Plasma_Elf wrote: »
This is wrong, AD has been poplocked multiple times over the past week during prime time.
Dunning_Kruger wrote: »One of the final cycles of true emp; sotha sil will be glorious.
LaveniaRose wrote: »Any guesses on where campaign population will end up once campaigns are locked? I had to wait an entire 5 minutes due to pop-locked AD this past weekend. I'm becoming concerned that I picked the wrong fraction and will need to learn patience.
It is the ancient way.^ I tried to pop in last night for a bit because Vivec on Tuesday is when a certain EP guild tries to get the most players in one spot. Maybe thats the one night where the pops are most low to get most of their sheeple in on 1 faction. Lag on Vivec was just unbearable but maybe it wasn't restricted to that as I had to go shop some guild stores for supply and there was delay just going from talking to the NPC to opening up their store.
Anyway; around 8:30 PM EDT I already gave up on Vivec and decided to check out Sotha. Found a mostly red map there and no fights. Just some resources bursts and swapping. Seems reds that cant fight, find ways of just choking out every campaign with numbers to compensate.
Last week in sotha has been a waste of time. I guess even for EP this is not a very good situation (not sure about that btw). There were some attempts to put up a fight earlier, but then ep decided to bring in guilds from Vivec to help them kill the campaign completely.^ I tried to pop in last night for a bit because Vivec on Tuesday is when a certain EP guild tries to get the most players in one spot. Maybe thats the one night where the pops are most low to get most of their sheeple in on 1 faction. Lag on Vivec was just unbearable but maybe it wasn't restricted to that as I had to go shop some guild stores for supply and there was delay just going from talking to the NPC to opening up their store.
Anyway; around 8:30 PM EDT I already gave up on Vivec and decided to check out Sotha. Found a mostly red map there and no fights. Just some resources bursts and swapping. Seems reds that cant fight, find ways of just choking out every campaign with numbers to compensate.
@ELDER_HOFF well said, I've barely played this campaign, seems to be completely empty or full faction stack with nothing in between.
Most people are not self aware and majority of the BS I see in EP zone are from names I dont recognize...most likely there due to us winning and won't be there when we're losing.
One last time one of my favorite memories of Darkest Requiem and Sotha... we were the tiny spot of red in a sea of blue and yellow. West EP best EP! (Also this was my first and only video I ever made so please be kind. Lol)
kpittsniperb14_ESO wrote: »
I'm all for EP daycapping and winning every campaign if it means EP will stick around on this cam
Nice Dutch, good job for a first video. Not sure how this server lock will play out but here's to hoping that the populations are balanced enough for us to stay on AD in non CP. If not, we'll be seeing you again, don't know where, don't know when.
Stop pretending it's been a good campaign.