Minnesinger wrote: »EP attracts players because they have more guilds recruiting players from novice to veterans. Unfortunately, players also flock into whatever faction that has gotten the upperhand in campaigns rather than balance the situation. Compared to AD zone chat when we had the top guilds to our current situation we have hardly any guilds pushing to objectives. It is like a barren land. The tide tends to turn though and maybe the next time AD will have its chance again.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
Normally I'm all for the 'sometimes sacrifice is needed' category of handling things.
But in this instance, I understand. No one signs up to this game to be verbally abused day in and day out. If the objection for playing DC or AD was just 'but I wanna win', I'd be right there saying folks need to go back to their home faction. But when the reasoning is 'I was tired of verbal abuse', then... well... I can't object to that.
Perhaps it's time some certain folks in factions known for the abuse sacrifice their ability to speak in /zone for the health of their faction? That seems to me that it's a lot fewer people having to sacrifice a lot less important thing for the health of their factions than expecting folks to reroll or return while still maintaining the abuse.
"The good of the many..." and all that weighing, etcetera.
You'll attract a lot more flies with honey than vinegar.
SwampRaider wrote: »If this game was Guild vs Guild I would understand players joining 1 faction.
But this game is AvAvA. The health of the game depends on faction balance
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »IF ep has excess population on vivec , sotha sil could use more help on ep, no need to sit in a 180 man que. Come on EP, we gotta SPREAD THE RED.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »That is so wonderful that EP is nice to players and that is not a sarcastic comment at all . Just what happens when everyone is EP because players can't handle a ignore list in a different faction ? That's noble that you are all kind and loving people but I joined AD to try to get some PVP going against the faction that was winning every campaign . At what point to others make sacrifices for the health of the game ?
not that i'm an expert on eso guild practices but that doesn't sound right. pretty sure DC has more guilds that actively recruit players and just straight more guilds in general then either EP or AD.
They have one, on NA its called Vivec, where the majority of players enjoy large scale PVP and participate in it. The mere fact that you are complaining about there being so many large groups suggests its popular.
If I were to guess at the amount of players in large scale PVP guilds that are active (not group size, just members active in cyrodil) it'd look like this:
(Feel free to correct my estimations if you're in any of said guilds because now I am actually interested to know)
Dominion Knights - 40 members
Dominant Dominion - 50 members
Vehemence - 40 members
Blood of Daggerfall - 50 members
Arcadian knights - 40 members
Pact Militia - 50 members
Fantasia - 30 members
Venatus - 30 members
LOM - 40 members
The Kelly Gang - 30 members
Invictus - 25 members
That right there suggests to me there are some 425 active players running around Vivec who want to participate in large scale PVP. I would argue that this kind of game play is 100% healthy for the game. I said it before but I have no doubt if you cut the population that these kinds of players make up out of the game, anything cyrodil related happening at ZOS will loose its funding within the year.
..I am aware there are so many variables around those numbers I just gave, cross guild players being one of them, but none the less I think the point is valid.
Rage away.....
Lol. This thread takes the cake. A few in here claiming to be verbally abused are well known for the salty whispers they send.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
They took 1st place in Vivec a couple days ago.
fastolfv_ESO wrote: »makes me proud to be a dc when i get to read all the ppl who swap between dc and another alliance being told to F off, alliance prides a great thing
Thats because you havent been on as much crying in zone chat.
You need to step up your game Pub's CAPS AINT CUTTING IT ANYMORE.
It's hard for him to type in zone when he's lying dead repeatedly at the gates of my Bruma mansion.
It's hard for him to type in zone when he's lying dead repeatedly at the gates of my Bruma mansion.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
I may not be able to take you on Elon with the rest of the Cabbage Patch Kids mauling me. But know that my soul, my essence, can 1vX you all.
DC has faction pride. More so than any other faction in this game. People who main dc are dc for life. Its called "fiercly loyal".
The spy accusation is the fiercly part. Just reassure youre here to help and prove it with your actions. Earn the trust.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
Honestly one of the things EP really has going for it right now is that we have people who pick up pugs from zone and play objectives and play objectives daily. If those pugs are new to pvp it gives them a starting point from which they can begin to get more serious about PvP. I dunno if AD still has people running pug groups--I know they used to. Those groups aren't out making sick gameplay videos, and sometimes they're getting farmed, but they do help keep your faction in the plus margin for scoring purposes.
That fight at BRK tonight is reason enough to be proud to be EP. We had no groups or organization other than EP communicating in yell or zone with eachother, got troll camped, and we still won against a big organized guild. We also held against DC emp push against multiple organized guilds all night without any organized EP groups bigger than 12 for a long while, very impressed.