It doesn't necessarily, though.
Like I mentioned in another thread, the way brick was rendered in Redguard makes it look like glass shards or insect wings. Also, a drunken sailor would not know the difference between a hindwing and a forewing. The elytra wouldn't emulate stained glass so much as they would shiny, iridescent bricks.
But it's irrelevant now. There's no more theorizing what Alfiers looks like. She's here.
psychotrip wrote: »So, there’s several new images of Summerset on the official site. Curious what you all think.
I think it's strange we still haven't seen any different biomes. Wrothgar has snow in the north, massive rocky cliffs in the middle, and almost pleasant forested fields in the south. Morrowind has the swampy Ascadian isles, fire and ash in the Molag Amur region and the north, etc.
For Summerset, you see the same vegetation everywhere. The same rocky mountain cliffs. The top of the highest mountain doesn't appear very different than anywhere else. The only thing that comes to mind are some coral-like structures on a beach they showed in the trailer.
Maybe they are still hiding something, but given that all the cities look alike too, I'm not very hopeful.
But the weird man-crab is pretty cool, so there's that.
psychotrip wrote: »
Come on Faulgor, let’s not kid ourselves. We both know there’s probably only one environment on this entire landmass.
Because Zenimax doesn’t know want the hell to do with the Altmer.
We’ve already seen several cities at completely different altitudes and parts of the island. All the same biome.
Summerset was always described as a tropical island, and we have yet to see even a single palm tree. If everything's recycled form Auridon anyway, why couldn't they recycle something from Khenarthi's Roost as well ...
I have a feeling I'll be spending most of my time here with the weird crab-buddy.
Summerset was always described as a tropical island, and we have yet to see even a single palm tree. If everything's recycled form Auridon anyway, why couldn't they recycle something from Khenarthi's Roost as well ...
I have a feeling I'll be spending most of my time here with the weird crab-buddy.
Can you color the coral different colors? all brownish sand coral looks dull
psychotrip wrote: »
Jesus Christ, even the coral is gray? This is actually just funny now.
Well, dead coral is often grey.
Doesn't have to be though, and they still went for it.
It's like they have a secret pact with Jyggalag to propagate the Greymarch.
Summerset was always described as a tropical island, and we have yet to see even a single palm tree. If everything's recycled form Auridon anyway, why couldn't they recycle something from Khenarthi's Roost as well ...
I have a feeling I'll be spending most of my time here with the weird crab-buddy.
there is living vibrant land coral in vvardenfell that is vibrant.
psychotrip wrote: »So, there’s several new images of Summerset on the official site. Curious what you all think.
For me, the weird monster is pretty awesome, but other than that everything they’re showing us just lacks...personality. I mean, just thematically, what seperates Summerset from the rest of Tamriel? What makes it unique? It’s just so weird going from Morrowind, Hammerfell, Orsinium, to...medieval europe version 378.
TelvanniWizard wrote: »
Well, the architecture shwon is jus the same european stuff we have already seen. Disappointing. The robes though, are really nice. Perhaps I have found something that subtitutes trinimac robes for a Telvanni wizard.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »The Elf architecture strikes me as very Italian. There are even some examples of this with the Dunmer, although I would argue their style is more influenced by India, Thailand, China and other Asian nations. I'm speaking purely to the stupa-like designs and such, the paper lanterns, the pointy edges, the kris-dagger style swords and points on buildings, etc. Clearly Dunmer are an odd example as they have quite a bit of bug-and-mushroom fantasy going on but I can still see elements of the Roman in their styles. What I find interesting however is that the Ayleids were at one point very much the same people as the Altmer. One presumes that the Ayleid was a proto-Altmer or Aldmer originally and that this race of elves were very much the cousin of the Altmer. When you see their ruins and sculptures they look Greco-Roman. I am not at all shocked by the appearance of some of the structures that I admit I would like to see some of the strange corals and sweeping wings and swirling bits and doodads, particularly given the oddity of the more striking Dunmer structures. Their representation of the isle of Artaeum does in a manner begin to go into that realm I think.
(As an aside I find it interesting some of the ancient Indian style architecture of the Nedes, which is interesting because part of what the Proto-Indians were was actually Greek.).
Its many things, gothic in origin mainly, and there histerically enough is a providence called somerset in england that has a town that looks almost like this in game.
Though I do wish it would have retained an organic style like what valenwood and morrowind have.
I recolor one picture, choose TES: Skyrims color of malachite, witch no so bright and saturated, to avoid Emerald city look.
Thinking a bit more about it, I think the most fitting material for Altmer that has these shining, rainbow-like qualities is not glass or crystal or gold, but nacre/mother of pearl.
It's much more subdued, and fits the marine culture of the Altmer perfectly. Nacre mosaics are also pretty common in our world, so it shouldn't have been too strange for ZOS to think of.
As Morian explained, the High Elves strive for a simple elegance in their designs, in which flowing lines reflect graceful forms from the natural world. More-or-less abstract birds, flowers, and sea shells are common motifs, rendered in rich but muted colors. Armor will be tooled or embossed to represent scales or feathers, and even heavy cuirasses and helmets may sport stylized wings or beaks.
psychotrip wrote: »Jesus Christ, even the coral is gray? This is actually just funny now.
To @FaulgorThinking a bit more about it, I think the most fitting material for Altmer that has these shining, rainbow-like qualities is not glass or crystal or gold, but nacre/mother of pearl.
It's much more subdued, and fits the marine culture of the Altmer perfectly. Nacre mosaics are also pretty common in our world, so it shouldn't have been too strange for ZOS to think of.
I recolored one picture, chose TES: Skyrims color of malachite, which no so bright and saturated, to avoid Emerald city look.Spoiler
Interesting thing, on one of the concept arts shown in the videos, building have green roof, but grey on another concept art.Spoiler
There is no chance that 3D models of the building will be redone, but ZOS can change some textures. For example they can make roof tiles made of glass, that used in armor.
It can be only on major buildings:Spoiler
Or at all buildings:Spoiler
I think it's pretty easy to do, and it will add uniqueness to the Summerset towns and will fit lore: "made from glass or insect wings" and "a hypnotic swirl of ramparts and impossibly high towers, designed to catch the light of the sun and break it to its component colors, which lies draped across its stones until you are thankful for nightfall".