Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Please limit the anniversary event. It is damaging the economy

  • Marginis
    A little late but I guess I'll chime in.

    I'm okay with more items being infused into the game's ecosystem, if the items are limited time, so that more players are able to get and benefit from said items, because as long as I have these items as well, I take no pleasure from stopping others from also having them and enjoying their use. The view that others should be more limited in this way seems unnecessary and selfish, and misguided in how in interprets the eventual effects of such a policy were it implemented.

    That's all I got.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • zaria
    Inarre wrote: »
    itscompton wrote: »
    Skwor wrote: »
    lygerseye wrote: »
    And I used to think RPers were truly a niche player-type. This has got to be the nichest of the niche. You do you, man.

    Just don’t expect the other 99.9% to accommodate you.

    You would be shocked at the number of people who play ESO economy. This is evidenced by the not insignificant amount of high end trade guilds that require over 100k in sale a week.

    Mournhold is THE trading hub on PS4 and I'm in a guild that is there every week and have been in others that are there consistently and not a single one of those "high end" trade guilds have any such requirement for sales. All they require is you pay your dues each week.

    Most guilds on pc Na have several ways to meet reqs. Usually a sales minimum is available and if you don't meet it you can opt to pay dues or supplement your minimum with that. So it's the same thing just different route of contribution.
    Same on PC EU, brave cats, 10K sales or 1K donation. Rawl'kha trader.

    Note that pc has addon who let you monitor trade this makes it far easier to monitor activity.
    Lots of console guild require donations to avoid the paperwork.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Ohtimbar
    forever stuck in combat
  • Drachenfier
    Skwor wrote: »
    ESO has one of the best economies of any MMO I have played.

    ESO has a garbage economy, based on keeping the consumer from being informed (many separate traders scattered all over, so no one can actually see supply/demand/prices; awful trader interface; etc), and keeping the rich in a position of power (better trade location = more sales = more money to keep that priviledged location, etc). Yes, it's awesome for the 24/7/365 Super Pro Auction Broker™ type who loves playing Bloomberg Commodity Trader 2018. It sucks for everyone else.

    For me, this event changes little, economically. I was never going to buy your overpriced motifs, and I'm never going to sell any. I enjoy getting more styles to play Nirn Hero Barbie with, and any motifs that I can't eat on one of my crafters, will just get thrown away. /shrug

    (also, the "but how dare they get motifs that I Earned The Hard Way™" argument is silly, because those things aren't bound. Anyone can get those motifs just by buying them.)

    nooo, send to me <3
  • Dhukath
    Skwor wrote: »
    Not much point in a game if we remove any real effort or achievements. Kind of goes against all the game theory I have l have learned

    So you're saying, its wrong for people to be rewarded with motifs in the event because they haven't worked hard for them. Yet you're ok with you farming them and making loads of money from them buying from you?
  • Jhalin
    Jhalin wrote: »
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    Meh. The market needed to crash anyway. Things were way to expensive. I mean 50k for a semi rare motif page? LOL.

    This is coming from more of a seller then a buyer.

    Problem is not with motif page. Motifs are not important for gameplay. Motifs are for max cps sitting on pile of resources and dont know what to do with it.

    Crash the alchemy market. There is no justification for selling 10 columbines for 3000 gold. 100 spell potions are in 20k range. Alchemy is very important for day to day gameplay. ZOs may be intentionally kept that on high end , forcing lowbies to purchase crown supplies. Even making simple health potions costs a lot. Lowbies are bankrupt most of the time.

    ZOS isn't 'fixing' the market. The reason Columbine sells so high is because it's the core reagent for all the most common endgame potions, Immov pots (used in both PvE and PvP) and Tri pots (used in both PvE and PvP).

    Lowbies have no need to buy any supplies from the crown store. Nothing about overland PvE puts enough pressure on the player to use anything but trash pots. If they use alchemy mats before cp160, then they may as well be selling it to a vendor.

    Its not columbine. Entire alchemy basic ingredients. Columbine I just give an example.
    "Nothing about overland PvE puts enough pressure on the player to use anything but trash pots. ? "

    Ask players in level 10-50 without any CPs to justify your statement. Its one of the important reason for people to leave the game once for all. They are not going to come back. ZOs is so good at fixing anything. ZOs once grabbed money from new players they burry their heads under sand. Leaching new bies is so ridiculous in this game. ZOs only improving it.

    Experienced players are so keen in AP parcels and sell at ridiculous prices in guild store and leaching new bies. There are so many ways to earn money in this game. Alchemy should not be and never should be treated on par with legendary gears. Its bad game design.

    As a player who DID play through 1-50 with no CP (as did literally everyone else in the game), nothing in PvE questing puts enough pressure on you to use anything but trash pots.

    A new player has never needed to craft their own potions. Not before one tam when i leveled halfway to 50, and not after one tam when i finished leveling to 50. Writ reagents that people never use in potions they plan to actually use will sell for maybe 50g each. 4 potions or 20 poisons for 150g is hardly "ridiculous pricing", and its not even close to being on par with golding out gear.

    Baseless assertions with absolutely zero factual evidence are just plain sad.
  • Rittings
    It was the same last year... and it actually helped to stabilize the economy a bit last year - and this year is no different. The prices will bounce back a little. It takes care of ultra ridiculous prices - and the other motifs will bounce somewhat to maintain a more stable price in the future too :)

    I love this event... I really do.
  • DocDova
    Give us few more days of anniversary event. It's going great.
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