Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Is ESO community friendly? Toxic? Somewhere in between? You decide!

  • Raudgrani
    Xbox EU, my impression:

    PVE, not really toxic, but there's quite a number of people with severe elitist tendencies, almost bordering to psychological disorder. And I mean it. A a couple of guilds I'm in, there's some people who just NEEDS to sit in text chat, and link their "hard-to-get" stuff, tell us how they are one of (like) 6 groups who finished this and that, tell us how they are members of Discord groups that are only for "the very best players of Xbox EU" and what not. It's extremely tiresome, to say the lest.
    Though, the PVE community tend to be more like "Okay, you are *** but we don't tell you, let's try and make the best of this and limit the deaths of this no-thumber". I have been doing vet trials with some random people I know are very "1337'ish", but they have been pretty friendly - and the worst thing I've been hearing was "Just TRY to stay alive will you, ok?". LOL

    PVP, here we go really, really toxic. We actually have people checking out who you are in real life, what you do for a living, how you look (if you are a fat slob virgin with diabetes type 1 or not, or if you are a steroid junkie, or if you "look gay" etc.). You actually get threats and *** from people, just because they hate you in the game.
    I fear the mental health of some of these people is really poor. And they are delusional at that, thinking that because they can beat me on their MagDK duel build in open world Cyrodiil, means they would dominate me in real life. I've seen this specific guy, he looks very average and "Joe Citizen". I have some 10 years of running in football firms on my record, and have worked as a bouncer at a strip club for several years. There's no f*****g Fossilize and Lava Whips in real life lad, just chill and realize it's all a game - meant to be fun. ;-)
    Alliance "allies" are not much better much of the time to be fair. There are great people acting as true leaders, leaving none behind and making things happen; but then we have some outright a******s too - "great players" spending most of their time standing inside Chalman keep with their meta StamDK build, showing off their Sanctified Silver or Fabrication skin wearing nothing but Nordic Bather's Towel, not involving in anything but zerg surfing. They mostly keep area chat toxic, and complain about how worthless some other players (who actually fight and die) are.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    Depends when you define community.
    WoW refugees who many brought elitism and toxicity, or the local community who's here for 5 years.
  • Chrysa1is
    Not in the game. But on the forums
  • dem0n1k
    The majority of players have always seemed pretty friendly to me... there will always be a few lamers, that's gaming.
    I think that too many people are too easily upset & have a bad encounter with another player & label the entire player base as 'toxic!' .. that's how it's seemed to me.
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • MartiniDaniels
    95% of people I met are neutral or friendly, and most important - adequate.

    Comparing to other games, I'll say ESO's player base is very good.
  • SantieClaws
    It depends where you are and who you know yes.

    This one has found Tamriel to be mostly very friendly indeed (incoming …)

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Clan Claws at the bar
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • mikemacon
    Generally friendly.

    ...or should I say, “mostly harmless”?
  • Nimrhys
    Sure, you get your occasional "Omg ESO is dying" "Ermagerd fix the gaaame" "Dis game is too easy 4me" "Mememememmemememmemememe" but you get that anywhere. On the whole, I quite like the community. You want toxic? Go see the current WoW general forums. Yikes.
  • Cadbury
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Svenja
    These forums are horribly toxic.
    Seriously, it's crazy. People hating on each other so much that it's painful to read sometimes. I can link at least 20 topics from the last weeks with people just being super-toxic and plain rude to each other. It's always PVE'rs hating PVPers, PVPers hating PVErs, and of course then you have the PVErs hating other PVErs because content is too easy/hard/whatever.
    I'd never dare to post a guide or a trial score run video here because I'd just get bashed to death for being a "toxic elitist", even though I never mention anything in that direction.

    In game, everything's fine. You do a nice score in a trial, even random people even from trade guilds start whispering sometimes "congrats, nice score! which guild you running with?", people from my social guild are also super nice and even the worst of zonechat is nothing against these forums anyways.
    PC | EU

    Svea Rochaud | Templar Healer | AD
    Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror - Immortal Redeemer - Tick-Tock-Tormentor - Gryphon Heart - Spirit Slayer
  • Darkenarlol
    as every big community ESO's population

    have a big diversity from total scrubs to godlike players

    and from toxic %*&holes to very nice and friendly people
  • Chaos2088
    Yes and no. Humans will be humans
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • zvavi
    I voted very toxic, but it only happens when you try to communicate. Yesterday i tried healing vet dlc. Took my heal dk for three run. MoS and twice FV (i queued up randomly for all dlc but IC ones) two out of three were somewhat toxic, all were unwilling to listen and do *** right (the thing that made me rage quit is the tank that just wouldn't stand still during last boss in vFV (he was not one of the tanks that can survive with no heals, heck, he didnt roll dodge blades or centurion heavy even once, needed heals very much), even after i asked, few times, after he killed his premade by spinning (lol, flames) he somewhat stopped spinning (maybe we managed to defeat him that fight, thats why), and at the end i got "why not just heal him instead of asking him to stop moving" which triggered me sooooo hard. Thats when i became very toxic. Said that i cant see him properly, he is running from my heals, and i cant even throw orbs cause of that, cause i dont know if i need to support the (bad, didnt type bad though) tank. I said thanks for the run, and called it a night. See? Very toxic. I am still toxic since yesterday.
    Edited by zvavi on June 4, 2019 10:55AM
  • Luckylancer
    It depensçds on where you are.

    Pvp: toxic AvA, average withing alliance
    Pve: I ll call this so ewhat toxic. People leave after 3-4 wipe with anger
    Reddit: mostly positive
    Forums: 0 IQ, toxic and 0 IQ again

    Edit: low level zone chats for noobies: very positive
    Edited by Luckylancer on June 4, 2019 10:00AM
  • iamkeebler
    Last night on the PS4 NA server, there was a moment of ESO community magic. As the servers went down, those in Rawl’ka came together to bond and huddle and panic about the end of times on the rock. It was a hilarious and magical moment and was exactly the type of moment that makes games like this special. I LOVE THAT ROCK
  • Indoril_Nerevar
    It's impossible to make a statement on this forum, good - bad or indifferent, without being attacked or mocked or made the victim of some "humorist" who thinks he's a good deal funnier than he is.

  • Indoril_Nerevar
    It's impossible to make a statement on this forum, good - bad or indifferent, without being attacked or mocked or made the victim of some "humorist" who thinks he's a good deal funnier than he is.

  • barney2525
    Its a mix - Just like everything in the world.

    I have gotten some really good help and advice from a lot of people.

    Then there's the person I ran into on chat. Another person was asking about an issue he wasn't sure about, and referred to himself as a 'noob'. Somebody else popped up saying that was toxic - noob is derogatory. I popped on and said noob = new player. That's it. Nothing more nothing less. He Chose not to accept this and hold fast to it being toxic.

    Some people are from this new culture where they think They determine what is "good" and what is "bad" and their word is Law that everyone else must abide by.

    I say - IMHO - Grow a thicker skin. Stop Looking for excuses to find something negative.

    Too many peeps want to be politicians.

    Ooops. I said 'peeps' referring to people. Did that offend anybody?

  • Indoril_Nerevar
    9/10 are hardcore losers and not even worth your time. Thats like wvery other MMO.

    It's so bad that official staff members will close your post for makong a statement in reply to someone being a loser but they wont do anything about the antagonzing losers with all the time in the world to follow and harass your posts lol.

    Its not the game, man. The people you play with and walk by in real life are just mentally *** up and so keep that in mind and dont bother trying to lecture, criticise or help anyone or you become a victim.

  • Numerikuu
    Reverb wrote: »
    I've been a part of truly toxic online gaming communities. This one isn't. It's also not truly benevolent. It's a good solid middle.

  • daemonios
    PC-EU, was here for early access then was away for around 2 years until around October 2018. Coming back, I found the average random person you find - especially doing group content through the LFG tool - is pretty toxic. This isn't to say there are only toxic people here. It's just that my personal experience with groups is that most people are quite rude and the slightest hiccup will bring about huge drama and name-calling.

    I believe the reason why lies largely with dailies and daily rewards. People don't do content for the content, they do content for the carrot at the end, and they want it NOW. No greetings, no waiting, no adapting to a group of strangers you are using to get to your goal. Dailies are a lazy way to provide fake content or "replayability" and become a chore people want to get done fast, rather than have fun doing.

    Another reason, I think, is ZOS' catering to the nerf crowd. Overland content is laughably easy and provides no learning curve. When people are dropped in group content they often think they are better than they really are. On the other end of the scale, you have your typical DD hero who can faceroll even group content due to unchecked power creep and couldn't be bothered to give two seconds' thought to what other group members might possibly want to do.
  • wishlist14
    I voted somewhat toxic because as much as people complain and get nasty, there are many amazing, genuine people that do want to support the eso forums community.

    I find the most toxic are the ones that are constantly putting other players down to elevate themselves.
    One liner trolls can be annoying cause they're lazy lol.

    I enjoy a laugh so i like the humorists.

    I honestly don't like to be negative about eso. I love playing this game and I don't think it's fair that people get angry at me for it. Some do. I don't allow it to get to me anymore.

  • Kolache
    IMO, friendlier than average but not the most friendly I've seen.
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • Valrien
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Toxically friendly

    Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
    Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
    Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
  • srfrogg23
    It's the nature of video game forums. On the internet. Definitely not specific to ESO.
  • Inaya
    Firendlier than most I've seen but getting worse from the WOW refugees with what I can only assume from their statements and conversations about the game in zone chat and the way they speak to others who ask for help, the spamming of selling things in zone chat... all blatant enough for me to recognize WOW peeps and really noticeable in the last month or so.
    Go play FIFA and get back to me. Have you ever listened to 21 other people from 11 different countries and 1 ball to share?

    ESO is like a baby kitten covered in flowers while riding a unicorn by comparison.

    Seriously, literally every game has “toxic” people. ESO’s community is one of the friendliest I’ve ever seen. If you think it’s “toxic” then chances are you’re the type who thinks nearly everything is.
  • BNOC
    Raudgrani wrote: »
    Xbox EU, my impression:

    PVE, not really toxic, but there's quite a number of people with severe elitist tendencies, almost bordering to psychological disorder. And I mean it. A a couple of guilds I'm in, there's some people who just NEEDS to sit in text chat, and link their "hard-to-get" stuff, tell us how they are one of (like) 6 groups who finished this and that, tell us how they are members of Discord groups that are only for "the very best players of Xbox EU" and what not. It's extremely tiresome, to say the lest.
    Though, the PVE community tend to be more like "Okay, you are *** but we don't tell you, let's try and make the best of this and limit the deaths of this no-thumber". I have been doing vet trials with some random people I know are very "1337'ish", but they have been pretty friendly - and the worst thing I've been hearing was "Just TRY to stay alive will you, ok?". LOL

    PVP, here we go really, really toxic. We actually have people checking out who you are in real life, what you do for a living, how you look (if you are a fat slob virgin with diabetes type 1 or not, or if you are a steroid junkie, or if you "look gay" etc.). You actually get threats and *** from people, just because they hate you in the game.
    I fear the mental health of some of these people is really poor. And they are delusional at that, thinking that because they can beat me on their MagDK duel build in open world Cyrodiil, means they would dominate me in real life. I've seen this specific guy, he looks very average and "Joe Citizen". I have some 10 years of running in football firms on my record, and have worked as a bouncer at a strip club for several years. There's no f*****g Fossilize and Lava Whips in real life lad, just chill and realize it's all a game - meant to be fun. ;-)
    Alliance "allies" are not much better much of the time to be fair. There are great people acting as true leaders, leaving none behind and making things happen; but then we have some outright a******s too - "great players" spending most of their time standing inside Chalman keep with their meta StamDK build, showing off their Sanctified Silver or Fabrication skin wearing nothing but Nordic Bather's Towel, not involving in anything but zerg surfing. They mostly keep area chat toxic, and complain about how worthless some other players (who actually fight and die) are.

    The term elitist always gets me, I don't understand the issue with someone being good at something, wanting to succeed in that and being disappointed when they don't or conversely, proud when they do.

    Do you put players who have just completed VMA for the first time and make a forum post to welcome congratulations, in this elitist bracket?

    Toxic is an equally tired buzzword that gets thrown around meaninglessly these days - Sure, there's a few small groups of teenage boys that get off on talking *** but no offence, you've just said these kids are giving it the big licks about hunting you down and hurting you, then, ironically go on to tell us how hard you are because you've been in firms or worked the door, are you now toxic? See what I'm saying? it doesn't mean anything.

    I think I know who the MagDk is, though with the sheer amount of players chasing the duelling meta and feeling that faux skill, I may not.

    I think ESO is a pretty friendly place.
    Go play FIFA and get back to me. Have you ever listened to 21 other people from 11 different countries and 1 ball to share?

    ESO is like a baby kitten covered in flowers while riding a unicorn by comparison.

    Seriously, literally every game has “toxic” people. ESO’s community is one of the friendliest I’ve ever seen. If you think it’s “toxic” then chances are you’re the type who thinks nearly everything is.

    There's definitely been more abusive messages sent on Fifa in the last day than the last year on ESO.
    Also, bang on with what you ended on, I find anyone who throws that word around is generally 'that' type.
    Edited by BNOC on June 4, 2019 1:40PM
    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox EU - 15/11/16
    578,000 - 36 Minutes 58 Seconds (Top 2 World?)

    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox NA
    569,000 - 40 minutes (350CP, Non optimised runs)
  • SpiderCultist
    where's the option for "Autistic"? now seriously, ppl don't interact outside cyro and cyro is 90% toxic
    PC | EU
    Ashlander and Mephala worshipper.
    "You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter."
  • Chadak
    I have a lot of great interactions with folks in game. On the days where I play for several hours, its common to see some convo in guild chat or even in zone to hop in on, and there's usually someone wanting help with something or looking for a tidbit of information (and sometimes that someone is me), and I both often get to help random others as well as sometimes be helped by them.

    The forums and attention-seeking clods that sometimes litter zone chat aren't really representative of the majorities of players that I encounter, and that leads me to believe that most players on here are pretty decent folk just looking to do their things and have a good time, whether by themselves or with others.

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