Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
While looking for an organic-looking ladder to use in Snugpod, I found that the wedding vine (achievement vendor in Vulkwasten, I think) looks really nice - and tilted correctly, it works like a ramp so no jumping is required. The branches/leaves on top will interfere with the visuals of the 2nd floor a bit*, but they won't stop your character getting through.
I'll try to post a photo when I get home tonight.
*depending on the looks you're going for, the branches may even be a good feature. For me it is, as it keeps my sleeping area extra cosy.
That's exactly what i use in my Snugpod too, as well as any place where i'm building a tree house. Expensive but totally worth it. Just flip them upside down to avoid the branches to get in your way. Posting pictures later as well
@Arciris Out of interest, how did you deal with the bits of wood poking out on top, which used to be the roots of the vine? I tried turning the ladder upside down like you do, but my character kept stumbling because the ladder is a bit tilted and I could not tuck it all into the platform without creating a step/hop.
Maybe it just needed extra tweaking, or maybe we're using different "upstairs" platforms and it makes a difference, but I'd really love your advice (and screenshots, later, if you can).
Well, I'm using those same wedding as a platform too. It works when you find the right angle (not too steep) and you let a little space between the "roots" and the other platform (platforms in my case) Loggin in now and I'll take some screenshots, although the upstairs and a bit of downstairs are not decorated yet.
edit: server is off for maintenance, so later i guess.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
While looking for an organic-looking ladder to use in Snugpod, I found that the wedding vine (achievement vendor in Vulkwasten, I think) looks really nice - and tilted correctly, it works like a ramp so no jumping is required. The branches/leaves on top will interfere with the visuals of the 2nd floor a bit*, but they won't stop your character getting through.
I'll try to post a photo when I get home tonight.
*depending on the looks you're going for, the branches may even be a good feature. For me it is, as it keeps my sleeping area extra cosy.
its sad that zenimax didn't make the interiors match the exteriors, but this does a good job of making it feel more immersive.
i have an obsession with fungus, the massive mushrooms that grow in my house are my favorite part of my house.
GENIOUS!!! I can FINALLY USE THE BATHROOM IN ESO!ive always wanted to use a nord chair that is halfway in the wall, so that you are sitting on the backrest part, that actually has a hole in it, very much like an old outhouse would be.
if i had more item space i would make this into a much nicer toilet, but this is the concept.
Fireplace made from Hlaalu wall post, sillar stone, and Nord shelves
is that a functioning cooking pot?
its confusing why i cant place a cooking station, anywhere in my kitchen, because i dont have room for a firepit.