If theres enough ppl queuing to where premades are fighting each other, and solo/duos are fighting each other then itll be fine. Otherwise you get 4qs stomping pugs so ppl just stop playing. If thts the case on live theyre gonna die pretty quick to where only a few 4qs will be fighting each other over and over
Does anyone want to change their vote now that BGs have been on PTS?
All of these issues aside, it'll probably be pre-mades that ruin it for most people. In SWTOR, pre-mades were what made sick of PvP there. I mean there's not a lot you can do about it though. If you separate them, then it'll be huge waits to just play. Just realize if you PUG, you'll most likely get stomped.
With how bad the dungeon queue is, I'm curious to see how successful they are in creating a better queue system here as well.
All of these issues aside, it'll probably be pre-mades that ruin it for most people. In SWTOR, pre-mades were what made sick of PvP there. I mean there's not a lot you can do about it though. If you separate them, then it'll be huge waits to just play. Just realize if you PUG, you'll most likely get stomped.
With how bad the dungeon queue is, I'm curious to see how successful they are in creating a better queue system here as well.
premades/stacked teams are already a problem on the PTS but its not getting major visibility because people essentially think its the sample size.
the problem is: that "sample size" are the most enthusiastic BGers in the game. sure some like myself will make it regular when the update goes live but right now, those enthusiastic premades are going to be the foundation and backbone that keeps BGs going.
meaning: premades stomping pugs all day. and can you believe people in this thread like @paulsimonps said the queue system was going to filter for that? as if he ignored the dungeon finder track record ZOS already has. . .lol
paulsimonps wrote: »Yes cause we have SOOOoo many people on the PTS for the system to work with.... I would go into more but the QQ in this thread is on a level on its own, and its under NDA.
Personally, I would've created another thread, with a new poll, and link to this thread, to get a better view of how many people changed their opinion.
Im reviving this thread now that BGs have officially launched and there is no NDA
were BGs DOA? do you think the current iteration is "fun"? "fulfilling"? Is it what you hoped BGs would be?
Im reviving this thread now that BGs have officially launched and there is no NDA
were BGs DOA? do you think the current iteration is "fun"? "fulfilling"? Is it what you hoped BGs would be?
They are extremely fun when the sides are somewhat evenly matched. 4v4v4 with pre mades is some of the most fun this game has to offer.
Joy_Division wrote: »I don't think Battlegrounds are nearly as dead as you make them out to be.
The biggest issues I have with them are bugs and Zenmiax's paradoxical stance of having CP be an integral part of characterize development, yet removing them for PvP. This leads to problematic balance concerns for all PvP on all platforms, something not just specific to Battlegrounds.
I do think it would be helpful for ZoS to add some sort of rating system because the most discouraging thing about BGs is when I que solo and wind up on a team of randoms against another team that has every member an AvA rank of 40+. I don't play other MMOs or online games that have a BG sort of system, but I think any game is a lot more fun for everyone involved when players of similar skill are matched up against each other.
Am I the only one super annoyed by people who leave and cause the bg to end, without any reward whatsoever? I mean who thought of that system at ZOS?
Am I the only one super annoyed by people who leave and cause the bg to end, without any reward whatsoever? I mean who thought of that system at ZOS?
timidobserver wrote: »
timidobserver wrote: »
I don't personnaly. The two 2 man teams can team up vs the 4 man.
I've won a 2v3v3 before because my team mate was competent, and the opponents weren't. By leaving a game, you waste everyone's time.
DemonDruaga wrote: »Not able to play BG's with my friends was/ is the reason I think BG's will be a wasteland after the hype is gone, like IC was.
When their products finally are finished and working, many people already lost interest because of the frustration they expirienced.