Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Remove the ability to stack the shields. It really isnt that hard.
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Remove the ability to stack the shields. It really isnt that hard.
Do you think?
How would that work then..? Would you have the latest-cast shield overwrite the current one?
So.. sorc casts hardened ward - gets a 12k shield.. Immediately followed by a nearby DK casting igneous - replacing that 12k shield with a 1.5k shield..?
Any mag class has a strong shield up, is under pressure, has taken damage (oblivion perhaps?) needs to heal, casts healing ward - loses his other shield in place of a weaker one?
All sets/enchants/abilities which grant small(ish) shields suddenly become useless as using them would be a hinderance, not a help.
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Remove the ability to stack the shields. It really isnt that hard.
Do you think?
How would that work then..? Would you have the latest-cast shield overwrite the current one?
So.. sorc casts hardened ward - gets a 12k shield.. Immediately followed by a nearby DK casting igneous - replacing that 12k shield with a 1.5k shield..?
Any mag class has a strong shield up, is under pressure, has taken damage (oblivion perhaps?) needs to heal, casts healing ward - loses his other shield in place of a weaker one?
All sets/enchants/abilities which grant small(ish) shields suddenly become useless as using them would be a hinderance, not a help.
Obviously they will adjust how certain things work. Like igneous from allies or healing ward + other shields. I didnt say to implement a mechanic without testing anything. Im not that stupid. The point is harness/dampen and hardened wont stack. If you prefer, just make those 2 not stacking.
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Remove the ability to stack the shields. It really isnt that hard.
Do you think?
How would that work then..? Would you have the latest-cast shield overwrite the current one?
So.. sorc casts hardened ward - gets a 12k shield.. Immediately followed by a nearby DK casting igneous - replacing that 12k shield with a 1.5k shield..?
Any mag class has a strong shield up, is under pressure, has taken damage (oblivion perhaps?) needs to heal, casts healing ward - loses his other shield in place of a weaker one?
All sets/enchants/abilities which grant small(ish) shields suddenly become useless as using them would be a hinderance, not a help.
Obviously they will adjust how certain things work. Like igneous from allies or healing ward + other shields. I didnt say to implement a mechanic without testing anything. Im not that stupid. The point is harness/dampen and hardened wont stack. If you prefer, just make those 2 not stacking.
See, that's the thing.. and I don't mean to come across as awkward - but this is an excellent example of the kind of stuff I get every day in my job as a software developer - so I kind of automatically fall into 'clarify the requirements' mode. The only comment of yours that I take issue with is the 'it really isn't that hard' part.
Because I get that from our users sometimes.. some very vague requirement of .. just do x.. - its not hard.. But then you ask them for specifics.. 'When you say just do X, what do you REALLY mean by that? do you really mean you want this to happen? cos that's what you said... What about Y? If you do that with X, won't this happen with Y? And this 'not that hard' but suddenly becomes too hard for the users because they suddenly realise that there will be consequences to the change they are asking for which they obviously hadn't thought about - and then they become reluctant to confirm whether they want these consequences or not - or if they want them adjusting too... then you get consequences of that.. That's the thing with software. You have to REALLY know what you're asking for.
Then all of a sudden the 'its not that hard' bit has kind of stopped the developer before he's even touched any code..
And then quite a big part... Without knowing how their code is written/architected, how do you know if a change is simple or complex? Sometimes the simplest of changes can be quite complex just because they don't fit in with the architecture or data structures.. Or required information just isn't available at that point in the code etc..
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Remove the ability to stack the shields. It really isnt that hard.
Do you think?
How would that work then..? Would you have the latest-cast shield overwrite the current one?
So.. sorc casts hardened ward - gets a 12k shield.. Immediately followed by a nearby DK casting igneous - replacing that 12k shield with a 1.5k shield..?
Any mag class has a strong shield up, is under pressure, has taken damage (oblivion perhaps?) needs to heal, casts healing ward - loses his other shield in place of a weaker one?
All sets/enchants/abilities which grant small(ish) shields suddenly become useless as using them would be a hinderance, not a help.
Obviously they will adjust how certain things work. Like igneous from allies or healing ward + other shields. I didnt say to implement a mechanic without testing anything. Im not that stupid. The point is harness/dampen and hardened wont stack. If you prefer, just make those 2 not stacking.
See, that's the thing.. and I don't mean to come across as awkward - but this is an excellent example of the kind of stuff I get every day in my job as a software developer - so I kind of automatically fall into 'clarify the requirements' mode. The only comment of yours that I take issue with is the 'it really isn't that hard' part.
Because I get that from our users sometimes.. some very vague requirement of .. just do x.. - its not hard.. But then you ask them for specifics.. 'When you say just do X, what do you REALLY mean by that? do you really mean you want this to happen? cos that's what you said... What about Y? If you do that with X, won't this happen with Y? And this 'not that hard' but suddenly becomes too hard for the users because they suddenly realise that there will be consequences to the change they are asking for which they obviously hadn't thought about - and then they become reluctant to confirm whether they want these consequences or not - or if they want them adjusting too... then you get consequences of that.. That's the thing with software. You have to REALLY know what you're asking for.
Then all of a sudden the 'its not that hard' bit has kind of stopped the developer before he's even touched any code..
And then quite a big part... Without knowing how their code is written/architected, how do you know if a change is simple or complex? Sometimes the simplest of changes can be quite complex just because they don't fit in with the architecture or data structures.. Or required information just isn't available at that point in the code etc..
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Remove the ability to stack the shields. It really isnt that hard.
Do you think?
How would that work then..? Would you have the latest-cast shield overwrite the current one?
So.. sorc casts hardened ward - gets a 12k shield.. Immediately followed by a nearby DK casting igneous - replacing that 12k shield with a 1.5k shield..?
Any mag class has a strong shield up, is under pressure, has taken damage (oblivion perhaps?) needs to heal, casts healing ward - loses his other shield in place of a weaker one?
All sets/enchants/abilities which grant small(ish) shields suddenly become useless as using them would be a hinderance, not a help.
Obviously they will adjust how certain things work. Like igneous from allies or healing ward + other shields. I didnt say to implement a mechanic without testing anything. Im not that stupid. The point is harness/dampen and hardened wont stack. If you prefer, just make those 2 not stacking.
See, that's the thing.. and I don't mean to come across as awkward - but this is an excellent example of the kind of stuff I get every day in my job as a software developer - so I kind of automatically fall into 'clarify the requirements' mode. The only comment of yours that I take issue with is the 'it really isn't that hard' part.
Because I get that from our users sometimes.. some very vague requirement of .. just do x.. - its not hard.. But then you ask them for specifics.. 'When you say just do X, what do you REALLY mean by that? do you really mean you want this to happen? cos that's what you said... What about Y? If you do that with X, won't this happen with Y? And this 'not that hard' but suddenly becomes too hard for the users because they suddenly realise that there will be consequences to the change they are asking for which they obviously hadn't thought about - and then they become reluctant to confirm whether they want these consequences or not - or if they want them adjusting too... then you get consequences of that.. That's the thing with software. You have to REALLY know what you're asking for.
Then all of a sudden the 'its not that hard' bit has kind of stopped the developer before he's even touched any code..
And then quite a big part... Without knowing how their code is written/architected, how do you know if a change is simple or complex? Sometimes the simplest of changes can be quite complex just because they don't fit in with the architecture or data structures.. Or required information just isn't available at that point in the code etc..
I agree. "Just do this, it can't be that hard" heh it IS that hard. It really is.
What if they said, "make the shields have the same buff." We can't stack major expedition on top of major expedition right?. So maybe have the shields grant the same buffs so they can't work at the same time. Major protection or something.
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Remove the ability to stack the shields. It really isnt that hard.
Do you think?
How would that work then..? Would you have the latest-cast shield overwrite the current one?
So.. sorc casts hardened ward - gets a 12k shield.. Immediately followed by a nearby DK casting igneous - replacing that 12k shield with a 1.5k shield..?
Any mag class has a strong shield up, is under pressure, has taken damage (oblivion perhaps?) needs to heal, casts healing ward - loses his other shield in place of a weaker one?
All sets/enchants/abilities which grant small(ish) shields suddenly become useless as using them would be a hinderance, not a help.
Obviously they will adjust how certain things work. Like igneous from allies or healing ward + other shields. I didnt say to implement a mechanic without testing anything. Im not that stupid. The point is harness/dampen and hardened wont stack. If you prefer, just make those 2 not stacking.
See, that's the thing.. and I don't mean to come across as awkward - but this is an excellent example of the kind of stuff I get every day in my job as a software developer - so I kind of automatically fall into 'clarify the requirements' mode. The only comment of yours that I take issue with is the 'it really isn't that hard' part.
Because I get that from our users sometimes.. some very vague requirement of .. just do x.. - its not hard.. But then you ask them for specifics.. 'When you say just do X, what do you REALLY mean by that? do you really mean you want this to happen? cos that's what you said... What about Y? If you do that with X, won't this happen with Y? And this 'not that hard' but suddenly becomes too hard for the users because they suddenly realise that there will be consequences to the change they are asking for which they obviously hadn't thought about - and then they become reluctant to confirm whether they want these consequences or not - or if they want them adjusting too... then you get consequences of that.. That's the thing with software. You have to REALLY know what you're asking for.
Then all of a sudden the 'its not that hard' bit has kind of stopped the developer before he's even touched any code..
And then quite a big part... Without knowing how their code is written/architected, how do you know if a change is simple or complex? Sometimes the simplest of changes can be quite complex just because they don't fit in with the architecture or data structures.. Or required information just isn't available at that point in the code etc..
I agree. "Just do this, it can't be that hard" heh it IS that hard. It really is.
What if they said, "make the shields have the same buff." We can't stack major expedition on top of major expedition right?. So maybe have the shields grant the same buffs so they can't work at the same time. Major protection or something.
So its not that hard is it? I mean you literally proposed a suggestion that does the exact same thing.
Shieldstacking and restoult is the only thing that needs to get nerfed, not sorcs specifcly.
They have a hard time with addressing shield stacking.
They did the battle spirit nerf to reduce strength which only seemed to screw classes with health shields. At least until health tanks became a thing. They weren't at the time and there were soft caps back then and no real procs to ignore building your damage and sustain
They then reduced them all to 6 seconds which really did nothing for using them under pressure. It just made it tedious outside of combat.
I actually can't blame them too much. Not sure what they could do to address it that also wouldn't end light armor in PVP outside of magblades
Remove the ability to stack the shields. It really isnt that hard.
Do you think?
How would that work then..? Would you have the latest-cast shield overwrite the current one?
So.. sorc casts hardened ward - gets a 12k shield.. Immediately followed by a nearby DK casting igneous - replacing that 12k shield with a 1.5k shield..?
Any mag class has a strong shield up, is under pressure, has taken damage (oblivion perhaps?) needs to heal, casts healing ward - loses his other shield in place of a weaker one?
All sets/enchants/abilities which grant small(ish) shields suddenly become useless as using them would be a hinderance, not a help.
Obviously they will adjust how certain things work. Like igneous from allies or healing ward + other shields. I didnt say to implement a mechanic without testing anything. Im not that stupid. The point is harness/dampen and hardened wont stack. If you prefer, just make those 2 not stacking.
See, that's the thing.. and I don't mean to come across as awkward - but this is an excellent example of the kind of stuff I get every day in my job as a software developer - so I kind of automatically fall into 'clarify the requirements' mode. The only comment of yours that I take issue with is the 'it really isn't that hard' part.
Because I get that from our users sometimes.. some very vague requirement of .. just do x.. - its not hard.. But then you ask them for specifics.. 'When you say just do X, what do you REALLY mean by that? do you really mean you want this to happen? cos that's what you said... What about Y? If you do that with X, won't this happen with Y? And this 'not that hard' but suddenly becomes too hard for the users because they suddenly realise that there will be consequences to the change they are asking for which they obviously hadn't thought about - and then they become reluctant to confirm whether they want these consequences or not - or if they want them adjusting too... then you get consequences of that.. That's the thing with software. You have to REALLY know what you're asking for.
Then all of a sudden the 'its not that hard' bit has kind of stopped the developer before he's even touched any code..
And then quite a big part... Without knowing how their code is written/architected, how do you know if a change is simple or complex? Sometimes the simplest of changes can be quite complex just because they don't fit in with the architecture or data structures.. Or required information just isn't available at that point in the code etc..
I agree. "Just do this, it can't be that hard" heh it IS that hard. It really is.
What if they said, "make the shields have the same buff." We can't stack major expedition on top of major expedition right?. So maybe have the shields grant the same buffs so they can't work at the same time. Major protection or something.
So its not that hard is it? I mean you literally proposed a suggestion that does the exact same thing.
It's not hard to suggest. It may be hard to implement. If shields are coded the same as buffs then yeah, could possibly be easy. But if shields act differently than buffs (more variables determine the strength of shield, can be depleted by factors other than time like damage) then it could possibly be hard. You and I don't know so we can't say with authority how easy it could be.