rustic_potato wrote: »No. A new chapter needs to bring something to the table which would make players buy it. If jewel crafting is made available to base game why buy the chapter?
no, new expansion exclusive features are common in mmo expansions and eso is no exception. Pc players know this whom have been in many mmos before and console players best get used to the way mmos operate in new expansion exclusive features. The base game is like what only 20 dollars now and its b2p, they need more money to continue developing the game.
The new zone, the new story, the new guild, the new trial, the new sets? There's a lot of other thing "expansion" can add in.
zakeehamacab16_ESO wrote: »Supporting the game through getting an expansion is hardly pay to win in any sense of the word
Most other MMOs almost "demand" that you have expansions to be able to do anything from that point on (In that level caps are often increased, and you need the expansion to keep leveling, for example).
Amusing how the most vocal people in this community seem to be the "I bought the base game 4 years ago and shouldn't have to spend anything beyond that!" people...
If no-one is paying for anything, the game would not be updated ever again
Getting a feature from an expansion (Or chapter - Whatever; Same thing, different name) is not paying to win -.-
AzraelKrieg wrote: »
Some people would have no interest in some of that stuff.
are we sure yet that jewelry crafting isnt implemented into the basegame? I mean sure we can freak out now, and then realize later that all the fuss was about nothing, because its in the base game.
Lol. And other people will argue the same thing for the sets in this chapter. There have been threads about vMA being P2W as well because of the weapons. People like you will just use their own bias and wishes to decide what is and isn't P2W and what is and isn't fine to put behind a payed expansion. Truth is, this is an expansion. An expansion brings new stuff to the game that should be appealing to people. They can't cater to your personal wishes, just like they can't cater to other person's wishes. Period. The end.
The new zone, the new story, the new guild, the new trial, the new sets? There's a lot of other thing "expansion" can add in.
The new zone, the new story, the new guild, the new trial, the new sets? There's a lot of other thing "expansion" can add in.
If so, then the devs should think harder about how to make those stories/zones/trial interesting. Not shove a basic crafting feature into the DLC.
rustic_potato wrote: »No. A new chapter needs to bring something to the table which would make players buy it. If jewel crafting is made available to base game why buy the chapter?
are we sure yet that jewelry crafting isnt implemented into the basegame? I mean sure we can freak out now, and then realize later that all the fuss was about nothing, because its in the base game.
are we sure yet that jewelry crafting isnt implemented into the basegame? I mean sure we can freak out now, and then realize later that all the fuss was about nothing, because its in the base game.
Transmute is free. Outfit is free. Housing is free. Your point is?
Also, not everyone has an abundant sum of money to spill into 1 game.
There need to be something good in the chapter to make better sells. Its a business and for them, it's about making money and we all know it. There is nothing weird in that.
Only if that band wagon makes sense though.
GiantFruitFly wrote: »
Theres already topics with people complaining that the chapter is light on content that would make them consider it an expansion, people comparing it to a glorified dlc, and saying it should come with ESO+ despite precedence from last year. It is a chapter and there has to be some big ticket features to justify it.
Jewelrycrafting is a big thing and not having it tied to having the chapter just reduces the reasons to get the chapter, further giving strength to those arguing that it isn't a chapter at all. Replayability of overworld zone and quests are problematic, some people just don't care about that stuff and/or consider it a "one and done" deal. New sets and trial are pretty much standard and if the sets aren't good then some people won't care about them anyways, or if the trial is a chore. And then some people don't like Altmer themed stuff in general.
Making it more interesting is difficult when the nature of some content means replayability or utility isn't there. If the reasons to get Summerset is sharply reduced by giving free one of the biggest features then partial refunds might as well be given out and all articles about the chapter edited. Furthermore, at this point I don't see how significantly more content can be added without risking the launch date.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
And that's perfectly fine. There are alternative ways of obtaining jewellery in-game. If someone wants the convenience of jewellery crafting, then pay the $30. Everyone can afford the price tag. It's just a question of how cheap/entitled someone is.