Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Is ESO community friendly? Toxic? Somewhere in between? You decide!

  • Bombashaman
    This is like a sunshine on the children playground compare to most other (online game) communities.
  • The_Smilemeister
    Remag_Div wrote: »
    MMO forums are toxic by default.

    And we now know why. Lol
  • rootimus
    Rikkof wrote: »
    Megabear wrote: »
    My personal experience is that ESO community is pretty average overall. There are some on the extremes, very friendly or very toxic, but overall the ESO Community has been very.. steady. WoW for me was the worst example of MMO community while TSW (The Secret World) and FF14 community have been the best.

    Compared to ESO forums, WoW forum is made of angels, hell, even LoL forums are friendly compared to this boards...
    Have you looked on the first page to see how many click baits, troll posts and nerf requests made to inflame the community are made?
    Take a look...this forum is infected with trolls and griefers, players who abuse others verbally, that ask for nerfs just to cause a toxic atmosphere ( just one post today i have seen for example, the one who is asking for sorc pets to be removed , other claiming sorcs are cheaters) and so on
    These players should be banned man, really the forum is becoming a no go zone lately

    You appear to be an example of something I cited earlier in the thread, namely people not using words correctly. How do you know that a change is being requested to be "toxic"? What actual griefing is there on the forum? Heck, even "trolling" has had its meaning corrupted since everyone and anyone got internet access.

    To use your example of the sorcerer pet thread, regardless of the OP's intention, it's not a completely ridiculous idea when you factor in some of the suggestions made to balance the timer. Whether or not it would be better than the current system is open to debate, but I certainly didn't get upset over the idea and I don't understand why anyone else would.

    Perhaps you just need to lighten up and have thicker skin?
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • Danikat
    I think it could definitely be better. I've seen lots of occasions when someone asked a question on the forum and they got dozens of responses mocking or insulting them for not already knowing the answer. Yes, sometimes it was a simple question but to me that just means it should be very easy for someone to post the answer. And if you think it's not worth your time to answer I'd have to question why it's worth your time to attack the person asking.

    Having said that there are much worse communities out there. As a teenager I wasted a fair bit of time on punk/grunge 'communities' where you would not dare ever admit you didn't know everything, no matter how trivial, about any band that ever existed because you'd be mocked to oblivion. (Even if they didn't actually exist - I had some great fun dropping mentions of bands like Sloshy, Tranchula and Limozeen and watching people insist they had heard them, or even seen them live.)
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Kodrac
    Rikkof wrote: »
    Megabear wrote: »
    My personal experience is that ESO community is pretty average overall. There are some on the extremes, very friendly or very toxic, but overall the ESO Community has been very.. steady. WoW for me was the worst example of MMO community while TSW (The Secret World) and FF14 community have been the best.

    Compared to ESO forums, WoW forum is made of angels, hell, even LoL forums are friendly compared to this boards...
    Have you looked on the first page to see how many click baits, troll posts and nerf requests made to inflame the community are made?
    Take a look...this forum is infected with trolls and griefers, players who abuse others verbally, that ask for nerfs just to cause a toxic atmosphere ( just one post today i have seen for example, the one who is asking for sorc pets to be removed , other claiming sorcs are cheaters) and so on
    These players should be banned man, really the forum is becoming a no go zone lately

    I guess you've never been to the SWtOR forums then. This place is heaven in comparison even if it does get a bit toxic at times.

    I'm not even sure you know what toxic is. People disagreeing with you is not toxic. People that have a different playstyle is also not toxic. Giving feedback is not toxic. People saying sorcs are cheating are not toxic. Just because someone says a player is abusing skill only sorcs have and that you play a sorc is no reason to call them toxic. You calling them hackusations IS toxic. You shouting down discussion IS toxic. You reporting posts that have opinions you disagree with IS toxic.
  • Geroken777
    I haven't really met any toxic player so far, what's up with this poll? Am i missing something?
    The self-righteous shall choke on their sanctimony.
  • Ch4mpTW
    I feel it is somewhat toxic, but not overly toxic. With most areas of toxicity being based in the PvP sub-communities. Whether it be: Battlegrounds, Cyrodiil, or dueling. That is not to say that there isn't toxicity in PvE sub-communities, as I have certainly experienced my share of toxic players in the end-game/raiding scene. But, the vast majority of my most negative experiences have taken place within the confines of a PvP environment.
  • Megabear
    Geroken777 wrote: »
    I haven't really met any toxic player so far, what's up with this poll? Am i missing something?

    Probably missing regular ingame human to human interaction such as zone chat :)
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • ofSunhold
    It's just people. Sometimes people are jerks and sometimes they amaze you with their insight or kindness, but the mixed bag is what you always get, dealing with human beings.

    The forum and the game both have their cultural flavor, just on the sunny side of neutral imo. But that's the average, the outliers can be pretty spectacular.
    Classes that don't need any class ability nerfs: Nightblades, Dragonknights, Sorcs, Templars, Wardens.
  • CMFan1966
    I think the forum community is more toxic than the in-game community. Yes, in-game you have your little jerks and show offs, but if you really need help with something, someone is almost always willing and able to help you.

    Out here on the forums, no matter how good you are and no matter how correct you are, someone always has to be better or smarter. It's like some people just have to be superior no matter what. There are days that I could make the statement that water is wet and I guarantee that someone would challenge that and try to make me feel stupid for believing that fact just because they can.

    Just my opinion.
  • Vercingetorix
    ZoS refuses to communicate with the player base about issues despite being told everyday about problems. It's not that people expect the issues to be dealt with instantly, it's that ZoS doesn't say anything at all. It's damaging for the game overall and tends to drive people to be negative as a result.

    Morrowind, despite the posts ZoS allows to remain open, is not doing as well as others might lead you to believe. Its changes were not largely well-received and many believe that the game needs to have those changes reversed and a different solution looked at. There's plenty of posts outlining the issues present in the game, but none of them get any type of attention from ZoS. Players feel lied to about their product's performance and feel ignored as a result of this silence. As I have told others, the quickest way for a game to die is for developers to not communicate with the player base. That alone will harm the game more than server lag or a game bug.
    Edited by Vercingetorix on July 7, 2017 6:57PM
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • Nidraachal
    Somewhat toxic. But 90% of every online game is like this. TESO has so many friendly, good-hearted people, but there sure are d*cks that just like to annoy people (or want to see the world burn, idk.)

    Though, if I had to describe this community in 1 word, I'd say: "whiny".
    Edited by Nidraachal on July 8, 2017 6:38AM
    Forever scared & running from Cliff Racers
  • atlgirl29_ESO
    Personally I don't think it's fair to 'judge' the community as a whole based on a few. In game for me, people are more friendly than not. On the forums, I see more people lashing out at each other due to being ignored by ZOS and just dealing with the frustration but you do have the occasional troll strolling into the thread just trying to push the right buttons... Anyway, that's how I perceive it.
  • KhajiitLion
    I've encounted a lot of disgusting people in eso and it's truly sad, when I play Final fantasy 14 there's a lot of friendly players around not saying bad stuff compared to the community in eso!
  • Velvelya
    Forums are always toxic tbh. People in game tend to be nicer.
  • Princess_Ciri
    Overall the ESO community is very friendly. I have only experienced the odd unpleasant person, but then I am nice to others so they are usually nice to me in return.
    GM and raid leader of Hot Girls Play DPS, the cutest guild EU
  • FluffyReachWitch
    Anonymity can bring out the worst in people. But at least in zone chat trolls tend to get buried depending on how active the area is.
  • Magdalina
    The community - well the better part of it anyway - is tired. Tired of same bugs going unfixed for months and months, of community feedback being ignored in many cases, of missing customer support and absolute lack of communication.

    That said most of people still can and will help if you ask for help rather than for things that killed you to be nerfed RIGHT NAO - on forums anyway. I feel in general forums have a very sensible crowd here(probably because they only have people who are at the very least capable of reading which is a lot more than can be said for a lot of people in the game :p ).

    There also is a great number of great and helpful players in the game but they're greatly diluted by...let's say not so great and definitely not smart people.
  • DaveMoeDee
    It is like most Internet communities. A mix.

    Most people are pleasant, but the jerks are more obvious.
    Edited by DaveMoeDee on July 7, 2017 7:26PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    I've only been poisoned in game .
  • rotaugen454
    ToonTown Online had forums that could get toxic, but the mods there clamped down hard on it. I think that is Internet forums in general.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • DocFrost72
    Overall I think ESO has a great community but there are definitely some bad apples out there...

  • driosketch
    It's all relative. Official forums are generally more toxic than r/elderscrollsonline. I've heard people say the in game community is friendlier than othe MMOs. PvP is generally more toxic than PvE, unless talking about end game PvE during a major nerf patch.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • Rikkof
    in game i dont socialise outside guild so i dont know
    on forums.....this may be the worst community ever, by farrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    just look at some answers on this thread
  • Betsararie
    Just because you aren't friendly doesn't mean you're automatically 'toxic'.

    I actually think ignorant players are the most toxic. So annoyed by terrible players in this game.
  • Minyassa
    I have run into more rude, selfish, disruptive, insulting, dishonest, just plain nasty people in ESO (in-game) than in the other MMO I've played. I see the exact opposite in the forums; a few obnoxious jerks but the majority of people here seem nice. I was so delighted to run into a handful of really cool people in-game the other day that it lifted my hopes, only to have them squashed flat an hour later by a group of people of equal or greater jerkwad level to destroy my faith again. I've pretty much started to expect the worst, be cautiously polite, and just be pleasantly surprised if I do luck into the nice folks that I know are there.
  • smacx250
    I'd say bipolar!
  • Tan9oSuccka
    Good and bad everywhere, just like life.

    Sweeping, subjective generalizations are bad, mkay.
    Of course I like steak. I'm a Nord, aren't I?
    -Berj Stoneheart
  • Aurie
    This forum is, compared to others, relatively friendly. I believe the reason for this is that it's very heavily moderated. For the most part this is not a bad thing, although I do think the forum rules and moderation can be over the top. This does severely limit freedom of speech, which can be frustrating....but on the other hand members are protected from extremes of behaviour, which after a few months I have come to appreciate.

    Before coming back to ESO and joining this forum, I played Darkfall:New Dawn. Now that was a truly toxic forum. I don't know whether that is specifically a trait of PVP full loot gamers, but it had to be seen to be believed. The devs of DND who also ran the forum (and who had everyone's utmost respect due to their visionary way of turning what had been a failed game on its head, and especially due to their legendary involvement and communication in the forum), took a minimal intervention attitude until a few months ago. Everyone was allowed to say exactly what they liked, in whatever way they liked. And oh boy, they did. Eventually the devs decided that things were getting out of hand, and stepped in to tone things down. But by that time a lot of damage had been done and people had been hurt by the handful of really toxic trolls.

    So really, I now think that @ZOS are right in their approach, even though they appear to be heavy-handed at times. The result is that this forum is one that is a relatively pleasant and supportive place to be in, and that has to be a good thing for all. So well done @ZOS, and thank you for your high values.
  • Nyghthowler
    This question needs to be divided into two parts; In game community and Forums community.

    For the most part I have found the In game community to be generally helpful and polite, with a few exceptions.

    The Forums community on the other hand to me is summed up with this quote;
    You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

    As above, their are exceptions.
    I'm not prejudiced; I hate everyone equally !
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