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...and why Necromancers?

  • srnekro
    Aeorath wrote: »
    Gothren wrote: »
    do we really need another topic on this. lord almighty.

    And I think the OP is the same person from previous posts too...

    No, I just made 4 until now.
  • srnekro
    srnekro wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    srnekro wrote: »
    I see a great waste of this beautiful profession goes to just one skill line. That would be the same to take out Daedric Summoning from Sorcerer and the animal companions from Warden and put on a skill line for all the other classes. They would lose their essence, what makes them unique, the same thing goes for Necromancers.

    Necromancer has a great potential to be a class instead of a skill line. I can see the branches already. One for Restoration/Alteration to inflict diseases and boons. Other for Necromancy(Conjuration) To summon the risen dead. And finally one with Illusion/Mysticism to inflict the curses, cc and debuff. I can't see how all of this can fit in just one skill line.

    Stop separating the Schools of magic.
    I want more of a return to Elder Scrolls classic schools of magic and skill lines.
    Why are the elements separated between three classes?
    People all across Tamriel have access to fire magic but you have to play Dragon Knight for more fire magic?
    Why do I have to play a daedra summoner to have access to lightning powers?
    You have to play Warden for more Ice powers?
    They try to make justifications; that the Dragon Knight is an Akiviri art, that the Wardens magic comes from Valenwood, etc.

    Or, accept that this is not like others Elder Scrolls game, and accept it is different. And accepet that New Classes would be a thing, since THIS IS NOT SKYRIM. Although, I don't see making classes and skill lines. I mean, why should a skill should be more privileged than other to make as a whole new class, and others just a mere skill line? Where's the line? What makes them "different"?
    What's the point?...

    When I said this isn't skyrim, I mean something like this. Just watch the first 30 seconds of this video.

  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Interesting how fast a thread about "I want a new class" turns into "class system has to go". It's the same futile route with the hybrid threads that want to completely redesign how damage scales. Sure, it would be great but it would also lead to a completely different game. And almost 4 years going, I highly doubt that ZOS decides to scrap all the effort, game rules and mechanics they have now and turn this game upside down. And if you're honest with yourself, you know that proposals like that are withful thinking but not realistic.

    However, within the game is designed now (magic schools broken up and restricted to certain classes, surely done to give each of them a different flavour and a role they shine at), what speaks against another class, e.g. Necromancer?

    That they already gave "role specifics" to classes? Didn't care much when warden was introduced. ZOS already hinted that they rearrange the skill trees so everyone can do everything. However, I highly doubt that this will change the meta role/class combinations. Probably, if it comes at all, it will be like the "skill advisor", so new players can identify skill design and make builds easier.

    That they already allocated elemental schools or damage types to classes? Should just as weigh as much as the designated roles. Templars and NBs already utilize magical damage. So I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the same elemental damage to several classes.

    The lore aspect? Meridia is on to eradicate necromancy and stuff. However, she already ignores the protagonist being a vampire in some cases. Why is that so? Maybe because she isn't ignorant and blinded enough that she would kill off the only chance to stop the plane melt for her own agenda? And necromancy isn't forbidden at the time of ESO.

    Because "I don't want to start anew" and "it should be a world skill line so everyone can use it".
    From a ZOS point of few, the longer and more you play, the better. They gain more when you invest time to push up a new char instead of just having a new skill line granted.
    Also it would severely limit how much and what could be put into that line. It would fall short of expectations. Plus, mind that giving everyone access to everything can cause balance problems and be a problem for diversity.

    Why tho? Classes are designed with certain strengths and limitations (weaknesses) in mind. A sorc has no spam or access to many debuffs, a mDK has no execute, etc. While that is somewhat annoying, try to imagine what would happen when they have all that missing stuff all of a sudden. PvP mDK with execute, sounds like an issue, doesn't it?
    So having a great skill line would raise issues. But if they make a poor world line, people would be disappointed. No win in here.

    When Necromancers become a class instead, they can add good skills, passives, synergies and still put limits on it. Therefor I think it would be easier to balance, it wouldn't be bound to become a disappointment and ZOS would profit by increased playtime.

    Because "they must fix everything first before adding new content" and "they couldn't balance Wardens, why should they balance Necromancers"? Putting every new content on a hold to fix things that will eventually get broken with the next DLC/ Update will kill this game off. Why should I stay at this game when there is nothing new to do? Also, there will always be an imbalance. Remember how this game was called in his early years? Elder Staffs Online. How DK where a total, unstoppable beast for some time? How mSorcs where the best PvE DD for a few months? It's on Zeni to fix this and obviously they do so, even if it takes a lot longer then we'd like sometimes.

    I honestly can't see why they shouldn't add necromancers in the long run. People strife for that class, it would be a great selling argument. Question stands if they orientate towards other games with the ice/disease death knight/necromancer of if they would go a rather different way.
  • TheShadowScout
    ...altho the redguard people would never deal with anyone who raises the dead.
    You sure about that?
    I'd say they would 'deal' with them alright... curved sword-edge wise! ;)

    First off, I love the meme. Second, the Redguard do have designated people to deal with the undead (which if you did the Alik'r Desert Storyline you'd know of them [idk if you have or not]), but the regular redguard people don't talk to them for whatever reasons (religious maybe)
    True enough, the redguards have the Ash'aba exiles who are their "people" to deal with undead, for religious reasons (aka, the whole "fighting ones own ancestors = exile" thing)
    But the guy who raised the undead... the "mortal fool" using necromancy within a redguards sight... that one is fair game for any curved sword in town! ;)
    Iccotak wrote: »
    the point of magic in Elder Scrolls is that anyone can do it. Its like science, if you know what you are doing, then you can do it.

    Creating classes for the sake of flavor does not fit in Elder Scrolls
    That is semi-true.
    The elder scrolls series had classes all right, but... they were more a starting point and main focus thing for most of their time. Especially when it came to magic - you generally could learn everything if you put in enought effort to raise even your tertiary skills. And that system later evolved into giving people even more freedom, to the classless character system we got in TES-V:Skyrim.
    And I would have loved it if ESO had gone that way...
    ...it would have been super-nifty if they just let people pick magic skill lines like the weapon skill lines now, possibly with a lockout system (pick fire magic, get locked out of ice magic and veca versea, pick aedric magic, get locked out of deadric magic and reversed, etc. Of course, that -would- have meant les super-flashy spell effects due to balance issues...)
    ...sadly, the powers that be chose a different path.
    And thus this "classless ESO" ship has sailed, burned and sunk a looong time ago.
    And we have to deal with what we have, and not with what we would have wished to have.
    ...what speaks against another class, e.g. Necromancer?
    Because "I don't want to start anew" and "it should be a world skill line so everyone can use it".
    From a ZOS point of few, the longer and more you play, the better.
    True as it goes.
    But that also means playing an established character longer is in their interest. Especially if done in a way that encourages people to redo their old characters with new stuff (they have to buy with crowns), yes?

    I can only say, my interest in a game is like poison, not like fire. It dilutes if spread over too many characters. Especially when I have to think about playing yet another bunch of them through all the content to grab every skill point, find every lorebook, unlock all the guild skills, train up the riding, etc.
    They gain more when you invest time to push up a new char instead of just having a new skill line granted.
    I disagree with that one.
    Mostly due to my own experiences - I for one am quite willing to spend a lot on my old and well loved characters, but any new ones only get the castoffs. I never ever spent anything on those (and suffer the slow horses for months), though I keep spending crowns on stuff to better flesh out my old characters.

    - If they made necromancy a new class... I'd still make a new character to indulge, grumbling, but it would gain them nothing beyond the cost to unlock the class (DLC or expansion)

    - If they made necromancy a skill line... I'd refit it to one of my existing characters, and then buy stuff to make them "more necromancy" - not because necromancer, but because they are a charatcer I have grown to like from having played them a while and from building up a nice backstory, etc.

    And I would assume that there are people who would buy every necromancer stuff regardless, that there are people who'd not spend any crowns on any necromancy stuff because they dislike the whole idea... and then there are people like me, who would spend it for their loved characters, but not for new ones they care little about.
    So by my imaginiation, making it a refit-able thing would net them -more- spenders then making it a new thing... by getting both the "yay, necromancy" and the "yay, something new for my character!" crowd to spend crowns...
    Also it would severely limit how much and what could be put into that line. It would fall short of expectations.
    Much like... say, vampire? Or werewolf?
    However, in my opinion that would be -exactly- the right amnount to put into this, to give the necro-lovers something to play with and to keep the necro-haters from being overly vexed, right?
    Plus, mind that giving everyone access to everything can cause balance problems and be a problem for diversity.
    True. But there could be limits. Which is why I am so enamoured with the idea of making necromancers a specialization for sorcerors... it would limit the "new pet" thing to an class already heavy in pet-ing, thus giving them more of the same in different flavor instead of letting everyone run a all out pet build... thus "keeping it in the family" as it were...
  • Iccotak
    srnekro wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    srnekro wrote: »
    I see a great waste of this beautiful profession goes to just one skill line. That would be the same to take out Daedric Summoning from Sorcerer and the animal companions from Warden and put on a skill line for all the other classes. They would lose their essence, what makes them unique, the same thing goes for Necromancers.

    Necromancer has a great potential to be a class instead of a skill line. I can see the branches already. One for Restoration/Alteration to inflict diseases and boons. Other for Necromancy(Conjuration) To summon the risen dead. And finally one with Illusion/Mysticism to inflict the curses, cc and debuff. I can't see how all of this can fit in just one skill line.

    Stop separating the Schools of magic.
    I want more of a return to Elder Scrolls classic schools of magic and skill lines.
    Why are the elements separated between three classes?
    People all across Tamriel have access to fire magic but you have to play Dragon Knight for more fire magic?
    Why do I have to play a daedra summoner to have access to lightning powers?
    You have to play Warden for more Ice powers?
    They try to make justifications; that the Dragon Knight is an Akiviri art, that the Wardens magic comes from Valenwood, etc.

    The Wardens powers largely show creatures from Vvardenfel except for the Bear. Does that mean that everyone using ice powers had Warden training?
    Why would High Elves be using fighting skills of the Akiviri?
    Why would Argonians be using Aedric magic when they worship Sithis?
    Why would Dunmer be using Aedric spears and such when they worship the Tribunal or Daedra?

    NOTE: I am not saying restrict player based on race. I am saying that their justification for where Classes comes from makes no sense.

    This effort to make each of these unique classes can lead to a restricting system. Because then you are trying to fill niches and unique flavors, rather than simply letting the player make what they want.
    ESO is open right now because there are Not alot of classes and each class has more than just the class skill lines. In fact the system is so open at this point that I have to ask what the point of this class system is in the first place.

    If you can wear and use whatever gear you want no matter your class then WHY are schools of magic restricted to you?
    Even if you want to be a pure Barbarian warrior you have to level up Casting skill lines.

    Conjuration should have its own skill line
    Destruction should have its own skill line
    Restoration should have its own skill line
    Alteration should have its own skill line
    Illusion should have its own skill line

    ZOS has already said that they are working/thinking about giving each class a DPS skill line, a Tanks skill line, and a Healing skill line. Essentially making classes purely flavor which is limiting for players seeking an RPG route. Any class can be a tank, rogue, ranger, fighter, etc. So what is the point of the class system then?
    All classes have done is separate the classic magic schools of ES games.
    Now you could make the argument that no restriction means that everyone would play the same thing, but ESO pretty open system has already disproved that. Players have access to all skill lines except for the three specific to other classes and we can see here that they pick and choose depending on the character they want.

    I don't want more classes because I don't want further separation and restrictive access to powers and abilities for the sake of uniqueness and flavor. I can make those things on my own with how I build my character

    Or, accept that this is not like others Elder Scrolls game, and accept it is different. And accepet that New Classes would be a thing, since THIS IS NOT SKYRIM. Although, I don't see making classes and skill lines. I mean, why should a skill should be more privileged than other to make as a whole new class, and others just a mere skill line? Where's the line? What makes them "different"?
    What's the point?...

    What makes your character unique is up to you. What flavor and uniqueness is of your creation.
    Look at the other Elder Scroll games, people played a wide variety of different characters depending on their preferred play style and "flavor" that they want for their character.

    Here's the problem. Let's say they make a Necromancer class.
    That means any magics associated with Necromancer and ones they make up (like dark magic for Sorcerer) will be made.
    No Necromancer skill for Sorcerer which makes no sense. Mannimarco was a necromancer and I am sure he was well versed in Daedric summoning.
    But that means in the future if any more classes implemented in the future will be there to fill in niches and determine a new playstyle.

    Let's say the bring back the classic magic schools
    many of the classic magic spells would make class skill lines pointless. We saw frost cloak in the test now is part of the Warden class. Muffle and invisibility in Illusion would make certain Nightblade skills redundant.
    Having an entire destruction school would make three separate elemental skill lines from three different classes redundant.
    And many magic schools would not fit the existing classes. Necromancy would not fit the Templar, because its theme and flavor is determined for you.

    All Classes do is determine what kind of magic user you are BUT they also affect and lean more towards other playstyles; nightblades are sneaky, dragon knights are tanky, etc. I could try to make an Dragon knight assassin but Nightblade will always be more suited for that role. If they are going to put in Thief and assassin guilds then they should try to find ways for other classes to do stuff.
    All weapons and gear are available to you but you can't play a pure warrior, you have to be a caster of sorts, and you can't pursue your own type of caster. If I want lightning powers I better play Sorcerer on top of lightning staff (even if I don't want Daedric summoning)

    Also take into account the Role Players. I will never play an Argonian Warden cause to me that makes no sense. Why would an Argonian be using Ice Powers? The Nature powers look nice but the ice would not work for my character.

    Edited by Iccotak on January 19, 2018 5:13PM
  • Iccotak
    dday3six wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    dday3six wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    dday3six wrote: »
    I’m not the biggest lore nerd, but it needs to matter at some point.

    Spoilers: Meridia is a large part of the main story, and she loathes the Undead, Vampires, and Nercomancers. It’s bad enough that by some miracle she’ll ignore the present of Vampirism in the MC. Lore bills Meridia’s mythos in a very particular light. That has to account for something.

    Secondly, ZOS is hyping up Necromancers with the new Necromancer personality they are adding in the Dragon Bones DLC.
    Secondly, In nearly every ES game even if you were the hero of the main story you could do some pretty heinous stuff every where else. I was the Dragonborn but I could use Necromancy.
    Secondly, You can join the Dark Brotherhood. A league of assassins that has undead Guardians. ESO is giving you options to be a bad guy.

    It’s not about the moral ambiguity of player choice. It’s about a narrative conflict. Being able to be a ‘bad guy’ for the sake of player role play doesn’t wash away the canonical motivations a character. Meridia, who’s sole purpose is to eradicate Undead and Necromancy, wouldn’t overlook her champion being a Nercomancer. I can barely stomach that she overlooks Vampirism in the player character, and that direct exposure to her light doesn’t dust them outright.

    I’m a purist for consistency in fictional works, and plot holes like ignoring character motivation is a sign of poor writing, imo.

    IN this game series player choice often over rides overall narrative

    It doesn’t change the motivations of ‘gods’. It’s a favor of one or the other, that is crafted into the narrative, that not obstructing or overriding it. That’s following it via branching paths.

    Sure but it doesn't matter is my point
  • Iccotak
    srnekro wrote: »
    srnekro wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    srnekro wrote: »
    I see a great waste of this beautiful profession goes to just one skill line. That would be the same to take out Daedric Summoning from Sorcerer and the animal companions from Warden and put on a skill line for all the other classes. They would lose their essence, what makes them unique, the same thing goes for Necromancers.

    Necromancer has a great potential to be a class instead of a skill line. I can see the branches already. One for Restoration/Alteration to inflict diseases and boons. Other for Necromancy(Conjuration) To summon the risen dead. And finally one with Illusion/Mysticism to inflict the curses, cc and debuff. I can't see how all of this can fit in just one skill line.

    Stop separating the Schools of magic.
    I want more of a return to Elder Scrolls classic schools of magic and skill lines.
    Why are the elements separated between three classes?
    People all across Tamriel have access to fire magic but you have to play Dragon Knight for more fire magic?
    Why do I have to play a daedra summoner to have access to lightning powers?
    You have to play Warden for more Ice powers?
    They try to make justifications; that the Dragon Knight is an Akiviri art, that the Wardens magic comes from Valenwood, etc.

    Or, accept that this is not like others Elder Scrolls game, and accept it is different. And accepet that New Classes would be a thing, since THIS IS NOT SKYRIM. Although, I don't see making classes and skill lines. I mean, why should a skill should be more privileged than other to make as a whole new class, and others just a mere skill line? Where's the line? What makes them "different"?
    What's the point?...

    When I said this isn't skyrim, I mean something like this. Just watch the first 30 seconds of this video.


    This is not Skyrim but this is Elder Scrolls
    Edited by Iccotak on January 19, 2018 5:17PM
  • srnekro
    Interesting how fast a thread about "I want a new class" turns into "class system has to go". It's the same futile route with the hybrid threads that want to completely redesign how damage scales. Sure, it would be great but it would also lead to a completely different game. And almost 4 years going, I highly doubt that ZOS decides to scrap all the effort, game rules and mechanics they have now and turn this game upside down. And if you're honest with yourself, you know that proposals like that are withful thinking but not realistic.

    However, within the game is designed now (magic schools broken up and restricted to certain classes, surely done to give each of them a different flavour and a role they shine at), what speaks against another class, e.g. Necromancer?

    That they already gave "role specifics" to classes? Didn't care much when warden was introduced. ZOS already hinted that they rearrange the skill trees so everyone can do everything. However, I highly doubt that this will change the meta role/class combinations. Probably, if it comes at all, it will be like the "skill advisor", so new players can identify skill design and make builds easier.

    That they already allocated elemental schools or damage types to classes? Should just as weigh as much as the designated roles. Templars and NBs already utilize magical damage. So I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the same elemental damage to several classes.

    The lore aspect? Meridia is on to eradicate necromancy and stuff. However, she already ignores the protagonist being a vampire in some cases. Why is that so? Maybe because she isn't ignorant and blinded enough that she would kill off the only chance to stop the plane melt for her own agenda? And necromancy isn't forbidden at the time of ESO.

    Because "I don't want to start anew" and "it should be a world skill line so everyone can use it".
    From a ZOS point of few, the longer and more you play, the better. They gain more when you invest time to push up a new char instead of just having a new skill line granted.
    Also it would severely limit how much and what could be put into that line. It would fall short of expectations. Plus, mind that giving everyone access to everything can cause balance problems and be a problem for diversity.

    Why tho? Classes are designed with certain strengths and limitations (weaknesses) in mind. A sorc has no spam or access to many debuffs, a mDK has no execute, etc. While that is somewhat annoying, try to imagine what would happen when they have all that missing stuff all of a sudden. PvP mDK with execute, sounds like an issue, doesn't it?
    So having a great skill line would raise issues. But if they make a poor world line, people would be disappointed. No win in here.

    When Necromancers become a class instead, they can add good skills, passives, synergies and still put limits on it. Therefor I think it would be easier to balance, it wouldn't be bound to become a disappointment and ZOS would profit by increased playtime.

    Because "they must fix everything first before adding new content" and "they couldn't balance Wardens, why should they balance Necromancers"? Putting every new content on a hold to fix things that will eventually get broken with the next DLC/ Update will kill this game off. Why should I stay at this game when there is nothing new to do? Also, there will always be an imbalance. Remember how this game was called in his early years? Elder Staffs Online. How DK where a total, unstoppable beast for some time? How mSorcs where the best PvE DD for a few months? It's on Zeni to fix this and obviously they do so, even if it takes a lot longer then we'd like sometimes.

    I honestly can't see why they shouldn't add necromancers in the long run. People strife for that class, it would be a great selling argument. Question stands if they orientate towards other games with the ice/disease death knight/necromancer of if they would go a rather different way.

    This.... this is what I stand for. Thank you sir!
  • Chaos2088
    Many People will pay for a Necromancer class...me being one of them.....strong case for ZoS to make a Necromancer class is profit. This game will not be like Skyrim or Morrowind. If you want a Elder scrolls single player game, this is not it. It is a Elder scrolls MMO.

    A Necromancer world skill line would just be a huge floppy let down...a whole new class with 3 class skill lines please :smile:

    I would love to completely get rid of classes and kinda choose from scratch what I would want my character to be. But again this is a MMO that has classes built into the very structure of its core.....I would be very surprised if it would happen.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Runschei
    I still can't get the image of a walking zoo out of my head
    Edited by Runschei on January 22, 2018 11:32PM
  • Iccotak
    I think it is going to happen.
    The Necromancer personality coming with Dragon Bones is clearly a major tease.
    Video of it

    Making it a new skill line just would not work. Whether people like it or not, class is and does determine play style and theme.
    We are three years in ESO, so I don't see them completely changing that system as it works for the most part.
  • Reckquiem
    dday3six wrote: »
    I’m not the biggest lore nerd, but it needs to matter at some point.

    Spoilers: Meridia is a large part of the main story, and she loathes the Undead, Vampires, and Nercomancers. It’s bad enough that by some miracle she’ll ignore the present of Vampirism in the MC. Lore bills Meridia’s mythos in a very particular light. That has to account for something.

    Secondly, ZOS is hyping up Necromancers with the new Necromancer personality they are adding in the Dragon Bones DLC.
    In nearly every ES game even if you were the hero of the main story you could do some pretty heinous stuff every where else. I was the Dragonborn but I could use Necromancy.
    Secondly, You can join the Dark Brotherhood. A league of assassins that has undead Guardians. ESO is giving you options to be a bad guy.

    I agree, you can do the main storyline with Meridia as a Vampire in the Darkbrotherhood. We can presume that she knew what you are. Maybe she just considered the mutual goal that you share which outweighed the methods we used. Same can be applied to a Necromancer class, it's the actions we do that define us, not the tools we use ;)
  • Wing
    I was once one of those people that didn't get why people wanted necromancer so much, it always came up as a requested thing and I just didn't understand it. . .

    . . .recently I got diablo 3 and decided I would play a necromancer despite the fact that historically I don't like pet builds, they tend to take power away from the player and dump it into dumb pets with dumber AI.

    I now want a necromancer in ESO, I am currently leveling a vampire magicka NB because that's as close as I can get to my blood mage in ESO ( I run a trag'oul blood nova / corpse lance build if anyone was curious)
    Edited by Wing on January 23, 2018 3:44AM
    ESO player since beta.
    full time subscriber.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Dont get me wrong, Im all for Necromancers being added to the game. I might disagree on how they are implemented, namely a world class rather than a class of their own, but I would like to see them. But could we agree not to flood the forums with topics about it?

    I think it would say much more to ZOS if we could get one or two threads going on the topic and make use of that. The bigger the better, as itll get much more attention from ZOS. But when we flood the forums with the same topic but with 42 different flavors. It gets hard to keep track of and it turns quite a few people off from supporting it.

    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • SilverIce58
    Dont get me wrong, Im all for Necromancers being added to the game. I might disagree on how they are implemented, namely a world class rather than a class of their own, but I would like to see them. But could we agree not to flood the forums with topics about it?

    I think it would say much more to ZOS if we could get one or two threads going on the topic and make use of that. The bigger the better, as itll get much more attention from ZOS. But when we flood the forums with the same topic but with 42 different flavors. It gets hard to keep track of and it turns quite a few people off from supporting it.

    It's like, every few days there's another topic on Necromancers. ZOS isn't going to forget that people want Necromancy in some way, shape, or form. Trust me. I don't think anybody will anytime soon.
    Edited by SilverIce58 on January 23, 2018 5:07AM
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Dont get me wrong, Im all for Necromancers being added to the game. I might disagree on how they are implemented, namely a world class rather than a class of their own, but I would like to see them. But could we agree not to flood the forums with topics about it?

    I think it would say much more to ZOS if we could get one or two threads going on the topic and make use of that. The bigger the better, as itll get much more attention from ZOS. But when we flood the forums with the same topic but with 42 different flavors. It gets hard to keep track of and it turns quite a few people off from supporting it.

    It's like, every few days there's another topic on Necromancers. ZOS isn't going to forget that people want Necromancy in some way, shape, or form. Trust me. I don't think anybody will anytime soon.

    Itll be much easier to track down discussions about certain mechanics or ideas in a handful of threads rather than the dozens created every week.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • srnekro
    Wing wrote: »
    I was once one of those people that didn't get why people wanted necromancer so much, it always came up as a requested thing and I just didn't understand it. . .

    . . .recently I got diablo 3 and decided I would play a necromancer despite the fact that historically I don't like pet builds, they tend to take power away from the player and dump it into dumb pets with dumber AI.

    I now want a necromancer in ESO, I am currently leveling a vampire magicka NB because that's as close as I can get to my blood mage in ESO ( I run a trag'oul blood nova / corpse lance build if anyone was curious)

  • srnekro
    Iccotak wrote: »
    I think it is going to happen.
    The Necromancer personality coming with Dragon Bones is clearly a major tease.
    Video of it

    Making it a new skill line just would not work. Whether people like it or not, class is and does determine play style and theme.
    We are three years in ESO, so I don't see them completely changing that system as it works for the most part.

    Yes, I agree, but I fear that they make it as a skill line rather than a full class.

    I see this personality as a threath, to be honest. It's liking saying, "Hey guys, we are going to put necromancy on the game, but we are going to [snip] it up and make a world skill line rather than a whole new class, why? because [snip] you and your necromancy desire. But hey, purchase this personality to make it more distinct of other players since any [snip] class" will be able to put their dirty fingers on your so holly Necromancy ability".

    But, jokes aside, I truly want to believe with all my broken heart that they will add it as a new class rather than a skill line.

    [Edited to remove profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on January 24, 2018 9:12PM
  • srnekro
    About the forum flood. Hey, I am sorry, when I made this gem, I didn't find any Necro threaad.

    I am just a man. That want to give the best gift of all, to all that in this world lies, which is the gift of life!!!

  • Azurya
    necromancy = nothing else as a sorcerer with dead corpes instead of pets

    what tells us these facts? NO NEED FOR THIS!!!!!!!
  • CyborgPlatypus
    No more pet classes. Please
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Azurya wrote: »
    necromancy = nothing else as a sorcerer with dead corpes instead of pets

    what tells us these facts? NO NEED FOR THIS!!!!!!!

    By that: Sorcerers have delayed damage, wardens have delayed damage skills. Sorcerers have pets. Wardens have a pet. What tells us these facts? NO NEED FOR THIS!!!!! I just ignored everything else that these classes have to offer. Just like you did.

    You don't even know how that class would turn out. But feel free to enlighten us what ZOS's plans are for them, because it does sound like you know something we don't .

    Sure, Necros present themself as a pet class. But why not? What's the problem with two pet classes? They could just as well be a real ice magic or disease dmg class as well.

    However, if you don't like a new class, you wouldn't need to play it. I can't even comprehend why people oppose things that would have no impact on them. Must be malevolence.
  • Thannazzar
    xbobx wrote: »
    pet jobs are not a good thing in a mmo. They are the hardest to balance and end up being overpowered or weak in many instances.

    Agreed would rather necro powers be similar to the animal warden skill line (zombies that run in vomit and die, crowd control skeleton hands grasping from the earth, etc) if there is a permanent pet it needs to be an ultimate.
  • xeNNNNN
    i would like a potatomancer who can summon me chips every day please

    We need an aeromancer from the witcher universe.

    THE POWER OF SMELLS! and cheese...
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • LadyLavina
    For this reply I will attempt to become a Brunomancer and summon @ZOS_GinaBruno to this thread for her thoughts.
    PC - NA @LadyLavina 1800+ CP PvP Tank and PvP Healer
  • josiahva
    Hell with that, NO MORE PETS! Find a class that people actually have to use their own skills rather than relying on pets.
  • Sweetpea704
    Because, I want to cast the green, ghost-y hand to hold down bad guys while I kill them....and the black, ghostly skulls. I want to cast fear on jerks with those.
  • srnekro
    Because, I want to cast the green, ghost-y hand to hold down bad guys while I kill them....and the black, ghostly skulls. I want to cast fear on jerks with those.

    while raising and unstoppable army of undead. Yes, I pretty much want to do it x)
  • cabbageub17_ESO
    I feel like a stamina necromancer would need a staff that deals physical disease damage to be complete.

    Disease staff would be at least be a another ranged stamina weapon. Now just need a magicka melee weapon.
  • srnekro
    Azurya wrote: »
    necromancy = nothing else as a sorcerer with dead corpes instead of pets

    what tells us these facts? NO NEED FOR THIS!!!!!!!

    I really don't get your point. If you don't want to see this thread, then just don't. Move on. Whining about it, won't change a thing.
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