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Edited by DoctorESO on September 22, 2018 11:19PM

moved 670 votes

KalfisDuckMallowntellect_ESOzergbase_ESOFlorialtheskymovesDeathStalkerMisterBigglesworthBelegnolecalitrumanb14_ESOCheveyodposdb14_ESOCatsmoke14Animal_MotherAortickAnimus-ESOJimmyCpt_TeemoDarcyMardin 314 votes
NestordriosketchCavalryPKrfennell_ESOSolarikenwayfarerxSylveria_Reldenvailjohn_ESOgminkalis_ESOUriel_NocturneDeadlyRecluseYolokin_SwagonbornsParkSnareAlchemicalalenae1b14_ESOAcrolasashenehb14_ESONewBlacksmurfchayne424b14_ESOCapnPhoton 318 votes
GilvothBigBraggDracaneAllPlayAndNoWorkBaxFoxhuntUlokari-pekka.hamalaineneb17_ESOphaneub17_ESObellatrixedfeyiigreyloxLynnessaMgghoolArcVelarianDieAlteHexeCillion3117AkrasjelmagictucktuckRobbieRocket 38 votes
  • DoctorESO
    Edited by DoctorESO on September 22, 2018 11:19PM
  • DoctorESO
    Edited by DoctorESO on September 22, 2018 11:19PM
  • Shezzarrine
    Sigh, he finally ran out of topics to post about so now he is just copying threads that already have thousands of other posts.
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Worked in WoW for 13 years, still working
  • SydneyGrey
    In your arguments FOR a global auction, you ended up listing reasons not to do it.
    Might want to edit that.
  • Tasear
    You sure aren't a people person. But answer is no. It does not fit eso.
  • DoctorESO
    Edited by DoctorESO on September 22, 2018 11:19PM
  • SydneyGrey
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    Yes, and then they are refuted.
    Apparently I didn't read closely enough. Sorry.
  • umagon
    Why do I have to be part of a collective just to trade efficiently? I don’t understand what is so difficult about making a global trading center. Just have listing fees and limit the number of items a person can sell per day. Why is that so hard? Why is having a trading channel so difficult to implement? Why take something every other game does efficiently and turn it to a mess? Why is there no search function? Please someone explain this to me.
    Edited by umagon on January 24, 2018 5:08AM
  • Nemesis7884
    i want these topics to end...

    a global auction house would only lead to even more monopolization as we already have - the rich becoming richer...honestly what i would want is not only no global auction house but also the ban of add ons such as master merchant or ttc as i do think they are destroying the economy and leading to monopolization
  • Ruckly
    I like how it works now for PC since if one person wants to corner the market they have to do some legwork to get to the guild traders because they are all over the place. For the person buying they also have to do some legwork but usually it's for a hand full of items and not 1000 thingamajigs scattered all over.
  • Yamenstein
    You know what would be cool. If someone as a independent trader who doesn't want to deal with guild stores could somehow advertise what they want to sell at some price they know will beat the average for the zone that they are in. The could even go to the good zones where the most sales occur for guild stores and try and get sales done.

    Anyone have any ideas ?
    Crown Crates are a trap. Don't fall for the gamble! Balance? What Balance? Balance, smellance.
    Necro for them RP feels.
  • Sektion67
    I'm not entirely against the idea of trading guilds, but it's hard to support in it's current state. There's a number of prime locations for guild traders and then there's everyone else. Every so often I'll pass a guild trader in some remote location and think to myself, "Oh, these poor ***".

    If ZOS was willing to take a serious look at the current system and improve upon it, I'd be more willing to accept it. But they don't seem to say much on the subject.

    Again, I love the idea of guild traders, but the execution, not so much. At this point, I'd be thrilled with a search function.

    I love you all.
    Edited by Sektion67 on January 24, 2018 5:28AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    At least here we don't have people undercutting each other for 1 digit less than the previous seller, sometimes you find a bargain in places you least expect. A Global AH would remove a very large gold sink from the game and that's bidding on NPC Traders, but then again there aren't enough traders to go around for every guild out there. Those who are on top are very unlikely to lose their spots and those just starting have a very steep hill to climb to afford a trader.
  • Gilvoth
    in the other mmo's i have been in that had a Global Auction House only the lowest bidder was the man who got the sale or purchase.
    im not sure how we could sell items for fair value.
    if you keep ALL the guild traders as different auction houses it does lead to variety and a sence that im actually in a real place that i can make purchases and sales.
    i do not like nor do i want to be forced into a guild just because i want to be part of a auction house.

    i Prefer a Global Auction house, but i want several of them, and differences in them, not just one big one.
  • Runefang
    If you asked me when I played on Xbox I would have argued black and blue for it.

    Now I'm on PC I love it.

    So really they need to improve the UI significantly so its better for console users. Otherwise I really quite like it.
  • Anotherone773
    I wouldnt mind a global search feature( or a decent search feature period) for guild traders. But outside of that, i have seen what a centralized system can do. You have players on the forums that tell you they have 10-20 million. I guarantee their are players in the game that have 10,20 probably 100 times that.

    Lets say i have 250 million. There are currently about 4200 perfect roe in the (NA PC)guild traders average price of 12k gold each. Lets say i pay an average of 15k gold each. For about 63 million, i could buy all the perfect roe. I could set the price at lets just say a conservative 25k each. Im greedy but not THAT greedy.

    Now i dont have a life so i check the auction house 10 times a day and buy up most of what makes it on the auction house. Meanwhile everyone else is stuck buying at my price of 25k . When i sell those 4200 units, i will have made 42 million in profit off them. I just keep reinvesting this and after about a year i control the market on several items.

    Then you have the other side of the coin. Going bananas over bananas. Pretty easy to get en masse if you know where to find them. Now you have people playing penny wars with bananas making them worthless. 100 bananas for 1 gold.

    I have seen both happen in games with centralized market systems. It was annoying and frustrating to both sell and buy and that outweighed the convenience of a one stop shop.

  • monktoasty
    No! It'll just be controlled by a few. The prices would drop on things which isn't a good thing. It's a race to the bottom.

  • Turbotailz
    I really don't care either, but if it becomes easier for me to access stuff then I am for it. There are other mmorpgs out there that has the concept and it seems to work for them.
    Friend: This one has a cool joke to tell. Want to hear?
    Me: Sure okay.
    Friend: What can a frozen band-aid be applied on?
    Me: This one don't know. Tell me.
    Friend: A cold cut. Get it?? hehehe
    Me:.... *activates Grim Focus!*
    Friend: No wait! it's a joke! please!
  • Dracane
    I say no, because it's too late. The game establishes guild stores for this purpose and that's just how it is now.
    Changing it now after 4 years would cause more than just the outrage of all the greedy guild stores.

    They don't like it when their gaping maws remain unfilled with the gold, produced by the hard work of their members.
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Gleandra/videos
  • Tasear
    Sektion67 wrote: »
    I'm not entirely against the idea of trading guilds, but it's hard to support in it's current state. There's a number of prime locations for guild traders and then there's everyone else. Every so often I'll pass a guild trader in some remote location and think to myself, "Oh, these poor ***".

    If ZOS was willing to take a serious look at the current system and improve upon it, I'd be more willing to accept it. But they don't seem to say much on the subject.

    Again, I love the idea of guild traders, but the execution, not so much. At this point, I'd be thrilled with a search function.

    I love you all.

    The issue is making locations better. So it's working on directing traffic in that location. Maybe have special npc that allows participate in worn cult activities or other activities with NPCs.
  • Golevan
    Often there is no necessary product in the guild store
    in the nearest too is not present
    I have to run around in locations - extremely uncomfortable
    I'm from Belarus
  • Azurya
    and let me tell you why:

    an auctionshouse like in WoW makes no sense, because we have here MILLIONS of Gamers on ONE server!!!
    and ofc then also MILLIONS of OFFERS in an auctionshouse, it will take you hours to find and buy something,
    after 2 days all trade comes to an END!

    so pls NO!
  • Edziu
    Im yes for this as its very annyoing for me how time waste are those guild traders when you need to go and check every map with them while looking for just 1 item....you will want to get it cheaper than expensive craglorn and this is working also in vice versa, you want to be atlest in 1 craglorn trade guild because here you can sell this item for full price instead of lowering this price because it wont sell for max price in less visited zone

    this is so annyoing for me because just begginers are punisher for this that they arnt vet players, even trash items they are forced to sell manyt times in big discount to sell thme finally in crap zone as in craglorn especially for trash items people have in ass to go look in 10+ another zones to get that item cheaper by 1k
  • Turelus
    What a new and refreshing thread debate! *smack the dead horse a few times*

    As for the debate/poll.

    No I don't want one, I like the current system but do agree it ned improvements. Especially with data and UI.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Peekachu99
    At least here we don't have people undercutting each other for 1 digit less than the previous seller, sometimes you find a bargain in places you least expect. A Global AH would remove a very large gold sink from the game and that's bidding on NPC Traders, but then again there aren't enough traders to go around for every guild out there. Those who are on top are very unlikely to lose their spots and those just starting have a very steep hill to climb to afford a trader.

    A look at Tamriel Trade Center says otherwise.
  • swippy
    i've read these threads over and over and i never see any reason why it's even called an auction house. when i google it, it just shows me tons of places where regular auctions are held, open and ascending (just like on tv with the people holding up paddles and trying not to cough).

    this kind of auction is when an item (or lot) is up for bidding for a finite amount of time. someone (or an algorithm) would be assigned to take note of bids, and when the largest yet bid arrives, all previous bids are discarded. when time (or bidding) is up, it's awarded to the highest bidder.

    i played a game with a different type of auctions, where it wasn't public knowledge what the current top bid is. this had a preset time limit on bidding. you decided what the item was worth to you, and if you fell short of the leading bid it was void. if your bid led, that amount was held until it was either exceeded or the item was won at the end. if the latter, you would probably be refunded some, as you were only charged 1 "gold piece" more than the guy who bid 2nd highest.

    what we have now is kind of like a store. you go to the store and see if they have anything you want in stock. if it's not in stock, or you don't like their price, you can check a different store. this is at the risk of stock changing while you pursue.

    it seems like the alternate system the vocal people would rather have is something else. maybe a searchable database of all listed items, probably in order of ascending price? (i played a game with that style before too.) is that correct? what elements am i missing?

    because that system doesn't sound like an auction house at all. maybe the house part, but not the auction part. there's nothing auction-like about it that i can detect. why do we call it that?
  • Aeslief
    I like the uniqueness of the system. I don’t care how many other games do it differently, I’m not playing those games. I’ve played games with ‘auction house’ trading (which, as has been pointed out, is usually nothing of the kind) and seem them flooded with dozens of pages of the same item, tanking the market for all but the very rarest commodities.

    For another thing, as has also been pointed out, it is a crucial gold sink. Just imagine if you will what gold costs would have to be added to the game that impact every single player to compensate for the millions that trader bidding soaks out of the game every week. I’m not interested in being forced to pay that, are you?

    Could it use some improvements? Yeah, probably. But what I like about this system is that you get out of it what you put into it. In other words, learn how to work with it, and you will prosper. Nothing is keeping anyone from profiting from the guild trader system right this minute except their own unwillingness to work within it.

    And finally, this topic was not worth making the ten millionth post about. ‘The debate to end all debates’ indeed. There IS no debate to be had as the guild trader system is not going away no matter what forum posters say. Get over yourself already and stop polluting the forums.
  • DoctorESO
    Edited by DoctorESO on September 22, 2018 11:19PM
  • Carbonised
    DoctorESO wrote: »

    The two main arguments in opposition of a global auction house are:

    1. Undercutting the competition, leading to a race to the bottom in terms of pricing

    2. Cornering the market, leading to price gouging

    These two arguments lack merit.

    A global auction house allows supply and demand to take their natural course and lead to an equilibrium of price.

    Cornering the market is tough, even with add-ons. This is because the volume of items is so high and every single person in the game has the ability to sell items, resulting in a very large and constant supply - one that can easily outweigh the demand, making it unprofitable to buy every single quantity available. Even with low-volume items and attempts to price gouge, there will come a point where people decide the higher price is not worth it and either forgo the item or farm it on their own, or they will get it off-market. Either way, the price gouging sellers do not make the sale, and no profit results, forcing them to lower the price to the point where it sells at the desired volume (in a way that maximizes total sales dollars).

    And then there is undercutting the competition, leading to a race to the bottom in terms of pricing. So this means that within a month of the global auction house going live, every item will be selling for one gold? Of course not. Just as there is a price ceiling set by the buyers, there is a price floor set by the sellers - at some point, they will decide it's not worth selling an item for a lower price. If this were not the case, then every item would be available for one gold.

    Well, this argument is wrong on both accounts.

    There is already significantly undercutting going on, for instance mats, tempers, furniture. In the large trade guilds such as Craglorn, Mournhold and Rawlkha (im in all of those places), there is already significantly undercutting and price wars going on. Price your item reasonably, and you can be certain that someone will price theirs a few hundred lower. You can then undercut their price and relist, or watch your item sit in the guild store until it drops into the back pages and never sells.
    For many of the "normal" items that aren't too hard to get, such as mats, tempers, furniture, this would be even exacerbated.

    There is also significantly price fixing going on in the other end of the market, with the rare furnishing plans, the Armiger motifs and rare motifs, and other goods that are few and far in between, but sell for a lot.
    "Flipping" is very common in the large trade guilds, and there are several people who make a living out of not only flipping, but also buying furnishing recipes and Amiger motifs to control the market, and resell them for twice or thrice the price.
    This has become even worse in recent time, and TTC is a very convenient tool to help them along that path. In fact, with TTC, we de facto already have a universal auction house at least on PC servers. "Good deals" are long gone by the time you get there, and you're better off just looking for your item via TTC than traveling from trader to trader to try and find a bargain.

    I don't like either of these phenomenon, undercutting in the low end of the market and price controllers in the other end of the market, and a universal auction house would only make both of these penomenon worse than they already are.
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