Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Is ESO community friendly? Toxic? Somewhere in between? You decide!

  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Cancerously friendly.
    -Unknown American
  • Roovin
    People saying this community is toxic haven't and/or aren't comparing it to other MMO's.

    This place is super tame
  • neverwalk
    Toxic now because Zenny is not fixing their broken crap. NEW games coming up that look awesome, Zenny will lose alot of players over the ignoring their player base. Only person i saw a reply from was Bethedsa, not Zenny. Whats up with that unless Beth is going to take over and give us a creation kit to make mods.
  • ofSunhold
    Anlace wrote: »
    Have to admit I keep zone chat off everywhere but Cyrodiil. It's not necessarily toxic but I still don't want to deal with it.

    The forums at worst are a bit cranky - and people in the PvP threads should probably not drunk post - butok. There are always personality clashes and frictions when you have a large group of people all talking.

    No, they probably shouldn't. :D
    Classes that don't need any class ability nerfs: Nightblades, Dragonknights, Sorcs, Templars, Wardens.
  • Smackosynthesis
    Stay out of PvP and trials and your fine, also don't mention anything political in zone chat.

    PvP is about as toxic as a barrel of radioactive waste

    It's pretty easy to ignore those people and just follow a zerg, but yeah it seems like a bunch of kids trying to prove how good they are. It's also like that in any game with pvp.
  • Izaki
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Stovahkiin
    Eh, I've seen toxic people in all parts of the game, but there are a lot of good cookies out there. I think a lot of the nicer people simply keep to themselves or their personal guilds, while the trolls are the ones that you see more in zone chat and whatnot.
    Beware the battle cattle, but don't *fear* the battle cattle!
  • Malamar1229
    ever since it went free to play all the bunny hopping 18 yr olds from Call of Duty came over
  • leeshi
    In game I find people to be amazingly friendly. I know I always am. I have the smallest ignore list of any mmo i've ever played on eso.

    I craft for people and have always had them send the gold or send the mats in advance. Lots of trust in the game. Nobody ever seems to scam. Unlike most mmos.

    On the forums, the minority of actual players, things can get a bit "toxic". But even there it's not that bad. It's usually just a vocal few that are the toxic people.

    This is all PC/NA I can't comment on the EU servers or the console ones.

    TLDR: ESO has an awesome community. :)
  • Vrienda
    Toxic but not as toxic as the Bethesda community in general.
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • Infinite_Pudding
    Soul Shriven
    I didn't vote because there wasn't an option that fit my opinion. I say the forum community is highly toxic and the in game community is very friendly. I haven't met many jerks in game but a ton on here.
  • Vahrokh
    I play MMOs since before 2000.

    ESO's community is probably top #2 or #3 nicest of all I have played with.

    There are some cesspools in other MMOs you couldn't believe they could exist.
  • Mordack
    Pretty good for an MMO. Wanna know a bad MMO community? Check out MapleStory.
    What do you call a Wood Elf who doesn't lie or cheat or steal?
    A dead Wood Elf.
  • Rickter
    The forums are a complete cesspool. Well i take that back, the ROLEPLAY and COMMUNITY CREATIONS subforums are VERY friendly and community building. I go there some times to have my faith in the playerbase restored. Literally every other subforums is a toxic cesspool.

    I avoided these forums the first 3 years of this game. Only popping in to lurk. Im glad i did. Reading these forums would have made me want to quit the game. The amount of doomsaying and get gud and zos doesnt care and blah blah blah, if youre just playing the game you wouldnt know any of this crap. Exploits are revealed here too. It literally spreads disease.

    You want to save this game? Burn the forums. You want community news - play the game instead of keyboard commando.

    And to be fair its this way with every game. Guild Wars 2 Swtor wow you name it they are all toxic.
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • Nemesis7884
    The best community ive ever seen in an mmo has gw2 and tsw....what generally helps with friendliness is appealing to women and older people...what doesnt help is a strong focus on pvp...toxicity comes usually from young males and is ime stronger in certain exp overall are still decent there you go appeal to older people and women and youll have a great community
    Edited by Nemesis7884 on July 9, 2017 12:58AM
  • Appleblade
    Area chat off.
  • Olupajmibanan
    As every game in the universe, it has friendly and toxic players as well. I came across both but generally I find mostly friendly players. Toxic players are common in PvP and end-game PvE.
  • CaptainBeerDude
    Rikkof wrote: »
    Worst community from all MMO's combined, hands down.
    Take a look at the posts rolling right now on main page, most are:
    1. click bait trolls
    2. nerf requests posted mostly to create bad atmosphere and to draw in trolling
    3. hackusations, insults
    4. trolls
    5. trolls
    6. trolls
    7. and some more trolls afterwards

    I play many MMO's and many online games, but from all, combined even, this game has got to have the worst community ever, both in game and on forums
    The forums in particular are atrocious, i remember 1 and a half month ago how i got attacked on my first post ever on this forum by the troll army, i was barely 2 weeks into the game, even if that.
    Many players here are f2p loaders tho, and these are the worst type of gamers a game can attract, sadly.
    I would vote yes in a glimpse for a mandatory subscription, this will clear a lot of issues.

    To be fair, you spouted a controversial opinion and were trying to defend the weaker argument. When provided with proven advice you ignored it and said you can play how you want.
    You can absolutely play how you want, just don't expect the gankers to care that you decided to run no impen pieces.

    I have seen forums that go both ways. Some more toxic, some less so.
    The only constant is that trolls loves the intahwebz.

    Edit: typos and ***.
    Edited by CaptainBeerDude on July 9, 2017 7:58AM
  • Radinyn
    Toxic only on forum
    Very Friendly in game
  • Turelus
    Roovin wrote: »
    People saying this community is toxic haven't and/or aren't comparing it to other MMO's.

    This place is super tame
    My experience has been different. I have found far worse players here and been in more toxic situations than I have in other games.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Titansteele
    In game the community is very good, I have been playing since beta and can count on the fingers of one hand just how many people I have encountered that were toxic.

    The forums however .......... :@D
    Guild Leader of The Twelve Knights, AD PVE, PVP and Trading Guild on the EU Mega Server

    "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"
  • LadyDestiny
    I say somewhat toxic because their are still a few good people. I blame it on unhappiness with the game.
  • Sylianwe
    Neutral/Very Friendly/Other

    It depends on who you encounter I suppose, there will always be individuals who have no other calling but to make life hard for others. Though generally speaking, I try to gravitate towards the many wholesome members this community has to offer and it has made me very proud to be part of this community.
    Edited by Sylianwe on April 11, 2021 12:34AM
    The mind is a walled garden, even death can not touch the flowers blooming there 🌹
  • Comixfan
    Very toxic on Xbox. Sick of getting kicked from dungeons when I've done nothing wrong all because some elitist jerk decides I'm not good enough.
  • Banana
    Burn the server. Get some new ones and everything would be great.
  • FierceSam
    Players in ESO - mostly harmless, very easy to ostracise the tedious

    Forum - waaay more toxic, but occasionally really interesting. On rare occasions you find people who understand it’s possible to have different opinions without insulting one another.
  • Hippie4927
    Necromancers.............necromancers everywhere!! :p
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • OneForSorrow
    I have my concerns and complaints about the crown store (and I have a sub!) but in my experience, at least for casual content, this is probably the most friendly MMO I've played so far (PC).

    Granted my others are Guild Wars 2 which I never really progressed in, Final Fantasy XIV and World of WarCraft.

    FFXIV has some fine people in its playerbase and trends towards the friendlier side since it has social mechanics that are meant to foster a positive atmosphere (getting bonuses for running content with a newbie, being able to vote for people who make meaningful contributions etc) but the most toxic experiences I've ever had have been in FFXIV.

    WoW has sunk so far into its reputation for toxicity that I actually think it's slowly entering a nirvana state on the other side....

    ESO is a big sandbox so I think it has more people experimenting with things and that's come to be expected, at least outside the veteran content...and some DLC content. DLC dungeons should probably be locked behind CP 160 but that's a complaint for another day.

    Edited by OneForSorrow on June 4, 2019 6:58AM
    PC NA. Various alts, trying to find a main, I have no idea what I'm doing.
  • Irfind
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    The game is fairly non-toxic, at least most of the time.
    The forums are poisonous as heck. I've seen so much bullying and harassment on these forums that I wouldn't be surprised if it made some people leave the game. I think the mods just let the bullying and trolling go on for so long that people think it's OK now. Basically, they only seem to care if people use a bad word, or write something racist.
    When you're playing the game, though, you don't see so much of it, and the game is really incredible.

    ^this, nothing more to say!
    PC EU no CP PVP
    EP Irfind - Stam NB Dunmer
    EP Iswind - Mag Warden Dunmer
    EP Ko'runa Silberklaue - Mag Temp Khajiit
    EP Eldrid Hagal - Mag DK Dunmer
    EP Feyne R'is - Stam Sorc Dunmer ...with Bow
    EP Wynn Loraethaine - Mag NB Dunmer
    AD Runare Loraethaine - Stam Sorc Altmer
    AD Skadi Hagal - Stam DK Khajiit
  • geonsocal
    wow, megabear...there's a blast from the past...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
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