    I know. I actually wish I could be stuck like that but at least be able to use abilities.

    Can we replace a worthless ability with a spell that just turns our weapon into the glowing spear?
  • miteba
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    (...)ZOS responded by giving them silence(...)

    Any doubts that that was already planned?
    First PTS patch was to create panic so that they could ease NBs later, with a more acceptable condition in their ultimate, since that they already knew they would lose the stun...
    Although not all NBs like silence because they dont fight only against mag characters and a counter had to be created aswell, in the form of cc break.
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    All the balance in this game revolves around magsorcs and stamblades. It's really annoying. When was the last time we stamplars got any response on our problems. So annoying.

    These are the most played classes so they are appeasing masses since they know they cant adress everything at the same time, but is sad because there are subclasses which really deserve much more attention, imo stamplars, magblades, stamsorcs and magmancers (mine is only at lvl 30 so i dont really have a feedback)
    Edited by miteba on May 28, 2019 3:12PM
  • technohic
    miteba wrote: »
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    (...)ZOS responded by giving them silence(...)

    Any doubts that that was already planned?
    First PTS patch was to create panic so that they could ease NBs later, with a more acceptable condition in their ultimate, since that they already knew they would lose the stun...
    Although not NBs like silence because they dont fight only against mag characters and a counter had to be created aswell, in the form of cc break.
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    All the balance in this game revolves around magsorcs and stamblades. It's really annoying. When was the last time we stamplars got any response on our problems. So annoying.

    These are the most played classes so they are appeasing masses since they know they cant adress everything at the same time, but is sad because there are subclasses which really deserve much more attention, imo stamplars, magblades, stamsorcs and magmancers (mine is only at lvl 30 so i dont really have a feedback)

    I think this can blow up bigger. Now that shalks are blockable, wardens 1 trick options have been reduced. And anyone trying to still kite somehow, is going to be really upset with all the pulls that are going to be coming. "Heavy armor " meta cries are going to get louder now with less major defiles and nerfed CP boost.

    I really see the overall balance or need for class attention getting worse
    Edited by technohic on May 28, 2019 3:03PM
  • NBrookus
    Mr_Nobody wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    So running magplar. Toppling charge is great when it works but it hitches and does nothing a lot, particularly if you are fighting on keep steps. And this bug is back. Im sure @Joy_Division remembers

    L O L

    It used to be a lottery to use this skill in 1.6 and other few patches

    I was flying around like a witch on a broomstick last night with Charge. It felt like the pathing kept trying to switch targets and never connecting.
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    I'd like to see them do 3 things to Templar:
    1) Make a morph of charge for Stamina.
    2) Make a morph of radiant destruction to be a pbaoe cc akin to blinding flashes. The animation is there just make it something balanced to the aoe cc's of the rest of the game. Simple. This would be huge for templar tanks who do not need or want the execute.
    3) Make our aedric spear ultimate more interesting. I reckon a flying spear slam would be fantastic. Duplicate dragon leap. Voila. The healing ultimate is also a bit 'meh' as well especially when you compare to other comparable ultimates. Nova is good for what it does.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • UppGRAYxDD
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
  • UppGRAYxDD
    technohic wrote: »
    So running magplar. Toppling charge is great when it works but it hitches and does nothing a lot, particularly if you are fighting on keep steps. And this bug is back. Im sure @Joy_Division remembers

    oh we go again... Just when I started to build for toppling charge. Lemme guess, they'll try to fix it and we'll end up falling thru the map again...
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
  • technohic
    I leveled my necro and took it out to Cyrodiil for the first time and I really cant see me going back to my stamplar. I mean a cone stam spammable with magplar sweeps level healing or better. Ironically its absorb corpse ability is unique when it diesnt have an active resource management tool (but passive, just by enemies dieing) while repentance became redundant. Self cleanse that costs health and dies 4 in stead of 5 but is a quarter of the cost. An automatic pull to deal with ranged. Off balance just happens. AIE root. Think the CC is like a ranged fear. Ultimate that us ground targeted but happens really fast to still be useful. A ranged stand spammable.

    I mean I can go on seemingly forever even with the broken blast bones. Cant wait to see that work. Will have a hard time picking from several abilities useful for stam. But stamplar loses its 1 decent defensive ult for empower and 2 meters
  • Drdeath20
    Outside of solar barrage, blazing spear and both morphs of rune i feel that every other skill/morph/ultimate is either inferior to alternatives, defective in serious ways or simply not well thought out when it comes to a templar toolkit.

    At this point theres really nothing left to be said that hasnt been said better by much more capable people on here.
  • jhall03
    Templar was buffed heavily last year. People seem to forget about that and have found new things to gripe about.
  • Minno
    jhall03 wrote: »
    Templar was buffed heavily last year. People seem to forget about that and have found new things to gripe about.

    They actually arent new things lol. Go back to 2014 and people still complained that templar works more clunky than most classes due to channels and a weird dmg soak mechanic. We just had AOE miss chance back then to help alleviate.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Vapirko
    jhall03 wrote: »
    Templar was buffed heavily last year. People seem to forget about that and have found new things to gripe about.

    That’s all well and good but even so Stamplar is bottom tier DPS for PvE by a good margin and is well regarded to be one of the weaker classes in PvP. So obviously those buffs didn’t do much. The only roll templar excels at is magicka healing. Stamplar excels at nothing and is bottom choice for all things.
  • ecru
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.
    Edited by ecru on May 29, 2019 3:41PM
    Gryphon Heart
  • Minno
    ecru wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.

    magsorcs and DKs would like to challenge that assessment of jabs lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Mrsinister2
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.

    magsorcs and DKs would like to challenge that assessment of jabs lol.

    I got a 20k tooltip on whip with seething fury up and I'm not running any damage sets :lol:
  • Minno
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.

    magsorcs and DKs would like to challenge that assessment of jabs lol.

    I got a 20k tooltip on whip with seething fury up and I'm not running any damage sets :lol:

    That is partly why i mentioned it lol. The other reason being, catch yourself in talons, and jabs now does 15% less dmg all while you sitting there taking 20k whips lol.

    Templar looks great on paper, bad in application once you realize the class has been balanced around healbot.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • ecru
    Minno wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.

    magsorcs and DKs would like to challenge that assessment of jabs lol.

    I got a 20k tooltip on whip with seething fury up and I'm not running any damage sets :lol:

    That is partly why i mentioned it lol. The other reason being, catch yourself in talons, and jabs now does 15% less dmg all while you sitting there taking 20k whips lol.

    Templar looks great on paper, bad in application once you realize the class has been balanced around healbot.

    There are a lot of ways to get maimed, and spamming molten whip will get you nowhere since you can only use that big whip every 4th gcd. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see how an ability that hits hard every 4th gcd is comparable to a spammable ability with no prereqs. Magsorcs don't have a spammable either, so I don't understand why you brought them up. If you're trying to suggest sweep/jabs isn't a good ability, you just need to look at the huge tooltip damage and realize that it now takes 1 second instead of 1.3 seconds to use. Or just go hit a dummy with it. I'm able to weave it nearly as fast as an ability with no channel, and it has nearly double the tooltip of force pulse.
    Edited by ecru on May 29, 2019 7:15PM
    Gryphon Heart
  • Minno
    ecru wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.

    magsorcs and DKs would like to challenge that assessment of jabs lol.

    I got a 20k tooltip on whip with seething fury up and I'm not running any damage sets :lol:

    That is partly why i mentioned it lol. The other reason being, catch yourself in talons, and jabs now does 15% less dmg all while you sitting there taking 20k whips lol.

    Templar looks great on paper, bad in application once you realize the class has been balanced around healbot.

    There are a lot of ways to get maimed, and spamming molten whip will get you nowhere since you can only use that big whip every 4th gcd. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see how an ability that hits hard every 4th gcd is comparable to a spammable ability with no prereqs. Magsorcs don't have a spammable either, so I don't understand why you brought them up. If you're trying to suggest sweep/jabs isn't a good ability, you just need to look at the huge tooltip damage and realize that it now takes 1 second instead of 1.3 seconds to use. Or just go hit a dummy with it. I'm able to weave it nearly as fast as an ability with no channel, and it has nearly double the tooltip of force pulse.

    Because jabs, on paper, hits like a truck. Till you come across classes that can:
    1) outheal your jabs after mitigation (DK)
    2) have superior mobility with ranged burst(Sorc)
    3) can root you in place while they LOS around you and clip you with non-channel attacks (DK+Sorc)
    4) can dodge roll to the side and outside the jabs range. You might do one tick of damage, but you avoid the snare and potential burning light procs (stam toons)

    The list goes on and on. Yes its a strong ability, but doesnt mean templar takes a nerf to something like dark flare or doesn't get its defense looked into because sorc/DK/NB are still functionally miles ahead of templar.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Minno
    And before you counter, the highest jabs you could get without dropping sustain/dmg too hard is around 4-4.3k tooltip. After battlespirit its 2k. Calculate CP (20% thick skin = 1600 then 10% ele/hardy = 1440). Now add armor (20k after 10k pen is 10k. Then divide by 662 = 15%. 1440 * 0.85 = 1224.)

    1224 x4 hits = 4896 dmg. That is if your target is a scrub, if they moved once, its really only 2 hits at most (2448). One will proc BL of 6k, so we apply the same mitigation again...:
    - battlespirit, then CP 20%, CP10% = 2160
    - 15% armor = 1836
    total of 4284 dmg after 2 hits and 1 BL proc.

    Compare that to a 21k whip tooltip with same mitigation:
    - 6426.

    6k versus 4200. Granted jabs is undodgeable, but locked in a channel at normal movement speed so its kinda easy to avoid at times.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Minno
    and even worse, if you are a vamp because you have no mobility, that 21k becomes 20% stronger, so a 25200 tooltip.
    You can do the rest of the math yourself lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • ecru
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.

    magsorcs and DKs would like to challenge that assessment of jabs lol.

    I got a 20k tooltip on whip with seething fury up and I'm not running any damage sets :lol:

    That is partly why i mentioned it lol. The other reason being, catch yourself in talons, and jabs now does 15% less dmg all while you sitting there taking 20k whips lol.

    Templar looks great on paper, bad in application once you realize the class has been balanced around healbot.

    There are a lot of ways to get maimed, and spamming molten whip will get you nowhere since you can only use that big whip every 4th gcd. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see how an ability that hits hard every 4th gcd is comparable to a spammable ability with no prereqs. Magsorcs don't have a spammable either, so I don't understand why you brought them up. If you're trying to suggest sweep/jabs isn't a good ability, you just need to look at the huge tooltip damage and realize that it now takes 1 second instead of 1.3 seconds to use. Or just go hit a dummy with it. I'm able to weave it nearly as fast as an ability with no channel, and it has nearly double the tooltip of force pulse.

    Because jabs, on paper, hits like a truck. Till you come across classes that can:
    1) outheal your jabs after mitigation (DK)
    2) have superior mobility with ranged burst(Sorc)
    3) can root you in place while they LOS around you and clip you with non-channel attacks (DK+Sorc)
    4) can dodge roll to the side and outside the jabs range. You might do one tick of damage, but you avoid the snare and potential burning light procs (stam toons)

    The list goes on and on. Yes its a strong ability, but doesnt mean templar takes a nerf to something like dark flare or doesn't get its defense looked into because sorc/DK/NB are still functionally miles ahead of templar.

    I don't understand how this makes jabs any different than any other ability. All abilites are mitigated based on their initial tooltip damage, nearly all can be dodge rolled, and healing works the same against jabs as any other ability. The point you make with the root is kind of weak considering jabs on it's own has a 70% snare, which is effectively a short root when it comes to positioning yourself against your opponent(s).

    Suggesting jabs can be "outhealed after mitigation" isn't any different than saying anything else can be outhealed after mitigation.. Yes, heals replenish someone's health bar after they're damage, and unless jabs somehow provides your opponents with more healing than they would have otherwise, it's.. the same as anything else.

    I dueled a stamplar earlier who was executing jabs with an average tick of 1200, and a high of 1800 through a minimum of 30k resists and 2800 impen. His wd was around 5k, and he was using trap so you can include minor force in there too. 1200x4 + light attack is pretty difficult to heal through (that's about 6k damage if you're counting, basically a dawnbreaker), especially when it's coming through every ~1.15s. That isn't including any other procs, dot ticks, burning light, etc. I don't know anyone who can easily outheal that who isn't an actual healer.
    Minno wrote: »
    And before you counter, the highest jabs you could get without dropping sustain/dmg too hard is around 4-4.3k tooltip. After battlespirit its 2k. Calculate CP (20% thick skin = 1600 then 10% ele/hardy = 1440). Now add armor (20k after 10k pen is 10k. Then divide by 662 = 15%. 1440 * 0.85 = 1224.)

    1224 x4 hits = 4896 dmg. That is if your target is a scrub, if they moved once, its really only 2 hits at most (2448). One will proc BL of 6k, so we apply the same mitigation again...:
    - battlespirit, then CP 20%, CP10% = 2160
    - 15% armor = 1836
    total of 4284 dmg after 2 hits and 1 BL proc.

    Compare that to a 21k whip tooltip with same mitigation:
    - 6426.

    6k versus 4200. Granted jabs is undodgeable, but locked in a channel at normal movement speed so its kinda easy to avoid at times.
    Edited by ecru on May 29, 2019 8:13PM
    Gryphon Heart
  • Minno
    ecru wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.

    magsorcs and DKs would like to challenge that assessment of jabs lol.

    I got a 20k tooltip on whip with seething fury up and I'm not running any damage sets :lol:

    That is partly why i mentioned it lol. The other reason being, catch yourself in talons, and jabs now does 15% less dmg all while you sitting there taking 20k whips lol.

    Templar looks great on paper, bad in application once you realize the class has been balanced around healbot.

    There are a lot of ways to get maimed, and spamming molten whip will get you nowhere since you can only use that big whip every 4th gcd. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see how an ability that hits hard every 4th gcd is comparable to a spammable ability with no prereqs. Magsorcs don't have a spammable either, so I don't understand why you brought them up. If you're trying to suggest sweep/jabs isn't a good ability, you just need to look at the huge tooltip damage and realize that it now takes 1 second instead of 1.3 seconds to use. Or just go hit a dummy with it. I'm able to weave it nearly as fast as an ability with no channel, and it has nearly double the tooltip of force pulse.

    Because jabs, on paper, hits like a truck. Till you come across classes that can:
    1) outheal your jabs after mitigation (DK)
    2) have superior mobility with ranged burst(Sorc)
    3) can root you in place while they LOS around you and clip you with non-channel attacks (DK+Sorc)
    4) can dodge roll to the side and outside the jabs range. You might do one tick of damage, but you avoid the snare and potential burning light procs (stam toons)

    The list goes on and on. Yes its a strong ability, but doesnt mean templar takes a nerf to something like dark flare or doesn't get its defense looked into because sorc/DK/NB are still functionally miles ahead of templar.

    I don't understand how this makes jabs any different than any other ability. All abilites are mitigated based on their initial tooltip damage, nearly all can be dodge rolled, and healing works the same against jabs as any other ability. The point you make with the root is kind of weak considering jabs on it's own has a 70% snare, which is effectively a short root when it comes to positioning yourself against your opponent(s).

    Suggesting jabs can be "outhealed after mitigation" isn't any different than saying anything else can be outhealed after mitigation.. Yes, heals replenish someone's health bar after they're damage, and unless jabs somehow provides your opponents with more healing than they would have otherwise, it's.. the same as anything else.

    I dueled a stamplar earlier who was executing jabs with an average tick of 1200, and a high of 1800 through a minimum of 30k resists and 2800 impen. His wd was around 5k, and he was using trap so you can include minor force in there too. 1200x4 + light attack is pretty difficult to heal through (that's about 6k damage if you're counting, basically a dawnbreaker), especially when it's coming through every ~1.15s. That isn't including any other procs, dot ticks, burning light, etc. I don't know anyone who can easily outheal that who isn't an actual healer.

    1) jabs root is dodgable. If you dodge the last hit, youll still take dmg, but ognore the snare.
    2) jabs has less tooltip than whip WITHOUT the light attack you mention. Other benefits of instant cast abilities are that they can be used during block, dont have a weird post GCD weirdness, and are generally larger toolips.
    3) reason i say jabs is outhealed, because while you are in a channel, you can't follow up faster with burst. If you dodge cancel vigor, not only will you avoid 2-3 hits of jabs, but that one 1200 hit will have to fight with a 18k vigor tooltip. Even rapid regen is like 600-1200 pending on if it crits.
    4) LOL at your fight with a stamplar. He had a 1.9 modifer on your 0.48 resist. 4k times 1.42 = 5680 or 1738 after mit.
    You need a better build or to embrace moving to avoid as many of those hits as possible.

    Edited by Minno on May 29, 2019 8:22PM
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • ecru
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    ecru wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.
    Solinur wrote: »
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    @whoeverlistens @allofZoS @thenumbskullsincharge ,

    37% nerf to dark flare damage is absolutely ludicrous if the determining factor is " well you can cast is faster by 1/11th"...
    Who ever thought that this explanation and reasoning was sufficient enough to drop the mega nerf hammer, THEY NEED SOME SENSE SLAPPED IN THEM.

    I understand nerfs that lead to balance, but this one is just stupid and plainly insulting to every person in this thread or who have TRIED TO HELP YOU ZOS FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX THINGS.

    I generally try to be a positive person and refrain from griping on here, but where did you come up with the idea that dark flare needed a nerf? It wasn't from the forums, It wasn't from ingame PvP complaints( hardly see any dark flares in Cyrodil ever, maybe once in 6-8hrs of play), and I know that it wasn't from the PvE peeps (NO ONE USES DARK FLARE IN PVE COMPETIVELY).


    Dont feed me this BS "oh you can cast it faster". If this was the intended train of thought, then nerf it by 1/11th!!!

    Absolutely disgusted with the direction and overall action by the devs and team at ZoS.

    Edited to add a cute sad cat so @ZOS_GinaBruno will maybe put a bug in someones ear...

    They also removed the 200ms time after channeled and cast time abilities, so effectively it should be 3/13th of the total cast time removed. Still a nerf but not as big as you make it out to be.
    Removed the 200ms post global cooldown from cast time abilities. This was done to improve the feeling of using these abilities in rapid succession with other abilities, to allow for a more fluid transition, and less down time between usage. We also made some adjustments to the cast times and power levels of specific abilities, which will be called out on a per case basis in further notes.

    Bruh.....37% nerf...37...

    Puncturing strikes got a 30% buff and is now the best spammable ability in the game. It's literally 30% faster now. Stop worrying about dark flare and embrace the gigantic buff you got, which probably wasn't even intended. Not only does it now do great damage in a much shorter period of time, both morphs apply a ridiculous snare and either a major buff or heal the templar. I think an ability on a 1s channel with a tooltip as big as dawnbreaker which also snares and either buffs or heals me is pretty good, lol.

    Compare the tooltip on your puncturing sweep/jabs with a necro's blastbones (which can only be casted a minimum of every third gcd) or warden's shalks and tell me how bad templars have it in Elsweyr.

    magsorcs and DKs would like to challenge that assessment of jabs lol.

    I got a 20k tooltip on whip with seething fury up and I'm not running any damage sets :lol:

    That is partly why i mentioned it lol. The other reason being, catch yourself in talons, and jabs now does 15% less dmg all while you sitting there taking 20k whips lol.

    Templar looks great on paper, bad in application once you realize the class has been balanced around healbot.

    There are a lot of ways to get maimed, and spamming molten whip will get you nowhere since you can only use that big whip every 4th gcd. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see how an ability that hits hard every 4th gcd is comparable to a spammable ability with no prereqs. Magsorcs don't have a spammable either, so I don't understand why you brought them up. If you're trying to suggest sweep/jabs isn't a good ability, you just need to look at the huge tooltip damage and realize that it now takes 1 second instead of 1.3 seconds to use. Or just go hit a dummy with it. I'm able to weave it nearly as fast as an ability with no channel, and it has nearly double the tooltip of force pulse.

    Because jabs, on paper, hits like a truck. Till you come across classes that can:
    1) outheal your jabs after mitigation (DK)
    2) have superior mobility with ranged burst(Sorc)
    3) can root you in place while they LOS around you and clip you with non-channel attacks (DK+Sorc)
    4) can dodge roll to the side and outside the jabs range. You might do one tick of damage, but you avoid the snare and potential burning light procs (stam toons)

    The list goes on and on. Yes its a strong ability, but doesnt mean templar takes a nerf to something like dark flare or doesn't get its defense looked into because sorc/DK/NB are still functionally miles ahead of templar.

    I don't understand how this makes jabs any different than any other ability. All abilites are mitigated based on their initial tooltip damage, nearly all can be dodge rolled, and healing works the same against jabs as any other ability. The point you make with the root is kind of weak considering jabs on it's own has a 70% snare, which is effectively a short root when it comes to positioning yourself against your opponent(s).

    Suggesting jabs can be "outhealed after mitigation" isn't any different than saying anything else can be outhealed after mitigation.. Yes, heals replenish someone's health bar after they're damage, and unless jabs somehow provides your opponents with more healing than they would have otherwise, it's.. the same as anything else.

    I dueled a stamplar earlier who was executing jabs with an average tick of 1200, and a high of 1800 through a minimum of 30k resists and 2800 impen. His wd was around 5k, and he was using trap so you can include minor force in there too. 1200x4 + light attack is pretty difficult to heal through (that's about 6k damage if you're counting, basically a dawnbreaker), especially when it's coming through every ~1.15s. That isn't including any other procs, dot ticks, burning light, etc. I don't know anyone who can easily outheal that who isn't an actual healer.

    1) jabs root is dodgable. If you dodge the last hit, youll still take dmg, but ognore the snare.
    2) jabs has less tooltip than whip WITHOUT the light attack you mention. Other benefits of instant cast abilities are that they can be used during block, dont have a weird post GCD weirdness, and are generally larger toolips.
    3) reason i say jabs is outhealed, because while you are in a channel, you can't follow up faster with burst. If you dodge cancel vigor, not only will you avoid 2-3 hits of jabs, but that one 1200 hit will have to fight with a 18k vigor tooltip. Even rapid regen is like 600-1200 pending on if it crits.
    4) LOL at your fight with a stamplar. He had a 1.9 modifer on your 0.48 resist. 4k times 1.42 = 5680 or 1738 after mit.
    You need a better build or to embrace moving to avoid as many of those hits as possible.

    Jabs having a lower tooltip than a molten whip that takes three GCDs to buff has absolutely nothing to do with anything because the two abilities are not in any way comparable. And no, it does not have a lower tooltip than an unbuffed whip, wtf? One is a spammable ability, the other (to get that tooltip) is only usable every fourth gcd. I don't know why you keep bringing this up. A nightblade bow proc also does a lot of damage, should we compare that to jabs too? What about blastbones, which is usable at most every third gcd?

    "You need a better build". I have 30k base resists, over 36k with blood spawn. If your suggestion is that jabs doesn't hit hard when you get over uh.. 36k? I guess 40-45k is what you're suggesting? Then yeah, you'd be right, but every other ability is mitigated by those resists too so I'm having a hard time grasping what your actual point here is.

    Tbh a lot of what you're saying doesn't make much sense at all (an ability usable every 4 gcds is better than one with no conditions because it has a slightly higher tooltip? What?) so I think we're done here.
    Edited by ecru on May 29, 2019 9:35PM
    Gryphon Heart
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