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Infinite Sustain IS Killing ESO

  • raasdal
    1. L2P... You got 1vX'ed because he was better than you.

    2. Funny thing is; This has nothing to do with CP. He would be able to sustain just as well on a no CP campaign. He would just need to Dark Deal once or twice more every now and then. Also, he is weaving lot of heavy attacks and is generally not spamming any costly skills.

    3. Everybody lost the right to complain about CP, when they launched the No CP campaign. I am getting fed up by everybody whining about CP - and then logging into frigging TF every night! Either join a no CP campaign or stfu. Ps. I am on no CP campaign as i hate CP as well.
    PC - EU
    Gromag Gro-Molag - Sorcerer - EP
    Dexion Velus - Dragonknight - AD
    Chalaux Erissa - Nightblade - AD
    Firiel Erissa - Templar - AD
  • SnubbS
    SnubbS wrote: »
    The best thing ZoS can do is disallow the use of Heavy Armor in PvP. Just take it out—ban it. Healers without heavy do not have "infinite sustain"—you (obviously) can sustain your magic, but not your stamina. Healers should not be the tankiest players that you're fighting—and they are. StamSorcs in Medium do not have anywhere near the sustain of StamSorcs in Heavy.

    Taking out heavy armor cripples tanks, perhaps instead of this there should be a certain cap on which armors healers,tanks damage dealers can wear? This would put a lot of restriction in the game though and would mess with PVE players.

    Good. Cripple tanks. I mained a Blazplar for 10mil ap worth of gameplay, it isn't something that PvP needs—nerf tanks, forget tanks, remove tanks. It wouldn't do anything to PVE players at all. My idea is simple—disallow the use of Heavy Armor in any PvP server for a week. And then see what happens to the "infinite sustain" unkillable builds.
    Edited by SnubbS on April 4, 2017 11:36AM
    Xbox NA: SnubbS
    GoW eSports player & part time ESO Pug Ball Zerger.
  • FloppyTouch
    SnubbS wrote: »
    SnubbS wrote: »
    The best thing ZoS can do is disallow the use of Heavy Armor in PvP. Just take it out—ban it. Healers without heavy do not have "infinite sustain"—you (obviously) can sustain your magic, but not your stamina. Healers should not be the tankiest players that you're fighting—and they are. StamSorcs in Medium do not have anywhere near the sustain of StamSorcs in Heavy.

    Taking out heavy armor cripples tanks, perhaps instead of this there should be a certain cap on which armors healers,tanks damage dealers can wear? This would put a lot of restriction in the game though and would mess with PVE players.

    Good. Cripple tanks. I mained a Blazplar for 10mil ap worth of gameplay, it isn't something that PvP needs—nerf tanks, forget tanks, remove tanks. It wouldn't do anything to PVE players at all. My idea is simple—disallow the use of Heavy Armor in any PvP server for a week. And then see what happens to the "infinite sustain" unkillable builds.

    This is not a FPS I suggest u go find one and drop this game. Tanks and healers are a part of the game. Only thing they need to remove is there power to do any damage at all.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Kay1 wrote: »
    in 3 seconds any good player can smoke a stunned stamsorc

    I did not realize how much this meant until I had an 1v1 a few weeks back. Poor Stamsorc ran out of steam since I kept punishing his deals.

    As a magsorc, after seeing that, I took off dark conversation and put a little mor sustain in the build to prepare for morrowind. That interrupt when sorc performs dark deal is so scary. A lot of average players get away with it unpunished.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on April 4, 2017 11:41AM
  • Lord-Otto
    br0steen wrote: »

    It's entirely possible to put out the numbers that were put out against you in the second video, (you know, the one where you got exposed again). It was insane. It took 4 or 5 sets of jabs to get you down, and you didn't heal. Seriously you just sat there watching your health go down not doing anything about it. Meanwhile the "cheater" you were fighting threw in quite the clutch BoL during the destro ult which crit. He also used mist form for a sec or two. I feel like if you played on XB1 and ran into me you would think I was cheating because "there's no way his dawnbreaker could hit me for 10k".

    Objectively, it seems most people agree: you are just bad. If you are bad don't call for random nerfs.

    My god, many PC players would run to mommy crying if they had to play on X1.
    I see those 1vX PC montages and see CP70 people left and right, players not healing and not one synchronized ult. Good luck with that in my realm, even the average peasant there fights more viciously than whole groups on PC, it seems.
  • kevlarto_ESO
    I agree just another indication this dev team has no clue how mmo combat works, there should never be endless resource regin, tank builds with massive dps, it is just crazy, between the broken sets, power gap of cp, exploiting and don't kid yourself the cheat engine is still alive and well, pvp in this game have become who can exploit or cheat the best, that's the only skill required, sad really.
  • Duiwel
    Ok op I will JUST be critical of HOW YOU PLAY:

    First off your entire play style for PvP is wrong (your video is Learn to play / PEBKAC)
      Open with dawnbreaker instead of gap closer Using heavy attack (and missing) for what reason did you use heavy attack here? Using rally multiple times when player runs away ( again why?) Not using gap closer to catch up to the player using bow light attack for some reason? again why? Also from the footage I can see that your CRIT DIZZYING SWING (WRECKING BLOW alternative morph) only hits for under 5k damage at best... That is pathetic. What is your weapon damage and max stam OP? Also no light attack weaving so no ULT gen in the fight ( when you started/engaged the fight that was the only time you actually had an ult) As a final note half your off-bar is wrong.

    So OP before you make a garbage Thread list us your stats, your gear, what durability your gear was AND what CP you were using.

    That opponent of yours wasn't even that good he was above average but not necessarily even good...
    Join ORDER OF SITHIS We're recruiting! PC EU

    "Dear Brother. I do not spread rumours. I create them..."
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
  • Rickter
    raasdal wrote: »
    1. L2P... You got 1vX'ed because he was better than you.

    no. I watched the whole video and I never once saw how the OP was "out played." They were completely evenly matched and it was ttit-for-tat until the OP ran out of resources. get this elitist B.S. out of here

    @OP - i feel your pain and I agree that infinite sustain needs to go. However, I must say that your fight was incredibly entertaining and I love how the duel went on that long. I really dont like short/non-existent TTK and you sir put on a great bout.
    Edited by Rickter on April 4, 2017 12:12PM
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • hmsdragonfly
    SnubbS wrote: »
    SnubbS wrote: »
    The best thing ZoS can do is disallow the use of Heavy Armor in PvP. Just take it out—ban it. Healers without heavy do not have "infinite sustain"—you (obviously) can sustain your magic, but not your stamina. Healers should not be the tankiest players that you're fighting—and they are. StamSorcs in Medium do not have anywhere near the sustain of StamSorcs in Heavy.

    Taking out heavy armor cripples tanks, perhaps instead of this there should be a certain cap on which armors healers,tanks damage dealers can wear? This would put a lot of restriction in the game though and would mess with PVE players.

    Good. Cripple tanks. I mained a Blazplar for 10mil ap worth of gameplay, it isn't something that PvP needs—nerf tanks, forget tanks, remove tanks. It wouldn't do anything to PVE players at all. My idea is simple—disallow the use of Heavy Armor in any PvP server for a week. And then see what happens to the "infinite sustain" unkillable builds.

    Can we ban magplars as well?
    Aldmeri Dominion Loyalist. For the Queen!
  • br0steen
    Lord-Otto wrote: »

    My god, many PC players would run to mommy crying if they had to play on X1.
    I see those 1vX PC montages and see CP70 people left and right, players not healing and not one synchronized ult. Good luck with that in my realm, even the average peasant there fights more viciously than whole groups on PC, it seems.

    Such truth. There are WAY more decent to good players on XB1 than PC. Anyone who has made the switch from XB1 to PC will tell you this. Sypher used to play on XB1 and stopped because "Performance issues." mhmmmm.
  • DMuehlhausen
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Well they are removing cost reduction and nerfing regen from 25-15% in cp next patch

    And he did say he'd quit until Morrowind... so... :p

    @Tryxus Out of curiosity, what does that have to do with the topic at hand? Let alone the video above? And if you read the very first sentence, it was a rather spontaneous decision to slide on ESO. It wasn't like a regular activity. In fact, I haven't set foot in PvP in I don't even know how long prior to today. So n'ah. Please stop trying to derail the topic.

    Sigh... Damn I hate when people go off topic to justify obvious and blatant bs.

    Edit: I hope you get the agrees and awesomes you're fishing for, as most people who post that type of nonsense in my threads tend to get upvoted heavily. Just disappointed that you too joined the bandwagon. Anything for that forum rep and cyber stars, right?

    It's completely on topic though when your last post was about you being done until Morrowind. This has been an issue really since CP was introduced. This post comes off more as a, Oh I haven't complained about ESO for a couple weeks and told everyone how I'm quitting for good, or maybe till this happens post from you.
  • Strider_Roshin
    He wasn't that great of a player, but the OP was worse. He maintained his resources via Dark Deal, and you didn't bash him. I also didn't see him bashing your engine guardian.

    This thread reeks of butt hurt to be honest.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Cadbury wrote: »
    MFW I realize I've seen certain PS4 players ingame :o

    Yup, you should come hang out with us in the PS4 Scourge campaign thread. We're all pretty friendly there. But enough about that, back to popcorn!


    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on April 4, 2017 1:54PM
  • Garethjolnir
    Someone got killed in pvp, now the servers are going to shut down?
    Viele grüße aus Germany. Neu Heimat.
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    Yes, the OP got outplayed in this case. It happens just chalk it up and move on.

    That being said there is a lot wrong with this game from an itemization and cp power creep problem.

    Simply put every class, magic or stam, can have absurd amounts of damage, tankiness, and sustain it you do the simple math to figure it out. It really should be that way.

    With resource pools the way they are, along with damage and healing the game is always going to focus around burst and the burst meta is trash, it's nothing more then a button mashing fest and is literally the anti thesis of skill.

    Most folks playing today would get crushed in the 1.x versions of this game. Where intelligent use of defensive skills, careful resource management, and waiting for the right moment to strike mattered far more then the button mashing, animation canceling stack damage burst trash we have today.

    ESO pvp is slowly losing my interest because it's no longer a skill based game and it isn't flipping competitive at all. Magic may be better in group play but stamina is still grossly OP in small scale and no CP. stamina can use magic as a second resource pool to convert to Stam, in essence mag recovery becomes Stan recovery and magic becomes more Stam. magic builds have to conserve both or die.

    Dodge roll, break free, and block being focused on Stam is woefully imbalanced as stacking more Stam equals more resources, more healing, more damage, more dodge roll, more break free...all stacking magic gives us more damage and heals.

    Dodge, break free, block need to be removed from stamina and put on a separate resource bar that's value is based on max health. The more you invest in health the more you can do those things...

    In 1.x pvp these things were pretty even but now it's just a joke on both sides of the fence.
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • CyrusArya
    Rickter wrote: »

    no. I watched the whole video and I never once saw how the OP was "out played." They were completely evenly matched and it was ttit-for-tat until the OP ran out of resources. get this elitist B.S. out of here

    That's probably cus you yourself have a lot of learning left to do. If you can't tell how he was outplayed simply by comparing the movements of the two players, or how a stamina DK simply will never outplay an equally skilled opponent while rocking snipe and caltrops (let alone in reactive lmao)...I suggest you step out your zerg more often.

    I'll never understand this entitled snowflake mentality that any kind of criticism is elitism.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Cinbri
    Do you remember this time when sustain meant anything and PvE was challenging beside Trials:
    And DK were OP ;)
    Edited by Cinbri on April 4, 2017 2:05PM
  • Tan9oSuccka
    Looks like you chased a guy, the Zerg broke off and he bested you. I don't think this is L2P on the OP.

    Side note: Did anyone see the guy he was chasing doing the Jester run? I LOL'd.
    Of course I like steak. I'm a Nord, aren't I?
    -Berj Stoneheart
  • OdinForge
    It's almost as if at 20 seconds in you can tell that you're waiting to see if backup pursues him. If you weren't confident enough to chase him down first and alone, you should have just walked away.

    There is a lot of evidence here that you got outplayed, you were never evenly matched you just had 10K more HP and likely high resistance. The panic caltrops shortly before your death is a good indicator that you never had a chance, the guy had to work through nearly 10K extra HP on you but it wasn't a challenge for him.

    I do agree with the general sentiment that infinite resources / CP has killed ESO, but this video isn't an example of that. This is what it looks like to try and use numbers to win a fight.

    The Age of Wrobel.
  • GrigorijMalahevich
    OP didn't bash, but received loooooads of bashing from the forums :))

    P.S. Using VMA two hand and no gap closer - ???
    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
  • hmsdragonfly
    br0steen wrote: »
    Lord-Otto wrote: »

    My god, many PC players would run to mommy crying if they had to play on X1.
    I see those 1vX PC montages and see CP70 people left and right, players not healing and not one synchronized ult. Good luck with that in my realm, even the average peasant there fights more viciously than whole groups on PC, it seems.

    Such truth. There are WAY more decent to good players on XB1 than PC. Anyone who has made the switch from XB1 to PC will tell you this. Sypher used to play on XB1 and stopped because "Performance issues." mhmmmm.

    Performance issue is a real thing lol. I cannot imagine myself playing anything on 30FPS. Once you go 60FPS, you will never go back.
    Aldmeri Dominion Loyalist. For the Queen!
  • DHale
    Played daily for three years now mostly pvp never met or saw anyone with infinite sustain, do you buy this in crown store?
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • Skitttles
    My mans never chase the sorc, stam or mag.
    Skittles | DC Stem Sok and sumtimes Nertbled
  • Armitas
    The range of Dizzying swing is ridiculous at @ 1:57. Also ridiculous is the ability to channel a heavy attack underneath dizzying swing and then animation cancel right into reverse slice which can be seen in the KB.
    Edited by Armitas on April 4, 2017 2:49PM
    Nord mDK
  • Kodrac
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Well they are removing cost reduction and nerfing regen from 25-15% in cp next patch

    And he did say he'd quit until Morrowind... so... :p

    @Tryxus Out of curiosity, what does that have to do with the topic at hand? Let alone the video above? And if you read the very first sentence, it was a rather spontaneous decision to slide on ESO. It wasn't like a regular activity. In fact, I haven't set foot in PvP in I don't even know how long prior to today. So n'ah. Please stop trying to derail the topic.

    Sigh... Damn I hate when people go off topic to justify obvious and blatant bs.

    Edit: I hope you get the agrees and awesomes you're fishing for, as most people who post that type of nonsense in my threads tend to get upvoted heavily. Just disappointed that you too joined the bandwagon. Anything for that forum rep and cyber stars, right?

    I gave him an insightful. You do realize you have a record on these forums for starting drama, saying you're gonna quit, etc right? Him saying you're gonna quit (again) does provide some insight to the nature of the poster. So your rant should be taken with a grain of salt. You're kinda like the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf. Eventually people see it's just another Ch4mp drama queen thread and move on. Just saying....
  • SnubbS
    SnubbS wrote: »
    SnubbS wrote: »
    The best thing ZoS can do is disallow the use of Heavy Armor in PvP. Just take it out—ban it. Healers without heavy do not have "infinite sustain"—you (obviously) can sustain your magic, but not your stamina. Healers should not be the tankiest players that you're fighting—and they are. StamSorcs in Medium do not have anywhere near the sustain of StamSorcs in Heavy.

    Taking out heavy armor cripples tanks, perhaps instead of this there should be a certain cap on which armors healers,tanks damage dealers can wear? This would put a lot of restriction in the game though and would mess with PVE players.

    Good. Cripple tanks. I mained a Blazplar for 10mil ap worth of gameplay, it isn't something that PvP needs—nerf tanks, forget tanks, remove tanks. It wouldn't do anything to PVE players at all. My idea is simple—disallow the use of Heavy Armor in any PvP server for a week. And then see what happens to the "infinite sustain" unkillable builds.

    This is not a FPS I suggest u go find one and drop this game. Tanks and healers are a part of the game. Only thing they need to remove is there power to do any damage at all.

    Perhaps you didn't play 1.6 or 1.7. This game was essentially two armor types, and ever so often you'd find a tank in Heavy. An actual tank, not someone with 27k health wearing heavy who hits you with a 10k Dizzy Swing. An actual tank, who would sit there and hold block—and do nothing of interest to anyone. Healers did not have 30k health, and infinite stam sustain—you could actually kill a healer with some consistency. And Stamina builds did not have seemingly infinite magicka. It boggles my mind how everyone can be so shortsighted and utterly lost when it comes to this issue—this thread is complaining about "infinite sustain"—watch the video. It's a StamSorc in heavy who's Dark Dealing—why is he able to dark deal? Is it CP? Obviously not, no one is stacking any sizable chunk of their green cp into Magicka Cost reduction on a stambuild. It's literally just Heavy Armor, he has the equivalent of around 1400 magregen—and he'll have the same after they remove cost reduction. Try playing a StamSorc in medium come back and tell me how OP dark deal is—it's still a great skill, but you can actually run out of resources quite easily. The armor is sustaining for you—that's basically the argument that got proc sets nerfed, and it definitely applies here.

    I agree that PvP needs healers, and that healers have a dynamic role and deserve all the blahblahblah. I do not agree with the fact that the best thing you can do as a PvP healer is to wear Heavy. The set literally doesn't matter—it's the passives, not the set. Reactive, Seducer, Fasallas, Blackrose, Kags, it doesn't matter which set you use, the effect is the same. Tanky, and infinite Stam Sustain—healers should not be the tankiest players on the battlefield who aren't building pure tankiness—and they are by a mile. DDs & Healers should be in Light/Medium—Tanks should be in heavy. There's no way to mandate that, so the best option is just to disable heavy in PvP. I simply do not care if the people with 45k health who sit there and hold block inside the frontline zerg have their experience ruined. Heavy is ruining the game, and it's happening quickly.

    You can "hurrr duurrr dis gayme not fps" all you want, it does nothing for your argument.
    Xbox NA: SnubbS
    GoW eSports player & part time ESO Pug Ball Zerger.
  • QuebraRegra
    Play on a non-CP campaign. It's purely a problem with CP.

    just as was predicted.

  • Tryxus
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Well they are removing cost reduction and nerfing regen from 25-15% in cp next patch

    And he did say he'd quit until Morrowind... so... :p

    Tryxus Out of curiosity, what does that have to do with the topic at hand? Let alone the video above? And if you read the very first sentence, it was a rather spontaneous decision to slide on ESO. It wasn't like a regular activity. In fact, I haven't set foot in PvP in I don't even know how long prior to today. So n'ah. Please stop trying to derail the topic.

    Sigh... Damn I hate when people go off topic to justify obvious and blatant bs.

    Edit: I hope you get the agrees and awesomes you're fishing for, as most people who post that type of nonsense in my threads tend to get upvoted heavily. Just disappointed that you too joined the bandwagon. Anything for that forum rep and cyber stars, right?


    It is relevant to the thread because:

    The devs are aware of the regen and sustain we currently have, and they are planning to make changes to the CP system to reduce it in the exact same update you said you'd make your grand and glorious comeback.

    You make it sound like I struck a very sensitive nerve there...

    Btw, can I get an insightful or agree now? Kappa
    Edited by Tryxus on April 4, 2017 4:55PM
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • rotaugen454
    Every single combat related thing in the game has someone screaming to nerf it. This is why we can't have nice things!
    "Get off my lawn!"
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