Jimmy_The_Fixer wrote: »
Getting good fights and fighting good should be enough of a reason to go to cyrodiil.
Only baby jesus can cleanse us from the pvdoor.
Hail baby jesus
ELDER_HOFF wrote: »
LIKE THIS. Why would you care if a group of people need something positive to happen for AP to keep morale up? Why? Seriously it's the least offensive thing in the game to do. Baby Jesus would want the least bloodshed possible in any skirmish I would imagine. Maybe pray to baby satan or even to "The Shockcable?" I would submit that praying to Jimmy, Plasma Elf, or Dutchess would in fact be more effective in Cyro than Baby Jesus. At least they will respond in Avatar form depending on the prayers.
I know there has been a lot of people out there recently taking breaks from pvp and some the game due to all 3 factions pushing each other to the gates and then spawn camping each other. Since this has continued to happen I hear of more and more groups of people taking breaks. They are also stating that it is faction stacked groups “running down” small and medium scales groups. I am not suggesting any particular parties but I see this is a common theme that goes across all factions and blaming all the other factions. We all enjoy and love our No-CP campaign. This has come to epidemic levels and the once friendly rivalries have become toxic. We have seen a large number of groups just up and take breaks from pvp either by pve’ing, playing other games, or just quitting altogether.
I want to propose to the guild leaders and faction leaders that all come to some sort of agreement to help preserve our ONLY no cp option. I am not trying to dictate actions but cooperation to preserve the quality of pvp that we have all come to enjoy.
sorry man I'm a newcomer here.. that's my first impression o your campaign... You all have created this...
This is a total *** PvP community that y'all need to fix!! I'll do my part.
Gate camping is ABSOLUTELY Unacceptable by all!!! (start with that.. maybe?)
I know there has been a lot of people out there recently taking breaks from pvp and some the game due to all 3 factions pushing each other to the gates and then spawn camping each other. Since this has continued to happen I hear of more and more groups of people taking breaks. They are also stating that it is faction stacked groups “running down” small and medium scales groups. I am not suggesting any particular parties but I see this is a common theme that goes across all factions and blaming all the other factions. We all enjoy and love our No-CP campaign. This has come to epidemic levels and the once friendly rivalries have become toxic. We have seen a large number of groups just up and take breaks from pvp either by pve’ing, playing other games, or just quitting altogether.
I want to propose to the guild leaders and faction leaders that all come to some sort of agreement to help preserve our ONLY no cp option. I am not trying to dictate actions but cooperation to preserve the quality of pvp that we have all come to enjoy.
Agreed. The issue is emp and how a faction exploits farming one keep so they have numbers and an advantage at all times. When there is no emperor sotha is actually alot of fun. Emperor needs to gokpittsniperb14_ESO wrote: »
Meh, I was actually writing a lengthy reply with a full history of this campaign over the last 3years but then I realized how little I care at this point. It's pretty evident that DC won't show up to fight in primetime unless they have daycapped the map so if that's what it takes, then more power to them. The only issue I have with it is the delusional claims made about fighting outnumbered and uphill etc as if they are the underdog faction. I think a streamer once said "I'm tired of the BS excuses, if you're going to do what you do at least admit what you're doing" and I couldn't agree more. Wise words indeed.
Nice sentiments Dutch but you know better than I it's not going to amount to much. The attempt to have a constructive conversation on Discord a few months ago degenerated quickly into an opportunity for many to stroke their e peens instead of talking about issues and what we could do about it. If we haven't figured out how to self regulate at this point then it will never happen. Every faction on this campaign has engaged in massive douchebaggery over the years and will do so given the opportunity. Just enjoy the fights.
kpittsniperb14_ESO wrote: »
Meh, I was actually writing a lengthy reply with a full history of this campaign over the last 3years but then I realized how little I care at this point. It's pretty evident that DC won't show up to fight in primetime unless they have daycapped the map so if that's what it takes, then more power to them. The only issue I have with it is the delusional claims made about fighting outnumbered and uphill etc as if they are the underdog faction. I think a streamer once said "I'm tired of the BS excuses, if you're going to do what you do at least admit what you're doing" and I couldn't agree more. Wise words indeed.
Nice sentiments Dutch but you know better than I it's not going to amount to much. The attempt to have a constructive conversation on Discord a few months ago degenerated quickly into an opportunity for many to stroke their e peens instead of talking about issues and what we could do about it. If we haven't figured out how to self regulate at this point then it will never happen. Every faction on this campaign has engaged in massive douchebaggery over the years and will do so given the opportunity. Just enjoy the fights.
AD held an emp keep.for the first time in like 9 months Just curious DC... how was your pvp experience tonight?
GhostofDatthaw wrote: »Why is no cp SOOOOoOo salty
I'm curious. I've been playing nocp some since cp cyro performance is a trash fire. I only really solo play and I have noticed a weird pattern.
I die while solo I get tbagged. I just do like EVERY TIME. 1/2 those times it comes with some git gud pm.
If it kill a few people while solo, I get salty tells then zerged down and tbagged.
I find a few people fighting and join in, I get flamed for zerging even if it's like 5 people fighting.
Why it's everyone in no cp so salty? I don't notice this level of salt when I'm able to play cp cyro or bgs
Faction lock is a great idea right? I think it is, but 'Any Race, Any Alliance' is basically counter productive to it. Instead of people playing their favorite race and faction, they're gravitating to the top scorers, entertaining streamers, and the most competitive guilds. Hopefully they can release some faction change tokens and maybe we'd see some changes. I'd change my altmer to dark elf but I am not going be a dark elf that plays on AD? Is anyone else like this? They should get a traitor debuff!Fortunately high elf is my second favorite race.
what a pathetic joke this campaign is.. DC are DAILY ZERGLINGS THROUGH AND THROUGH here.. worse ever than AD... which is all the more sad because AD zergs out of necessity, while DC zergs out of LAZY WEAK position of relying on overwhelming odds and not wanting competent competition...
I've heard/read glorification of some player named Feng(Fengrush maybe, never see a corresponding @name).. GIVE ME A F'IN BREAK.. ZERG LORD INCARNATE.. LMFAO
YOU ALL SUCK which you make obvious all the time with your relentless gate camping, Lowest of the Low!!
midgetfromtheshire wrote: »
It's a perpetuating cycle. So when the next faction that comes along does the same thing back to AD, there will be complaints from them about "what's happening is ruining the campaign".
midgetfromtheshire wrote: »
Lol AD zergs out of necessity. I'll leave this here from last year, when AD were doing the same thing that you are complaining about now.
Every faction does it, has done it and will do it.