Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)


  • Cpt_Teemo
    Nestor wrote: »
    I am going to end this debate, because it does not matter whether you want a Global Auction House or not. It simply can't be done.

    WOW has a Global Auction House because they have 200 plus servers in the US. Each one can have an auction house as there is one server for each Realm. So, it does not matter that WOW does this as far as this game goes. They use different technology.

    ESO is on the Mega Server, so the entire NA, or Euro, population is on one server and can buy from any other guild in the server. So I bet it is technically impossible to provide a global auction house simply because it would add orders of magnitude more computing requirements to this game.

    I thought each server group shared the same AH, and not every server had its own or atleast that's what I thought once Legion hit
    Edited by Cpt_Teemo on January 24, 2018 9:24PM
  • gminkalis_ESO
    I'm a fairly new player in my 4th month of ESO on xBox one. I love the trade system as it is. People are saying its only for the 1% and complaining about paying outrageous fees for a trade guild, haha. I started paying into a trade guild when my main was level 26 three months ago and never looked back. If you think 5-10k a week in dues is a lot you have no idea what you are doing.

    There is no chance I would have had the chance to grow my wealth into the millions in a few months with an auction house system, new players have no chance against the more established. Here it just takes some learning and effort to make gold.

    Don't want to join a trade guild, use zone chat when you have something good. Don't want to sell on zone chat, chances are someone will be to your zone buying items within the next 30 minutes.

    I really appreciate the way the trade system is set up here and would hate to see it change.
  • KanedaSyndrome
    I actually like the fact that we can make good deals by researching different trade guild pricing and then moving goods around.

    I would love if we could sell stuff from our homes as well with stalls in our houses and the advertise on bulletin boards in major cities. Knowing full well that this wouldn't necessarily draw a lot of customers, as the selection probably would be limited compared to a normal guild trader, it would still add flavor and something fun to do when visiting other players.
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • Nestor
    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »

    I thought each server group shared the same AH, and not every server had its own or atleast that's what I thought once Legion hit



    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • MisterBigglesworth
    Because sometimes you just wanna offload some Netherweave stacks without joining a guild or spamming chat.

    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
  • zaria
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Flat no.

    Trading is interesting right now, it rewards effort. Don't wreck that cos people are lazy

    What you meant was that it rewards those that have the time to play, and not the one's that can barely fit the time to play.

    Disagree totally. I have very limited play time and current system used correctly is efficient

    Fight against it. Sure it's a time burn

    I craft all my basics in a 15mim admin slot per week. I'm in 4 guilds with traders so access 4 stores from any bank.

    When I fancy a deal or looking for an item to sell higger or an item I don't have, I spend 20-30 mins tops hitting up a load of traders. And I do that rarely.

    Used eight the system is efficient as is. And you wreck bargain hunting if you have an AH.

    Why dumb down an area of the game Many enjoy because the few dont want to both with it. As I posted above, I have to bother with trials to get weapons, people plan Pvp for AP. Trading is no different

    It's this view that its a time.burn for bigger and better things thats the wrong mentality, its an MMORPG for heavens sake
    This, after witch mother I had to outfit two stamina characters I used less time buying gear than finding the motif on the crafted sets. Transmuted weapons who I got cheap :)
    Next up is PvP sets.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • CromulentForumID
    Peekachu99 wrote: »
    At least here we don't have people undercutting each other for 1 digit less than the previous seller, sometimes you find a bargain in places you least expect. A Global AH would remove a very large gold sink from the game and that's bidding on NPC Traders, but then again there aren't enough traders to go around for every guild out there. Those who are on top are very unlikely to lose their spots and those just starting have a very steep hill to climb to afford a trader.

    A look at Tamriel Trade Center says otherwise.

    A look at an individual guild's listings could also tell you otherwise :(
  • zaria
    Aeslief wrote: »
    All those saying yes to the auction house because the guild store system isn’t fun/is too much work, I’m curious how you propose to soak millions of gold out of the economy every single week? Not just guild store taxes but trader bids remove millions in gold from the economy, which is absolutely necessary to keep the game economy healthy. Would you be ok with 50% commissions in an auction house? A 40% reduction in gold dropped from all sources? A 150% increase in repair costs? Make the outfit system more expensive? What about a store-bought component required for all crafting recipes and upgrades? I’m curious what kind of gold sinks you think would be implemented to balance out the economy if Guild Traders were ever removed.
    This is an interesting point, also traders give guilds an purpose, Brave cats who is my trade guild has a vtrial group (out of my league but nice)
    Another guild sometimes has traders but lots of normal trial runs who I join a lot.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Demycilian
    Very much so. Not sure why i would want a trade system that excludes most of the playerbase and only serves to feed gold into unknowable trade syndicates.

    The idea of the ESO trade system is plain idiotic.
  • Earelith
    yes of course... only thing I miss in ESO is an AH like in GW2
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Earelith wrote: »
    yes of course... only thing I miss in ESO is an AH like in GW2

    A global AH and useful search function in the AH. Maybe ZOS needs to poach some talent.
  • weg0
    I agree with the sentiment, but don’t want an “auction” house. Here is what I would like to see, and I think most of the no votes could even get onboard:

    Have a listing agent posted up near all the bankers. He collects the listings from all the guild traders (or maybe all the traders in a particular faction + cold harbor & craglorn). You can purchase the listing directly from him for an added fee, or mount up and speed on over to the particular trader to buy as usual. Done. Gold sink intact, time sink removed. Everybody’s happy.
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Demycilian wrote: »
    Very much so. Not sure why i would want a trade system that excludes most of the playerbase and only serves to feed gold into unknowable trade syndicates.

    The idea of the ESO trade system is plain idiotic.

    Yeah tbh this is the worst economy setup in any online game that has ever come out, but atleast they tried something new from the only thing MMO genre's use 99% of the time.

    But for all the people complaining that it will corner the market and make rich richer, you do realize this is the easiest system to monopolize.
    Edited by Cpt_Teemo on January 24, 2018 10:34PM
  • kargen27
    weg0 wrote: »
    I agree with the sentiment, but don’t want an “auction” house. Here is what I would like to see, and I think most of the no votes could even get onboard:

    Have a listing agent posted up near all the bankers. He collects the listings from all the guild traders (or maybe all the traders in a particular faction + cold harbor & craglorn). You can purchase the listing directly from him for an added fee, or mount up and speed on over to the particular trader to buy as usual. Done. Gold sink intact, time sink removed. Everybody’s happy.

    I wouldn't mind a listing at the bank of all items offered at traders in that particular zone. Would need to have a good search function. Personally I don't think it should list prices and you should still have to travel to the trader to get the item. Otherwise same problem arises. A couple of people can easily monopolize rare items by sitting in one spot.

    The main reason I don't want prices listed is this. Several of my friends in game have fun searching for bargains and then flipping them for a profit. For them that is the best part of the game. I wouldn't want to take that away from them any more than I would want to take PvP away from the people that enjoy PvP.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Cpt_Teemo
    kargen27 wrote: »
    weg0 wrote: »
    I agree with the sentiment, but don’t want an “auction” house. Here is what I would like to see, and I think most of the no votes could even get onboard:

    Have a listing agent posted up near all the bankers. He collects the listings from all the guild traders (or maybe all the traders in a particular faction + cold harbor & craglorn). You can purchase the listing directly from him for an added fee, or mount up and speed on over to the particular trader to buy as usual. Done. Gold sink intact, time sink removed. Everybody’s happy.

    I wouldn't mind a listing at the bank of all items offered at traders in that particular zone. Would need to have a good search function. Personally I don't think it should list prices and you should still have to travel to the trader to get the item. Otherwise same problem arises. A couple of people can easily monopolize rare items by sitting in one spot.

    The main reason I don't want prices listed is this. Several of my friends in game have fun searching for bargains and then flipping them for a profit. For them that is the best part of the game. I wouldn't want to take that away from them any more than I would want to take PvP away from the people that enjoy PvP.

    People flip all the time on any mmo no matter if it has a centralized auction economy or not
  • Wreuntzylla
    i want these topics to end...

    a global auction house would only lead to even more monopolization as we already have - the rich becoming richer...honestly what i would want is not only no global auction house but also the ban of add ons such as master merchant or ttc as i do think they are destroying the economy and leading to monopolization

    Tl;dr - Almost everyone sees the the same pricing they would see if we had an auction house due to price fixing. The only real difference is that more players become gold rich off the system than with an auction house. But as compared to the general population it makes no significant difference. If 1 million people play on your server and instead of 100 super rich players there are 2-3k rich players, ~997,000 players have the essentially the same experience as with an auction house as to pricing and a worse shopping experience.

    The ESO system could work if every player had the same real-time information. The time sink of going and buying the item has a real advantage if everyone is on the same footing. It would essentially create a race to low prices. This would increase the average players chances of getting that deal as compared to an auction house with instant purchasing. Repricers can't be everywhere at once.

    (Although with the amount of colluding going on, I could be wrong, the power guilds might just put everyone on a schedule for camping traders...)

    The addons are not facilitating the auction house level price fixing that exists in ESO, they just make it a tad easier. The problem is that private programs can be created to use the data of addons similar to both Tamriel trade Centre and Master Merchant, which identify in real time every underpriced item. This can be done without uploading the data to the TTC website or doing so only after buying the low priced items.

    Repricing by a limited number of people is something I see regularly. Whenever my inventory starts to approach my storage, I dump items into the trade system at low prices. On PC, my addons tell me who is buying my wares. Typically, everything I put up for a low price is bought up by a handful of players. As a general rule, different players tend to buy up all the low priced items relating to a particular item (X buys all low priced mats, Y buys all low priced recipes, Z buys all low priced treasure maps, etc.). Every once in a while, a single player will buy all the low priced items at once in a few minutes of my posting the sales. My entire low priced inventory across three traders can be gone in a few hours to 2-3 people. Some of these repricers are regular customers on my dump days.

    Here's the problem.

    Unlike auction houses, where everyone can post items for sale, in ESO you have to belong to a trade guild. The trade guilds are temporally spaced from the viewpoint of a shopper. Zoning, having to access multiple traders and in some cases having to travel, all add up to a huge time sink. Due to that time sink, a small number of trade guilds see a vast majority of shoppers. Most players simply do not have 2-3 hours to shop around, and many who do will stop doing it if they spend that time and fail to find a deal (due to the repricers). Because the hubs with the largest trade guilds are essentially one stop shopping, players eventually just go to the 2-4 trade hubs on each platform/region and shop for the best deal at the hub or between the hubs.

    Most players will realize that they can make, say, 10k gold per hour casually running dungeons (doing what they like). So even if they find a half-off deal on an item normally priced at 10k, they will realize that if they took more than an hour to find it, they should have just bought the 10k item...

    If this were not the case, you would not see some traders go for peanuts and other traders for 10 million+ - location, location, location. Not only do big trade guilds need the right location, they have a need to make sure all the other guilds at that location are also powerhouses in order to establish a trading hub.

    The only thing that is different between an auction house system and the ESO system is that instead of 100 rich players you have a couple thousand in ESO... If even 10% of the number of players ZoS says play ESO exist, it means almost every player sees almost the same as what they would see if an auction house existed.

    The larger pool of rich is also a problem - more accounts to shoot this poll down. Take the same poll in-game and see almost everyone voting for an auction house... Players in-game despise the time sink involved in finding a price that even remotely reflects the rarity of the item.

    The system made by ZoS could work if every player had the same real-time information. It would strain even the major trade guilds to buy and reprice goods when everyone had the same real-time information. The time sink involved with searching, zoning, traveling and buying would actually have meaning.

    The trade guilds with the most prolific sellers essentially create shopping hubs by selling a little of everything (and a lot of some things), and practically all of the most desirable stuff, a lot of it bought from other guild traders at low prices. As a general rule, the prices are stabilized across hubs. The guilds accomplish this by (in most cases) having very steep selling requirements and restrictions. Tarders in these trade guilds meet the requirements in a variety of ways, including bot farming, buying from bot farmers on essentially a requirements contract basis, and/or repricing (buying any cheap stuff sold in zone chats and on guild traders). If you have ever harvested, you know that Billy Bob, who has 10-20 stacks of some mat up 24/7, isn't harvesting that himself, it's not possible.

    It is not uncommon to see someone advertising that they will buy every mat sent to them cod for x gold. This is a symptom of the problem.

    Not long after the guild trade system released, one player showed a screenshot here on the forums having to do with stats or something, and someone noticed he had 5k+ of several types of potions. Back then, alchemy mats were much harder to come buy (pre-IC flower bags). When asked, he specifically said that when the system released, he did the exact same thing that he does in games with auction houses. He made agreements with people that farm to send him everything they have at a fixed price and advertised the same in zone chat now and then, sells most of the mats on a guild trader to make 1+ million per week profit and keeps a few for potions... In the case of ESO, almost no time sink because for whatever reason people preferred to buy the mats from guild traders which were more expensive than buying the pots. Even for the pots he made to sell, he would watch a movie while pressing a button over and over (and later just used multi-craft). He essentially set the price of alchemy ingredients and pots because he was buying so many of the harvested alchemy mats.

    Whoever says bot farmers are a good thing because they flood the market doesn't understand how the mats end up in the market... Players that flood the market are more likely to be duping or using some other exploit than bot farming or buying from bot farmers. The middleman ensures the market is never truly flooded.

    Guild traders are typically dead set against a centralized search even without the ability to buy centrally, because they know enough about the market to realize the eventual impact.

    Multiple times people have asked for a search hub where you can search all guild traders at once, in real-time, but still have to travel, with their argument in favor being based on the same reasoning I outlined above (I'm not the inventor, just a proponent). It would be a change that works in the average buyer's favor due to the time sink of going and buying and the real time element. At worst, it would be a race to the deals between re-pricers and legitimate shoppers. The gold sink for ZoS would take a hit because the stress on creating trading hubs would decrease (and the 10 million+ gold trade spots would auction for less) but the need for some guild traders would remain. Price fixing would be harder because everyone would have the same information real time and the travel requirement would remain, but the ungodly time sink to buy that purple necropotence ring for less than 20k (if it were even available) would be gone.

    The idea is always shot down on the basis of, among other things, price fixing. Which makes no sense given what I have written above. A lack of information for the average shopper is what makes price fixing possible when guild traders are temporally spaced.

    A common argument presented is that players can just use tamriel trade centre and real time data is not necessary. However, based on the way TTC works, it is not real time. Further, you can upload data to your PC and never upload data to the website. Apparently a program exists that manipulates TTC data and Master Merchant data to output the lowest priced items real time, and some players only upload data to the website after buying the low priced items. The TTC ESOUI website itself states that, "...it is not guarantee the item is still there since low price items tends to get sold fast."

    The only way to have a robust system that provides *everyone* real-time pricing would be if ZoS implements it.
    Edited by Wreuntzylla on January 24, 2018 10:57PM
  • Kalfis
    Yes, so sick of guild stores.

    But how would that even work in ESO? The playerbase is already heavily invested in guild stores as well......it wouldn't go over very well with most people.
  • weg0
    @kargen27, sorry for my ignorance, but how do you “monopolize... by sitting in one spot”? Are you talking about grabbing all of a particular item from traders in one area and selling them for higher prices? If so, that sounds like what your bargain hunting friends are doing.

    If anything, having access to more pricing information lessens the chance that anyone can have a monopoly. As long as you have the right (high enough) middleman fee, people looking for a bargain would still need to travel Tamriel and traders in good locations would still be more desirable. From an immersion standpoint it also makes sense there would be a guy (NPC) that says “I’m gonna make a living collecting and sharing the listings of what is being sold all over Tamriel.” My suggestion that you can pay an amount extra to buy directly from said NPC rather than travel to a specific trader would likely encourage more guilds to bid on even remote traders and both increase item availability and competition, further decreasing the likelihood of monopolies.

    What I am proposing does nothing more than replace the alt+tab to Tamriel trade center (except allow you to buy right away). It is in game. And it makes sense.
    Edited by weg0 on January 24, 2018 11:12PM
  • kargen27
    weg0 wrote: »
    @kargen27, sorry for my ignorance, but how do you “monopolize... by sit in one spot”? Are you talking about grabbing all of a particular item from traders in one area and selling them for higher prices? If so, that sounds like what your bargain hunting friends are doing.

    If anything, having access to more pricing information lessens the chance that anyone can have a monopoly. As long as you have the right (high enough) middleman fee people looking for a bargain would still need to travel Tamriel and traders in good locations would still be more desirable. From an immersion standpoint it also makes sense there would be a guy (NPC) that says “I’m gonna make a living collecting and sharing the listings of what is being sold all over Tamriel.” My suggestion that you can pay an amount extra to buy directly from said NPC rather than travel to a specific trader would likely encourage more guilds to bid on even remote traders and both increase item availability and competition, further decreasing the likelihood of monopolies.

    What I am proposing does nothing more than replace the alt+tab to Tamriel trade center (except allow you to buy right away). It is in game. And it makes sense.

    Yes that is what I am talking about. But no that isn't what my friends are doing. Let us take for example Perfect Roe. Right now there are approximately 220 guild traders scattered around all the different zones. To fully monopolize the market (not accounting for zone chat sales) you would need well over 100 players to monitor those traders because you gotta do it pretty much around the clock. To be fair though really you only need to watch the hot trading spots so somewhere between 30-45 high traffic traders. Most of these are located near others so let's say seven (that is figuring low) areas that need someone watching them all day every day. So minimum 21 players and being realistic more than thirty probably and they all need enough gold on them to buy any Perfect Roe that is offered. After they do this for a week, maybe two, they then list them at pretty much any price they want and continue to buy up any perfect roe that shows up under their price. Going to be very hard to do because each person is going to be monitoring five traders and ignoring all the out of high traffic area traders. People see the high prices at the popular spots and they are going to shop around.

    A simple search function would make that shopping around much easier and would help offset this groups chance of a monopoly on Perfect Roe.

    With a central auction house three or four people could always watch the listings and grab the perfect roe as soon as it is posted. A few might slip through if someone else happens to be on just at the right time and is quicker to respond but they are going to get enough to create a monopoly. One person at a time is all it takes watching an auction house to monopolize a rare item.

    My friends don't look to monopolize a market. They look for the under priced items that they can immediately sell at market value. For a couple of them finding an item someone listed for 3,000 instead of the intended 30,000 is like others finally getting a no death speed run on a DLC trial.

    And really it doesn't make sense that one NPC would have everything offered for sale be available in his wagon. And there is no lack of guilds bidding for traders in the game even the most remote ones. There happens to be a couple of conspiracy theories about that, but maybe for a different thread.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • N00BxV1
    Trading and earning shouldn't be limited to the already-wealthy who corner the market and run things. Everyone should have an equal chance to trade and earn even if they're not in the top 5 trading guilds. Let some Average Joes list their goods globally so the Fat Cats will have some competition and be forced to lower their prices.
  • Junkriid
    Everybody talking about monopolization.. the trader system is already in the hands of the major guilds, so monopolization is already in act. If you can't afford the requirements, you can't join a trader guild/can't sell your stuff. I'd say to keep the trader system and add a global auction house too, so every player can sell stuff instead of be forced to spam "WTS" in zone chat.
    In their tongue, he's dovahkiin.. DRAGONBORN!
  • boggo
    OK, debate done. Bye!
  • kargen27
    Junkriid wrote: »
    Everybody talking about monopolization.. the trader system is already in the hands of the major guilds, so monopolization is already in act. If you can't afford the requirements, you can't join a trader guild/can't sell your stuff. I'd say to keep the trader system and add a global auction house too, so every player can sell stuff instead of be forced to spam "WTS" in zone chat.

    Monopolization is not already a thing. Not by a long shot. It would be though if everything were available in a central location. Not sure about the other platforms but PC/NA the requirements to be in a trading guild is actually really low.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Wreuntzylla
    Kalfis wrote: »
    Yes, so sick of guild stores.

    But how would that even work in ESO? The playerbase is already heavily invested in guild stores as well......it wouldn't go over very well with most people.

    You are correct - if by most people you mean most guild members trading at hubs.
    weg0 wrote: »
    @kargen27, sorry for my ignorance, but how do you “monopolize... by sitting in one spot”? Are you talking about grabbing all of a particular item from traders in one area and selling them for higher prices? If so, that sounds like what your bargain hunting friends are doing.

    If anything, having access to more pricing information lessens the chance that anyone can have a monopoly. As long as you have the right (high enough) middleman fee, people looking for a bargain would still need to travel Tamriel and traders in good locations would still be more desirable. From an immersion standpoint it also makes sense there would be a guy (NPC) that says “I’m gonna make a living collecting and sharing the listings of what is being sold all over Tamriel.” My suggestion that you can pay an amount extra to buy directly from said NPC rather than travel to a specific trader would likely encourage more guilds to bid on even remote traders and both increase item availability and competition, further decreasing the likelihood of monopolies.

    What I am proposing does nothing more than replace the alt+tab to Tamriel trade center (except allow you to buy right away). It is in game. And it makes sense.

    Information asymmetry is a concept found in almost all theories of regulation, even those that do not favor it.

    kargen27 wrote: »
    weg0 wrote: »
    @kargen27, sorry for my ignorance, but how do you “monopolize... by sit in one spot”? Are you talking about grabbing all of a particular item from traders in one area and selling them for higher prices? If so, that sounds like what your bargain hunting friends are doing.

    If anything, having access to more pricing information lessens the chance that anyone can have a monopoly. As long as you have the right (high enough) middleman fee people looking for a bargain would still need to travel Tamriel and traders in good locations would still be more desirable. From an immersion standpoint it also makes sense there would be a guy (NPC) that says “I’m gonna make a living collecting and sharing the listings of what is being sold all over Tamriel.” My suggestion that you can pay an amount extra to buy directly from said NPC rather than travel to a specific trader would likely encourage more guilds to bid on even remote traders and both increase item availability and competition, further decreasing the likelihood of monopolies.

    What I am proposing does nothing more than replace the alt+tab to Tamriel trade center (except allow you to buy right away). It is in game. And it makes sense.

    Yes that is what I am talking about. But no that isn't what my friends are doing. Let us take for example Perfect Roe. Right now there are approximately 220 guild traders scattered around all the different zones. To fully monopolize the market (not accounting for zone chat sales) you would need well over 100 players to monitor those traders because you gotta do it pretty much around the clock. To be fair though really you only need to watch the hot trading spots so somewhere between 30-45 high traffic traders. Most of these are located near others so let's say seven (that is figuring low) areas that need someone watching them all day every day. So minimum 21 players and being realistic more than thirty probably and they all need enough gold on them to buy any Perfect Roe that is offered. After they do this for a week, maybe two, they then list them at pretty much any price they want and continue to buy up any perfect roe that shows up under their price. Going to be very hard to do because each person is going to be monitoring five traders and ignoring all the out of high traffic area traders. People see the high prices at the popular spots and they are going to shop around.

    A simple search function would make that shopping around much easier and would help offset this groups chance of a monopoly on Perfect Roe.

    With a central auction house three or four people could always watch the listings and grab the perfect roe as soon as it is posted. A few might slip through if someone else happens to be on just at the right time and is quicker to respond but they are going to get enough to create a monopoly. One person at a time is all it takes watching an auction house to monopolize a rare item.

    My friends don't look to monopolize a market. They look for the under priced items that they can immediately sell at market value. For a couple of them finding an item someone listed for 3,000 instead of the intended 30,000 is like others finally getting a no death speed run on a DLC trial.

    And really it doesn't make sense that one NPC would have everything offered for sale be available in his wagon. And there is no lack of guilds bidding for traders in the game even the most remote ones. There happens to be a couple of conspiracy theories about that, but maybe for a different thread.

    What your friends either fail to realize, or realize and simply don't care about, is that almost every 3k-30k pricing discrepancy is not because someone well versed in ESO made a mistake with zeros. It's because of information asymmetry.

    In other words, some poor sucker lost 27k because they had no idea what the going price is.

    The reasons people put forward for keeping the current system don't surprise me because they assume the current system works, they surprise me because they are based on selfish reasoning. People in these forums usually just make up things to cover their baseness, in this thread they are showing it off like it's worthy of a commendation.

  • Cillion3117
    Yes for the convenience, but no for the economy. So I don't know...
  • Donari
    Aeslief wrote: »
    All those saying yes to the auction house because the guild store system isn’t fun/is too much work, I’m curious how you propose to soak millions of gold out of the economy every single week? Not just guild store taxes but trader bids remove millions in gold from the economy, which is absolutely necessary to keep the game economy healthy. Would you be ok with 50% commissions in an auction house? A 40% reduction in gold dropped from all sources? A 150% increase in repair costs? Make the outfit system more expensive? What about a store-bought component required for all crafting recipes and upgrades? I’m curious what kind of gold sinks you think would be implemented to balance out the economy if Guild Traders were ever removed.

    Well, GW2 has a Trading Post (not auction house) that is global. Every single sale has a total of 15% of the purchase price removed from the game thanks to the initial listing fee and the final sales tax. I don't know if that would be enough in ESO since GW2 also does not have player-to-player trading windows, just mail with attached items, and does not undo scam trades (though they do punish the scammer for doing it). So there the only safe way to sell or buy is on the TP. But it certainly does siphon a tremendous amount of gold out of the economy from the millions of transactions going on all the time.

    In the TP system you can list and buy items from anywhere, no NPC needed, but must get to an NPC to pick up items and gold. Also you must pick up everything at once, you can't infinitely store items or coin on the TP while collecting other stuff.
  • Radiance
    Why did my comment get deleted without any notification or reasoning!?
    This is an OUTRAGE! But I don't really care... lol
  • Diminish
    monktoasty wrote: »
    No! It'll just be controlled by a few. The prices would drop on things which isn't a good thing. It's a race to the bottom.

    You mean like the guild trader kiosks currently are? I'd much rather an auction house be controlled by a select few at which I don't need to pay 15k a week to sell items in, babysit my dues on the regular so I don't get kicked out, etc. versus what we currently have. An auction house may not be the answer, but neither is what the game currently has, and I am all for a change at this point... any change.
  • Kiara
    No for global auction houses.

    And no, this is not the last poll we see about it, nor the thread.
  • Dracofyre
    i voted yes, since most guild own vendor npcs are mostly run by bot scripters with "UMC" bots for farming, preventing any other smaller guilds for weeks, forcing to break up guilds that dont own or tried to get for months, many other players gave up, and also tried to join 'owned' and finding out most are already too full.

    this whole economy is broken by greed with overpriced items to keep lock on every week to outbid too easy.

    also, i dislike this format since it has no search format and spend hours running to check each vendor for what we need, this is massive time sink, and most dont have time to look and need to play on lomoted time we have.
    i am sure devs knew this auction format is the worst set up for any MMO that has auction which are so much better than ESO.

    this auction format is really a biggest turn-offs ever.
    my advice is plain and simple, dont buy anything overpriced that would keep them owning vendor every single week, no sale made or poor profit they would give up overbiddings.

    in my opinion, it need major overhaul. with better search, less running from npc to npc for hours, i want to find specific items in less than 2-3 mins.
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