Facefister wrote: »Right now, there is literally no reason to even level Jewelry crafting. I mean, farming gold VO jewelry in vAA is a lot faster than grinding weeks for purple Hundings jewelry.
DuskMarine wrote: »why do people whine so much when zos adds something awesome jeese be glad were getting new content. not to mention why would they just hand you golden bis jewelry
Priyasekarssk wrote: »DuskMarine wrote: »why do people whine so much when zos adds something awesome jeese be glad were getting new content. not to mention why would they just hand you golden bis jewelry
People always whine and hate grinding. Only mentally *** person and person who needs mental help only likes grinding. People want more content. Not mindless grinding. Is developer in competent or lazy or greedy to put meaningful content ? Why would anyone pay for grindfest and fillers.
With the ease of getting purple jewelry, I think they should make jewelry crafting a direct equal to materials needed compared to other crafting professions for improvement to epic (purple) levels. I think cutting the jewelry material requirements for legendary (gold) improvements in half of what they are on PTS would be a good compromise.
This would basically equal no/minimal grind to craft jewelry and improve to purple, but would still require a sizable grind to improve crafted/dropped rings to gold. It's still a bare minimum of deconstructing 40 gold jewelry pieces or refining an estimated 8500 raw materials (based on that one post some pages ago in this thread). Gold jewelry is what ZOS should be focusing on keeping "special" and not crippling the ability to craft ALL jewelry.
Facefister wrote: »Sure, but jewelry crafting would allow, you know, crafting sets also possessing jewelry now. I can't see anyone farming for green hundings rings.
With the ease of getting purple jewelry, I think they should make jewelry crafting a direct equal to materials needed compared to other crafting professions for improvement to epic (purple) levels. I think cutting the jewelry material requirements for legendary (gold) improvements in half of what they are on PTS would be a good compromise.
This would basically equal no/minimal grind to craft jewelry and improve to purple, but would still require a sizable grind to improve crafted/dropped rings to gold. It's still a bare minimum of deconstructing 40 gold jewelry pieces or refining an estimated 8500 raw materials (based on that one post some pages ago in this thread). Gold jewelry is what ZOS should be focusing on keeping "special" and not crippling the ability to craft ALL jewelry.
Yes that would be better but it would still be a band-aid for a "problem" with multiple easier solutions. The basic problem with their approach to jc crafting is that we're not buying that jewelry deserves a 10X trait and upgrade mats requirement relative to the other 9 gear slots.
- They are already heading down the road of "perfect" gear for the hardest elite content. That takes care of getting gear in lower difficulty content and then upgrading it to be the same as what drops in elite content.
- They could easily separate upgrading drops from upgrading crafted jewelry by adding a simple extra component with a rareish RNG drop chance in order to upgrade drops but not crafted.
Those are just two possible other ways of accomplishing the same goal while still making jewelry crafting fun and accessible for new players and casuals. I'm sure there are many other ways also if they just put their thinking caps for a moment.
Facefister wrote: »With the ease of getting purple jewelry, I think they should make jewelry crafting a direct equal to materials needed compared to other crafting professions for improvement to epic (purple) levels. I think cutting the jewelry material requirements for legendary (gold) improvements in half of what they are on PTS would be a good compromise.
This would basically equal no/minimal grind to craft jewelry and improve to purple, but would still require a sizable grind to improve crafted/dropped rings to gold. It's still a bare minimum of deconstructing 40 gold jewelry pieces or refining an estimated 8500 raw materials (based on that one post some pages ago in this thread). Gold jewelry is what ZOS should be focusing on keeping "special" and not crippling the ability to craft ALL jewelry.
Yes that would be better but it would still be a band-aid for a "problem" with multiple easier solutions. The basic problem with their approach to jc crafting is that we're not buying that jewelry deserves a 10X trait and upgrade mats requirement relative to the other 9 gear slots.
- They are already heading down the road of "perfect" gear for the hardest elite content. That takes care of getting gear in lower difficulty content and then upgrading it to be the same as what drops in elite content.
- They could easily separate upgrading drops from upgrading crafted jewelry by adding a simple extra component with a rareish RNG drop chance in order to upgrade drops but not crafted.
Those are just two possible other ways of accomplishing the same goal while still making jewelry crafting fun and accessible for new players and casuals. I'm sure there are many other ways also if they just put their thinking caps for a moment.
As I suggested in one of my previous posts, the balancing of JCrafting would be following:This would eliminate the horrendous grind for crafted and overland sets and at the same time it would keep the value and rarity of Dungeon/Trial jewelry.
- JCrafting, and upgrading should be equal to the other crafting professions. This also includes raw materials and their refinement.
- Upgrading Dungeon or Trial jewelry should require an extra component, which will randomly drop at the last boss of the Dungeon or Trial. A purple upgrade-item on Normal, a gold upgrade-item on Veteran and a guaranteed gold upgrade-item on Hardmode.
- There is a difference between the Dungeon and Trial drop- You can't farm veteran hardmode Dungeons for your War-Machine rings.
From a Stam-DD standpoint of view, there is literally no point on farming weeks for purple Hunding's Rage jewelry when I can get golden Vicious Ophidian jewelry from vAA in a day or two.
Facefister wrote: »Yes, I see them as equivalent since VO performs slightly better than Hunding's. My argument is, why would you pair crafted and/or overland sets with such a grind when you can get equivalent or better sets much more faster? The only "reason" they've presented so far is "to keep purple/gold jewelry rare and valuable" aka "we don't want you to farm blue War-Machine and upgrade them to gold without entering vHoF" - which is again a valid reason but can't be really applied on crafted/overland or even dungeon sets.
Facefister wrote: »Yes, I see them as equivalent since VO performs slightly better than Hunding's. My argument is, why would you pair crafted and/or overland sets with such a grind when you can get equivalent or better sets much more faster? The only "reason" they've presented so far is "to keep purple/gold jewelry rare and valuable" aka "we don't want you to farm blue War-Machine and upgrade them to gold without entering vHoF" - which is again a valid reason but can't be really applied on crafted/overland or even dungeon sets.
This may be a technical limitation in the game. Distinguishing between dropped jewelry and crafted jewelry from an upgrade perspective might involve too many code changes. That's likely.
But I will reassert my original argument: it's pretty clear the high cost is to discourage rampant sales of jewels in guild stores and encourage paid uptake of the new chapter. Love it or hate it, ZOS has bills to pay. I can only imagine what their server and network infrastructures costs must be....
Facefister wrote: »Yes, I see them as equivalent since VO performs slightly better than Hunding's. My argument is, why would you pair crafted and/or overland sets with such a grind when you can get equivalent or better sets much more faster? The only "reason" they've presented so far is "to keep purple/gold jewelry rare and valuable" aka "we don't want you to farm blue War-Machine and upgrade them to gold without entering vHoF" - which is again a valid reason but can't be really applied on crafted/overland or even dungeon sets.
This may be a technical limitation in the game. Distinguishing between dropped jewelry and crafted jewelry from an upgrade perspective might involve too many code changes. That's likely.
But I will reassert my original argument: it's pretty clear the high cost is to discourage rampant sales of jewels in guild stores and encourage paid uptake of the new chapter. Love it or hate it, ZOS has bills to pay. I can only imagine what their server and network infrastructures costs must be....
DaveMoeDee wrote: »That makes it seem more likely that they wanted to preserve the value of other tasks that give jewelry.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »That makes it seem more likely that they wanted to preserve the value of other tasks that give jewelry.
Yes but like I many others have said, they had many other options to do that without crippling casual set jewelry crafting.
The best way would be to not just have blue, purple and gold versions of the same thing to differentiate difficulty but rather have unique items - all items including weapons and armor, not just jewelry - that drop only in the higher difficulty activities. Obviously that would be more development intensive but it would totally do away with upgrading lower qualities to do an end-run around the harder content.
Much easier than that would be to differentiate upgrading jewelry drops from crafting jewelry making the one grindy but not the other. A simple extra component required to upgrade drops would do that trick.
What they've done instead is kill any excitement we might have had about finally being able to craft jewelry for sets by making that 10X grindier at all quality levels other than white.
Elephant42 wrote: »Facefister wrote: »Yes, I see them as equivalent since VO performs slightly better than Hunding's. My argument is, why would you pair crafted and/or overland sets with such a grind when you can get equivalent or better sets much more faster? The only "reason" they've presented so far is "to keep purple/gold jewelry rare and valuable" aka "we don't want you to farm blue War-Machine and upgrade them to gold without entering vHoF" - which is again a valid reason but can't be really applied on crafted/overland or even dungeon sets.
This may be a technical limitation in the game. Distinguishing between dropped jewelry and crafted jewelry from an upgrade perspective might involve too many code changes. That's likely.
But I will reassert my original argument: it's pretty clear the high cost is to discourage rampant sales of jewels in guild stores and encourage paid uptake of the new chapter. Love it or hate it, ZOS has bills to pay. I can only imagine what their server and network infrastructures costs must be....
Well they haven't "encouraged" me, quite the opposite in fact...
Elephant42 wrote: »Facefister wrote: »Yes, I see them as equivalent since VO performs slightly better than Hunding's. My argument is, why would you pair crafted and/or overland sets with such a grind when you can get equivalent or better sets much more faster? The only "reason" they've presented so far is "to keep purple/gold jewelry rare and valuable" aka "we don't want you to farm blue War-Machine and upgrade them to gold without entering vHoF" - which is again a valid reason but can't be really applied on crafted/overland or even dungeon sets.
This may be a technical limitation in the game. Distinguishing between dropped jewelry and crafted jewelry from an upgrade perspective might involve too many code changes. That's likely.
But I will reassert my original argument: it's pretty clear the high cost is to discourage rampant sales of jewels in guild stores and encourage paid uptake of the new chapter. Love it or hate it, ZOS has bills to pay. I can only imagine what their server and network infrastructures costs must be....
Well they haven't "encouraged" me, quite the opposite in fact...
You may change your mind when you see how much gold Julianos rings (for example) sell for in guild stores. I can only guess how much, but it surely will be jaw-dropping. But if that doesn't "encourage" you, then farm your mats per normal and sit on them until a future update/dlc/chapter is released that brings the cost of j-crafting in line with the other crafting skills.
Elephant42 wrote: »Elephant42 wrote: »Facefister wrote: »Yes, I see them as equivalent since VO performs slightly better than Hunding's. My argument is, why would you pair crafted and/or overland sets with such a grind when you can get equivalent or better sets much more faster? The only "reason" they've presented so far is "to keep purple/gold jewelry rare and valuable" aka "we don't want you to farm blue War-Machine and upgrade them to gold without entering vHoF" - which is again a valid reason but can't be really applied on crafted/overland or even dungeon sets.
This may be a technical limitation in the game. Distinguishing between dropped jewelry and crafted jewelry from an upgrade perspective might involve too many code changes. That's likely.
But I will reassert my original argument: it's pretty clear the high cost is to discourage rampant sales of jewels in guild stores and encourage paid uptake of the new chapter. Love it or hate it, ZOS has bills to pay. I can only imagine what their server and network infrastructures costs must be....
Well they haven't "encouraged" me, quite the opposite in fact...
You may change your mind when you see how much gold Julianos rings (for example) sell for in guild stores. I can only guess how much, but it surely will be jaw-dropping. But if that doesn't "encourage" you, then farm your mats per normal and sit on them until a future update/dlc/chapter is released that brings the cost of j-crafting in line with the other crafting skills.
Nope - I won't be buying the "Chapter" until someone like GmG sells it at a significant discount, or ZOS change their stance on this farce of grind in a future patch and I ain't holding my breath for either of these...
So, worse than Enchanting then. Awesome.
Easily_Lost wrote: »-snip-And as others have said when the other crafting started ( Blacksmithing, Clothing, and Woodworking ) needed 150 mats for CP160 gear a lot of people were upset by it. Now years later it's no big deal. Next year Jewelry Crafting will not be a big deal.
Elephant42 wrote: »Easily_Lost wrote: »-snip-And as others have said when the other crafting started ( Blacksmithing, Clothing, and Woodworking ) needed 150 mats for CP160 gear a lot of people were upset by it. Now years later it's no big deal. Next year Jewelry Crafting will not be a big deal.
And some of us un-subbed when IC dropped and didn't resub until they fixed it with Orsinium - that's why it's no big deal now, they fixed it months later but it _was_ a big deal when released...
I for one am just sick and tired with how much of the cool new stuff is always gated on release behind grind/tryhard/crown store and simply no longer wish to give ZOS my money until they change this approach - sadly I don't think that they will as for some reason that completely escapes me, it seems to work - I just do not understand why so many people put up with it...
Elephant42 wrote: »
Well I've never been one to avoid eating humble pie when I deserve to but it looks like I may have been slightly over zealous in my opposition to the jewellery upgrade mat situation.
...Upgrading to gold is still a far far distant dream for most of us...