Oh honey... Honey no...
ZOS why must you ruin the good things?
Ydrisselle wrote: »FireCowCommando wrote: »Its so great that ZoS spent all this time and thought into developing the coding and monetization for this feature instead of looking into game/server performance issues... /s
The people who made the outfit system has nothing to do with server performance. I'm sure they don't even know what to do with that.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »Oh honey... Honey no...
ZOS why must you ruin the good things?
Because ZO$ is not a charity. They are profit hungry gaming studio. Like any other. Tho instead of having P2W features like every other MMO on the market. ZOS decided to charge a lot for cosmetics. Which I see no issues with in the slightest bit.
Which means you are going to have to pay, for the things you want here. No matter how unjust, you may find them.
Your options or pretty simple.
A.) Buy it.
B.) Don't Buy it.
No one other then yourself, is forcing you to buy these items.
Why are people so upset by something that no-one forces you to spend money on? Am I missing something here?
I understand it is overpriced and it would be nicer to have it for free or cheaper but as we didn't have it before, a little bit has been given for free as part of the patch, and for most of us it won't affect the day to day gameplay, is it really worth this amount of outpouring?
I know I'm gonna get flamed here but I am genuinely flummoxed by the response
Off topic, but yet another shame. Shame!This mount stuff is another issue - it looks more and more ridiculous to me - glowing mounts, mounts with fancy particles, burning mounts - can I just have an option to "undo" them on my client - that I see them in a normal manner without fire, glow and fuzz?- And I want a switch to not have to see the new pony - how far are we from hello kitty here?
If the "1 Outfit Slot for 1500 crowns" were an account wide slot, I would buy at least 2~4, that would make the final cost being 3000~6000 crowns, per definition those could be called "THOUSANDS OF CROWNS".
Guys, there were no outfit stations before, ZOS gave you more for free, and you start your hate and even un-sub like @Mayrael
In other games players would treat developers like gods for that, but not in ESO, in ESO you only get hate.
LOLYou don't get the wider picture. I have played this game for almost four years without "outfits". Couldn't care less about them, its about practices that ZOS uses on us. They implement very anticipated system but they give just a scraps of it and force you to pay insane amounts of gold for it (insane for new, returning, casuals, many pvpers, folks that like to change their builds and so on). Many of those players will spent their money for this system. Ok thats their decision. But get ready for new updates that will be made in similar way just to became "NEW STANDARD" of introducing updates. Trust me I had seen things like that in the past.
I don't have any problem with pricing, as it's not something very interesting for me. People who like their dress-up-dolls might be fine with the price. I just don't get why they waste so much time on superficial things when the game itself could use more flavor other than character styling, home styling. I just feel like effort is made to turn ESO in to a sims game, rather than fun gameplay, combat, quests, encounters, exploration, which should be the core of MMO's, not wearing matching purple pants and shoes.
cabbageub17_ESO wrote: »If the "1 Outfit Slot for 1500 crowns" were an account wide slot, I would buy at least 2~4, that would make the final cost being 3000~6000 crowns, per definition those could be called "THOUSANDS OF CROWNS".
If it were 1500 per slot for your entire account I would buy 6 or so easily; maybe more.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »Oh honey... Honey no...
ZOS why must you ruin the good things?
Because ZO$ is not a charity. They are profit hungry gaming studio. Like any other. Tho instead of having P2W features like every other MMO on the market. ZOS decided to charge a lot for cosmetics. Which I see no issues with in the slightest bit.
Which means you are going to have to pay, for the things you want here. No matter how unjust, you may find them.
Your options or pretty simple.
A.) Buy it.
B.) Don't Buy it.
No one other then yourself, is forcing you to buy these items.
Why are people so upset by something that no-one forces you to spend money on? Am I missing something here?
I understand it is overpriced and it would be nicer to have it for free or cheaper but as we didn't have it before, a little bit has been given for free as part of the patch, and for most of us it won't affect the day to day gameplay, is it really worth this amount of outpouring?
I know I'm gonna get flamed here but I am genuinely flummoxed by the response
For some of us it affects our enjoyment of the game.
I don't do dungeons or PvP, I play ESO to RP and that includes getting my characters to look as close to how I envision them to look. For me, it's what gives me a sense of accomplishment.
So, yes, I think it's worth the "amount of outpouring".
I get that, I really do. However, you didn't have this feature before yesterday and were still presumably able to RP. So what I don't understand is how makes a difference from before you had the feature. Surely, before you had it you enjoyed the game so what has changed apart from you now get one outfit slot for free?
I am not knocking you or Role Players or any other facet of the game, I just want to understand why you are so upset about it bearing in mind it is, in principle, the same game as on Sunday
It's more a study of human reaction than anything specific to ESO
Though you have already been given a perfectly reasonable and detailed explanation as to why people are upset, I will provide additional details.
I have been playing this game since early beta. I have eagerly awaited some sort of transmog/outfitting system since the start. I had spent a great deal of time, gold, and even cash, on acquiring motifs. I have 14 characters. I was looking forward to buying several outfit slots, on several characters, to utilize all the motifs I have put so much time and effort into learning. I like variety on my characters’ appearances and it’s a huge important part of my game experience. This part is not up for debate or criticism.
This was announced by ZOS, hyped, and many of us were very excited and looking forward to the system finally arriving. And when it does, it’s priced way beyond a fair and reasonable expectation. I will say this again, as others have, to give you a comparison: Each additional outfit slot costs as much as an entire new character slot.
For me, and many others, no… it’s not the same game as it was on Sunday. We were looking forward to a very exciting system we have wanted for a very very long time. It turned out to be a huge disappointment due to inflated pricing. And personally, it has left me feeling so disdainful I cancelled my Plus membership and will be focusing on other games, unless ZOS changes their position on this.
I’m also going to add, no one should have to defend their reason for why they play a game. This forum is the primary method to communicate our thoughts of the current state of the game to ZOS. So that’s why you have 13+ pages of outpouring.
Why are people so upset by something that no-one forces you to spend money on? Am I missing something here?
I understand it is overpriced and it would be nicer to have it for free or cheaper but as we didn't have it before, a little bit has been given for free as part of the patch, and for most of us it won't affect the day to day gameplay, is it really worth this amount of outpouring?
I know I'm gonna get flamed here but I am genuinely flummoxed by the response
For some of us it affects our enjoyment of the game.
I don't do dungeons or PvP, I play ESO to RP and that includes getting my characters to look as close to how I envision them to look. For me, it's what gives me a sense of accomplishment.
So, yes, I think it's worth the "amount of outpouring".
I get that, I really do. However, you didn't have this feature before yesterday and were still presumably able to RP. So what I don't understand is how makes a difference from before you had the feature. Surely, before you had it you enjoyed the game so what has changed apart from you now get one outfit slot for free?
I am not knocking you or Role Players or any other facet of the game, I just want to understand why you are so upset about it bearing in mind it is, in principle, the same game as on Sunday
It's more a study of human reaction than anything specific to ESO
Though you have already been given a perfectly reasonable and detailed explanation as to why people are upset, I will provide additional details.
I have been playing this game since early beta. I have eagerly awaited some sort of transmog/outfitting system since the start. I had spent a great deal of time, gold, and even cash, on acquiring motifs. I have 14 characters. I was looking forward to buying several outfit slots, on several characters, to utilize all the motifs I have put so much time and effort into learning. I like variety on my characters’ appearances and it’s a huge important part of my game experience. This part is not up for debate or criticism.
This was announced by ZOS, hyped, and many of us were very excited and looking forward to the system finally arriving. And when it does, it’s priced way beyond a fair and reasonable expectation. I will say this again, as others have, to give you a comparison: Each additional outfit slot costs as much as an entire new character slot.
For me, and many others, no… it’s not the same game as it was on Sunday. We were looking forward to a very exciting system we have wanted for a very very long time. It turned out to be a huge disappointment due to inflated pricing. And personally, it has left me feeling so disdainful I cancelled my Plus membership and will be focusing on other games, unless ZOS changes their position on this.
I’m also going to add, no one should have to defend their reason for why they play a game. This forum is the primary method to communicate our thoughts of the current state of the game to ZOS. So that’s why you have 13+ pages of outpouring.
Actually you are right. It's not the same game as Sunday. ZOS have given you stuff for free!! And you moan because you want more for free or on the cheap without any thought about how much it cost to develop your free gifts in the first place. Was trying to keep this light and positive with a general question but hey I guess some of you are too bitter.
I personally think to balance this the cost to change your one free outfit should be a lot less. At least in line with the cost that other MMOs charge for their outfit designers.
Why are people so upset by something that no-one forces you to spend money on? Am I missing something here?
I understand it is overpriced and it would be nicer to have it for free or cheaper but as we didn't have it before, a little bit has been given for free as part of the patch, and for most of us it won't affect the day to day gameplay, is it really worth this amount of outpouring?
I know I'm gonna get flamed here but I am genuinely flummoxed by the response
For some of us it affects our enjoyment of the game.
I don't do dungeons or PvP, I play ESO to RP and that includes getting my characters to look as close to how I envision them to look. For me, it's what gives me a sense of accomplishment.
So, yes, I think it's worth the "amount of outpouring".
I get that, I really do. However, you didn't have this feature before yesterday and were still presumably able to RP. So what I don't understand is how makes a difference from before you had the feature. Surely, before you had it you enjoyed the game so what has changed apart from you now get one outfit slot for free?
I am not knocking you or Role Players or any other facet of the game, I just want to understand why you are so upset about it bearing in mind it is, in principle, the same game as on Sunday
It's more a study of human reaction than anything specific to ESO
Though you have already been given a perfectly reasonable and detailed explanation as to why people are upset, I will provide additional details.
I have been playing this game since early beta. I have eagerly awaited some sort of transmog/outfitting system since the start. I had spent a great deal of time, gold, and even cash, on acquiring motifs. I have 14 characters. I was looking forward to buying several outfit slots, on several characters, to utilize all the motifs I have put so much time and effort into learning. I like variety on my characters’ appearances and it’s a huge important part of my game experience. This part is not up for debate or criticism.
This was announced by ZOS, hyped, and many of us were very excited and looking forward to the system finally arriving. And when it does, it’s priced way beyond a fair and reasonable expectation. I will say this again, as others have, to give you a comparison: Each additional outfit slot costs as much as an entire new character slot.
For me, and many others, no… it’s not the same game as it was on Sunday. We were looking forward to a very exciting system we have wanted for a very very long time. It turned out to be a huge disappointment due to inflated pricing. And personally, it has left me feeling so disdainful I cancelled my Plus membership and will be focusing on other games, unless ZOS changes their position on this.
I’m also going to add, no one should have to defend their reason for why they play a game. This forum is the primary method to communicate our thoughts of the current state of the game to ZOS. So that’s why you have 13+ pages of outpouring.
Actually you are right. It's not the same game as Sunday. ZOS have given you stuff for free!! And you moan because you want more for free or on the cheap without any thought about how much it cost to develop your free gifts in the first place. Was trying to keep this light and positive with a general question but hey I guess some of you are too bitter.
Why are people so upset by something that no-one forces you to spend money on? Am I missing something here?
I understand it is overpriced and it would be nicer to have it for free or cheaper but as we didn't have it before, a little bit has been given for free as part of the patch, and for most of us it won't affect the day to day gameplay, is it really worth this amount of outpouring?
I know I'm gonna get flamed here but I am genuinely flummoxed by the response
For some of us it affects our enjoyment of the game.
I don't do dungeons or PvP, I play ESO to RP and that includes getting my characters to look as close to how I envision them to look. For me, it's what gives me a sense of accomplishment.
So, yes, I think it's worth the "amount of outpouring".
I get that, I really do. However, you didn't have this feature before yesterday and were still presumably able to RP. So what I don't understand is how makes a difference from before you had the feature. Surely, before you had it you enjoyed the game so what has changed apart from you now get one outfit slot for free?
I am not knocking you or Role Players or any other facet of the game, I just want to understand why you are so upset about it bearing in mind it is, in principle, the same game as on Sunday
It's more a study of human reaction than anything specific to ESO
Though you have already been given a perfectly reasonable and detailed explanation as to why people are upset, I will provide additional details.
I have been playing this game since early beta. I have eagerly awaited some sort of transmog/outfitting system since the start. I had spent a great deal of time, gold, and even cash, on acquiring motifs. I have 14 characters. I was looking forward to buying several outfit slots, on several characters, to utilize all the motifs I have put so much time and effort into learning. I like variety on my characters’ appearances and it’s a huge important part of my game experience. This part is not up for debate or criticism.
This was announced by ZOS, hyped, and many of us were very excited and looking forward to the system finally arriving. And when it does, it’s priced way beyond a fair and reasonable expectation. I will say this again, as others have, to give you a comparison: Each additional outfit slot costs as much as an entire new character slot.
For me, and many others, no… it’s not the same game as it was on Sunday. We were looking forward to a very exciting system we have wanted for a very very long time. It turned out to be a huge disappointment due to inflated pricing. And personally, it has left me feeling so disdainful I cancelled my Plus membership and will be focusing on other games, unless ZOS changes their position on this.
I’m also going to add, no one should have to defend their reason for why they play a game. This forum is the primary method to communicate our thoughts of the current state of the game to ZOS. So that’s why you have 13+ pages of outpouring.
Actually you are right. It's not the same game as Sunday. ZOS have given you stuff for free!! And you moan because you want more for free or on the cheap without any thought about how much it cost to develop your free gifts in the first place. Was trying to keep this light and positive with a general question but hey I guess some of you are too bitter.
cabbageub17_ESO wrote: »If the "1 Outfit Slot for 1500 crowns" were an account wide slot, I would buy at least 2~4, that would make the final cost being 3000~6000 crowns, per definition those could be called "THOUSANDS OF CROWNS".
If it were 1500 per slot for your entire account I would buy 6 or so easily; maybe more.
lordrichter wrote: »anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Mannix1958 wrote: »It's as if someone gave one access to a car of their dreams that they could design & afford and the reply is ..."Wut...how come I don't get 3?"
The better suited analogy would be " It's as if someone gave one access to a car of their dreams that they could design & afford... but you have only ONE parking space in the entire universe. Any other place where you park will cost you 100$ a minute."
Which means that you can only drive in circles and never use the car for what it's meant to be : a mean of transportation from point A to point B.
I like this analogy, with two changes.
You can buy one parking spot for $100 to $30000, but only one. You can park as long as you want, as many times as you want. You can change to a new parking spot at any time, by buying a new spot for $100-$30000.
If you want a second parking spot, that costs as much as a new car, plus the $100-$30000 when you decide where you want it to be.
cabbageub17_ESO wrote: »If the "1 Outfit Slot for 1500 crowns" were an account wide slot, I would buy at least 2~4, that would make the final cost being 3000~6000 crowns, per definition those could be called "THOUSANDS OF CROWNS".
If it were 1500 per slot for your entire account I would buy 6 or so easily; maybe more.
Yes, that is the point, basically, if it would be account-wide, I would most likely over time get all of them, paid with subscription crowns and eventually even buy some change tokens, because I am always a little short on gold. But as it is now, I won't buy any of this, not even the tokens - why would I, if there is just one slot to use per character.
so over 13k crowns for all 9
or $100 at the most efficient crown bundle
fyi it was like 350 per slot on the test server
or more expensive then over 2 chapters (so do you want 2 eso chapters or 9 cosmetic slots?)
seems a little bit insane.
btw slots are per character as confirmed in this thread so its actually $100 PER CHARACTER
so 12 characters total x 13,500 crowns per character plus 1500 crowns for the 4 character slots above base 8 in the first place (6k crowns total) is a grand total of. . .
one hundred and sixty eight thousand crowns 168,000
at the most efficient crown bundle (21,000 crowns for $149.99) that's just under $1200 before tax
Why are people so upset by something that no-one forces you to spend money on? Am I missing something here?
I understand it is overpriced and it would be nicer to have it for free or cheaper but as we didn't have it before, a little bit has been given for free as part of the patch, and for most of us it won't affect the day to day gameplay, is it really worth this amount of outpouring?
I know I'm gonna get flamed here but I am genuinely flummoxed by the response
notimetocare wrote: »so over 13k crowns for all 9
or $100 at the most efficient crown bundle
fyi it was like 350 per slot on the test server
or more expensive then over 2 chapters (so do you want 2 eso chapters or 9 cosmetic slots?)
seems a little bit insane.
btw slots are per character as confirmed in this thread so its actually $100 PER CHARACTER
so 12 characters total x 13,500 crowns per character plus 1500 crowns for the 4 character slots above base 8 in the first place (6k crowns total) is a grand total of. . .
one hundred and sixty eight thousand crowns 168,000
at the most efficient crown bundle (21,000 crowns for $149.99) that's just under $1200 before tax
K. Who is forcing you to get them all? This is a feature tons of people wanted. You get it free and a free outfit slot. After that, gotta pay. This game is a business not a charity
Sticking to costumes then..