Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Is ESO community friendly? Toxic? Somewhere in between? You decide!

  • Minyassa
    When I commented in this thread a couple of years ago I was cautiously positive in my expectations as far as "the average player" went. Two years later I have a lot less positivity. I have not run into random nice people in a very long time. I have not randomly found cooperation with a stranger in a delve, despite trying to be respectful and not prekill things other people might want xp for, waiting for those I know are nearby to get to a boss, etc. All of the awesome people I know now are in the guilds I'm in. Everyone else is either just there, or are griefers. I have been randomly mudballed by obsessive freaks who have nothing better to do than follow me around doing it over and over, I have been hate-whispered for having my dueling autodecline, I've had countless people rush ahead of me to nodes I was closer to, I've run across an immeasurable number of chests containing only lockpicks. And zone *gods*. Zone chats make me wonder just how many psychopathic freaks there really are in the world, because I've seen literally dozens, not just a few singletons, I mean *dozens* of people being disgustingly racist, sexist, homophobic,'s mind-boggling that there are so many evil people just playing this game, because I don't care how edgy some are, there has to be something genuinely wrong with someone to talk like that no matter what the circumstances are. I no longer expect to randomly meet nice people. I think they are vastly outnumbered.

    Edited by Minyassa on June 5, 2019 8:30AM
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