Because without Luminous Shards, magplar healers lose their main distinctiveness and utility, and without Blazing Spear, magplar DDs lose an enormous amount of DPS.Khivas_Carrick wrote: »both Blazing Spear and Luminous shards both deal damage now, with Blazing just a little more at best. Why not make them both deal damage but Blazing scale with Stamina instead?
Elsterchen wrote: »Well, from a stamplars point of view: ... down to 1 (in words: ONE) active templar skill on both bars in PVE and an amazing 2 active templar skills in PVP.
No more jabs in any form, its just not worth the trouble (praying for hiting my target), if one can deal more damage without any hassle (or skill, or enourmous sums of gold for that matter) with wearing 3 proc sets (fyi: no sloads, no bleeds).
My only pain point is that idk why i play a templar at all. They are not exelling in any possible combat strategy and up to now there is no word from those that decide how skills are implemented, to clearify how they think templars are thought to exell in something.
Untill there is some sort of direction: May the proc be with you, bothers and sisters.
Reading for comprehension fail on my part. Okay, so two things?
1) Too many channels
2) Lack of a viable damage ult
Magplar PVP pain points:
1) Sustain. The only sustain passive templars have is a 4% cost reduction.
2) Too many channels.
3) No dedicated self-heal. Please make Honor the Dead heal only the caster and Breath of Life can be the healer morph.
4) Underperforming skills:
Radiant: Reduce the range and execute threshold and increase the damage to give this skill a real risk/reward mechanic.
Nova: Too expensive for too little damage or utility
Javelin: A cc that knocks people out of the range of your jabs synergizes poorly. Would be better if it knocked them down, pinned them down, or did anything besides push them farther away.
Radial Sweep: Tiny range and very hard to land. Dawnbreaker, which is similar, is far superior. Templar needs a good damage ultimate.
Sun Shield: Neither good protection nor good damage.
Balanced Warrior: Add spell damage
5) A sustain skill that is small and tied to the ground does not work well in a game where mobility is so critical.
Because without Luminous Shards, magplar healers lose their main distinctiveness and utility, and without Blazing Spear, magplar DDs lose an enormous amount of DPS.Khivas_Carrick wrote: »both Blazing Spear and Luminous shards both deal damage now, with Blazing just a little more at best. Why not make them both deal damage but Blazing scale with Stamina instead?
Elsterchen wrote: »Let's see what is changing with PTS (its next mondays, right?).
@Lord_Dexter "Give Vampire bane 8% damage bonus while using on undead and werewolves" - nice idea! I like it.
Elsterchen wrote: »
WillhelmBlack wrote: »3. Restoring Focus armour buff needs to be on the character, not on the ground. Some Magplars may stand in the same spot, healers/tanks so Channeled Focus, getting Magicka back is kinda balanced, you need to be around the Rune to get that really good buff. Restoring is different tho, the morph most Stamplar's take, you lose all your buffs from it in literally a second if you're sprinting.
Ok guys, i know the meeting already is in the past and we all are waiting to see, what is coming with the next PTS. Therefore i will post here once more, what was talked about at the meeting regarding templars.
- Offensive skills are too awkward/impractical/just not very good. Solar Barrage cast time ruins flows of nice DPS rotation. Radiant Destruction execute is a DPS loss. Sweeps channel is long, doesn’t make some DPS rotations, hard to hit targets in PVP. jabs/sweeps does let you get back mag/stam while in the channel but without a defense that exist passively its hard to justify this positive point with channels. other abilities do need some work regarding how clunky they are in rotations (POTL, unstable core, etc)
- Poor stamina management. Makes tanking hard. Makes a long DPS rotation against bosses unsustainable. agreed
- Repentance needs actual corpses and an enemy not to repent them first. Causes arguments with allies in Teamspeak who gets to use the skill. agreed
- Rune Focus and more generally the “House.” Having to cast and recast an armor buff that doesn’t actually do anything exciting every 8 seconds is frustrating. “House” is too hard to manage because mechanics in PvP and PvE compel movement and healing nerfs make “stand your ground” unmanageable. agreed. could be makor defile/befouled might be the only change needed here
- Radial Sweep ultimate. Both morphs. Just not very good. Range is too short, damage is too low, often misses, other non-class ultimates are better/more versatile. should be stated cresant sweep is very much important in PVE. But it can be fixed from a bug standpoint and making empwering sweeps better
- Only class without a pro-active/preventative defense (no more blinding flashes, no reflect, no non-health scaling shields, etc.) has led to PvP archetype nobody like: the “Healbot” who holds block with sword and shield and hits Breath of Life agreed. Total dark can be that defense honestly, if they gave it a self-buff style treatment without the cc imunity garbage (and give both a mag and stamina morph)
- Templar CC is seen as lacking and no AoE root make tanking hard and slow class feel slower
Shards not CCing still a sore spot. Eclipse CCs enemies without CCing them; ability can sometimes feel worthless vs experienced players I think all CC should have limitations. If you have an unblocked cc, it shouldnt also be undodgeable and vice versa. This way CC has counterplay which is more important. Javelin MUST BE CHEAPER to cast, or be given minor beserk. Also regarding AOE control, this should only be granted if we are to remain somewhat "stand your ground" which is why radiant ward can be an AOE root on cast
- There is a feeling that a lot of Templar passives are situational, restrictive, or weak. agreed. passives that boost efficency of abilities should be given to those abilities to make room for resource/defensive/offensive passives.
I now want to hear if you agree with most of the points mentioned above. If not, please go ahead and state your two pain points as before. This may help me and the other reps to keep track of what is a problem in your point of view. We may see some changes with the next pts, so this also will help to distinguish between adressed pain points by the devs and the ones still in the game even after the changes.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »3. Restoring Focus armour buff needs to be on the character, not on the ground. Some Magplars may stand in the same spot, healers/tanks so Channeled Focus, getting Magicka back is kinda balanced, you need to be around the Rune to get that really good buff. Restoring is different tho, the morph most Stamplar's take, you lose all your buffs from it in literally a second if you're sprinting.
The buffs stick to you for 8 seconds on cast, however that duration could surely be increased to make the skill more viable
Ok guys, i know the meeting already is in the past and we all are waiting to see, what is coming with the next PTS. Therefore i will post here once more, what was talked about at the meeting regarding templars.
- Offensive skills are too awkward/impractical/just not very good. Solar Barrage cast time ruins flows of nice DPS rotation. Radiant Destruction execute is a DPS loss. Sweeps channel is long, doesn’t make some DPS rotations, hard to hit targets in PVP.
- Poor stamina management. Makes tanking hard. Makes a long DPS rotation against bosses unsustainable.
- Repentance needs actual corpses and an enemy not to repent them first. Causes arguments with allies in Teamspeak who gets to use the skill.
- Rune Focus and more generally the “House.” Having to cast and recast an armor buff that doesn’t actually do anything exciting every 8 seconds is frustrating. “House” is too hard to manage because mechanics in PvP and PvE compel movement and healing nerfs make “stand your ground” unmanageable.
- Radial Sweep ultimate. Both morphs. Just not very good. Range is too short, damage is too low, often misses, other non-class ultimates are better/more versatile.
- Only class without a pro-active/preventative defense (no more blinding flashes, no reflect, no non-health scaling shields, etc.) has led to PvP archetype nobody like: the “Healbot” who holds block with sword and shield and hits Breath of Life
- Templar CC is seen as lacking and no AoE root make tanking hard and slow class feel slower
Shards not CCing still a sore spot
Eclipse CCs enemies without CCing them; ability can sometimes feel worthless vs experienced players
- There is a feeling that a lot of Templar passives are situational, restrictive, or weak.
I now want to hear if you agree with most of the points mentioned above. If not, please go ahead and state your two pain points as before. This may help me and the other reps to keep track of what is a problem in your point of view. We may see some changes with the next pts, so this also will help to distinguish between adressed pain points by the devs and the ones still in the game even after the changes.
To answer the question honestly ... Cos I'm a magic user and I prefer blazing over luminousKhivas_Carrick wrote: »Khivas_Carrick wrote: »SIRPORKCHOPS wrote: »Khivas_Carrick wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The purpose of this thread is to give you a place to post your current top two pain points with the Templar. Our new Class Representatives will be keeping a close eye on this thread, and will utilize it to gather additional feedback for the notes they’re currently compiling for their first meeting with the Dev Team next week. Please be sure and keep your post clear and succinct, and focus more on what is currently frustrating you rather than potential solutions. Thanks!
Ma`am, you're gonna need a lot more than two points to describe why this class is doing so god damn poorly.
To try and follow your crudely suggested model though, the two biggest pain points with Templar is this:
1) Class Passives are kinda terrible and need a dire rework, especially if anybody wants to be a Stamina Templar.
2) Increase the range and damage of the Sweeps Ultimates. There is no reason for it to be that weak and that short of range.
Now to add properly to the real list, here are some things that y'all really ought to consider:
3) The Javelin Skills need a rework for stamina characters methinks, make one ranged and for magicka players and tanks, and make the stamina version a melee skill.
4) Focused Charge should have a Stamina variant, and should be a targeted leap instead of a targeted charge.
5) Biting Jabs as someone already mentioned should be condensed to 3 hits instead of 4, and channeled over .8 instead of 1.1 seconds. This would help greatly in PvP and help a little in PvE.
6) Blazing Spear should be a Stamina Morph.
7) This is purely me being a nerd and wanting something personally for myself so tbh disregard this entirely, but Vampire's Bane should be a melee touch spell that scales with Stamina so we get a cool as hell Anti-Vampire move lol
8) Solar Barrage should not have a cast time attached to it imho, but since you do, make it burst every second instead of every 2 seconds.
9) PotL/Purifying Light should be slightly reworked for it's damage aspect. The Breach and Fracture parts are ok on it, but the Initial Damage should be increased and there should be a hefty, semi-bursty DoT on it rather than saving up for a big burst of damage.
10) I can't believe I almost forgot this, but Burning Light should Proc off of ALL damaging skills, or at the very least all Spear skills and any and all DoT skills. This opens up a grand avenue for build variety.
11) Balanced Warrior should be reworked a bit. It should benefit both Casters and Melee equally in some way for damage, which shouldn't be hard to achieve.
12) Piercing Spear should be reworked to include passive Penetration (giggity)
I've been up since 4am, so if this is a little rough, forgive me lol I have faith that ZoS can figure this out without totally ruining the *** out of us.
I main stamina templar for PVE and alot of your points are coming from a stance of little play with the class
I've been a Stamplar since the game released, on and off between patches and xpacs. I think you might wanna reconsider the fact that other people have other ideas and visions for the class and what they want. Are my ideas perfect? No, but a few of them are damn good ones regardless of what you think.
Blazing Spear being Stamina? Tell me why that wouldn't work. Biting Jabs being reworked to be more spammable and less glitchy? Go on, explain. Best of all, tell us why our class passives aren't ***.
Cos basically what you're doing is buffing stamina at the expense of nerfing magicka
Blazing spears and luminous shard should remain magic, vamp bane should be given a stamina morph, one deals flame damage and magic damage from magic other deals physical damage and flame damage based on stamina
One hurls a ball of sunlight, other hurls a rock forged in sunlight
I like the idea with the Vampire's Bane getting a Stamina Morph, but both Blazing Spear and Luminous shards both deal damage now, with Blazing just a little more at best. Why not make them both deal damage but Blazing scale with Stamina instead?
Also, back to the Vampire's bane stam idea; I'd make it all physical, all the way through with a bleed or something, so that CP won't get spread out between Fire/Magic and Poison/physical.
Darkmage1337 wrote: »Ok guys, i know the meeting already is in the past and we all are waiting to see, what is coming with the next PTS. Therefore i will post here once more, what was talked about at the meeting regarding templars.
- Offensive skills are too awkward/impractical/just not very good. Solar Barrage cast time ruins flows of nice DPS rotation. Radiant Destruction execute is a DPS loss. Sweeps channel is long, doesn’t make some DPS rotations, hard to hit targets in PVP.
- Poor stamina management. Makes tanking hard. Makes a long DPS rotation against bosses unsustainable.
- Repentance needs actual corpses and an enemy not to repent them first. Causes arguments with allies in Teamspeak who gets to use the skill.
- Rune Focus and more generally the “House.” Having to cast and recast an armor buff that doesn’t actually do anything exciting every 8 seconds is frustrating. “House” is too hard to manage because mechanics in PvP and PvE compel movement and healing nerfs make “stand your ground” unmanageable.
- Radial Sweep ultimate. Both morphs. Just not very good. Range is too short, damage is too low, often misses, other non-class ultimates are better/more versatile.
- Only class without a pro-active/preventative defense (no more blinding flashes, no reflect, no non-health scaling shields, etc.) has led to PvP archetype nobody like: the “Healbot” who holds block with sword and shield and hits Breath of Life
- Templar CC is seen as lacking and no AoE root make tanking hard and slow class feel slower
Shards not CCing still a sore spot
Eclipse CCs enemies without CCing them; ability can sometimes feel worthless vs experienced players
- There is a feeling that a lot of Templar passives are situational, restrictive, or weak.
I now want to hear if you agree with most of the points mentioned above. If not, please go ahead and state your two pain points as before. This may help me and the other reps to keep track of what is a problem in your point of view. We may see some changes with the next pts, so this also will help to distinguish between adressed pain points by the devs and the ones still in the game even after the changes.
Beam. Jesus Beam.
Joking aside, yes, Radiant Destruction is a MAJOR DPS loss. It wasn't nerfed to the ground, it was nerfed to hell. It needs to return to its almost-former-glory status.
Dark Flare needs its casting time reduced or completely removed and made into a proper ranged spammable (like every other class has). Otherwise, it' is just another DPS loss.
Rune Focus's Major Ward & Major Resolve buffs need to apply and stick to your actual character, not the rune on the ground. Also, any allies that walk over or onto the rune should get the Major Ward/Resolve buff, as well. Warden's Frost Cloak for Major Ward/Resolve is already ranged AoE and OP, in comparison, and their buff lasts so much longer.
Radial Sweep animation still misses its target(s) 99% of the time. The skill is useless! It definitely needs a range/radius increase as well as some re-coding done to it to make the animation go off better and actually hit everything around you, and whatever it is you are actually targeting.
Nova costs way too much ulti to use, and the synergy activation-range needs to be greatly expanded, as well.
Remembrance/Practiced Incantation Ulti needs its healing-speed/animation sped up, and/or heal for more. (E.g. You should not be able to die so easily when using this Ulti ability, especially since you CC yourself via channeling and cannot move or deal damage!)
Blazing Shield does not last long enough for the little amount of damage that it blocks (compared to Spiked Bone Shield, MagSorc shields, etc!), especially since Blazing Shield was also nerfed to hell. Either reduce its cost to greatly reflected the nerfed shield, or return the shield back to its former glory of BlazePlar.
Don't even get me started on Eclipse. I never ever even both to use this ability. It needs to be thrown out and replaced with something else entirely. Or, remove the orb animation so players don't know that they are being CC'd by Eclipse, lol. That might work.
The Templar class skill line passives need a major update/overhaul to reflect the above suggested changes. I could go into more detail, but I'm not currently logged in to read and list each passive, and they have been discussed quite a bit in the Discord channels and elsewhere.
I could go on forever, but The House is dead. Mobility is Meta.
Everything @ZOS_Wrobel nerfed. Un-nerf it! It is almost as simple as that.
Even if all of the #Nerfs were reverted, Templar would *maybe* be on par in current performance with other classes. The Templar 'class' has been a long-running ESO joke for far too long. Yet I still main it.
The Dawn-Bringer, AD High Elf Magplar (Healer/DPS) & The Moonlit-Knight, EP Imperial Tankplar (Tank), have been my main 2 PvE & PvP characters since ESO launched 4 years & 3 months ago. However, they both pale in comparison to the DPS and Tankiness of Shield-stacking MagSorcs, such as The Dark-Mage, my EP Dark Elf MagSorc.
I miss my OPplar.
Don't even get me started on Eclipse. I never ever even both to use this ability. It needs to be thrown out and replaced with something else entirely. Or, remove the orb animation so players don't know that they are being CC'd by Eclipse, lol. That might work.
To answer the question honestly ... Cos I'm a magic user and I prefer blazing over luminousKhivas_Carrick wrote: »Khivas_Carrick wrote: »SIRPORKCHOPS wrote: »Khivas_Carrick wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The purpose of this thread is to give you a place to post your current top two pain points with the Templar. Our new Class Representatives will be keeping a close eye on this thread, and will utilize it to gather additional feedback for the notes they’re currently compiling for their first meeting with the Dev Team next week. Please be sure and keep your post clear and succinct, and focus more on what is currently frustrating you rather than potential solutions. Thanks!
Ma`am, you're gonna need a lot more than two points to describe why this class is doing so god damn poorly.
To try and follow your crudely suggested model though, the two biggest pain points with Templar is this:
1) Class Passives are kinda terrible and need a dire rework, especially if anybody wants to be a Stamina Templar.
2) Increase the range and damage of the Sweeps Ultimates. There is no reason for it to be that weak and that short of range.
Now to add properly to the real list, here are some things that y'all really ought to consider:
3) The Javelin Skills need a rework for stamina characters methinks, make one ranged and for magicka players and tanks, and make the stamina version a melee skill.
4) Focused Charge should have a Stamina variant, and should be a targeted leap instead of a targeted charge.
5) Biting Jabs as someone already mentioned should be condensed to 3 hits instead of 4, and channeled over .8 instead of 1.1 seconds. This would help greatly in PvP and help a little in PvE.
6) Blazing Spear should be a Stamina Morph.
7) This is purely me being a nerd and wanting something personally for myself so tbh disregard this entirely, but Vampire's Bane should be a melee touch spell that scales with Stamina so we get a cool as hell Anti-Vampire move lol
8) Solar Barrage should not have a cast time attached to it imho, but since you do, make it burst every second instead of every 2 seconds.
9) PotL/Purifying Light should be slightly reworked for it's damage aspect. The Breach and Fracture parts are ok on it, but the Initial Damage should be increased and there should be a hefty, semi-bursty DoT on it rather than saving up for a big burst of damage.
10) I can't believe I almost forgot this, but Burning Light should Proc off of ALL damaging skills, or at the very least all Spear skills and any and all DoT skills. This opens up a grand avenue for build variety.
11) Balanced Warrior should be reworked a bit. It should benefit both Casters and Melee equally in some way for damage, which shouldn't be hard to achieve.
12) Piercing Spear should be reworked to include passive Penetration (giggity)
I've been up since 4am, so if this is a little rough, forgive me lol I have faith that ZoS can figure this out without totally ruining the *** out of us.
I main stamina templar for PVE and alot of your points are coming from a stance of little play with the class
I've been a Stamplar since the game released, on and off between patches and xpacs. I think you might wanna reconsider the fact that other people have other ideas and visions for the class and what they want. Are my ideas perfect? No, but a few of them are damn good ones regardless of what you think.
Blazing Spear being Stamina? Tell me why that wouldn't work. Biting Jabs being reworked to be more spammable and less glitchy? Go on, explain. Best of all, tell us why our class passives aren't ***.
Cos basically what you're doing is buffing stamina at the expense of nerfing magicka
Blazing spears and luminous shard should remain magic, vamp bane should be given a stamina morph, one deals flame damage and magic damage from magic other deals physical damage and flame damage based on stamina
One hurls a ball of sunlight, other hurls a rock forged in sunlight
I like the idea with the Vampire's Bane getting a Stamina Morph, but both Blazing Spear and Luminous shards both deal damage now, with Blazing just a little more at best. Why not make them both deal damage but Blazing scale with Stamina instead?
Also, back to the Vampire's bane stam idea; I'd make it all physical, all the way through with a bleed or something, so that CP won't get spread out between Fire/Magic and Poison/physical.
Stamina can have luminous but you're not getting blazing ever ... Not on my watch anyway
Darkmage1337 wrote: »Ok guys, i know the meeting already is in the past and we all are waiting to see, what is coming with the next PTS. Therefore i will post here once more, what was talked about at the meeting regarding templars.
- Offensive skills are too awkward/impractical/just not very good. Solar Barrage cast time ruins flows of nice DPS rotation. Radiant Destruction execute is a DPS loss. Sweeps channel is long, doesn’t make some DPS rotations, hard to hit targets in PVP.
- Poor stamina management. Makes tanking hard. Makes a long DPS rotation against bosses unsustainable.
- Repentance needs actual corpses and an enemy not to repent them first. Causes arguments with allies in Teamspeak who gets to use the skill.
- Rune Focus and more generally the “House.” Having to cast and recast an armor buff that doesn’t actually do anything exciting every 8 seconds is frustrating. “House” is too hard to manage because mechanics in PvP and PvE compel movement and healing nerfs make “stand your ground” unmanageable.
- Radial Sweep ultimate. Both morphs. Just not very good. Range is too short, damage is too low, often misses, other non-class ultimates are better/more versatile.
- Only class without a pro-active/preventative defense (no more blinding flashes, no reflect, no non-health scaling shields, etc.) has led to PvP archetype nobody like: the “Healbot” who holds block with sword and shield and hits Breath of Life
- Templar CC is seen as lacking and no AoE root make tanking hard and slow class feel slower
Shards not CCing still a sore spot
Eclipse CCs enemies without CCing them; ability can sometimes feel worthless vs experienced players
- There is a feeling that a lot of Templar passives are situational, restrictive, or weak.
I now want to hear if you agree with most of the points mentioned above. If not, please go ahead and state your two pain points as before. This may help me and the other reps to keep track of what is a problem in your point of view. We may see some changes with the next pts, so this also will help to distinguish between adressed pain points by the devs and the ones still in the game even after the changes.
Beam. Jesus Beam.
Joking aside, yes, Radiant Destruction is a MAJOR DPS loss. It wasn't nerfed to the ground, it was nerfed to hell. It needs to return to its almost-former-glory status.
Dark Flare needs its casting time reduced or completely removed and made into a proper ranged spammable (like every other class has). Otherwise, it' is just another DPS loss.
Rune Focus's Major Ward & Major Resolve buffs need to apply and stick to your actual character, not the rune on the ground. Also, any allies that walk over or onto the rune should get the Major Ward/Resolve buff, as well. Warden's Frost Cloak for Major Ward/Resolve is already ranged AoE and OP, in comparison, and their buff lasts so much longer.
Radial Sweep animation still misses its target(s) 99% of the time. The skill is useless! It definitely needs a range/radius increase as well as some re-coding done to it to make the animation go off better and actually hit everything around you, and whatever it is you are actually targeting.
Nova costs way too much ulti to use, and the synergy activation-range needs to be greatly expanded, as well.
Remembrance/Practiced Incantation Ulti needs its healing-speed/animation sped up, and/or heal for more. (E.g. You should not be able to die so easily when using this Ulti ability, especially since you CC yourself via channeling and cannot move or deal damage!)
Blazing Shield does not last long enough for the little amount of damage that it blocks (compared to Spiked Bone Shield, MagSorc shields, etc!), especially since Blazing Shield was also nerfed to hell. Either reduce its cost to greatly reflected the nerfed shield, or return the shield back to its former glory of BlazePlar.
Don't even get me started on Eclipse. I never ever even both to use this ability. It needs to be thrown out and replaced with something else entirely. Or, remove the orb animation so players don't know that they are being CC'd by Eclipse, lol. That might work.
The Templar class skill line passives need a major update/overhaul to reflect the above suggested changes. I could go into more detail, but I'm not currently logged in to read and list each passive, and they have been discussed quite a bit in the Discord channels and elsewhere.
I could go on forever, but The House is dead. Mobility is Meta.
Everything @ZOS_Wrobel nerfed. Un-nerf it! It is almost as simple as that.
Even if all of the #Nerfs were reverted, Templar would *maybe* be on par in current performance with other classes. The Templar 'class' has been a long-running ESO joke for far too long. Yet I still main it.
The Dawn-Bringer, AD High Elf Magplar (Healer/DPS) & The Moonlit-Knight, EP Imperial Tankplar (Tank), have been my main 2 PvE & PvP characters since ESO launched 4 years & 3 months ago. However, they both pale in comparison to the DPS and Tankiness of Shield-stacking MagSorcs, such as The Dark-Mage, my EP Dark Elf MagSorc.
I miss my OPplar.
This man/female has experince with Templar. Fix all of those.
cazlonb16_ESO wrote: »Since the changes to Empower Dark Flare hits like a wet noodle. Outside of some very niche builds the opportunity costs ( cast time + travel time ) have always been out of sync with the benefits, but now it got utterly ridiculous.
This post is all about magicka templars in PVE.