^This. It is either completely RNG or more account based than character based. My alt crafters are out performing my dedicated master crafter.Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »I can say this:
It is either VERY bad RNG or the master crafting drop is totally rigged.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »I can say this:
It is either VERY bad RNG or the master crafting drop is totally rigged.
The first day I did 3 crafting quests:
Got one Master crafter Writ - to craft Nirnhoned staff (Hist Bark Set). I did the quest and got a lot of vouchers.
The next day I did the same quest.. (this time I did all crafting quests: Woodworking, Blacksmithing, Clothing, Enchanting, Alchemy and Provisioning). Got one Master crafter Writ - but with like a 6 vouchers reward.
Up to this day - nothing. Every day I do all 6 crafting quest and no Master crafter Writ. I have maxed crafting, with all passives unlocked. 5 days - and no Master crafter Writ. Maybe there is a cool-down for that, or like a limit per week or something ?
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Point is,RNG is definitely an issue but it can be combatted to some degree. If you are only running on one toon a day,it's gonna be a while.
I want to say I am in the neighborhood of 600-800 vouchers since launched. I have been selling all. Unfortunately 343 are now Deadly Strike, but that's a different issue. Exact numbers are tough because I bought a few to flip as well.
ChandraNalaar wrote: »Up to this day - nothing. Every day I do all 6 crafting quest and no Master crafter Writ. I have maxed crafting, with all passives unlocked. 5 days - and no Master crafter Writ. Maybe there is a cool-down for that, or like a limit per week or something ?
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Point is,RNG is definitely an issue but it can be combatted to some degree. If you are only running on one toon a day,it's gonna be a while.
I want to say I am in the neighborhood of 600-800 vouchers since launched. I have been selling all. Unfortunately 343 are now Deadly Strike, but that's a different issue. Exact numbers are tough because I bought a few to flip as well.
Maybe I'm the only one, but the master writ rewards seem to be working fine for me.
I only have three (3) legit master crafters ... but total vouchers earned since launch is 400+.
Have you checked your achievements?
Some of the easiest items to fix on your character's crafting resume is achievements ... such as learning the hakeijo essence rune for enchanting.
Grind on, you are just going in circlesHonestly, I was feeling optimistic about ZoS' attempts to make crafters more relevant until I realized that, ohhh wait, this is just another absurd grind. When did games become jobs?
I have been doing all 6 writs on a total of 8 characters since housing launched. All 8 have the 3 consumable crafts max level, with all achievements, all alchemy and enchanting researched. All know at least the majority of green recipes, with only 1 of my alts being a master provisioner, knowing all but 2 recipes. All my alts are at least 5/9 in trait research in all items in all equipment crafting skills, with only 1 alt being master crafter knowing all traits and knowing all but 3 pages in all the different styles released before housing. (with exception of the 2 crown store exclusive styles)