Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Main Thread for Long Loading Screens

  • Fherrit
    Miswar wrote: »
    Taysa wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you please elaborate on this?


    When we were first looking at the fixes that were getting implemented, we talked about wanting to include them for PC as well. However, when we took a closer look, the fixes (or in this case, rolling back the changes that were introduced with Clockwork) weren't something that applied to PC. That doesn't mean we aren't looking at issues that affect PC - these are actively being worked on, and will be included in a future patch.

    Has there been discussions regarding conpensations to ESO+ subscribers on consoles?

    I waisted 3 weeks of that with unplayable product as did MANY others and guess Xbox users are still waiting for rollback.

    Ain't happy about this at all and still have the open ticket your servicedesk which has been heard nothing of.

    Also It ain't this rollback fixes that much we are now back to normal crashes, lag and loading screens!

    That though is still a lot better than the non functional product we had for weeks.

    So what is ZoS official stand conpensations towards ESO+ subscribers?

    Due to ZoS internal policy on the agreement we signed when first registering to play the game it includes wording saying compensation is not garunteed. And will be highly unlikely even with this type of problem

    It'd be nice though. 1 month unplayable content is pretty bad

    As I ran across posts of what the console players were running into I kept thinking how ZOS should make a serious effort to earn the good will of those players and not just shrug their shoulders with a "we're working on it, STFU already". Given that the ESO+ is their bread and butter for a stable paycheck, one would think they'd make a genuine effort towards holders of those accounts. Even though it didn't affect me personally, I genuinely believed Zeni should do something towards the console players as a form of a sincere apology for their mistakes.

    Then today it slammed into my platform (PC) and hitting the boards for a solution see them (Zeni) doing more of the same. As someone above said, if I displayed this degree of consistent mistakes/screw ups in any of the jobs I've held over the years, my employment would never pass the 90 day mark. Yet for some reason because this is a MMO we're expected to suck it up and accept it as just the nature of the beast.

    While I respect the fact that a fair number of people love the game and thus will put up with any number of issues they encounter, heap praise and $$ in Zeni's direction and lash out at anyone who disagrees with their object of worship, I for one have a much lower tolerance for such incompetency when it repeatedly impacts on my finite time on this planet. Time is the one resource we do not get to refresh, once spent its gone forever. A company disrespecting my time and expecting me to repeatedly waste it on their mistakes is a insult of the highest order IMO and thus I have a low threshold for how much of it I will put up with.

    I realize I'm of a very small minority here, sadly, but every time I run into one of these monumental screw ups I have progressively less interest in paying that monthly or continue investing time in their product. If a huge number of ESO+ members cancelled their sub as a form of protest, you'd see the company do a abrupt about face and staff accordingly and do a lot more to keep the goodwill of that customer base in the future, and ironically the fanbois would actually benefit as well.

    Mind you, I'm not advocating they dump the motherload on us, but a swift and sincere gesture of worth is the minimum they should be willing to offer up to compensate their consumers (who pay their mortgages) for lost time as well as a aggressive posting of updates to let their consumers know where progress has been made. I for one, will give them till the end of this week, and as inconsequential as my cancelling may be to their bottom line, it will however positively impact my finite amount of recreation time being spent someplace where its appreciated and valued enough to not have to endure repeated blunders.
  • Acidlite
    For those on ps4, send a ticket to psn and demand your money back for the month based on an unplayable game. They will compensate despite ZOS giving the subscribers the middle finger.
  • Defilted
    I see many requests for the ESO+ subs to be compensated.

    What would make you whole in this arrangement? The reason I ask is what can they really offer us that makes you whole.

    Issue: PVP Cyro not really playable at all. I agree with this general statement.


    Free 1 month sub is the only thing I can think of that really makes sense. Though the other part of the game has been completely playable and I have been partaking in it so it makes the idea of a free month at least for me not make sense. If the complete game was not playable I would expect a 1 month sub reimbursement. This is of course not the case.

    1500 extra crowns? More free Crown Crates?

    I have a feeling no matter what ZOS offers(If anything), will not be enough for the majority of posters I read here everyday. I almost think that offering nothing is the safest choice. They loose some subs and the gain others.

    I am going to continue to sub regardless. The fact that part of the game was not working is not cause for me to get upset. I am not saying that getting upset is wrong, this is just how I approach things with games. It is software and sometimes it does not work.

    So really what is the answer to the questions, what can they really offer that would make players who are upset no longer upset and back to subbing and playing the game?
    XBOX Series X

  • Apache_Kid
    Defilted wrote: »
    I see many requests for the ESO+ subs to be compensated.

    What would make you whole in this arrangement? The reason I ask is what can they really offer us that makes you whole.

    Issue: PVP Cyro not really playable at all. I agree with this general statement.


    Free 1 month sub is the only thing I can think of that really makes sense. Though the other part of the game has been completely playable and I have been partaking in it so it makes the idea of a free month at least for me not make sense. If the complete game was not playable I would expect a 1 month sub reimbursement. This is of course not the case.

    1500 extra crowns? More free Crown Crates?

    I have a feeling no matter what ZOS offers(If anything), will not be enough for the majority of posters I read here everyday. I almost think that offering nothing is the safest choice. They loose some subs and the gain others.

    I am going to continue to sub regardless. The fact that part of the game was not working is not cause for me to get upset. I am not saying that getting upset is wrong, this is just how I approach things with games. It is software and sometimes it does not work.

    So really what is the answer to the questions, what can they really offer that would make players who are upset no longer upset and back to subbing and playing the game?

    PvE is broken for many players. I can't travel through any main city without risking being put in an infinite screen just running through them. Everytime I use a wayshrine I risk getting put in to one. These load-screens that cause us to quit the game are happening multiple times an hour for some of us. Just because you only experiencing issues in PvP doesn't mean that others are not having it even worse in PvE. I get them in group dungeons, outlaw refuges, literally everywhere.

    So no, the others parts of the game ARE NOT "completely playable" for everyone.
  • Defilted
    So what makes you whole then if you cannot play both PVP and PVE? What could they offer you?
    XBOX Series X

  • Jade1986
    I was told to put this here after they shut my post dwn in 2 seconds, lol.

    What is with these loading screens? It's even worse now, I feel like I am staring into a boring screen saver. I even have that spinning logo haunting my dreams. :/ Is there anything thing I can do to help this? I cleared my cache, power cycled, did ten jumping jacks before putting the plug back in, and insulted my neighbors kids twice. Anyone have anything that worked for them? Plz lmk thanx !

    On every platform, yeah I know.

    Xb1 first party hard drive, Ps4 first party hard drive, what's the point.

    Its even on pc. Since CwC the loading screens are longer and sometimes indefinte.I have a house in Reapers march and i cant even travel to rhal ka ( sp ? ) which is about a 1 minute run from it without a mega loading screen.
  • Apache_Kid
    Defilted wrote: »
    So what makes you whole then if you cannot play both PVP and PVE? What could they offer you?

    Nothing will. But since the fix isn't coming til December 4th that's one whole month of dealing with this issue. I would like my ESO plus money from the last 30 days refunded. It's not going to happen I'm under no delusions of grandeur here but I think that's fair. Clearly ZoS disagrees.
  • Fherrit
    Defilted wrote: »
    I see many requests for the ESO+ subs to be compensated.

    What would make you whole in this arrangement? The reason I ask is what can they really offer us that makes you whole.

    Issue: PVP Cyro not really playable at all. I agree with this general statement.


    Free 1 month sub is the only thing I can think of that really makes sense. Though the other part of the game has been completely playable and I have been partaking in it so it makes the idea of a free month at least for me not make sense. If the complete game was not playable I would expect a 1 month sub reimbursement. This is of course not the case.

    1500 extra crowns? More free Crown Crates?

    I have a feeling no matter what ZOS offers(If anything), will not be enough for the majority of posters I read here everyday. I almost think that offering nothing is the safest choice. They loose some subs and the gain others.

    I am going to continue to sub regardless. The fact that part of the game was not working is not cause for me to get upset. I am not saying that getting upset is wrong, this is just how I approach things with games. It is software and sometimes it does not work.

    So really what is the answer to the questions, what can they really offer that would make players who are upset no longer upset and back to subbing and playing the game?

    @Defilted With respect, I have to disagree with you. You make the assumption that there is no pleasing the community because its unreasonable by nature and one cannot possibly make good with said community. That's both disingenuous and dismissive/overly apologetic of a clear failure on Zeni's part in their product.

    While your suggestion of a free month is a logical/reasonable suggestion, it doesn't quite deliver. When customer service has had this degree of consistent breach of trust/delivery of service a company has to make a greater effort to recover the consumer's good will. Yes, I'm quite aware of the disclaimers that Zeni and every other online service has in their EULA, but that's just legal insurance vs being sued. You want to retain the loyalty of a consumer you have to prove worthy of it.

    If your waiter kept bringing you the wrong order and just gave you a sullen apology and a free coke on your receipt, would you feel like you've been sincerely apologized to and valued as a customer? What if the waiter went out of his way to not only get your order right, but reached out to the manager and convinced him to give you the meal for half off and a coupon for half off your next visit? And on your next visit, they make every effort to do your order right, checking in with you to see if its all good and to your satisfaction.

    Sure, some jerks would milk that for all its worth and try to get yet another discount, but the vast majority of people recognize it for what it is, a sincere effort to win back your goodwill and trust and will feel moved to let the incident be a bygone that was more than made up for. That's the key, more than made up for vs a sullen apology.

    There is a pleasing of this community, and there are a lot of scrub twits who would repeatedly trash talk Zeni regardless. But there is a very real and long track record of failure on Zeni's part. Its because they did significant improvements over beta and the first year that I'm here now, they earned a 2nd chance with me.

    Personally I don't blame the CS reps here on the boards, or even the majority of employees. I blame the management because what I see screams of understaffing and cutting corners to pad ceo bonuses and its repeatedly biting the product in the ass.

    So you don't get upset over stuff like this and will continue to sub. With respect, that's your choice and Zeni should be very grateful there are people like you. However; how long can they rely on people like you absorbing the losses of people like me?
    Who do you think represents a growing number of their consumers?

    Yes, you're correct, some customers are never happy, but I'd say there are a lot more reasonable people just fed up with having their chains yanked and those are the ones Zeni should be concerned with losing. And what sort of impression do you think new players are getting out of this? Do you think they'll just keep resubbing with your philosophy or are they more likely to move on as they encounter these problems? New players matter, keep losing them and your player base slowly erodes to nothing and when populations plummet games die. So again, with respect, you should be hoping they do hand out something.

    Is a single month's sub being enough? Honestly? No. Its a gesture, but a relatively minor one like the free coke in the example above.

    But that doesn't mean they can't possibly make up for it. A month's sub and 1500 extra crowns? Better. A month's free sub and 3k crowns and 10 crown crates? Ok, now that's a sincere effort.

    But this is what I would honestly rather see;

    I'd rather see them see them push out a notification that they squashed the bug today and hired 50 new employees in response to a recognition that their current staffing practices are failing them. No crowns, no crates, no free month, just a commitment to a reliable product and stop the *** cutting of corners with constant understaffing. I'm happy to pay the sub, but not if they're going to constantly mismanage the product and waste my time while doing it.
  • Nelson_Rebel

    I have tagged you in about 30 posts in 2 weeks, so here goes 31st lol

    I haven't hit a load screen per sey, but on Initial login into the game on both before the update and after, my character and all zone textures and people load in around me, however my character is technically frozen as I can move him around a bit before the game boots me. This happens about once or twice a day every time I login to a new character. This has been both before and after ClockWork City DLC and is still happening after today's update. So it's not your pipline on this particular issue.

    Also internal errors have been more frequent and cause instant crashes to the dashboard after today. I think this was an issue throughout the old pipline but feels more prominent today.

    Ps4 Pro NA Server
    Hardwired Connection
    No alternate connected Devices on wifi.
    50-70 mgbs Constant Download speed
    10-15 mgbs Contant upload speed
  • waitwhat
    So did the patch actually fix Cyrodiil?

    Has anyone tried to enter the final chamber of vHRC or the High Lunarium in nMoL?
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • burglar
    This may be an unusually long thread.
    Bosmer Melee Magicka Nightblade
  • SP39EMC2
    Xbox One. Was playing on it yesterday. Today switch on managed to get to the Morrowind Page then press button A to play. But there was a sound and then kick back to Home screen. It won't load for you to select NA or Europe server. What's going on. When will it be fix?
  • TonyRockaroni
    So this is the process for me: I log in to my character, go to leave my house, and then the loading screen freezes for a few seconds before going again, but it stays at the loading screen.
    I then end the program via the task manager because it's been about five minutes and nothing has happened. However, this time, when I go to log my character in, it stays stuck at "Requesting character load". And the signal for me to end the process via task manager is the same every time: while it's loading, it freezes for a few seconds, and then stays loading forever until I exit out.

    At the moment? I can't enter Shadowfen whatsoever.
    Edited by TonyRockaroni on November 29, 2017 5:53AM
  • stuff12002

    Further, we’re introducing a new failsafe that will force your load screen to drop after two minutes if it is only waiting on textures. This patch is currently with first party certification for testing; the patch for PlayStation 4 and PC/Mac will be published next Tuesday, November 28. The patch for Xbox One requires a bit more time with first party certification, and we’re targeting a publish during the week of December 4.

    I may be confused, but I understood the comment from ZOS stated explicitly that an initial patch [that would include the failsafe] would be implemented 11/28, which would drop a load screen which failed to drop itself, after 2 minutes. I have had to restart this game three times today, because of being stuck on a load screen that extended well beyond 2 minutes. ZOS, can you please clarify and provide further update? Thanks

    PS4; confirmed patch and update is installed.
    Edited by stuff12002 on November 29, 2017 9:42AM
  • rivenjr
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Hi Gina, Thank you for actually engaging with us, the angry consumer, we know it's not your fault. Can you please explain how an issue that is so obvious to us escaped your QA process? I have experience in software development and Quality Assurance. Seems like regression testing on a console should have easily made this problem known. Does your QA team actually test on console?
    Xbox ONE Day One
    Server - Xbox NA
    Internal Storage Only

  • AnviOfVai
    Servers for EU PS4 are now working finnee. The amount of players in the campaigns though has gone crazy...which means plenty of loading screens and lots of lag.

    Might be something to work on ;)
    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
    DC - Templar - Tank - 160
    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • Golnebo
    Taysa wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you please elaborate on this?


    When we were first looking at the fixes that were getting implemented, we talked about wanting to include them for PC as well. However, when we took a closer look, the fixes (or in this case, rolling back the changes that were introduced with Clockwork) weren't something that applied to PC. That doesn't mean we aren't looking at issues that affect PC - these are actively being worked on, and will be included in a future patch.

    As an IT-professional myself I understand how hard and difficult it can be to find and fix a bug. I am also sure that you understand the gravity of the situation seeing that PVP is pretty much unplayable for a very big chunk of your playerbase. Therefore you must also underline that communication is key in this. What I think that most of us want (speaking for PC) is clear and meaningful communication about this issue. We want to hear that the entire developmentteam is working on finding and fixing the bug. Developers need to be reassigned from building nice-to-haves and new content to fixing the game-breaking loading screens in Cyrodiil.

    I am sorry but; 'That doesn't mean we aren't looking at issues that affect PC - these are actively being worked on, and will be included in a future patch' simply is not good enough. Grab a chair ,go sit next to the lead developer and pester him every two minutes. If I were you, I would like to know what the problem is, what is actively being done about it right now and when this will be fixed, so that you can communicate that with us.

    Please keep up the good work you're doing and let me enjoy ESO as I am used to.
    PC - EU

    {Nemesis the Magnificent} - Wannabe Magician with a nack for accidentally killing everything around him - Aldmeri Dominion High Elf Mastercrafter.
    {Knightmare the Wild} - Fiendish Templar Lady with a must kill attitude - Dunmer by birth - EP by choice.
    {Thinks-he-is-Funny} - Tough EP Argonian Dragon Knight. Drinks his ale in Belkarth - Secretly in love with his battlesister Knightmare the Wild. Battlegrounds King.
    {Son-of-a-Witch} - Confused Nightblade who took up the dark arts of black magic. Literally sits in Mournhold all day doing nothing. Dreams of returning to Dragonstar Arena.
    {Eilalenya Alkinaerith} - Strikingly beautiful High Elf of the Aldmeri Dominion - Seducer of men and elves - Learning the Healer ropes. Heals for fun.
    {Blue Bear-y Pie} - Think-outside-the-box Mastercrafter Warden - Enjoys long walks on the beach - Protector of Tamriel's fauna and wildlife - Breton lady.
    {Neopatra} - Grumpy old Veteran - Wreaks havoc in Cyrodill - loves her grandchildren - Redguard Brute. In case of bad mood she turns into a werewolf.
    {Sneaky little Maraya} - Gorgeous Redguard Bombshell - Evil stamsorc who loves to clear dungeons of monsters.
    {Seven of Nirn} - No-nonsense brutal lady-Orc. Always rambling on about the Covenant. Get with it or get out kinda StamSorcOrc.
    {Reeks-of-Incompetence} - Hangs in the balance DK. Studied to become a dentist. Alcohol made her do nothing all day. Argonian Historian.
    {Doctor Whoops} - Self conscious Sorc . Father to 18 children. None of which are anywhere in sight. Proves shield nerfs wrong. Currently doing vDSA.
    {Daisy Deathbringer} - Foul necromancer that likes to hang at funerals and graveyards. Mostly plays with the dead, does not deal much death.
    {Major Defiler} - Lovely necromancer who likes to study life. Puts the word romance in necromance.
    {Cindiana Jones} - Defected Templar. Very deadly in Battlegrounds. Likes to wander around Cyrodill.
    {Sideskirt Bob} - Nightblade who got his nickname when a lady Nord mentioned his waistline.
  • jaschacasadiob16_ESO
    Golnebo wrote: »
    As an IT-professional myself I understand how hard and difficult it can be to find and fix a bug. I am also sure that you understand the gravity of the situation seeing that PVP is pretty much unplayable for a very big chunk of your playerbase. Therefore you must also underline that communication is key in this. What I think that most of us want (speaking for PC) is clear and meaningful communication about this issue. We want to hear that the entire developmentteam is working on finding and fixing the bug. Developers need to be reassigned from building nice-to-haves and new content to fixing the game-breaking loading screens in Cyrodiil.
    As an IT professional, you should know this issue would have been completely avoided through tests and continuous integration. That being said, PvP is broken since 2014. It is broken bi design, way before it turned into code. Finally, you should understand that this bug was not a show stopper and that fixing a bug has a price (revenues from fixing the bug idvided costs). It's not worth it. That's why they implemented a hack that no matters what loads after 2 minutes. You can really see the hack kicking in, cos sometimes the textures are not there and wont be there. That's more than enough.
    "Yesterday while searching a barrel in vVoM I found a lemon. Best drop of the whole run."

    Protect the weak. Heal the sick.
    Treasure the gifts of friendship. Seek joy and inspiration in the mysteries of love.
    Honor the Earth, its creatures, and the spirits. Use Nature's gifts wisely. Respect her power. Fear her fury.
  • randomkeyhits
    Decided to avoid Cyrodiil for the first night.

    reload after long load screens, once for Elden Root, transiting into the zone, once in Orsinium transiting across the zone.

    Hoping when I jump back into PvP its not going to be any worse than that.

    EU PS4
  • Defilted
    Fherrit wrote: »
    Defilted wrote: »
    I see many requests for the ESO+ subs to be compensated.

    What would make you whole in this arrangement? The reason I ask is what can they really offer us that makes you whole.

    Issue: PVP Cyro not really playable at all. I agree with this general statement.


    Free 1 month sub is the only thing I can think of that really makes sense. Though the other part of the game has been completely playable and I have been partaking in it so it makes the idea of a free month at least for me not make sense. If the complete game was not playable I would expect a 1 month sub reimbursement. This is of course not the case.

    1500 extra crowns? More free Crown Crates?

    I have a feeling no matter what ZOS offers(If anything), will not be enough for the majority of posters I read here everyday. I almost think that offering nothing is the safest choice. They loose some subs and the gain others.

    I am going to continue to sub regardless. The fact that part of the game was not working is not cause for me to get upset. I am not saying that getting upset is wrong, this is just how I approach things with games. It is software and sometimes it does not work.

    So really what is the answer to the questions, what can they really offer that would make players who are upset no longer upset and back to subbing and playing the game?

    @Defilted With respect, I have to disagree with you. You make the assumption that there is no pleasing the community because its unreasonable by nature and one cannot possibly make good with said community. That's both disingenuous and dismissive/overly apologetic of a clear failure on Zeni's part in their product.

    While your suggestion of a free month is a logical/reasonable suggestion, it doesn't quite deliver. When customer service has had this degree of consistent breach of trust/delivery of service a company has to make a greater effort to recover the consumer's good will. Yes, I'm quite aware of the disclaimers that Zeni and every other online service has in their EULA, but that's just legal insurance vs being sued. You want to retain the loyalty of a consumer you have to prove worthy of it.

    If your waiter kept bringing you the wrong order and just gave you a sullen apology and a free coke on your receipt, would you feel like you've been sincerely apologized to and valued as a customer? What if the waiter went out of his way to not only get your order right, but reached out to the manager and convinced him to give you the meal for half off and a coupon for half off your next visit? And on your next visit, they make every effort to do your order right, checking in with you to see if its all good and to your satisfaction.

    Sure, some jerks would milk that for all its worth and try to get yet another discount, but the vast majority of people recognize it for what it is, a sincere effort to win back your goodwill and trust and will feel moved to let the incident be a bygone that was more than made up for. That's the key, more than made up for vs a sullen apology.

    There is a pleasing of this community, and there are a lot of scrub twits who would repeatedly trash talk Zeni regardless. But there is a very real and long track record of failure on Zeni's part. Its because they did significant improvements over beta and the first year that I'm here now, they earned a 2nd chance with me.

    Personally I don't blame the CS reps here on the boards, or even the majority of employees. I blame the management because what I see screams of understaffing and cutting corners to pad ceo bonuses and its repeatedly biting the product in the ass.

    So you don't get upset over stuff like this and will continue to sub. With respect, that's your choice and Zeni should be very grateful there are people like you. However; how long can they rely on people like you absorbing the losses of people like me?
    Who do you think represents a growing number of their consumers?

    Yes, you're correct, some customers are never happy, but I'd say there are a lot more reasonable people just fed up with having their chains yanked and those are the ones Zeni should be concerned with losing. And what sort of impression do you think new players are getting out of this? Do you think they'll just keep resubbing with your philosophy or are they more likely to move on as they encounter these problems? New players matter, keep losing them and your player base slowly erodes to nothing and when populations plummet games die. So again, with respect, you should be hoping they do hand out something.

    Is a single month's sub being enough? Honestly? No. Its a gesture, but a relatively minor one like the free coke in the example above.

    But that doesn't mean they can't possibly make up for it. A month's sub and 1500 extra crowns? Better. A month's free sub and 3k crowns and 10 crown crates? Ok, now that's a sincere effort.

    But this is what I would honestly rather see;

    I'd rather see them see them push out a notification that they squashed the bug today and hired 50 new employees in response to a recognition that their current staffing practices are failing them. No crowns, no crates, no free month, just a commitment to a reliable product and stop the *** cutting of corners with constant understaffing. I'm happy to pay the sub, but not if they're going to constantly mismanage the product and waste my time while doing it.

    I do not disagree with what you are saying. I know there are people that would be satisfied with ZOS's attempts at compensation. I think based on what I read here everyday that the response of any attempt would be overall negative.

    I would love to see more employees that allow the passionate developers that love making this game be able to really improve and make it great. I work for a large software company and based on my experience I can tell you that more than likely will never happen. ZOS's management is not alone in this mindset of cutting employees to the bare minimum is par for the course. I do not agree with this approach but I have also never been a CEO.

    What I really wanted to get at is what they really could offer the player to fix this issue as I have read so many times that this or that players wants to be compensated. I would also be happy with the announcement of hiring more employees to better resolve issues. So in lieu of mass hiring at ZOS what can they do for the player community? You other suggestions are along the lines of what I have thought of myself as I was writing my previous statements.

    The other thought that I had was if the practices of ZOS do not change(likely), then it is possible we find ourselves in this kind of issue again and if they set the precedent they are going to compensate for these types of issues. ZOS could find themselves giving away free stuff more often and this could also come back to bite them financially. This leads me to they are not going to attempt any compensation at all.

    Who really knows. I just like having the discussion.
    XBOX Series X

  • Jade1986
    Golnebo wrote: »
    As an IT-professional myself I understand how hard and difficult it can be to find and fix a bug. I am also sure that you understand the gravity of the situation seeing that PVP is pretty much unplayable for a very big chunk of your playerbase. Therefore you must also underline that communication is key in this. What I think that most of us want (speaking for PC) is clear and meaningful communication about this issue. We want to hear that the entire developmentteam is working on finding and fixing the bug. Developers need to be reassigned from building nice-to-haves and new content to fixing the game-breaking loading screens in Cyrodiil.
    As an IT professional, you should know this issue would have been completely avoided through tests and continuous integration. That being said, PvP is broken since 2014. It is broken bi design, way before it turned into code. Finally, you should understand that this bug was not a show stopper and that fixing a bug has a price (revenues from fixing the bug idvided costs). It's not worth it. That's why they implemented a hack that no matters what loads after 2 minutes. You can really see the hack kicking in, cos sometimes the textures are not there and wont be there. That's more than enough.

    Nonsense, players have downright stopped playing this game because of those loading screens in cyro. It is very visible by the constant decline n cyro over the years. Cyrodiil was the main selling point when the game released, it is their own fault that people left and then subs fell. If people knew that ZoS was taking the time to fix what is broken, has been broken for xyears, people would be inclined to return. But why return, why resub if they are just going to be forced into loading screens over half the time they pvp.
  • Apache_Kid
    Golnebo wrote: »
    As an IT-professional myself I understand how hard and difficult it can be to find and fix a bug. I am also sure that you understand the gravity of the situation seeing that PVP is pretty much unplayable for a very big chunk of your playerbase. Therefore you must also underline that communication is key in this. What I think that most of us want (speaking for PC) is clear and meaningful communication about this issue. We want to hear that the entire developmentteam is working on finding and fixing the bug. Developers need to be reassigned from building nice-to-haves and new content to fixing the game-breaking loading screens in Cyrodiil.
    As an IT professional, you should know this issue would have been completely avoided through tests and continuous integration. That being said, PvP is broken since 2014. It is broken bi design, way before it turned into code. Finally, you should understand that this bug was not a show stopper and that fixing a bug has a price (revenues from fixing the bug idvided costs). It's not worth it. That's why they implemented a hack that no matters what loads after 2 minutes. You can really see the hack kicking in, cos sometimes the textures are not there and wont be there. That's more than enough.

    It's a "show stopper" for many of us as PvE areas are becoming un-playable on Xbox. If fixing the product is no longer worth it maybe we should just shut the whole thing down cause that's just about the biggest load of **** I've ever heard. If its truly "broken by* design" as you say, then it needs to go away or be re-designed.
  • eso_lags
    great now getting LS's every other bg game.. nowhere is safe wtf
    Edited by eso_lags on November 29, 2017 4:17PM
  • eso_lags
    Oh and i Logged on Archeage and BDO yesterday, haven't been on either in a bit... In my mail i found a bunch of compensation for some issues (i guess) both games had recently.. Im pretty sure i know what the AA one was from and it was from like a day of down time.. With BDO it was from server issues. The point is they mailed everyone affected a bunch of stuff and i just cant understand why zos hasn't done this yet.. Hopefully they will but its doubtful. This is a huge issue and i think its deserved.. If they dont all i can say is i think its a bad look, unless they have some very good reason why they dont..

    Anyway, im gonna go wait for my 15 minute BG deserter penalty to go away.. Just tried to play 3 games.. First one sent me into a loadscreen and i had to restart, 15 min penalty.. Second i played.. Third send me into another LS and penalty and now i type this waiting for it to end. Cool.
  • Buffler
    I think it would be a good idea if ZOS came out and either said yay or nay to giving any form of compensation.
  • Apache_Kid
    Buffler wrote: »
    I think it would be a good idea if ZOS came out and either said yay or nay to giving any form of compensation.

    Their continued silence on the matter seems like a de facto "Nay" to any compensation. Which is a shame.
  • LiesandEther
    I love how noone is paying the least bit of attention. There is not going to be a "fix". They are going to just roll back to the previous pipeline that was in place before the CWC patch.

    XBox wont recieve the rollback until Mon Dec 4th.
  • circesiren
    I am using Windows. Since last patch I am no longer able to get beyond the load screen. I am unable to get to character select. I attempted to reset the router/modem etc per your instructions via support to no avail. I have fiber optics so that is not the issue. My cache is clean. This issue began with last patch therefore the issue most likely lies with Bethesda/Zenimax not my computer. I am hoping folks there get this resolved. IT is an OBVIOUS issue since most folks on forum are experiencing the same problem. It just bites to pay for the game, pay the monthly fee to play the game, pay the extra monthly fee for the ESO plus then NOT BE ABLE TO PLAY THE GAME>. just saying.. Hope ya'll have a great day.. oh by the way.. Do ya think since PS4 players. Xbox players and Windows/Mac players ALL HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM LOADING ... THAT IT IS INDEED A BETHESDA ISSUE.. not a computer, Xbox or PS4 issue?
  • Kuramas9tails
    IT'S FIXED FOR ME! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS4 NA
      Your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady of ESO
      New PSN name: SundariTheLast. Proud seller in RedEye Empire, PURPLE GANG and Backalley Trading.
      AD High Elf Mageblade DPS (General)(Former Empress) -- Stormproof/VMOL, VHOF, VDSA completion
      AD Khajiit Mageblade DPS -- Flawless Conquerer
    • Taysa
      I love how noone is paying the least bit of attention. There is not going to be a "fix". They are going to just roll back to the previous pipeline that was in place before the CWC patch.

      XBox wont recieve the rollback until Mon Dec 4th.

      And PC users still affected by this have no ETA on when our rollback/fix is coming.
      5/24/18: The day ZoS suspended my forum account for trolling a troll.
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