Decorating Hints, Tips & Ideas

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  • Krainor1974
    Looks great
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Outside of my Primary Home DC manor

  • karrie7
    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »
    Outside of my Primary Home DC manor

    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »
    Outside of my Primary Home DC manor


    How is this even a decorating hint/tip..stop making irrelevant comments to certain threads.If you wanna show off your expensive stuff go post to show your houses thread but NOT HERE!
  • Apherius
    These dwemer lore book are perfect for stairs
    You can also use black soul gems to avoid the falls.
  • ixie
    The Clockwork Wall Machinery, Arched, fits perfectly in the alcoves in Tel Galen

    PC EU

    Ixie - Breton Nightblade
    Paints-With-Frogs - Argonian Nightblade
    Swee Troll - Crafter Dragonknight
  • Cpt_Teemo
    karrie7 wrote: »

    How is this even a decorating hint/tip..stop making irrelevant comments to certain threads.If you wanna show off your expensive stuff go post to show your houses thread but NOT HERE!

    You tell me I can't post a pic of my house here, yet you don't even have any pics really
  • kargen27
    I guess my question is related to decorating tips, since I'm trying to find skooma bubblers or even the recipe because I need a couple of them for one house. I only know of 2 drunk NPCs in Auridon to farm the item. does anyone know where there are more "drunk" NPCs?

    Skyreach in Auridon has quite a few drunks. Some of them you can't pick without getting caught but even with getting caught usually for me the fenced loot covers the bounty with some left over. You can pickpocket all the drunks though when you are about ready to log off the character and avoid the bounty.

    When going for one of the throne recipes I had a circle I was running in Wayrest picking the Nobles and others along the path. You can find two drunks by one of the city gates you can hit during the circle. Usually you can blade of woe them also without getting caught so they have spawned again on your next circle.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Linaleah
    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »

    You tell me I can't post a pic of my house here, yet you don't even have any pics really

    they have a point though, Fel. none of your pics have anything to do with hints and tips. what exactly should that courtyard inspire other then "well I can't ever afford that" and they are just a bunch of very expensive training dummies standing in a group.

    you can give a suggestion without posting a pic, but just because there is a pic, doesn't mean it works as a hint and/or tip.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • FloppyTouch
    Apherius wrote: »
    These dwemer lore book are perfect for stairs
    You can also use black soul gems to avoid the falls.

    This is cool and all love the pic and books, but can we talk about that table with like 100 sweetrolls omg XD
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Linaleah wrote: »

    they have a point though, Fel. none of your pics have anything to do with hints and tips. what exactly should that courtyard inspire other then "well I can't ever afford that" and they are just a bunch of very expensive training dummies standing in a group.

    you can give a suggestion without posting a pic, but just because there is a pic, doesn't mean it works as a hint and/or tip.

    Well they also shouldn't have the right to say anything if they haven't even posted one yet either.
  • Florra
    My bathroom :)

    Boilers to make hot water are placed in another room.

    GM of Aetherius Art (PC EU)
  • FloppyTouch
    Florra wrote: »
    My bathroom :)

    Boilers to make hot water are placed in another room.

    This is awesome! What is the tub made from and the shower head?
  • agegarton
    haha! That's one of the best things I have seen in this game ^^
  • Florra
    This is awesome! What is the tub made from and the shower head?

    Thank you :)
    The bathtub I made from "Daedric Sarcophagus, Sealed" upside down and the shower head from "Orcish Candle Sconce, Horn" with "Dwarven Pipe Cap, Bolted" on top.
    GM of Aetherius Art (PC EU)
  • Linaleah
    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »

    Well they also shouldn't have the right to say anything if they haven't even posted one yet either.

    they kinda can. especially if they came to this thread actualy looking for tips and ideas, like for example that brilliant shower above, or where to look for drunks to farm.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • anadandy
    I guess my question is related to decorating tips, since I'm trying to find skooma bubblers or even the recipe because I need a couple of them for one house. I only know of 2 drunk NPCs in Auridon to farm the item. does anyone know where there are more "drunk" NPCs?

    Outside the Mages guild in Windhelm - a whole bunch of them stumbling around the porch area on the Wayshrine side.
  • Jayne_Doe
    anadandy wrote: »

    Outside the Mages guild in Windhelm - a whole bunch of them stumbling around the porch area on the Wayshrine side.

    So, wait...the bubbler can now be found on drunks around Tamriel and not exclusively from the NPC servants in the instanced TG quest?
  • anadandy
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »

    So, wait...the bubbler can now be found on drunks around Tamriel and not exclusively from the NPC servants in the instanced TG quest?

    I have no idea - I've never found one. I was just answering the question as to where you can find drunkards :)
  • Mallow
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    So, wait...the bubbler can now be found on drunks around Tamriel and not exclusively from the NPC servants in the instanced TG quest?

  • Jayne_Doe
    Mallow wrote: »


    That's good to know! I did purchase a few bubblers when they started to appear at guild traders. I've seen the plan once in a while but the cheapest I ever saw it was $170K. I never wanted to do the grind in the quest instance, and I've got enough bubblers for my current needs, but it's nice to know that I can try to farm it if I want to at some point.
  • FloppyTouch
    Florra wrote: »

    Thank you :)
    The bathtub I made from "Daedric Sarcophagus, Sealed" upside down and the shower head from "Orcish Candle Sconce, Horn" with "Dwarven Pipe Cap, Bolted" on top.

    Very cleverly done!
  • Kettleone
    Any ideas on how to make this beautiful? :)

    I built a rickety sky maze in my house, but want it to fit in a little nicer... was thinking of covering it in moss/ivy and some string lights.

  • Linaleah
    lately my go to item for large flat surfaces that look nice on top or bottom are daedric platforms . daedra hearts are super cheap on guild vendors usually, at least on pc NA, we are talking comparable price to basic style stones at around 15-20 gold per heart, recipes are also inexpensive and they are almost as large as the rough wide planks. however - if you want to keep the rickety look - vines do sounds like a good option. maybe also some upside down mushrooms from vendor in Vulkwasten, Malabal Tor ?
    Edited by Linaleah on November 14, 2017 10:31PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Krainor1974
    Aleyid benches make a very simple sunken fireplace: 4 benches and two decent fire logs for just 6 slots.
  • Jaimeh
    Aleyid benches make a very simple sunken fireplace: 4 benches and two decent fire logs for just 6 slots.

    That looks great!
  • altemriel
    Aleyid benches make a very simple sunken fireplace: 4 benches and two decent fire logs for just 6 slots.

    very nice!!
  • LadyNalcarya
    Summoning circles for dps dummies (upside down 6th house totem) + some candles). There's a downside, though - it makes weird humming noises.
    Nothing special, but still ... :)
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on November 20, 2017 11:11PM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • HoloYoitsu
    If you haven't played around with the incense items you may not know, but you can change the angle of the smoke plume by rotating them. Do this with an Argonian Censor and stick it in a Guardian Statue and tada!
  • Pink_E_808
    I love all these creative ideas!! My primary is Gorinir Estate. I love how much outdoor space there is and I am obsessed with decorating it. I recently got eso plus, but could only do a month, so I've been trying to fill up all my slots before it's over. Some of the things I've done:
    *Daedric chandeliers in the snugpods, they're the perfect length, look good and light up the whole room.
    *Crate lids to make stairs or ramps. I made a ramp winding up to a tree house (still in progress) in one of my tallest trees.
    *Stables out of Wood Elf awnings and dividers.
    *Flipped a Khajiit fireplace upside down, sank it into the ground and placed my blacksmith station on top so it looks like it's lit up.
    *Clothesline poles as railings.
    *Put a replica dreamshard and a small dres incense burner inside my clockwork oscilator thingy so it glows and smokes.
    *Crystals for almost all of my outside lighting. I don't even know off the top of my head how many I have, but it's a lot and they are everywhere, even in the trees.
    **Edit: I counted, at least 43.
    *Wood Elf stone basin with an Orcish Brazier sunk into it just right for a fire pit to keep Pirharri warm (she lives up on one of the cliffs).
    I wish I had some pics to share, but maybe I'll add some later.
    Edit: to ask how many pics can I put up before it becomes annoying? :neutral:
    Edit again: to add 3 pics, sorry this is so long, I'm very passionate about decorating my home :blush:
    Edited by Pink_E_808 on November 24, 2017 6:19PM
  • Skeletalkk

    Couple of my things in Tel Galen:

    Alchemy Garden
    Cave made from large rocks
    Bath area
    Dwemer area (used the plate things as a ramp)
    library area, pretty empty but I made the round staircase from stone slabs, a large plank and I think some clothes lines
    - PC EU -
    Kireth Telvanni - Dunmer - MagSorc

    The Ending of Words is AlmSiVi.

    Accept Mephala's Embrace.
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