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Morrowind...and ESO+

  • JasonSilverSpring
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    This is completely ridiculous.

    ESO+ is a way to support this game and in so doing you are in turn given benefits. Those benefits are more value than the $14.99 a month cost for ESO+. You literally get your $14.99 a month in Crown Store Coins with ESO+. That alone covers the cost of ESO+. Then you get the Craft Bag... arguably that alone is worth ESO+. Then you get experience gain on all categories (crafting, character, and trait), Cosmetic options (dyes on costumes), and access to DLC (that's a great money saver as well).

    You can try to argue that Expansion and DLC are the same, but they are not period. I have not seen so many negative, critical, entitled and rude people before. You wouldn't be happy with anything it seems. If it's not one thing it's another. I have no idea how you could feel ripped off or betrayed? Do you literally think you should have everything handed to you for free? As stated above, the cost for ESO+ is already less than what you are getting for ESO+...and you want more? Think people... sheesh.

    If ZOS was really wanting to be money grabbers, they would really gimp free accounts (reduced storage and in game coin acquisition and make you pay to upgrade those in the Crown Store) like all other free to play games (LOTRO and SWTOR come to mind), but they don't. You can play the game as it was when it was subscription only with no restrictions with a free account. That is pretty darn good. They include a lot of great base game quality of life upgrades in the base game patches as well. ZOS is in no way trying to rip you off. Not even near what I've seen other companies do.

    This is like people complaining about Crown Crates... really? They do nothing but give you convenience or cosmetic items. You don't have to buy them to play the game and be successful. And people say ZOS is money grabbing...engage your brain people... Yeah they would be if you had to buy them to be successful in the game... but that is definitely not the case. All the Crown Store stuff is not needed and does not make you more powerful. It's fluff, and people like to buy fluff. If you don't like them, then don't buy them. It's not pay to win.

    Another person who missed the point of why people are angry.

    While there maybe some people who want something for free a large amount of people who are angry about it are not angry because they didn't get something for free (which btw regardless of value getting expansion access while using ESO+ is still paying for them and on top of that its temporary assuming your membership runs out), people are angry because things were changed on them literally overnight if nobody had pointed it out they would of gotten away with stealth editing the ESO+ conditions and while they are legally allowed to do so, the way they did essentially threw community good will out the window and it felt like a knife in the pack because people were promised all future content access.

    These people have a right to be angry and furious about how this has been handled.
    These people have a right to feel betrayed.
    These people have a right to feel lied to.

    They said nothing about expansions (not mentioning something doesnt automatically exclude it from something).
    They promised the player base all future content. Promise broken.
    They promised four quatre DLC releases, 2 that no longer count towards ESO+ as homestead is base game and Morrowind is an "expansion". Like it or not they still broke that promise. 1 permanently removed.

    Are you getting it yet? its not that it costs money or something is devalued or overvalued its the brazen way in which they did it and then shoved it in our faces after being so loyal to the game, no heads up, no update months back that they would be changing their business model nope, they just dropped it on people. Sorry but thats a *** move and dont try to say it isn't because you know it is. I appreciate your opposing view to this but its mired in high road sentiment which is just mind numbing to read.

    You're judging all these people on the basis that they're being whiny unappreciative children, which they are not. Yes you didn't say that directly, but just read what you've said back and think about the tone because its there.

    I guarantee you if they had actually said ANYTHING about this a month or so before hand people would not have reacted as aggressively as they have since the announcement.

    You ever heard of the saying "hearing what you want to hear" or in this case "reading what you want to read"? after reading what you've posted you are definitely reading what you want to read and not actually reading what is being said.

    There are trolls here as well people who will say anything to stoke the fire, be mindful of what you read provided you take everyone's view into account instead of spouting such judgemental crap with that attitude.

    Businesses sometimes change their business model. ZOS announced this change 4 months in advance. Every single ESO plus subscriber still gets the same benefit today as before. There was never an open ended promise for eternity.

    If ESO plus lost its value currently despite no immediate change in what it provides then cancel. Subscribing was never to gain future content.
  • esotoon
    Businesses sometimes change their business model. ZOS announced this change 4 months in advance. Every single ESO plus subscriber still gets the same benefit today as before. There was never an open ended promise for eternity.

    If ESO plus lost its value currently despite no immediate change in what it provides then cancel. Subscribing was never to gain future content.

    The last DLC was 6 months ago. So yes, whilst ESO+ members are *NOW* fully informed of the change to the business model and can make a decision as to whether paying a subscription is still worth it's value, for the last 6 months subscribers have been paying for the old business model without receiving the promised DLC content. ZOS didn't just wake up at the start of the week and make these changes. They have been known about for a long time. Yet ZOS continued to take subscribers money knowing full well there would be no more 'DLC' until Q3 2017.
    Edited by esotoon on February 2, 2017 11:54AM
  • JasonSilverSpring
    esotoon wrote: »
    Businesses sometimes change their business model. ZOS announced this change 4 months in advance. Every single ESO plus subscriber still gets the same benefit today as before. There was never an open ended promise for eternity.

    If ESO plus lost its value currently despite no immediate change in what it provides then cancel. Subscribing was never to gain future content.

    The last DLC was 6 months ago. So yes, whilst ESO+ members are *NOW* fully informed of the change to the business model and can make a decision as to whether paying a subscription is still worth it's value, for the last 6 months subscribers have been paying for the old business model without receiving the promised DLC content. ZOS didn't just wake up at the start of the week and make these changes. They have been known about for a long time. Yet ZOS continued to take subscribers money knowing full well there would be no more 'DLC' until Q3 2017.

    And for those 6 months you got access to all current content as advertised. One should sub for current content not future content. If you were waiting for future content why not sub once it became available?

    If during those 6 months you were not happy with current content why did you remain subscribed?
  • esotoon
    And for those 6 months you got access to all current content as advertised.

    I did. I also got access to a crafting bag, xp/gold boost, costume dying, all as advertised. However it was also 'advertised' that we would be getting 4 DLCs a year and that as an ESO+ subscriber I would have access to them for free. However that never materialised.
  • Frondale
    I really wish ZOS devs would speak up with their thoughts of disgruntled ESO plus customers and put this whole thing to rest.

    It really needs to be sorted out somehow. It is being argued to death. Multiple threads popping up about it.

    I am one of the ones that is ok with ESO plus but I can understand that some are not.

    It needs to be sorted and an official something from ZOS would be a good start.

    Communication is key, not lets sweep this whole issue under the overstuffed rug.

  • AzuraKin
    esotoon wrote: »
    ADarklore wrote: »
    It all depends, did you agree to allow them to make changes at any time for any reason like you did when you agreed to the TOS before you were allowed to play ESO?!?

    They can make whatever changes they like. However that doesn't make it right or mean the customer has no right to feel aggrieved by it. And in some countries, due to consumer laws, taking money and not providing the promised services for that money is...shall we say, frowned upon. No matter what the T&C's might say.

    well, there is this thing that rights and laws of nations generally do not apply to the internet, this is why american companies, run by americans have deleted, censored, posts and banned accounts for arbitrary reasons against american companies, all of which is a violation of the freedom of speech clause. you have no rights on the internet except what the company whose site you are using grants to you.
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
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    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
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    v160 assassin (nightblade)
    v160 swordsman (sorcerer)
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
  • JasonSilverSpring
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    esotoon wrote: »
    ADarklore wrote: »
    It all depends, did you agree to allow them to make changes at any time for any reason like you did when you agreed to the TOS before you were allowed to play ESO?!?

    They can make whatever changes they like. However that doesn't make it right or mean the customer has no right to feel aggrieved by it. And in some countries, due to consumer laws, taking money and not providing the promised services for that money is...shall we say, frowned upon. No matter what the T&C's might say.

    well, there is this thing that rights and laws of nations generally do not apply to the internet, this is why american companies, run by americans have deleted, censored, posts and banned accounts for arbitrary reasons against american companies, all of which is a violation of the freedom of speech clause. you have no rights on the internet except what the company whose site you are using grants to you.

    Freedom of speech has nothing to do with a forum hosted by a company. I am not sure if you are from the USA, but in the USA freedom of speech has no bearing on this, internet or not.
    Edited by JasonSilverSpring on February 2, 2017 1:56PM
  • Ojustaboo
    I am happy to buy the expansion, however after all this discussion, it's caused me to look hard at my sub, end result I've just cancelled it. Nothing to do with Morrowind being released as such.

    I understand that when we sub, we get a whole package, and that package has a value whether we use bits or not, As my guild leader put it, if you sub to Sky TV and don' t watch Sky1, Sky1 still has monetary value.

    However, to use the same analogy, if I subbed as all I was interested in is the discovery channels, Sky 1 might well be part of the package, and I might well watch it from time to time as it's there. But if Sky removed the discovery channels, the package would no longer be worth it to me.

    With ESO+, I'm not interested in crowns, sure I bought pets, a wedding dress (don't ask) as the crowns were there, but I would never had purchased them to buy these. Gold is too easy for me to make in game anyway so not interested in gold boost. same with XP boost (infact if you look at some of my old posts, I've often requested the option to disable XP as I felt I levelled far too quickly, although 1T cured that problem), if I did want some I can buy roe from traders and make 50%xp pots as often as I like.

    That leaves just two things that made it good value and worth it for ME.

    The crafting bag is the main thing I subbed for, however I can't justify the yearly cost solely for that, the promise of 4 downloads a year allowed me to justify it in my head.

    But looking at it, unless I've made a mistake, last 6 months of 2016 and first 6 months of 2017, I am getting zero dlc. Or to put it another way, any dlc I do get, so do those that don't sub.

    So really, I have been complacent paying every 3 months. not paying attention and the ONLY thing it's given me is access to the craft bag.

    And now they've changed it so we only get 3 dlc a year (and one paid for expansion), so even if they did deliver what they say, it's a 1/4 less than it used to be.

    I've done the sums.

    Paying my sub every 3 months is £100 a year. Plus Morrowind expansion £29.99 making £129.99

    I buy a 2nd ESO account, even at full price (and can get a lot cheaper) £20.

    I log that character in on my 2nd monitor to use as storage as and when I need it.

    I buy the Morrowind expansion, £29.99

    They release say 2 new dlc in the next year, say 3000 crowns each

    So I need to buy 6000 crowns,

    5500 crowns are currently £24 and 750 are just under £5

    So I've spent £20 on the game, £30 on expansion, £29 on crowns for DLC. Total cost £79

    A saving of £50 this year (well more like £60 - 65 as I'm sure I can get ESO for 50 - 75% off somewhere). Not sure if the current price is the normal crown price or if it's discounted, but I will only buy crowns in sales anyway , and of course next year the saving will be £70 as I won't be buying ESO again

    Edited by Ojustaboo on February 2, 2017 4:57PM
  • Surak73
    ADarklore wrote: »
    It all depends, did you agree to allow them to make changes at any time for any reason like you did when you agreed to the TOS before you were allowed to play ESO?!?

    It's a matter of trust. True, I agreed to allow them to make changes as stated in TOS, but I did it only because I trusted them and I didn't believed that they would have fooled me. Now, they have lost my trust, and with it they have lost my 150+ euros of annual subscription as well. Instead of 150+ euros, they will get 40 euros for the "chapter" and maybe 20-30 for the future dlc (how will they call them, "paragraphs"?...); they will have to earn every single cent, and they will get 70-80€ instead of 150.

    This is a perfect example of how greed can ruin a business.
  • sevomd69
    esotoon wrote: »
    sevomd69 wrote: »
    So the price for Morrowind.....Seriously? that amount of money for an expansion? Your just as well better off getting the collectors edition compared to what the standard is up on the store. Your paying at a full game price already. Granted Amazon and other stores have not released their prices yet, and you can't pre-order from them in the UK but I'm still shocked at the price tag of the expansion. (the psn store always seems to up the price tag on everything)

    The price you have posted is for the base game + the Morrowind 'Expansion pack'. There should be a digital version available to buy if you already own the game, that is just the 'Expansion Pack'. I don't have a PS4, but perhaps check PSN to see if it is listed? The PC version is £29.99.

    I never wrote that post...

    It was @katiesmith12341
    Edited by sevomd69 on February 2, 2017 4:02PM
  • silvereyes
    Could someone provide a link to where ZOS ever promised 4 pay-gated DLCs per year? I keep hearing that claim made, but all I've ever heard them say is 4 "major updates" per year, which they have done.

    Regardless of such claims, people had 10 months of advanced notice of no DLC to cancel their subs if they were in it for the DLC. PTS patch notes for 1T and Matt Firor's BE3 news post announcing it had no DLC were released back in August 2016. Homestead was announced back in December 2016, also revealing no new DLC. Add on the 4 months of advanced notice we just got about the new Chapters release cadence, and that makes 10 months.

    The only people who have any right to feel slighted by ZOS are those that subscribed for 12 months back in June 2016 before the 1T announcement. Everybody else: you've had plenty of notice to cancel your subs.

    I was paying for the convenience of not needing to think
    Yup. Sounds about right.
  • esotoon
    sevomd69 wrote: »
    I never wrote that post...

    It was @katiesmith12341

    Gah, sorry, not sure how that happened. :(

    Thanks for pointing it out. I've corrected the attribution.

  • sevomd69
    esotoon wrote: »
    sevomd69 wrote: »
    I never wrote that post...

    It was @katiesmith12341

    Gah, sorry, not sure how that happened. :(

    Thanks for pointing it out. I've corrected the attribution.

    np... I think it happened when you cut some of the post...
  • Ojustaboo
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Could someone provide a link to where ZOS ever promised 4 pay-gated DLCs per year? I keep hearing that claim made, but all I've ever heard them say is 4 "major updates" per year, which they have done.

    Matt Firor said it at Quakecon in 2015


    Expect to see a named dlc pack of some kind quarterly.

    So every 12 weeks or so you will see something named with the cool concept, content, new systems, things like that.

    The way it works is if you are an ESO+ member you get all the dlc content included as part of eso+ for as long as you are a subscriber.

    You can of course purchase it from the store if you want to

    Edited by Ojustaboo on February 2, 2017 4:54PM
  • Elsonso
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Could someone provide a link to where ZOS ever promised 4 pay-gated DLCs per year? I keep hearing that claim made, but all I've ever heard them say is 4 "major updates" per year, which they have done.

    Matt Firor said it at Quakecon in 2015


    Expect to see a named dlc pack of some kind quarterly.

    So every 12 weeks or so you will see something named with the cool concept, content, new systems, things like that.

    The way it works is if you are an ESO+ member you get all the dlc content included as part of eso+ for as long as you are a subscriber.

    You can of course purchase it from the store if you want to

    So, based on the quote above, which includes both content and systems, they have pretty much done 4 per year, except for 2015, I guess.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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  • sirston
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Could someone provide a link to where ZOS ever promised 4 pay-gated DLCs per year? I keep hearing that claim made, but all I've ever heard them say is 4 "major updates" per year, which they have done.

    Matt Firor said it at Quakecon in 2015


    Expect to see a named dlc pack of some kind quarterly.

    So every 12 weeks or so you will see something named with the cool concept, content, new systems, things like that.

    The way it works is if you are an ESO+ member you get all the dlc content included as part of eso+ for as long as you are a subscriber.

    You can of course purchase it from the store if you want to

    So, based on the quote above, which includes both content and systems, they have pretty much done 4 per year, except for 2015, I guess.

    and....2017 since you know ESO+ Don't get Morrowind because Its Not DLC its a chapter? which ever way you think of it DLC/Chapter/Expansion there all the same. Additions to the game.
    Edited by sirston on February 2, 2017 5:11PM
    Whitestakes Revenge
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    victoria aut mors
  • Tandor
    Tandor wrote: »
    Spidersick wrote: »

    Obviously everyone that post comments over here are expressing their own opinion.

    Indeed, although some present those comments as if they were indisputable fact.

    Not sure if you were following the beginning of this discussion, but all @Spidersick said is "I guess ESO+ is officially for crafting bags for now on." That looked more like an opinion than indisputable fact to me, but again this is just my point of view.

    I was responding to his comment that I quoted, nothing more.
  • BadArgonian
    Tandor wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    Spidersick wrote: »

    Obviously everyone that post comments over here are expressing their own opinion.

    Indeed, although some present those comments as if they were indisputable fact.

    Not sure if you were following the beginning of this discussion, but all @Spidersick said is "I guess ESO+ is officially for crafting bags for now on." That looked more like an opinion than indisputable fact to me, but again this is just my point of view.

    I was responding to his comment that I quoted, nothing more.

  • Nifty2g
    I would be totally fine with this price tag

    But with the items included in the collectors edition, how do you even justify a $100+ price tag?
    There needs to be more!!
  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Could someone provide a link to where ZOS ever promised 4 pay-gated DLCs per year? I keep hearing that claim made, but all I've ever heard them say is 4 "major updates" per year, which they have done.

    Matt Firor said it at Quakecon in 2015


    Expect to see a named dlc pack of some kind quarterly.

    So every 12 weeks or so you will see something named with the cool concept, content, new systems, things like that.

    The way it works is if you are an ESO+ member you get all the dlc content included as part of eso+ for as long as you are a subscriber.

    You can of course purchase it from the store if you want to

    So, based on the quote above, which includes both content and systems, they have pretty much done 4 per year, except for 2015, I guess.

    I disagree. They say named content that will be free while we sub, but for sale in the store. Hence some people subbed expecting to get free access to stuff 4 times a year that non subbers were going to have to pay for. Hence for them (me) it made the sub seem worthwhile.

    I personally wouldnt be bothered if they took an extra month to release each update so we ended up with only 3, but when I see I haven't had any for the past 6 months and am getting none for the next 6 months, for ME, it makes the sub worthless. I realise others enjoy other aspects of the sub that I have no use for.i
  • reguvin
    It's not worth to sub anymore.
    - Beta Tester
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  • dramsb14_ESO
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Could someone provide a link to where ZOS ever promised 4 pay-gated DLCs per year? I keep hearing that claim made, but all I've ever heard them say is 4 "major updates" per year, which they have done.

    Regardless of such claims, people had 10 months of advanced notice of no DLC to cancel their subs if they were in it for the DLC. PTS patch notes for 1T and Matt Firor's BE3 news post announcing it had no DLC were released back in August 2016. Homestead was announced back in December 2016, also revealing no new DLC. Add on the 4 months of advanced notice we just got about the new Chapters release cadence, and that makes 10 months.

    The only people who have any right to feel slighted by ZOS are those that subscribed for 12 months back in June 2016 before the 1T announcement. Everybody else: you've had plenty of notice to cancel your subs.

    I was paying for the convenience of not needing to think
    Yup. Sounds about right.

    A more recent comment, which calls it quarterly "updates" and not necessarily DLC.

  • MadLarkin
    Mic1007 wrote: »
    To be fairly honest, I was expecting this. Their previous model wasn't exactly profitable for ZOS (which is clearly shown by the fact that they added those cursed Clown Crates).

    I see the expansion as worth buying. So I pre-ordered it. And yes, I am and will continue to be an ESO+ Subscriber. The crafting bag and costume dyeing - along with the 1500 Crowns - are worth it to me to stay subscribed.

    Should they have announced a change in DLC Policy before announcing Morrowind? Sure. But they've shown that they like changing things on the fly (again referencing the sudden announcement of the Clown Crates through PTS Patch Notes of all places).

    If you feel betrayed, I understand. Lack of information on policy changes has always been a problem with ZOS. Personally, as long as the content they release is fun for me, I'll bite. For example, Homestead will probably completely pass me by. It was fun on the PTS, but the grindiness of the system is not something I am interested in.

    Morrowind, just based on its description, seems worth it to me.

    Morrowind seems like its worth it to me as well, and full disclosure, I am not a sub. However, I can understand some people's frustration over feeling like ZOS pulled a bait and switch with ESO+. Beyond that, my point of concern is the fact that they keep hacking up the game into pieces with new (and increasingly expensive) methods of obtaining those pieces without (arguably) increasing the return on player investments.

    So in terms of cost, we now have a base price, expansions, optional sub, the expansive crown shop, AND gambling crates. When will it be enough? Much of the content (even if it is cosmetic and unnecessary) is split between these different categories in an attempt to get people to pay more money, but I think in the long run, its just going to spread the community too thin.

    Creating that culture of haves and have-not's is a free to play gimmick, and it is being pushed to the limit here. Not to mention the fact that even if people spend the buckets of cash necessary to access absolutely everything in the game, we'd still have inventory/bank storage issues, balance problems, long-standing bugs that remain unfixed, and a wealth of ill-advised design decisions that seem to be either influenced by rushed deadlines or a desire to push people even harder towards the crown store. Things like not having storage in housing, the copy-paste nature of most homes layouts using existing assets, the ridiculous crafting requirements for decorations (with no new storage, that bears repeating), and more. Plus we're now starting to get store-only motifs and stuff like that. There needs to be some give and take. It can't just be "here's new stuff AND a new way to pay for it" all the time.
  • DenMoria
    Evangele wrote: »
    Oh well, can't please everyone.

    $40 is $40. If you can't save $40 in 3 months or it's a super big deal then you probably shouldn't be subscribed to the game to begin with, honestly.

    If you personally do not see the value in a subscription, then don't subscribe.

    If you don't see the value in the expansion, do not buy it.

    That's really all there is to it.

    Complaining on the forum isn't going to do much for your stance. Either you hit them in the wallets, if you believe it is "unjust" or you're really just posturing.

    I have subbed since release, I fully expected a expansion to come that I would have to pay for. Then again, I play WoW and other MMOs where expansions and/or DLC are fully paid for so I guess getting free crowns every month doesnt translate for some people to getting something for your sub dollars whereas it does for me.

    I love this game and I love Elder Scrolls and the fact that I can support the continued work into a universe I love makes me happy and excited to offer that support.

    The saddest part about all of this is that, in my group of about 70 odd people that I play with regularly, only about 1/2 of us actually have subscriptions and we haven't really noticed a difference.
  • old_mufasa
    Look no matter what its a bait and switch for ESO plus... According to them we are only getting 2 paid DLCs this year as housing is free.. with a small perk for + members (double the decoration limit)

    What I do not understand is why they didn't add any perks at all for ESO plus for Morrowind. Something that only plus get if they buy Morrowind... like weapon dye's or wardrobe of transmog system for eso plus.. something extra for Morrowind eso plus buyers... The fact they are adding nothing for ESO plus going against their own all DLC to be included (yes its a DLC.. doesn't matter if they want to call it something else) as well as 4 new dlc a year being shrunk to 2 and a perk for 1 they should of seen this and had some perk for eso plus members.

    I'm getting to the point now that I'm contemplating dropping ESO plus and just wait for crowns to go on sell and buy all the dlc.. because in the long run ill be saving money anyhow.

  • silvereyes
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    Matt Firor said it at Quakecon in 2015


    Thanks! I was wondering where that was all coming from!

    In any case, my remaining arguments are still valid. For anyone that doesn't value the other perks of ESO+, it should have been worthless to them 6 months ago, nothing to do with Chapters. A plan announced for ESO+ over a year and a half ago - more than half of the entire life of the game so far! - is in no way a promise to continue that way forever, especially if the plan isn't working.

    In fact, the reasoning Matt Firor gave in his post about their motivation for moving to Chapters only underscores that they know they haven't been able to keep up with proper DLC releases every quarter because they get bogged down doing big systems changes like 1T and housing. If the model changes are successful, then you should never have to worry about a 9 month stretch with no DLC again. Seems like that's nothing but good for the game.
  • Draconerus
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Given they have not explicitly stated how this 'expansion' works with ESO+, I'm 99% sure even ESO+ members are going to charged $40 for this. They are being very coy.

    They have explicitly stated it is NOT included in ESO+ in multiple threads on the forums.
    Argonian - Templar Healer
    Da Funk - Officer
  • S'yn
    I like the game, but hate the business model. Personally I wish they would just make the game purely subscription based and be done with it. Get a steady revenue stream and deliver content.

    Micro transactions are fine, but if you gate even your paying subscribers behind a crap ton of cash-centric content, all you will succeed in doing is alienating your core revenue stream. You can't possibly meet revenue projections if your business is BUILT on sporadic revenue from crown sales!

    MMO's live or die on the good will of a loyal player base... ZOS is making a big gamble with their recent behavior. I know the developers want a return on their investment, but guess what? - SO DOES YOUR COMMUNITY!
  • Ojustaboo
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Could someone provide a link to where ZOS ever promised 4 pay-gated DLCs per year? I keep hearing that claim made, but all I've ever heard them say is 4 "major updates" per year, which they have done.

    Regardless of such claims, people had 10 months of advanced notice of no DLC to cancel their subs if they were in it for the DLC. PTS patch notes for 1T and Matt Firor's BE3 news post announcing it had no DLC were released back in August 2016. Homestead was announced back in December 2016, also revealing no new DLC. Add on the 4 months of advanced notice we just got about the new Chapters release cadence, and that makes 10 months.

    The only people who have any right to feel slighted by ZOS are those that subscribed for 12 months back in June 2016 before the 1T announcement. Everybody else: you've had plenty of notice to cancel your subs.

    I was paying for the convenience of not needing to think
    Yup. Sounds about right.

    A more recent comment, which calls it quarterly "updates" and not necessarily DLC.

    That's part of the problem with Zos. One person says something in one place, another says something in another. I don't do facebook or twitter, from their past history i didn't expect to get dlc every month regardless of what they said, but I did expect to get some.

    I also don't buy the "we had 10 months notice of no dlc" point of view. I don't recall where they announced to eso+ subscribers that we were not going to get the promised dlc (if they did say it, I missed it). Just because they announce housing or whatever, doesn't to me mean they aren't also working on other things.

    And they were working on other things, a paid for expansion. Hence that is why so many people are rightly annoyed. If others are happy not to get what they were told they would get for their subscription, that is totally up to them. For many others, we are sick of companies saying one thing then giving us another, and gaming companies tend to be one of the worst, sadly far too many people just accept it as the norm, which only encourages them to keep on doing it. Rather than complain about complainers, people should be thanking them for taking a stance against shoddy business practises

    The links Silvereyes posted simply tell the ESO population what everyone will be getting, including those who don't sub, I don't see why those of us who did sub, should take that as meaning they won't stick to their agreement. When all of those links were posted, we weren't told they were working on Morrowind either.

    Don't forget many of us remember subbing for months and months with no promised stuff appearing, us hoping they were working on something big and secret, they were, they were working on the consoles, and many of us still have a bad taste in our mouths over that.

    edit: I agree with Silvereyes that my sub did become worthless to me 6 months ago, but at the time I didn't know that, wasn't really paying much attention to the forums (presume that a massive change to ESO+ would be major news all over the place) and presumed that stuff would eventually be coming. I am complaining today because it's now that it's become clear that not only did I get nothing the past 6 months, I also get nothing for the next 6 months.

    Which is why I cancelled my sub today. And as I said in an earlier post, they would have got far more money if they had given me Morrowind as part of the dlc than if I cancel and buy it separately. Again it isn't about then charging for it, it's about them charging for it with no crown store dlc being available for an entire year.

    Edited by Ojustaboo on February 2, 2017 6:57PM
  • silvereyes
    old_mufasa wrote: »
    What I do not understand is why they didn't add any perks at all for ESO plus for Morrowind.
    How do you know they won't? All we have at this point is a bunch of PR material about the expansion, but there has been no communication about what the base game update will entail or what new systems, if any, there will be in June. The CE pack contents seems to indicate there may be pet skins coming, but that's not been confirmed.

    Craft bags were first confirmed on ESO live in response to a direct question a few months before they came out, but we've only had one ESO live recently, and they just talked about update 13. I don't remember about costume dyeing, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't confirmed until the PTS patch notes for Update 11 came out.
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