Im done with this thread, full of sorcs crying for not being able, and not even trying to adapt or counter it, just asking for a nerf/removal of a set because you DONT know or DONT have the abilities (player skills) to manage it.
Just lame.
Not answering any more. Waste of time.
Not really a strawman. Because I have seen multiple people in this thread shudder and protest at the idea that they have to run, streak away or LoS to survive and say that they shouldn't have to. What else do they want to do when they are countered and/or overwhelmed? What other option remains? Right, standing and fighting or tanking/mitigating the damage on the spot. I admit the tanking "every source of damage" is a bit of an exaggeration though. Almost every good player that does frequent 1vx makes intelligent use of his environment. That includes LoS. Why some sorcs here refuse to do so or call it dishonorable, or a crutch for the unskilled (which is ridiculous in and of itself), is their own personal problem. This is what I mean with 'false sense of pride', which is exactly what it is.Joy_Division wrote: »I agree it requires no skill. But as if spamming shields requires any skill beyond mashing one button. Applying mark doesn't require skill either, nor do a lot of other things. That shouldn't be the deciding factor for wether something is okay or not. Let me get this straight. When your specific build gets hard countered, it will always feel overly powerful, because there is not a lot you can do against it. That is the purpose of a hard counter. Let me say this. Do I like SB? No. Do I use it? No. Do I understand why it is in the game? Yes. Because strong mechanics simply need a counter. This means being at a disadvantage and having a bigger chance of losing than winning.Joy_Division wrote: »This thread... There just happens to be one counter against shield stackers, and it is supposedly broken and unfair. While stamblades being marked and effectively losing their most important defense is completely fine? Maybe add to that a power of the light, curse or one of the other 100 things that counter cloak. If you watch any competent NB player get marked in a 1vx situation, what do they do? Or any other squishy class/build getting countered for that matter... They run and use LoS to seperate the attackers and mitigate the unavoidable damage. That is what you do when your build is directly countered: you use your environment to your advantage to avoid being countered and dying to said mechanic.
Yet some people think ZOS should take into account their false sense of pride when they balance their game. They somehow think it is below them. If you don't LoS when you are countered or pressured, please don't use that as ANY argument for your inability to defend yourself against something. Do you honestly think you should be able to stand and fight, and tank every source of damage when you are in light armor?
Because the counter is a gimmick gear set that does not require any skill or tactics beyond mashing the left mouse button.
And Power of the Light is not a counter for cloak. The yellow/green glow does not follow the NB around, it stays in the place where cloak was used.
I get that when 2 or more people are spamming SB with bow LA you feel terrible. I really do. I feel the same when a magnb marks me and deletes me with soul assault at the same time. Or cliffracer spam when you are revealed. But in a 1v1 you guys should stop acting that you have a 0% chance against SB. Especially in CP campaign. I simply don't buy it. Like I said, using the environment to your advantage and ditching that false sense of pride will get you quite far. And yes, sometimes you will have to go on the defensive. I know this may sound alien to some sorcs here but it is reality for every other class as well.
And power of the light IS a counter against cloak. Not a hard counter, but when it pops it will pull you out of cloak. Same as curse. It will allow you to keep track of the NB. I tag NBs all the time with it on my templar healer.
You are creating a strawman. I never saidDo you honestly think you should be able to stand and fight, and tank every source of damage when you are in light armor?
And I dont recall anyone disliking the Shieldbreaker set saying it either. So stop with the "you guys" and our "false sense of pride."
I get what you're saying. Spamming bow light attacks is just dumb and cheesy. And if ZOS were to come up with a less cheesy version that is still effective, I would be all in.Joy_Division wrote: »I acknowledge the need for hard counters, but those counters ought to consist more than wearing a set of gear and light attack spamming. Or alternatively, address the root of the problem and disallow shield stacking. Not have dubious mechanics countered by even worse mechanics.
That's all.
clocksstoppe wrote: »This joke of a thread still going?
Against good sorcs shield breaker is NOT a hard counter at all. Well played sorcs will streak away and easily heal through the measly damage that shield breaker does. At best it puts pressure on sorcs and forces them to move away and go on defensive briefly.
If it is intended to be an actual hard counter to shields like say the long list of hard counters to stealth/invisibility (you know the ones that actually completely nullify the skill) then it needs a buff.
So you are saying that the counter to shieldbreaker is... wait for it... run away. Did you actually think before posting that?
The counter for shieldbreaker is to not use damage shields. Simple and obvious.
Ah, so the counter to shieldbreaker is to die to everything else. Got it, my bad. Simple and obvious indeed. Every suggestion is more hilarious than the last one. Probably the next one will be "the counter to shieldbreaker is to reroll a different class".
You should reroll. Making mag sorcs look bad in here.
Says the guy who considers a mag sorc with stamina sets and no shields a competitive build.
LOL what?
Did i post that build?
Just keep showing to everyone here how wrong and bad you are.
Just stop embarrasing your self.
This is not a balance problem, is a personal problem. Not been able to counter 1 set.. QQ more, maybe you will get double hardened ward after it expires.
That includes LoS. Why some sorcs here refuse to do so or call it dishonorable, or a crutch for the unskilled (which is ridiculous in and of itself), is their own personal problem. This is what I mean with 'false sense of pride', which is exactly what it is.
Biggest nerf in the game for you crybaby sheild stackers.
Do you ever stop? Your the Meta, 75% of Cyrodil is playing a sheild stacking sorc, every nerf is in your favor, and all you do is cry.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »I just got 4 year forum anniversary, so my opinion must be based on the most experience, therefore, the most correct. So there.
Pff.. Where's the video proof!
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »
Also its tendency to completely vanish if it touches a collision box of any kind.
Ah, look, another sorc buff. Now with sorcs handing out 2.5s stuns and roots like a DK, I expect to see more shieldbreaker honestly.
Now if we can remove stacking, remove shieldbreaker, remove the new rune prison, we can all forget this horrible balance nightmare ever happened.