ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Investigate adding something to Champion passives, or an item set to increase the block cost
ChandraNalaar wrote: »Thank you for the communication.
As to block cost, please add the changes to battle spirit.
I agree; I think that permablocking needs to be investigated in pvp for sure, but I think that should be a pvp only change. Permablocking in pve isn't an issue, since the bosses can hit so hard through block anyway. Could you guys add a blocking penalty to battle spirit or something similar? @Gilliamtherogue brings up an excellent point. If you show how this isn't going to completely nerf pve tanks, then folks won't be as up in arms about the proposed changes. Thank you guys for the communication, as well. It means a lot to the player base to have regular updates on what is going on behind the scenes, since we can't see what you guys are working on until it is announced. @ZOS_GinaBruno
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »@Wrobel If perma-blocking is being re-evaluated... please also take a look at no sprint regen. This mechanic pure and simple is just not fun. Movement is fun, being snared down and unable to re-position is not. Medium Armour specifically just feels counter-productive considering they invest more then any other armour type into stamina regeneration only for it to be halted by sprinting.
Wait, so does this mean Mag DKs are viable again? Will their whips no longer consume off balance?
Let's hope so. If this could be fixed, along with having shorter staff heavy attack cast times, and maybe buff the dmg to flame lash procs a bit more, and I think magDK could be in a really good spot again.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »@Wrobel If perma-blocking is being re-evaluated... please also take a look at no sprint regen. This mechanic pure and simple is just not fun. Movement is fun, being snared down and unable to re-position is not. Medium Armour specifically just feels counter-productive considering they invest more then any other armour type into stamina regeneration only for it to be halted by sprinting.
^^^ I actually agree with this specifically for the last point. Stam Regen builds are hurt a lot by their investment being cut to zero when sprinting. Reducing Stam regen a bit could make sense, but I’ve never agreed with it being cut down to zero.
Emma_Overload wrote: »These changes to interrupts sound horrible....basically the opposite of what needs to happen. Interrupts are already too strong and make magicka builds inferior to stamina. Adding the need to CC break would makes this even worse. Also, there are too many abilities that are hard to use in PvP because of long cast times. Buffing interrupts would just exacerbate this problem.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »Thank you very much for doing this! This will help a lot to improve the game and will reduce negative outbursts during PTS testing periods.
-Synergies: Looking forward to the improvements to synergies! Everything on the list sounds great.
-Interupt changes: When reading about this, Dark deal specifically comes to mind, which sounds like a pretty big nerf for stam sorc. Other interuptable abilities in the game are already undesirable in the current meta. Also a nerf to the one player in cyrodiil who spams crystal blast (poor guy). So I'm already not sure how I feel about this change - you should go into more detail and get more feedback on this when possible. Also I'm interested in whether this effects resurrecting players with a soul gem.
-Block changes: It's important to nerf min-maxed block builds without nerfing players who do not invest much into blocking. Lower the block cost reduction ceiling without lowering the floor. The change to block calculations sounds good. Do not add the second part though. Do not add an item set or CP star that counters block cost. Niche counters like this complicates things and are generally disliked (shield breaker for example). They are disliked because they are niche and not something everyone wants to have on their build. It also hurts players with a dual wield build who are outnumbered and are skillfully just holding block for 1 second to block a Dizzying swing only to find their whole stamina pool gone from also blocking the other 5 abilities that hit them in that short window in conjunction with some anti-block set. Players who use block the way it is meant to be used should not be punished.
-Heavy attack/offbalance: I think these changes sound good but it is one of those things where you need to actually play it to know for sure. Will be interested in seeing the final iteration of this you come up with by the time PTS comes around.
Here is some additional general feedback on balance including some Do's and Don'ts.
We all know nerfs are necessary due to power creep and occasionally certain things being more powerful than intended etc. However please keep the following in mind.
Generally speaking the following is usually true:
-Players strongly dislike class-specific nerfs
-Players enjoy class-specific buffs/ skill reworks of under used abilities.
-Players dislike itemization and CP nerfs but prefer this over class nerfs and don't mind as much so long as their itemization setups are still viable best in slot contenders (not nerfed into ground) and players aren't forced into a playstyle they may not enjoy such as having to incorporate heavy attacks into their build.
Which means you should aim to target itemization and CP with nerfs if needed and leave class skills alone. Buff class skills when needed. This will make people like you more.
So try and buff / rework underperforming skills, without nerfing class specific stuff unless something is blatantly overpowered (nerfing frag to make blast more desirable is an example of what not to do). If there is an issue with powercreep, target itemization such as item set bonuses, enchants, food / drink options (Earthgore *cough*). Also target the champion system (reducing things from 25% to 15% maximum for example). Lowering the ceiling on itemization may be needed (Don't completely change what items are considered bis in the process though). Also when doing this , be careful not to force the community into a playstyle which some may not find enjoyable (Eg. having heavy attacks as a core feature of your build).
Do not complicate things by balancing via niche counters EG. 'shield breaker'. Do not balance block by adding a CP passive or itemset counter. Simply adjust the block calculation instead.
As you can see by all this rambling i'm doing - balance is hard. Hopefully with some helpful feedback from the community you can make some great improvements though.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.