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Infinite Sustain IS Killing ESO

  • film
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    @Attackopsn Is that right? So are you going to also tell everyone of how that occurred when there was no champion points available, and during the double AP event...? And how also, I wasn't there for long? If you're going to try and kick dirt on my name. Tell the FULL story. In fact, I should thank you. Thank you for proving my point of how you're capable of "1vX" even with no CP active, and having heavy CC's applied on you. Mind explaining that?

    Or are you going to also tell everyone how you exploited the TBS glitch months back, and set a few records and got your reputation of being a good player behind it...? Inb4 you deny it, here. Let me tag a few old buddies, that you may know. @Mortehl @Titans_Bane

    I watched ATTACKOTV live stream his VMA high scores (when he originally was going for top score with each class which I assume is what you're talking about) and I can confirm he 100% was using TBS in every run that I watched ( I painstakingly watched the stream while working and he would transfer the gear grab mundus' and potions).

    Follow the stream if you like the stream. Marry the stream if you love the stream.
  • Attackopsn
    film wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    @Attackopsn Is that right? So are you going to also tell everyone of how that occurred when there was no champion points available, and during the double AP event...? And how also, I wasn't there for long? If you're going to try and kick dirt on my name. Tell the FULL story. In fact, I should thank you. Thank you for proving my point of how you're capable of "1vX" even with no CP active, and having heavy CC's applied on you. Mind explaining that?

    Or are you going to also tell everyone how you exploited the TBS glitch months back, and set a few records and got your reputation of being a good player behind it...? Inb4 you deny it, here. Let me tag a few old buddies, that you may know. @Mortehl @Titans_Bane

    I watched ATTACKOTV live stream his VMA high scores (when he originally was going for top score with each class which I assume is what you're talking about) and I can confirm he 100% was using TBS in every run that I watched ( I painstakingly watched the stream while working and he would transfer the gear grab mundus' and potions).

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ almost every time
    ign: ATTACKO
    PS4 NA
    First NA Completion of VMoL Hard Mode

  • hmsdragonfly
    More PvP based posts that if "fixed" will only cause even more massive issues for the PvE side of the game.

    You guys know that side, right? The entire side of the game that holds 90+% of the player base?


    I honestly do not understand this attitude from PvEers. I play both, but why are you so aggressive against PvP? 90+% of things that are nerfed are also broken in PvE, but mobs cannot file complaints to ZOS, you know.

    In this case, OP just needs to L2P, so nothing is gonna get nerfed because of this thread.
    Aldmeri Dominion Loyalist. For the Queen!
  • Kay1
    More PvP based posts that if "fixed" will only cause even more massive issues for the PvE side of the game.

    You guys know that side, right? The entire side of the game that holds 90+% of the player base?


    PvE players asked for a nerf of CP because it is apparently too easy to do raids with the current CP(A complete lie, because if you're a god that can sustain like a boss it doesn't mean the other 99.9% of the community is also that good).

    You shouldn't generalize people like that buddy, we are a community, if a PvPr did something wrong it doesn't mean every PvPr will do it too.

    I know you're not aware but PvE doesn't hold the 90% of the game, I would say the game is balanced in both aspects in terms of popularity.
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    alexkdd99 wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    To all the people saying he got outplayed, that's true, but you are missing the point. While it is true that he didn't bash dark deal enough or time his burst, that's what's wrong with the current meta. IT'S BORING.

    The entire meta of tanking up, getting evasion up, then spamming vigor while flopping around on the ground dodge rolling until someone makes a mistake or you time your burst perfectly is what's wrong with the game.

    People can get enough resources and mitigation now that they are un-killable unless you time your burst. But it didn't always work this way.

    Before the disgusting champion system and removal of softcaps broke and unbalanced the game, we had a resource management meta. Instead of stacking damage sets and letting CP fill in the gaps of your build, you actually had to build for sustain and use more heavy attacks. Fights were much slower but much more meaningful.

    If you didn't manage your resources, you died. Now with CP, power creep, and no softcaps, you don't even have to manage your resources, just mash buttons until your ult is up and you can get that sick combo.

    For some people, this type of play is all they have ever experienced in ESO. So of course they are going to argue for the status quo and tell others to "get gud." I wish people realized there was a much more elegant way to play this game and we could get rid of this Call Of Duty, 360 no scope burst garbage that ESO gameplay has devolved to.

    @Yolokin_Swagonborn That's what I'm saying. I agree with you 10 fold. I'll admit, I'm far from an adept at StamDK PvP. And overall, this isn't a PvP issue. And I'm hoping this doesn't get placed in the PvP section, as this wouldn't belong there. It's a sustain problem, meaning it's a global issue. My knowledge on PvP combat with a StamDK is atrocious. As is my performance with 1 in a PvP environment. I get it. And I know I made tons of tons of mistakes. However, I wanted to try something new. As when I did use to PvP frequently, I was on my MagDK.

    But all that aside, infinite sustain is a huge problem. And it's not something that is okay. People can pick apart my mistakes all they want, but it's still not going to get away from the fact that infinite sustain has got to go. It's killing the game. It genuinely is.

    Well I agree with you on the meta but not with the stam sorc nerf cry. If you want to have a discussion about resource management but you also call for nerfs to stam sorc, (while posting a video getting 1vX'ed by a stam sorc), you are going to derail your own thread and invite "get gud" type of comments.

    Dark Deal has plenty of counters. You could have been pelting him with poison arrow and making it impossible for him to channel it. Every class has some strong abilities, if they didn't, they would be boring.

    Just wait till everyone is running bone pirate + jewels of misrule next patch. Dark Deal will be the least of your worries.

    What ZOS needs to do is bite the bullet and either remove CP completely from PvP or limit it to about 200. Then put a cap on how much damage/heals/shields you can get from stacking attributes, then remove battle spirit. That will really fix the meta and open up the game for hybrid builds as well.

    We already have a no cp campaign and is obvious most people don't want it that way or the no cp campaign would be more populated.

    These calls for no cp or a lower cap are kind of crazy considering we already have it and not enough people like it.

    If people want no cp then go play in the no cp campaign, but there is no need in forcing it on everyone else that doesn't want it just so those who do have someone to play with considering they are in the minority.

    They should never do something to please the minority when the majority don't want it. And I know the majority don't want it from the population in azuras.

    In Azuras, ZOS removed CP but kept all the other balance changes and terrible things they did to balance the game around CP.

    For instance, one thing people don't like about Azuras is that their resource pools are a lot lower. That was a change done when CP was implemented. ZOS stole about 4k from each resource pool and made people grind them back in the champion system. Azuras really should give those resources back.

    So the problem with saying that the population in Azuras is an indicator that people don't want no CP is two fold.

    Problem One: Azuras is a campaign balanced around CP but without CP. If ZOS created a "Patch 1.5 campaign, people would flock to it, but that leads to problem two.
    Problem Two: The PvP community at this time can only really sustain one campaign that is filled all of the time. Azuras gets plenty filled here and on the EU servers but it isn't a 24/7 campaign.

    CP is still terrible for the game. But some people prefer a completed balance pass (albeit a poor one) to a incomplete half-baked experiment that doesn't go far enough.
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