Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Suspensions for Update 17 XP Exploit

  • visionality
    Turelus wrote: »
    As I and others have said in this thread everyone will take what you say with a pinch of salt because it's the same in every game that a ban/suspension wave is given. There will be a number of people who claimed they were wrongly targeted, some may be true, others may be lies but other than the player and the company no one else can see the evidence to make an informed choice.

    To be fair, if @Emma_Overload was in IC with 1000+ cps on a fully leveled character, its hard to see where ZOS found an exploit because she really gained no advantage. Playing there for hours and not noticing that something was off with your XP sounds a bit weak in my ears, but then its ZOS and who knows what they are trying next to make IC more attractive?

    I'm more concerned about the biasness ZOS is displaying.
    - For the IC-XP-bug they instantly shut down the server and pulled out a 14-days+-ban-hammer for everybody who was unlucky enough to go there on patch day.
    - For the Cyro-queue-bug they did not even care enough to reset the campaign, never mention pulling out a 14-days+-ban on every player who continued playing when the queue was obviously bugged. Although by definition this was a massive exploit.
  • Emma_Overload
    Turelus wrote: »
    I was honestlt expecting zos to let these players keep their hundreds of unusable cp. Either way, I'm glad to see something improve
    Yeah this is the most important thing and a great change to see. With past exploits people have sadly kept some of the gains. The last few ZOS has acted on seems like they're getting better at stripping away gains as well.
    You sound like you are unwilling to listen to reason or give anyone the benefit of the doubt. In any civilized country, the accused are considered innocent until proven guilty. Nobody can prove i intended to accumulate extra XP by exploiting a bug, therefore I should be considered innocent, and my suspension should be rescinded.
    You've already been found guilty though by the judge and jury (ZOS). You're now trying to appeal to the general public that you've been wrongly accused.
    If you're not happy you need to speak to the only people who can help you, ZOS. It doesn't matter if we believe you innocent or not because we can't do anything for you.

    As I and others have said in this thread everyone will take what you say with a pinch of salt because it's the same in every game that a ban/suspension wave is given. There will be a number of people who claimed they were wrongly targeted, some may be true, others may be lies but other than the player and the company no one else can see the evidence to make an informed choice.

    As stated earlier, I did file a ticket with ZOS support. I received an uninformative form letter in return.

    I'm commenting on this thread for two reasons:

    1) This is an official thread started and stickied by a ZOS employee. Therefore, I have a reasonable expectation that ZOS is monitoring this thread. Commenting here may be my best chance of attracting the attention of a human employee who can address my grievance.

    2) I feel a responsibility to inform other players of my experiences. What's happened to me is terribly unfair, and it could happen to ANYBODY. It has been indisputably established that this so-called exploit required no special effort or unusual action whatsoever on the part of the player. Players have a right to know that they can be accused of exploiting and punished simply for playing the game as they normally do.

    You say that I've already been found "guilty". Then what is the point of this "investigation"? Why wait until March 5th to tell us anything if they've already made up their minds? As long is there is still hope of a satisfactory resolution, I will keep making the case for my innocence whenever and wherever I can.

    Edited by Emma_Overload on February 21, 2018 10:00AM
  • DoctorESO
    Diminish wrote: »
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    Diminish wrote: »
    People take advantage of exploit created by game developer; players get suspended within hours.

    People run bots for months on end exploiting the economy; players remain to this day performing the same exploit.

    /ZoS logic

    I'm guessing it's probably easier to detect the exploiters. Run a query to see who gained millions or billions of experience points in X amount of hours = proof that the exploit was used. Just like someone who speeds. But run a query to see who farmed a thousand crafting materials is not equal to proof of botting. Now, if character's movements were logged, one could run a query to see who repeats the same exact movement over and over again. But I doubt those logs exist. And even if they did, the botters could add some random moves, and it would be a battle between ZOS and the botters to out-script each other.

    Yeah, cause tracking 20 players all running the exact same route for hours on end is hard to track.

    How would they track the players? And how would they identify the players to track? Much more difficult than merely running a simple query on existing data.

    Simply logging in and visiting any one of the COUNTLESS locations the very people on this forum have reported bots at. If they used in-game reporting then they can log where the targeted character is standing. Its not rocket science; ZoS just dont give a **** unless they are using players as a scapegoat to obfuscate their development mishaps. Banning/Suspending ANYONE for this, innocent or not, leaves a very sour taste in my mouth. They messed up, not the players. Players didnt exploit anything. They didn't circumvent the game design. ZoS simply screwed up and now points their finger at players who noticed.

    I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you...I'm just answering the other person's question and saying that reading reports, finding the most reported people, and then logging in and watching people is not automatic. But running a simple query on existing data is very simple - that's why these exploiters got banned but the bots have not.
  • DoctorESO
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    Part of the purpose of these suspensions is to send a message to would-be exploiters and tell the community that exploitive behavior will not be tolerated. There will always be exploits given the updates to the game, but hopefully, this message reduces the number of future exploiters and makes all the non-exploiters feel a sense of fairness and justice.


    I didn't "exploit" anything, but I still got suspended. Why would I feel "feel a sense of fairness and justice"? I don't have any black marks on my record, as far as I know, so I don't expect to be banned. Even so, this experience will leave a bad taste in my mouth for a long time.

    The only people who were exploiting were the ones who went down to IC with the intention of racking up extra XP. I went down to the IC simply because that's where I always like to play, as numerous players have attested in this thread and elsewhere on the forum. People who claim that it's impossible that I didn't noticed the XP bug are wrong:

    1) The XP notification is small and fades out. If you look at the forum thread where the bug was posted, there is a screenshot that shows that the notification didn't even say "1,900,000 XP" or "1.9 MILLION XP", it just said "1.9m XP". It's not that noticeable.

    2) As I've said before, and others have said in this thread who didn't even get suspended, CP increases are not that noteworthy when you are already way past the cap. Why would my brain be trained to notice a brief alert to a "gain" that doesn't positively affect my character at all?

    I won't dispute that were probably some players who were exploiting the bug intentionally, probably to quickly level lowbie toons. However, I was one of them, and it makes me really angry to see that I'm being lumped in with those people through no fault of my own.

    Hmm...did you try contacting support? Or are they pretty much like "you met the threshold, and therefore you are presumed to have exploited, end of story"?

    Yes, I sent a ticket yesterday and got a response today. The response was a form letter that only reiterated what was in their initial letter. They didn't ask me any questions or give me a chance to tell my side of the story.

    Maybe you can respond to that ticket and request elevation? I'm sorry you got caught up in this. Nothing like an innocent person being accused of having some malice and being lumped with cheaters.
  • Marabornwingrion
    Anyone seen the latest Alcast achievement videos he uploaded today or yesterday? He´s been playing with a guy/gal with 1831 CP. I don´t say this person cheated, but 1831 ....

    And what? For someone who plays everyday since beta having 1000+ CP isn't something weird lol
  • Turelus
    Anyone seen the latest Alcast achievement videos he uploaded today or yesterday? He´s been playing with a guy/gal with 1831 CP. I don´t say this person cheated, but 1831 ....
    Some people were in the thousands before the CP cap/XP curve was introduced. This isn't even the highest a player is known to have.

    You say that I've already been found "guilty". Then what is the point of this "investigation"? Why wait until March 5th to tell us anything if they've already made up their minds? As long is there is still hope of a satisfactory resolution, I will keep making the case for my innocence whenever and wherever I can.
    From my understanding of the situation those on suspensions have been deemed guilty of exploiting and have a base penalty of 14 days out of the game. Then the investigation side is aimed at seeing how much each person benefited from it and what should be removed as well as checking if anyone is a repeat offender who will not have the suspension lifted.

    If this is your first offence then it's likely your case will end in you account being made active again on the 5th with any CP gained removed and a mark to say you've had a suspension in the past.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Elsonso
    Yes, I sent a ticket yesterday and got a response today. The response was a form letter that only reiterated what was in their initial letter. They didn't ask me any questions or give me a chance to tell my side of the story.

    If you honestly believe that you were not deliberately exploiting, then in my opinion, you need to tell them why. They won't ask. As @Turelus has said, they already examined you and decided that your account needs to be addressed. Your desired outcome is to get the "mark" removed.
    - For the Cyro-queue-bug they did not even care enough to reset the campaign, never mention pulling out a 14-days+-ban on every player who continued playing when the queue was obviously bugged. Although by definition this was a massive exploit.

    Who knows. They might. Not against the other alliance players that continued to play, but perhaps for the people who might have caused that queue problem.

    "Players who are queued for Cyrodiil and have group members go offline will now have their queue paused until the offline members are removed by the group leader."

    This makes it sound like it is possible that someone discovered this bug and exploited it in order to prevent players from entering Cyrodiil. That is worthy of a glorious ban, if someone was found to be doing that.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • anitajoneb17_ESO

    You argued tooth and nail on other threads.. You said they did nothing wrong, they should have no punishment, they should keep the cp gained, ZOS is to blame 100% and more..

    Now you are here saying this is a fine outcome.

    What happened to the "no bans even for people who got to 3200" and "they should keep the cp"..

    Been missing you too hun'.

    - I was arguing against the furious "ban 'em all" that was going on on other threads.
    - I still believe there should have been no punishment at all
    - ZOS banned noone, just suspended a few for a short time
    - Hence I also argue "let it be", against the furious "it's unfaiiiiiiiir" that's going on in this thread.

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    You apparently missed the part of my comments where I said I didn't know anything about any unusual XP gain. When you're over the CP cap, there is nothing exciting or interesting about gaining more CP. I simply don't pay any attention to it. Why would I react to something I didn't know about?

    I assure you I missed nothing and addressed it directly. No one expects you to watch your XP. Getting a CP here or there is nothing to be alarmed by nor would it be of notice when over CP cap. Getting multiple CP with every mob killed is another matter entirely. If the alarming rate at which they were being literally spammed across your screen was not enough to react to then I hope it leads to greater awareness in the future.

    Even at 1000 CP you would gain a few CP per kill due to the XP formula. After killing a few packs of mobs and gaining 30+ CP such a thing becomes apparent due to the repetition and frequency of the events.

    @LordSemaj : there are add-ons that block the on-screen announcement for CPs. You could earn 1000 of them in a minute and not be aware of it at all. That's what @Emma_Overload is referring to.

    @Emma_Overload : it's hopeless. Try it with ZOS, but here in this forum, once people have declared everyone else guilty, they shut off any kind of understanding for anything.

  • Feanor
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    You apparently missed the part of my comments where I said I didn't know anything about any unusual XP gain. When you're over the CP cap, there is nothing exciting or interesting about gaining more CP. I simply don't pay any attention to it. Why would I react to something I didn't know about?

    I assure you I missed nothing and addressed it directly. No one expects you to watch your XP. Getting a CP here or there is nothing to be alarmed by nor would it be of notice when over CP cap. Getting multiple CP with every mob killed is another matter entirely. If the alarming rate at which they were being literally spammed across your screen was not enough to react to then I hope it leads to greater awareness in the future.

    Even at 1000 CP you would gain a few CP per kill due to the XP formula. After killing a few packs of mobs and gaining 30+ CP such a thing becomes apparent due to the repetition and frequency of the events.

    @LordSemaj : there are add-ons that block the on-screen announcement for CPs. You could earn 1000 of them in a minute and not be aware of it at all. That's what @Emma_Overload is referring to.

    @Emma_Overload : it's hopeless. Try it with ZOS, but here in this forum, once people have declared everyone else guilty, they shut off any kind of understanding for anything.

    That’s the best excuse so far. Very creative.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 50 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1900+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • LordSemaj
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    You apparently missed the part of my comments where I said I didn't know anything about any unusual XP gain. When you're over the CP cap, there is nothing exciting or interesting about gaining more CP. I simply don't pay any attention to it. Why would I react to something I didn't know about?

    I assure you I missed nothing and addressed it directly. No one expects you to watch your XP. Getting a CP here or there is nothing to be alarmed by nor would it be of notice when over CP cap. Getting multiple CP with every mob killed is another matter entirely. If the alarming rate at which they were being literally spammed across your screen was not enough to react to then I hope it leads to greater awareness in the future.

    Even at 1000 CP you would gain a few CP per kill due to the XP formula. After killing a few packs of mobs and gaining 30+ CP such a thing becomes apparent due to the repetition and frequency of the events.

    LordSemaj : there are add-ons that block the on-screen announcement for CPs. You could earn 1000 of them in a minute and not be aware of it at all. That's what Emma_Overload is referring to.

    Emma_Overload : it's hopeless. Try it with ZOS, but here in this forum, once people have declared everyone else guilty, they shut off any kind of understanding for anything.

    No it's not as she never said she was running one of those, ZOS can verify whether she was, and it's more excuses that we the public cannot verify or side with. Considering the post I quoted LITERALLY described how small the XP gains are on her screen along with the mental training to ignore the CP gains, they were clearly not disabled.

    Guilty parties tend to be overly obsessed with the case and take it to the public eye to garner support. This is not Twitter and we're not discussing social justice. This is a private company with a private ban appeal that can only be handled through ZOS and no amount of obsessing over it publicly is going to lend credence to the player being innocent.
    - Hence I also argue "let it be", against the furious "it's unfaiiiiiiiir" that's going on in this thread.
    If that is your stance, then return the favor. The comments roll in because the excuses do as well. People who are innocent tend to place faith in the fact that they have done nothing wrong. It's the ones who know they have that fly into a panic.
    Edited by LordSemaj on February 21, 2018 12:19PM
  • Elsonso
    LordSemaj : there are add-ons that block the on-screen announcement for CPs. You could earn 1000 of them in a minute and not be aware of it at all. That's what Emma_Overload is referring to.

    Exactly. This is why people who use that sort of add-on and really had no idea what was happening as they were playing, need to proactively take that to ZOS and tell them. ZOS has said they can tell what add-ons are being used, and hopefully that means they can tell that an account has been using a particular add-on. That should be enough to at least seed a doubt. Whether it is enough to deflect an incoming "demerit" is the question.

    LordSemaj wrote: »
    People who are innocent tend to place faith in the fact that they have done nothing wrong. It's the ones who know they have that fly into a panic.

    Almost. People who are convicted of something they did not do will also exhibit this behavior. Every one of those 200+ accounts represents a convicted player, and they are awaiting final sentencing. This is the time for them to start a "panic" (aka appeal)
    Edited by Elsonso on February 21, 2018 12:27PM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Reverb
    I use an addon to suppress the CP earned messages, because I'm well above the cap and don't care. But every time I earn one, the CP bar it still flashes in the upper left corner and changes to the next color to be earned before fading out, notification suppression doesn't override that piece of the native UI.

    I would absolutely notice if that flash in the corner were happening over and over and over for 2 hours. I find it very unlikely that anyone would not notice. Possible I suppose, but unlikely enough that I find it very difficult to believe anyone who claims to have benefitted from this ridiculously inflated xp gain for hours and not noticed.
    Edited by Reverb on February 21, 2018 1:49PM
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • LordSemaj
    Almost. People who are convicted of something they did not do will also exhibit this behavior. Every one of those 200+ accounts represents a convicted player, and they are awaiting final sentencing. This is the time for them to start a "panic" (aka appeal)
    Appeals are through ZOS, not the public. The panic here is attempting to sway public opinion. We call that damage control.
  • Easily_Lost
    I am a little ( or a lot ) late to the conversation. But here is my 2 cents worth.
    I feel that they exploited a bug, and got what they deserved. It could have been worse, like delete that character they were using at the time, ZOS could have wiped the whole account.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    - Hence I also argue "let it be", against the furious "it's unfaiiiiiiiir" that's going on in this thread.
    If that is your stance, then return the favor. The comments roll in because the excuses do as well. People who are innocent tend to place faith in the fact that they have done nothing wrong. It's the ones who know they have that fly into a panic.

    I am well aware that "guilty" people will claim their "innocence" along with the true innocents.
    That's no reason to declare everyone guilty.
    The only correct stance for any of us is to say "sorry, I cannot know what's true and what's not".

    LordSemaj : there are add-ons that block the on-screen announcement for CPs. You could earn 1000 of them in a minute and not be aware of it at all. That's what Emma_Overload is referring to.

    Exactly. This is why people who use that sort of add-on and really had no idea what was happening as they were playing, need to proactively take that to ZOS and tell them. ZOS has said they can tell what add-ons are being used, and hopefully that means they can tell that an account has been using a particular add-on. That should be enough to at least seed a doubt. Whether it is enough to deflect an incoming "demerit" is the question.

    I'm no IT technician but I doubt ZOS can see the existence of any addon that only manages the UI - which means, that doesn't exchange any information with the server.
    Unfortunately I'm afraid there's no mean for ZOS to tell right from wrong either. Which is why I was against any wave of punishment in the first place - but we've discussed that on other threads already.
    The "good" side is that it is rather short and temporary. As much as I feel for people wrongly suspended, because unfairness is a hard thing, they must realize how short TWO WEEKS are, and if they freak out over not playing ESO for two weeks, that's a little bit over the top. Just call it an "accident" and live with it.

    I'm still concerned though about those "bugs" that are exploitable and that we might not notice. I feel lucky to have been on EU and not even in IC that day, because it could have been me not noticing. And I'll feel quite insecure playing on patch day from now on - which I shouldn't. I should feel excited and be in exploration and discovery mood on patch day...

  • VaranisArano
    Whenever Ive needed to contact an actual person, escalating and continuing to respond to the emails ZOS sends has been the best way to do so. I imagine that the appeal works the same way.
  • Elsonso
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    Almost. People who are convicted of something they did not do will also exhibit this behavior. Every one of those 200+ accounts represents a convicted player, and they are awaiting final sentencing. This is the time for them to start a "panic" (aka appeal)
    Appeals are through ZOS, not the public. The panic here is attempting to sway public opinion. We call that damage control.

    Not entirely damage control, either. If someone is guilty, and they know it, it is damage control. If someone is innocent, it starts from insecurity due to a wrongful situation they feel they have no control over. Humans tend to run to the herd for support in such situations.

    To the herd, though, it is not possible to tell the difference between a liar and the innocent. Some will tend to believe one over the other. I always advocate going to ZOS. People who go before the herd with their pleas could be forever branded as guilty, even if ZOS finds them innocent. The guilty have nothing to lose by this. They are guilty. The innocent have everything to lose.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • LordSemaj
    I am well aware that "guilty" people will claim their "innocence" along with the true innocents.
    That's no reason to declare everyone guilty.
    The only correct stance for any of us is to say "sorry, I cannot know what's true and what's not".
    Then I recommend you review the thread as the majority of the comments fall under addressing one of the following:

    - Appropriate action was taken by ZOS to curb cheating, whether the people affected were in fact cheating is not of concern
    - Comments attempting to exonerate can be viewed in another light from the perspective of guilt and are inadmissible
    - Pointing out that excuses presented are flimsy and easily said of anyone looking to sweep the matter under the rug
    - Theorizing explanations for why people may or may not have been in the wrong
    - Claims of being innocent when "we cannot know what's true and what's not"
    - Hatred against ZOS for taking the actions prescribed on account of fairness or the wide net cast by personal perception

    There's no one that I see declaring everyone guilty. There are remarks pertaining to the tendencies of the guilty, comments exposing excuses as invalid testimony, and a whole lot of disbelief of anything written by the accused given that "We cannot know what's true and what's not".

    What I do see is a lot of social engineering to generate support one way or the other. Why do you personally feel this has become a witch hunt when it's thus far merely a discussion of facts or the lack thereof?
  • Emma_Overload
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    Almost. People who are convicted of something they did not do will also exhibit this behavior. Every one of those 200+ accounts represents a convicted player, and they are awaiting final sentencing. This is the time for them to start a "panic" (aka appeal)
    Appeals are through ZOS, not the public. The panic here is attempting to sway public opinion. We call that damage control.

    This is the last time I'm going to respond to your posts, because I'm tired of your insults. I already stated the two reasons I'm posting in this thread, and they have nothing to do with public opinion or damage control. I want ZOS to engage in a discussion with me about my case, and I want other players to know about my situation because what happened to me could happen to them.

    Lastly, your comment that "Guilty parties tend to be overly obsessed with the case and take it to the public eye to garner support" is totally unsupported and nonsensical. Out of the 267 accused parties, nobody has been making nearly as big a stink about it as I have. By your (faulty) logic, that would mean I was guilty, but the vast majority of them are innocent because they haven't come to the forums to complain!? LOL, dude, just sit down. You have no idea who is guilty or innocent.

    Edited by Emma_Overload on February 21, 2018 1:16PM
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    There's no one that I see declaring everyone guilty.

    Here's one, right on this page (and dozens of them altogether in the thread)
    I feel that they exploited a bug, and got what they deserved.

    LordSemaj wrote: »
    Why do you personally feel this has become a witch hunt when it's thus far merely a discussion of facts or the lack thereof?

    Because it IS a witch hunt.
    You're the best proof of it when you say the the loudest people claiming their innocence and explaining why have to be the most panicked and therefore the most guilty. That's a basic wrong and illogical assumption that's typical of witch hunts.
  • LordSemaj
    This is the last time I'm going to respond to your posts, because I'm tired of your insults.
    What insults? This is a discussion of facts and if you're taking the matter personally then back away and refrain from commenting. People posting here have shown that your given excuses are not infallible. You keep claiming this could have happened to anyone while several people have shown that anyone can also have claimed your position. You keep stating that you did not notice the gains while several people have demonstrated how that seems very unlikely given your own description of the events.

    What's totally unsupported here is every remark attempting to shed responsibility for these events. As has been repeatedly addressed, including by me, take it up with ZOS directly as this is the wrong forum for that exchange. If your goal was simply to bring the matter into light, you accomplished that with your very first post and these ones that further try to defend your position are not helping your case. If you wish to defend yourself, realize there will be others who would poke holes in that defense given how malleable it really is.

    My one and only position on this matter is that I cannot know what to believe or not believe. What I can know is how strong a presented case is or how demonstrably ludicrous it would be to accept as the reality. As I said already, fully embracing the possibility of innocence, if this is how it played for you then I would prescribe the best remedy to be greater awareness in the future.
    I'm no IT technician but I doubt ZOS can see the existence of any addon that only manages the UI - which means, that doesn't exchange any information with the server.
    Indeed, it's your assumption that no information is exchanged with the server. I recommend reading this in your free time as it may change your "doubtful" position to "possibly". Even a third party cheat sometimes communicate with their original owners which allowed developers to track their usage. Unlike a third party application, ZOS has incorporated addons into their game and has full control over how or whether they communicate at all.

    The only correct stance for any of us is to say "sorry, I cannot know what's true and what's not".
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    This is the last time I'm going to respond to your posts, because I'm tired of your insults.
    What insults? This is a discussion of facts and if you're taking the matter personally then back away and refrain from commenting.

    Are you aware that there's an "ignore" button which you can use to prevent you from seeing comments that you don't like ?
    It's much more efficient - and also much more polite than telling people to shut up.
    Emma has every right to defend her position here. Without you wrongly and rudely implying that it makes her case worse.

  • VaranisArano
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    Almost. People who are convicted of something they did not do will also exhibit this behavior. Every one of those 200+ accounts represents a convicted player, and they are awaiting final sentencing. This is the time for them to start a "panic" (aka appeal)
    Appeals are through ZOS, not the public. The panic here is attempting to sway public opinion. We call that damage control.

    I already stated the two reasons I'm posting in this thread, and they have nothing to do with public opinion or damage control. I want ZOS to engage in a discussion with me about my case, and I want other players to know about my situation because what happened to me could happen to them.

    If you want ZOS to discuss your case with you, the only place to do that is with ZOS because ZOS, by and large, does not discuss any disciplinary actions with the whole community except in a very bare bones fashion. Therefore, the only way for you to have that discussion with ZOS is in private through your appeal.

    Furthermore, the fact that ZOS will not discuss their disciplinary actions makes it impossible for any of us in the community that you want to inform to get anything other than a one-sided perspective on the situation from your perspective. I don't have the data or the information to judge your honesty. Only ZOS has that data. So as a player, I can't possible tell whether or not what you are saying here is true. That's not an insult, that's just being honest about the limitations of a player outside of the situation.

    So from my perspective, if you want to continue telling us about your situation thats up to you, but the only way you'll get a detailed response to your case is to take it privately to ZOS in your appeal. ZOS generally doesn't discuss these things on the forums and they already told you on the other thread to appeal.

    Also, you can continue telling us your situation if you want, but I have no way of telling whether or not your perspective (or that of any other person talking about getting suspended here) is accurate because ZOS doesn't discuss that with the forum population. You can assure me that you are telling the truth, and indeed you might be, but there is no way for me to tell whether you (or anyone else) actually is. Not calling you a liar, just pointing out that I can't actually call you not a liar either. Only ZOS can do that by accepting your version of events. I've got no way of knowing.

    From my perspective, those two things make most of the "this is my story" posting here by you and others pointless and better directed at ZOS, but its certainly up to you to continue if you think there's worth in posting it for the community to read.
  • Feanor
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    This is the last time I'm going to respond to your posts, because I'm tired of your insults.
    What insults? This is a discussion of facts and if you're taking the matter personally then back away and refrain from commenting.

    Are you aware that there's an "ignore" button which you can use to prevent you from seeing comments that you don't like ?
    It's much more efficient - and also much more polite than telling people to shut up.
    Emma has every right to defend her position here. Without you wrongly and rudely implying that it makes her case worse.

    Actually she has not. The forum community rules state clearly that discussions about specific actions on an individual account are not allowed at all.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions: If you ever have questions or concerns about a disciplinary action or decision we have made on the ESO forums, or wish to appeal a forum warning or infraction you’ve received, we ask that you please contact to do so (please specify that you are contacting about a forum-related inquiry or appeal). We are happy to discuss and review specific moderation-related actions with you, but we do not allow discussion of any moderation actions or decisions on our forums. If you have questions or concerns about an in-game disciplinary action, please contact to ask about a suspension or ban, and any other support-related feedback. We cannot assist with in-game violations on the forums.
    Edited by Feanor on February 21, 2018 1:46PM
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 50 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1900+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • jordanmarx_ESO
    I (@ashyam) came to IC as I do every day. I knew everyone would be updating their clients, so I thought IC might be deserted.... And found a group and started farming. I farmed telvar for 45 minutes before I noticed anything funny about my farming, I don't think as far as I know, the bug was in affect my entire time in IC. Then all of a sudden I started experiencing the glitch (zos calls exploit), for the first 5 minutes I was confused, the next 10 minutes I was thinking to myself, "what do I do about this, I have 20 to 30k telvar and I don't want to stop farming telvar but I don't want to experience this glitch either", I shortly realized this glitch was game breaking in IC and couldn't figure out how to avoid it. Then I told my group we could get banned, headed back to Harena Hypogeum, and reported the bug in the sewers. I have never been accused of anything like this before. If I recall correctly I experienced the glitch for 15 to 20 minutes?

    On another note: What saddens me is the affect this hunt for guilt will have on the Imperial City. This is my favorite content. Some of the best IC grinders in the game are sitting on the sidelines suspended for doing what they do every day, farming telvar. To think this won't have a negative affect on the future of IC is naive.

    I am not posting here to resolve a support ticket, I already have a support ticket open, I am here to voice my concern at the future of the IC with their best IC players being accused of farming for experience, which on its face makes no sense as IC players are usually maxed out. When someone can get suspended and not really understand how they could have avoided the suspension without using the hindsight 20/20 vision trick, this is where I think this blanket suspension has been overkill and makes me feel a bit like my bad luck on dlc drop day is being used for other political purposes.

    CP 830
    Vianus Tharn Stamblade PVE
    Swims With Sithis Magplar Solo PVP
    Traya Hlaalu Magblade PVE
    Blackhand, Dawnstar Sanctuary Guild
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    If you want ZOS to discuss your case with you, the only place to do that is with ZOS because ZOS, by and large, does not discuss any disciplinary actions with the whole community except in a very bare bones fashion. Therefore, the only way for you to have that discussion with ZOS is in private through your appeal.

    Back in the days of the "survey report abuse" and the subsequent ban wave, there have been several cases of forumers being concretely helped by the community managers to have their case analyzed in details and upped in the pile of appeals. That's a fact.

    I agree with the rest of your post that it's impossible for us forumers to tell right from wrong though. It makes such "appeal threads" uncomfortable to read.

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Feanor wrote: »
    Actually she has not. The forum community rules state clearly that discussions about specific actions on an individual account are not allowed at all.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions: If you ever have questions or concerns about a disciplinary action or decision we have made on the ESO forums, or wish to appeal a forum warning or infraction you’ve received, we ask that you please contact to do so (please specify that you are contacting about a forum-related inquiry or appeal). We are happy to discuss and review specific moderation-related actions with you, but we do not allow discussion of any moderation actions or decisions on our forums. If you have questions or concerns about an in-game disciplinary action, please contact to ask about a suspension or ban, and any other support-related feedback. We cannot assist with in-game violations on the forums.

    That's only related to forum moderation issues.
    Ingame infractions and bans ALWAYS have been discussed freely here. In general, as well as for specific accounts.

  • Feanor
    Feanor wrote: »
    Actually she has not. The forum community rules state clearly that discussions about specific actions on an individual account are not allowed at all.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions: If you ever have questions or concerns about a disciplinary action or decision we have made on the ESO forums, or wish to appeal a forum warning or infraction you’ve received, we ask that you please contact to do so (please specify that you are contacting about a forum-related inquiry or appeal). We are happy to discuss and review specific moderation-related actions with you, but we do not allow discussion of any moderation actions or decisions on our forums. If you have questions or concerns about an in-game disciplinary action, please contact to ask about a suspension or ban, and any other support-related feedback. We cannot assist with in-game violations on the forums.

    That's only related to forum moderation issues.
    Ingame infractions and bans ALWAYS have been discussed freely here. In general, as well as for specific accounts.

    It’s not. Read the last section. And threads about bans and suspension when specific accounts are discussed regularly and swiftly get closed, the most recent example being a certain PvP streamer that had been banned permanently.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 50 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1900+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Emma_Overload
    Feanor wrote: »
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    This is the last time I'm going to respond to your posts, because I'm tired of your insults.
    What insults? This is a discussion of facts and if you're taking the matter personally then back away and refrain from commenting.

    Are you aware that there's an "ignore" button which you can use to prevent you from seeing comments that you don't like ?
    It's much more efficient - and also much more polite than telling people to shut up.
    Emma has every right to defend her position here. Without you wrongly and rudely implying that it makes her case worse.

    Actually she has not. The forum community rules state clearly that discussions about specific actions on an individual account are not allowed at all.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions: If you ever have questions or concerns about a disciplinary action or decision we have made on the ESO forums, or wish to appeal a forum warning or infraction you’ve received, we ask that you please contact to do so (please specify that you are contacting about a forum-related inquiry or appeal). We are happy to discuss and review specific moderation-related actions with you, but we do not allow discussion of any moderation actions or decisions on our forums. If you have questions or concerns about an in-game disciplinary action, please contact to ask about a suspension or ban, and any other support-related feedback. We cannot assist with in-game violations on the forums.

    ZOS opened this thread themselves and did not lock it. I can only assume that they want people to discuss the issue. Doesn't it make sense for someone who has experienced the issue first hand to also comment on a thread dedicated to discussing that issue? Otherwise, am I just supposed to sit back and read disparaging remarks about the so-called "exploiters" I've been lumped in with? It's not like I have anything better to do... I can't even play the game!
This discussion has been closed.