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Infinite Sustain IS Killing ESO

  • GawdSB
    You allowed him to cast dark deal way too many times.
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Gal wrote: »
    Gal wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »

    After being overwhelmed with joy at the great news of ZOS taking action against dishonest players, I decided to pop-in ESO and play a bit. And literally within the first 10mins., I encounter what you see above. WTF is that?

    You're able to:
    - Dodge Roll
    - Sprint
    - Self-Heal
    - Tank
    - And put out crazy high numbers of DPS

    That's NOT okay. And while I'm aware I screwed up a bit in my rotations, what happened above should not be allowed in anyway. How the hell are you able to do all that, all the while I'm also applying stamina AND magicka resource poisons? Seriously? And the dude isn't even an emperor.

    And the sad part is, you can't fix crap like that without damaging PvE. And that's not okay. Why? Because the developers refuse to seperate what happens in PvP and PvE. They refuse to balance things different. I understand that StamSorcs were too weak previously, and you wanted to buff them. I understand you've gone ahead nerfed stamina a bit. Really. I get it. But for that type of crap to occur still even now is ridiculous.

    ... Meanwhile people are saying stamina is dead in both PvE and PvP, and yet stamina builds have the highest scores in VMA. And still can do bs like you see above. Lmao. Yeah. Okay. Clearly it's not only an issue within a PvP environment. And while I'm pro-PvE to the fullest, and almost never PvP anymore? That crap has to get out of the game.

    PS: And you can't really "git gud" when faced with nonsense like that either.

    PSS: I rarely say this, but nerf StamSorcs. They're beyond ridiculous even now. And please don't mention how just because they're not top-tier in trials that their current state is fine, because they're not. Hurricane still is beyond broken. As is the morph that lets them heal and sustain. :|

    It's not.

    Trust me, it's not. If you can point me at a character build who can walk into Vmol, or SOTH dungeons and do all of these things with no limits reached, then you get to make this hyperbolic statement.

    You are right about one thing, however. You cant fix this, without redoing PVE on a fundemental level. Because PVE in this game is broken on a fundemental level. This is what you get for puting PVP first in original design.

    How is PVE broken right now? You have to have people dedicated to mastering one specific role and be able to work as a team. If you are referring to the fact that maybe two groups have perfect resources on a perfect run then that is an unfair comparison. It also overlooks the fact that some players are immensely talented at their roles because they have dedicated so much time to learning them. Healers are responsible for your sustain in raids so the better they are he less likely you are to oom. Please explain to me how that is broken.

    PVE is broken right now because the playerbase wants difficult content this game cannot supply. The reason it cannot supply it is because the game never considered PVE enough to do much more than throw together a rough collection of idea's.

    The reason DPS was used to brute force mechanics was because often it was what the designers wanted the players to do, because this was a direction that didn't involve a radical overhaul of said system.

    The players, might be fantastic. The system, is too basic and limited to let people truely excelle without turning to one extreme or another. This game is a rickety collection of concepts that are somewhat at odds with each other, because the new dev team started taking dividers out because they didn't see the consequences.

    TLDR: The players are good, and want a challenge, they want to achieve. However, in it's current form, they need to do that via exploiting the system in whatever way the meta has proven effective. There is no skill, no learning of movesets or classes versus mechanics for players who want that sort of thing, or any sort of nuance. It is a math based system, and players like me, who have been here since the early game, seen what it has become and hate it, are quickly being joined by new guys who dont understand why anyone would design a system this obtuse, and leave.

    I have said it before, I will say it again. The best thing this game could do, would be to resistrict some skill lines, and have tallent tree's based on role, depending on class. Until that radical system shift, this game is not equipped to give players anything beyond a basic numbers game in which you do whatever you have to, to raise your numbers.

    Umm I would like to point out that maybe .05% of the games player base has cleared vMoL HM, which to me, signifies that the current content is still plenty challenging for most players even with the power creep. Also, based on my personal experience as a DPS, it takes a good bit of skill to pull good dps and also be aware of mechanics and react to them accordingly. Healers and Tanks especially have to be skilled because the DPS's damage and sustain comes from them almost completely. To reiterate, your argument about a lack of skill is uninformed and inaccurate.

    Also, regarding your point about class sets and mechanics, those both need to be learned, if a magplar is running 5 moondancer, they need to learn when the best time to synergize is or they could offset their rotation and lose dps. And mechanic wise, nobody could have cleared maw HM initially or vMA or any endgame content without learning the mechanics first. The reason why players are able to force through the mechanics, is because they took the time to learn them and how to deal with them while doing their roles.

    Finally, I'm ok with the fact that players have to follow a meta to min/max themselves for a certain role, just as long as its slightly different for each class (bsw/moon on every class does frustrate me because it makes them all too similar) because people have to take the time to test things out and experiment which I believe is a very cool concept because its not like ZoS says: "the new meta is blank blank and blank, go ham"

    PS, you cant outmath stupid :)

    And apparently I'm stupid for not thinking the current system provides gameplay that people need to git gud to do.

    I find the only people who currently like the system are the people who innnately 'get' it. So. Y'know.

    Lets burn the game for the sake of the elite few like we allways have, I guess.

    At this point I guess it dosent matter. I've stopped playing the game, I dont want to support this game in it's current form with it's current team. It's a place to RP, for me. And I'm not willing to restructure how I have fun for the sake of success. So. Yeah.

    Games allready lost me. I'm just wondering how long before it'll lose people like you, too.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on April 4, 2017 11:10PM
  • Urza1234
    Yeah, thats why they're removing Warlord&Magician . Yet the community bitched for a year and a day when they announced that they were fixing the game by removing Warlord&Magician.

    So you see its the community that wants ESO to die. Drowned in an excess of resource.
  • SanTii.92
    Didn't bashed a single Dark Deal -> proceeds to complain about sustain. sigh
    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
    the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

    Arg | Pc Na | Factionless Mag Warden.
  • Callous2208
    I'm not sure if I should be honest and add to the list of sane people who can clearly see op just plain got outplayed, or offer some ridiculous whiney excuse so op will add me to the circle jerk of like minded bads.

    You got outplayed. Quit crying.
    Edited by Callous2208 on April 5, 2017 12:58AM
  • templesus
    Definite L2P issue
  • zuto40
    i thought i won the troll king crown with my garbage thread about troll king but this guy....

    PS. Can we get the vid removed for naming and shaming? i dont want this glorious ep master race player to be associated in anyway with this pug
    Edited by zuto40 on April 5, 2017 5:53AM
    Stamblade- Legate
    Tank/Heals Templar- Sergeant
    Magic DK- Corporal
    Stam DK- Sergeant
    Stamplar- Corporal

  • oibam
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »

    Let's get 1 thing straight. I don't normally PvP nowadays, and I don't follow the meta and trends.

    I wonder why you think an unexperienced PvP-Player (nowadays) should beat a player who knows what to do.

    But apart from this you are right, sustain is crazy.
  • Mordenkainen
    Love it. Here we go again. My 2 cents.

    Bazillions of posts in a PvP topic, that ultimately will impact PvP AND PvE.

    Hi, my name is Mordenkainen and I am a filthy PvE casual.
    Jokes aside,

    removing what you call 'infinite sustain' can be narrowed down to "PvP only please."
    I play a magicka NB and ONLY PvE. So let me tell you something. I can pull 26k dps as mag NB and I am far from infinite sustain, if a boss fight takes too long I have to suck on my Siphoning Strikes button in hopes to slow my magicka drain enough to get *** done. Note I am speaking of SLOWING it.

    Obvious newsflash? My Mag recovery blows, I also play a bosmer. Great! Now my options are to stack up on recovery enchants and dumb my damage down to the point where I am worthless as DPS to my group, or stay as I am with an actual worth and ability to contribute in group activities while having some ressource issues. I should also mention I suck at weaving and animation canceling. I also sit in europe and play on NA because of friends - hello constant 300ms ping!

    The recent nerf to Strife and its morphs actually hit me really hard in my balls to say the least. But taking 'infinite sustain' out just because of PvP is utterly ridiculous. Disable it for PvP in some way and we're talking.

    And before someone tells me to 'git gud'

    26k dps single target as non meta race mag NB who's sitting on a noticeable ping are 'gud'.

    Thank you for your attention.
  • Mush55
    jircris11 wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »

    After being overwhelmed with joy at the great news of ZOS taking action against dishonest players, I decided to pop-in ESO and play a bit. And literally within the first 10mins., I encounter what you see above. WTF is that?

    You're able to:
    - Dodge Roll
    - Sprint
    - Self-Heal
    - Tank
    - And put out crazy high numbers of DPS

    That's NOT okay. And while I'm aware I screwed up a bit in my rotations, what happened above should not be allowed in anyway. How the hell are you able to do all that, all the while I'm also applying stamina AND magicka resource poisons? Seriously? And the dude isn't even an emperor.

    And the sad part is, you can't fix crap like that without damaging PvE. And that's not okay. Why? Because the developers refuse to seperate what happens in PvP and PvE. They refuse to balance things different. I understand that StamSorcs were too weak previously, and you wanted to buff them. I understand you've gone ahead nerfed stamina a bit. Really. I get it. But for that type of crap to occur still even now is ridiculous.

    ... Meanwhile people are saying stamina is dead in both PvE and PvP, and yet stamina builds have the highest scores in VMA. And still can do bs like you see above. Lmao. Yeah. Okay. Clearly it's not only an issue within a PvP environment. And while I'm pro-PvE to the fullest, and almost never PvP anymore? That crap has to get out of the game.

    PS: And you can't really "git gud" when faced with nonsense like that either.

    PSS: I rarely say this, but nerf StamSorcs. They're beyond ridiculous even now. And please don't mention how just because they're not top-tier in trials that their current state is fine, because they're not. Hurricane still is beyond broken. As is the morph that lets them heal and sustain. :|

    I these type of post are what are ruining eso. Complaining nonstop seems to be the only thing some forum users are good for. They are fixing this issue so no point in paying about it.

    Yes they fix 1 thing and break 3 others, it's not complaining that spoils the game it's zos and their inability to refrain from one bad decision after another........

  • Izaki
    Kay1 wrote: »
    in 3 seconds any good player can smoke a stunned stamsorc

    I did not realize how much this meant until I had an 1v1 a few weeks back. Poor Stamsorc ran out of steam since I kept punishing his deals.

    As a magsorc, after seeing that, I took off dark conversation and put a little mor sustain in the build to prepare for morrowind. That interrupt when sorc performs dark deal is so scary. A lot of average players get away with it unpunished.

    And yet you see people running Amberplasm on a magicka sorc and using Dark Conversion for sustain... I mean... When pretty much everyone is either a stam build or a magicka sorc (crushing shock ya know) Dark Conversion isn't reliable. But hey, apparently its the new super OP sustaining magicka sorc meta #logic
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • psychotic13
    Champ got owned, he's a Stam sorc using dark deal L2P bro, you can stop his sustain if you think about what you're doing
  • Izaki
    sadownik wrote: »
    Let's be honest:
    Pvp is more on builds than skill.
    Build is most important, although skill plays a factor.

    Eg: if you had his stam sorc build and he had your stam dk build, I'm 99% sure you'd dispatch him based on what I saw.

    Pve is more builds than skill.
    Build is most important, although skill plays a factor.

    Not entirely true for either PvP or PvE. The build gives you the tools to work with, your skill is what decided whether you win or lose (whether you have high DPS or not).

    @Ch4mpTW your build was holding you back there... You bar setup was weird, you weren't coordinating ultimates with your burst (you were just kinda chucking them out there when you had them), you had pretty high recovery from what I saw due to a drink most likely which is totally un needed on a heavy armor stamina DK, your main set is pretty trash and you were lacking damage. But your sustain was literally the same if not better than his, he was Dark Dealing much more often than you were spamming Igneous. I still don't see why you didn't bash his Dark Deals when he was standing around waving his hand right in front of you.
    If you did have a proper build with proper skills, a heavy armor stam sorc doesn't stand a chance against a heavy armor stamina DK in a duel. Like literally no chance. Stam DK has superior sustain through ultimates and an insta cast Igneous for 5% of your stam, Major Mending, Major Fracture and DoTs.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    "Infinite Sustain IS Killing ESO"

    You are 100% abut that.
    If you will look at some mobas games (basically an eso PvP but in a much smaller scale - instead of 50 vs 50 you have like 5 vs 5 at best) you will see where the problem lies. It is all about the scale. In eso there are too many variables.

    How many times have you seen a situation where 15 dudes are trying to kill 1 perma - blocking, perma - healing dude ?

    With new upcoming Battlegrounds (4v4v4) it will be almost like a moba - but with a 3 sides fighting instead of 2. And if ZOS will allow cyrodiil PvP gear / bonnese there - it will be a nail to the coffin (did I mention that situation where 15 dudes are trying to kill 1 perma - blocking, perma - healing dude ?) Now imagine that 1 dude but only vs 4 or 8... GG ZOS
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 5, 2017 9:51AM
  • Izaki
    "Infinite Sustain IS Killing ESO"

    You are 100% abut that.
    If you will look at some mobas games (basically an eso PvP but in a much smaller scale - instead of 50 vs 50 you have like 5 vs 5 at best) you will see where the problem lies. It is all about the scale. In eso there are too many variables.

    How many times have you seen a situation where 15 dudes are trying to kill 1 perma - blocking, perma - healing dude ?

    With new upcoming Battlegrounds (4v4v4) it will be almost like a moba - but with a 3 sides fighting instead of 2. And if ZOS will allow cyrodiil PvP gear / bonnese there - it will be a nail to the coffin (did I mention that situation where 15 dudes are trying to kill 1 perma - blocking, perma - healing dude ?) Now imagine that 1 dude but only vs 4 or 8... GG ZOS

    Yeah meanwhile that 1 perma-blocking, perma-healing dude isn't doing any damage. He's just doing what he's meant to do: distract you guys.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Takes-No-Prisoner

    And yet you see people running Amberplasm on a magicka sorc and using Dark Conversion for sustain... I mean... When pretty much everyone is either a stam build or a magicka sorc (crushing shock ya know) Dark Conversion isn't reliable. But hey, apparently its the new super OP sustaining magicka sorc meta #logic

    I saw a build in another forum section about amberplasm. The extra recovery on stamina is kind of nice, I don't understand why a sorc would -still- need dark conversation even with that on. For my build that has BSW/lich/chokethorn, I just took it off and went to Witch mother. This way I could get curse to fit back on my bar. Then also run with immovable stam potions for PVP. My play style lets me continue to push buttons a lot, which I love, and keeps me sustaining without risk of interrupts (crept hard cast frags). The sustainability on that gets stupid when outside buffs get involved.
  • Sovaso
  • technohic
    "Infinite Sustain IS Killing ESO"

    You are 100% abut that.
    If you will look at some mobas games (basically an eso PvP but in a much smaller scale - instead of 50 vs 50 you have like 5 vs 5 at best) you will see where the problem lies. It is all about the scale. In eso there are too many variables.

    How many times have you seen a situation where 15 dudes are trying to kill 1 perma - blocking, perma - healing dude ?

    With new upcoming Battlegrounds (4v4v4) it will be almost like a moba - but with a 3 sides fighting instead of 2. And if ZOS will allow cyrodiil PvP gear / bonnese there - it will be a nail to the coffin (did I mention that situation where 15 dudes are trying to kill 1 perma - blocking, perma - healing dude ?) Now imagine that 1 dude but only vs 4 or 8... GG ZOS

    Yeah meanwhile that 1 perma-blocking, perma-healing dude isn't doing any damage. He's just doing what he's meant to do: distract you guys.

    He can likely capture the flag or other objectives. He can't be ignored there.

    OP. Quit complaining about infinite sustain on high damage infinite tank builds and come to Azuras. Unless you realize your own CP is just as much of a boost just not spent as wisely.

    Seriously. Some people like these build possibilities. If you don't; there are options. Get tired of people saying "but there's no people in Azuras. ". Well; if everyone that complains about that would just do it; there would be.
  • Kay1
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    @Attackopsn I just noticed something by the way, that doesn't add up. In that video you just linked of me being "exposed". How is it possible with the thief mundus to do so much damage, barely take any damage, heal as much as you were, sustain as were, deal with as much crowd-control, AND fight off numerous players? Even with a non-recovery mundus, when champion points were NOT allowed on ANY server. Can you explain that...? Because mathematically, that shouldn't occur. And I'd really love for you to break it down.

    Mind you, I can replicate any type of build you throw out. And run the numbers in it. So if in fact you weren't exploiting in that video, or if there wasn't anything fishy at all it should be able to be proven and done.

    I really don't know if you're trolling, I mean you look serious and stuff but the info you spread is just a big lol, I don't want to be the bad guy again but the TBS exploit was only possible on PC using an addon to swap gear when you were on the ghost form after you get killed, that is impossible in PS4, as you can see most of the PC exploits never worked in PS4 because exploits are always broken stuff and they don't break it on every platform at the same time, that's not how it works.

    I can now tell you 5 different builds that allows you to have 50% crit, high sustain, high damage and high survivability so I doubt I'm the only one.
    The amount of recovery in PVP on some players is outstanding, you can have 12 people on one Templar and the dude won't die, his health can go down to a little dot and suddenly BANG right back to the top again. I also have to resort my complaining to CP, the only reason they can withstand this kind of damage is because of the extra boosting. My tank can withstand a lot of damage but she can't deal it, which balances out my player. Players who can deal out ridiculous amount of DPS and be able to take as much damage as a stam tank need to be looked at.

    This is not a L2P issue this is just the way Cyrodiil with CP is, the best idea is to go into a none CP Campaign, unfortunately you won't be able to tank very well at all ;)

    I know you play on PS4 EU because I saw your name somewhere else and I invite you right now to 1v1 me or 1v2 me without CP, I can do everything I do on the CP campaigns in the no CP campaigns, I will even say that for me is easier to 1vX very good players on no CP campaigns because they are not aware so if you truly believe the OP got 1vX'd because of CP or Dark Deal I will like to prove you that he just faced a good player.

    I will wait for your message @k1msest.
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • Prospero_ESO
    Torbschka wrote: »
    People posting such trash like u are the reason we have those dumb gameplay/balance changes every time.

    Yes having infinite resources is a highly sophisticated character development mechanic which leads to very skillful gameplay. PvP in CheESO is by far the fairest and most skill dependent of todays MMO´s :smile:
  • alexkdd99
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    To all the people saying he got outplayed, that's true, but you are missing the point. While it is true that he didn't bash dark deal enough or time his burst, that's what's wrong with the current meta. IT'S BORING.

    The entire meta of tanking up, getting evasion up, then spamming vigor while flopping around on the ground dodge rolling until someone makes a mistake or you time your burst perfectly is what's wrong with the game.

    People can get enough resources and mitigation now that they are un-killable unless you time your burst. But it didn't always work this way.

    Before the disgusting champion system and removal of softcaps broke and unbalanced the game, we had a resource management meta. Instead of stacking damage sets and letting CP fill in the gaps of your build, you actually had to build for sustain and use more heavy attacks. Fights were much slower but much more meaningful.

    If you didn't manage your resources, you died. Now with CP, power creep, and no softcaps, you don't even have to manage your resources, just mash buttons until your ult is up and you can get that sick combo.

    For some people, this type of play is all they have ever experienced in ESO. So of course they are going to argue for the status quo and tell others to "get gud." I wish people realized there was a much more elegant way to play this game and we could get rid of this Call Of Duty, 360 no scope burst garbage that ESO gameplay has devolved to.

    @Yolokin_Swagonborn That's what I'm saying. I agree with you 10 fold. I'll admit, I'm far from an adept at StamDK PvP. And overall, this isn't a PvP issue. And I'm hoping this doesn't get placed in the PvP section, as this wouldn't belong there. It's a sustain problem, meaning it's a global issue. My knowledge on PvP combat with a StamDK is atrocious. As is my performance with 1 in a PvP environment. I get it. And I know I made tons of tons of mistakes. However, I wanted to try something new. As when I did use to PvP frequently, I was on my MagDK.

    But all that aside, infinite sustain is a huge problem. And it's not something that is okay. People can pick apart my mistakes all they want, but it's still not going to get away from the fact that infinite sustain has got to go. It's killing the game. It genuinely is.

    Well I agree with you on the meta but not with the stam sorc nerf cry. If you want to have a discussion about resource management but you also call for nerfs to stam sorc, (while posting a video getting 1vX'ed by a stam sorc), you are going to derail your own thread and invite "get gud" type of comments.

    Dark Deal has plenty of counters. You could have been pelting him with poison arrow and making it impossible for him to channel it. Every class has some strong abilities, if they didn't, they would be boring.

    Just wait till everyone is running bone pirate + jewels of misrule next patch. Dark Deal will be the least of your worries.

    What ZOS needs to do is bite the bullet and either remove CP completely from PvP or limit it to about 200. Then put a cap on how much damage/heals/shields you can get from stacking attributes, then remove battle spirit. That will really fix the meta and open up the game for hybrid builds as well.

    We already have a no cp campaign and is obvious most people don't want it that way or the no cp campaign would be more populated.

    These calls for no cp or a lower cap are kind of crazy considering we already have it and not enough people like it.

    If people want no cp then go play in the no cp campaign, but there is no need in forcing it on everyone else that doesn't want it just so those who do have someone to play with considering they are in the minority.

    They should never do something to please the minority when the majority don't want it. And I know the majority don't want it from the population in azuras.
  • Emmagoldman
    I also don't think that pve would die because of a nerf. There has been a power creep for long time. The only pve content that is a challenge are trials and two vet dungeons and vma.

    I think pve players are just use to really high dps and enjoy feeling god like. Just like when people fall into playing a 'meta" pvp build. People like being strong even if it's obvious cheese.
  • Izaki

    And yet you see people running Amberplasm on a magicka sorc and using Dark Conversion for sustain... I mean... When pretty much everyone is either a stam build or a magicka sorc (crushing shock ya know) Dark Conversion isn't reliable. But hey, apparently its the new super OP sustaining magicka sorc meta #logic

    I saw a build in another forum section about amberplasm. The extra recovery on stamina is kind of nice, I don't understand why a sorc would -still- need dark conversation even with that on. For my build that has BSW/lich/chokethorn, I just took it off and went to Witch mother. This way I could get curse to fit back on my bar. Then also run with immovable stam potions for PVP. My play style lets me continue to push buttons a lot, which I love, and keeps me sustaining without risk of interrupts (crept hard cast frags). The sustainability on that gets stupid when outside buffs get involved.

    Yeah, but that build got all hyped up, but in the end it sucks compared to Lich.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Attackopsn wrote: »
    1. I have never exploited a tbs mundus bug in my life, and I am still number 1 on every leaderboard on your server even after they fixed it. I've boosted AP, that's it hun. You harass people, cry about nothing, slander me with complete nonsense and fantasy, and at the end of the day, you get 1vxed. Cheers!

    You haven't...? Really? And boosting AP is definitely not the only thing you've done. But that all in and of itself is off topic. Just like your original post here was.

    And why are you so quick to leave the topic now? Lmao. Because I'm pretty sure that I can have at least 20+ people vouch for me right now to say otherwise, with video proof. Even your ex-guildies. You even slipped up and showed it during 1 of your streams. But okay. Lol. "Cheers" as you say.

    Im not really sure why youre trying to imply other players have cheated or exploited when you HAVE POSTED IN THE PAST IN DEFENSE OF EXPLOITERS AND CHEATERS.

    If Im not mistaken you yourself found yourself on a week long ban for exploitation not too long ago. And you were quite vocal about it here on the forums over it.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Izaki
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Attackopsn wrote: »
    He gets 1vxed quite often, even when sustain isn't broken.. so, wouldn't pay too much mind to this ;)

    @Attackopsn Is that right? So are you going to also tell everyone of how that occurred when there was no champion points available, and during the double AP event...? And how also, I wasn't there for long? If you're going to try and kick dirt on my name. Tell the FULL story. In fact, I should thank you. Thank you for proving my point of how you're capable of "1vX" even with no CP active, and having heavy CC's applied on you. Mind explaining that?

    Or are you going to also tell everyone how you exploited the TBS glitch months back, and set a few records and got your reputation of being a good player behind it...? Inb4 you deny it, here. Let me tag a few old buddies, that you may know. @Mortehl @Titans_Bane

    Edit: And I want you to decline any of this, so we can take things a step further. Lol. Want to make videos talking about how I'm "exposed", and stir up drama...? Lol. Okay. Gladly. Mind you, you're also the same person who had issues with the fact that I had a problem with you and those in your guild charging people for VMoL clears. Rather than helping others out, and teaching mechanics. You sold carry runs. Just like you sold VMA runs. Whoops. That kinda slipped out too. My bad.

    Exploiting TBS was a PC thing not a console thing.............. Just sayin'
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Mettaricana
    Well they are removing cost reduction and nerfing regen from 25-15% in cp next patch

    I cant decide if ill be happy or sad by this change i mean sure it may bring the need of groups back a bit like temps tossing shards etc but i dunno on stuff like vma that sounds harsh as hell its already a dps burn race as is now nerfing our resources seems a bit ehh
  • FloppyTouch
    Can this thread get closed it's pointless
  • Khaos_Bane
    There will always be issues with endless sustain because CE will always be used. But keep nerfing the people that don't and not solve the problem.
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    It's Fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Crying...
  • Autolycus
    I'm not really seeing the problem here. I understand the particular combination of words you've strung together to supplement the video (aka your point), but the video speaks for itself. You're not dealing enough damage, namely because you aren't stringing together adequate burst damage, and not at the right moments (could also be your sets, doesn't look like you've got a good combination of gear that allows for the kind of damage you're looking for).

    Also, you've not properly used CC to maintain control of the fight, and you do nothing to interrupt your opponent. It's a bit of a contradiction to scrutinize someone for how good their sustain is when you don't make any effort to prevent him from casting Dark Deal. Your sustain is obviously pretty damn good too. I watched the video and my thought was that he is clearly struggling for stamina at times, but you didn't even try to stop his counter-play to it. If you'd countered his Dark Deal with a bash, you'd have created an opening for burst damage and prevented his counter at the same time, but instead you allowed him to recuperate, and it cost you the fight.
    Edited by Autolycus on April 5, 2017 8:54PM
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