I've mentioned this on another thread but I think it needs reports by other people to confirm it as a "theory"
One thing I noticed was that of my four CP (all maxed L50 for crafts) crafters, the one with the least complete motif set (9) got the most MW's (5) and the one with the most complete motif set (14 complete) got the least (1). This got me curious and I intended to continue testing it but then they swapped out from US to EU and I couldn't determine whether it was RNG or not.
That specific trend has continued on the Live Servers.
So have other people with multiple crafters noticed this or am I just suffering from RNG. I'd like to see reports of motif completion vs MW's collected to disprove the thought that it's programming and confirm that it's RNG (Just saying "I don't have a problem" isn't good enough in my opinion.). If you think more data should be specified (Toxicology Achievemennt, Potent Enchanter Achievement), just say so

Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!
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