A group of 10 people at night is plenty to nightcap a map in a campaign that falls dead when midnight comes. You should know that.
I'll screencap it next time I guess, I keep getting notifications of you taking scrolls at a temple when I'm doing my crafting writs or pledges around 3-4AM. And that's usually an hour or two after the one where Kita gets crowned emp for the 2nd time in the day after crumbling once there's actual population in the server.
Joshlenoir wrote: »1. Saying my Guild of currently 17 people, some of which don't play AD or group with us is responsible for killing an entire campaign is (once again) turning a blind eye to the truth. I'm not sure how it is now but at the time sothasil had a huge AD population and would cap all the keeps in the evening / night but not the morning. AD had the largest zergs during primetime and it made people not want to bother logging in the next day/evening.
OKay, I am seriously intrigued with how that set up turns out. You totally caught me in a whirlwind (Ha!) last night when I saw you drop a Destro. I thought you had switched to Magplar for a bit lol (Or did you actually make one??). Anyways, I thought that was hilarious, especially because it seemed like it was working.I have been having some moderate success back baring ice staff in cp pvp. Mainly it started as a joke but my frostplar is soon to be an iconic shor meme. I look forward to “chilling” out cyro with mUh magical ways.
@Scrub_Potato , my best friend and girlfriend were super sweet and pitched in together to get me a 5 weight setup. It's probably a little overkill for trout in my state, but it'll let you do anything out West too. Then just followed a generic setup for a couple of streamers, nymphs, and dry flies. All told like $300. I've definitely spent more since because I lost a bunch of flies learning to cast, but now I can go out and not lose a single one (though I'm still pretty mediocre/bad at casting). Honestly, it's the best hobby I've picked up - I love it. I've been really into sport climbing/bouldering and trail running since I finished collegiate swimming, but this has been the most addictive.
Joshlenoir wrote: »
1. For the past week, players have logged on and red (EP) has had every single keep on the map with scrolls. Then the emperor is a player from your Guild. this usually starts during the night but by the morning the map is painted one color.
2. especially In the morning and sometimes during the night (mountain time), I and others have logged On and seen members of your Guild defending trip keeps while also, having all the scrolls and emp buffs.
Here's a video from a week ago when EP was about to take the sixth and final keep needed for emperor...https://youtu.be/bAfTQvju2l4
(sorry @Galalin but you got it eventually didn't you?)
Joshlenoir wrote: »
1. For the past week, players have logged on and red (EP) has had every single keep on the map with scrolls. Then the emperor is a player from your Guild. this usually starts during the night but by the morning the map is painted one color.
2. especially In the morning and sometimes during the night (mountain time), I and others have logged On and seen members of your Guild defending trip keeps while also, having all the scrolls and emp buffs.
For my 2 cents.. since I happen to be the DR emp to whom you refer to... I'm on the east coast and happen to lead the EP right now. When I go to sleep, the map is usually split between the factions. When I wake up in the morning I usually have an hour or so to hop on..When I have logged in I either find out I'm Emp or that I have become emp and lost emp over night! I haven't even played that much this past weekend due to RL stuff and I got an email for an EP saying I was the worst emp!! Which isn't surprising since I wasn't even online. I have no idea who turns the map red at night and as I mentioned to you when you messaged me that one morning, I was actually pretty upset it was all red... making it useless for me to pvp.
Out of the entire time I was emp I maybe played 3-4 hours of actual PVP. What is interesting is that no one on EP seems to move up the leader boards at night which is weird given that the map turns red at night.
Here's a video from a week ago when EP was about to take the sixth and final keep needed for emperor...https://youtu.be/bAfTQvju2l4
(sorry @Galalin but you got it eventually didn't you?)
You guys should chill out by watching this video I forgot to shamelessly plug.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPBgCjcfHj0
Joshlenoir wrote: »You guys should chill out by watching this video I forgot to shamelessly plug.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPBgCjcfHj0
Hey look, another lightning staff blockade Magicka DK
Tried to avoid the big fights tonight for the most part, only time I got in one was at Bleaks. Had to be two raids of EP pouring in there. Awful.
I think Im going to switch to Vivec. Sometimes I like Shor but the numbers are inconsistent. The fights are either zergs like Vivec or your waiting for something to happen/go and try to pick a fight. Then you show up with 2, they show up with 1. You show up as 1 they show up with 5. You show up with 15, they show up with 5. You show up with 5, they show up with 20. Its tedious.