Strider_Roshin wrote: »Above 50k DPS is what I'll consider to be competitive. 40k+ is pretty solid, 30k+ is meh. What you have is bad DPS I'm afraid.
@Taylor_MB@Smepic Have you looked at Swamp Raider at all? Could be an awesome PvE replacement for Marksman Crest. Cast Entropy and (if the DoT component procs it) you won't need to recast for 20seconds. Swamp raider might even be back bar-able, once it procs you should be able to bar swap and keep the bonus, then you can have a full monster helm set also (2x Skoria maybe? Lose some weapon damage but you'll proc Skoria right on CD with all those DoTs). This is exciting!
Edit: I am faced with a sudden urge to finish ranking my StamDK and try this out.
Strider_Roshin wrote: »Above 50k DPS is what I'll consider to be competitive. 40k+ is pretty solid, 30k+ is meh. What you have is bad DPS I'm afraid.
You only need 50K dps if you are in that 1% and your only goal in game is chasing the top of the vMOL leader boards.
20-30K dps is perfectly acceptable for all content, with the exception of HM trials/leaderboard runs.
It is even more acceptable when its from someone who normally PVP's and is running pug dungeons (which is where all the uproar over bow/bow builds is coming from).
As a tank who commonly pugs daily pledges, I have seen my fair share of different dps builds (some good and some very bad). I would gladly welcome a bow/bow build that can pull 25-30K dps. The problem is that most people running bow/bow think the only way to run it is spamming light attacks with the occasional poison injection or endless hail, resulting in their ever exciting 10K dps parses.
If the OP's build will make it so I no longer have to whisper group members that their dps is to low to complete this content (which is sad when some of these are dungeons that can be solo'd), that is great.
Props to OP for thinking outside the box!
@Toc de Malsvi
The point of my thread is not "how much DPS I can deal with an optimal build". It shows that bow builds are viable – and that even with a PvP set-up, I am able to do all right DPS.
GreenhaloX wrote: »
Ha ha.. there is no toon in ESO that can do 40-50k Dps, legitimately. This means every second, a toon is dishing out 40-50k damages.. impossible without CE manipulation or some other kind of exploits. I don't have the exact formula for how to measure dps, and you can't really calculate it on console, but dps is apparently measurable in PC, along with many other things. What I understand dps to be is the average per second of the damages output calculated from the total strikes/attacks or combinations of attacks. So, if you are throwing out, let's say 10 strike/attacks in 10 seconds, which can range from 4k to 30k damages per hit/single strike, then the average of all 10 strikes can be computed to what you are putting out per seconds; the dps ratio (unless I'm wrong.) However, there is no toon that can legitimately sustain 30-50k damage per hit/strike every time they strike a target.
What many of the youtube how-to and guides of look at my badass builds are saying.. are that an average of 10k dps is fine for vet contents. The highest damage output from one attack I have obtained, so far, is in the 35k with a greatsword, but that is not sustainable. It may hit once every 5 or more strikes, but usually, I'm hitting anywhere from 16-30k. The only damages of 50-59k I have seem came from a youtube clip showing a sorc in action in a trial. It is a PC clip and shows damages averaging from 3k-10k, but once in a while, you will see damages showing 57k, here and up to 59k there. That amount of damages is outrageous, but the clip is showing such. I don't know how that sorc is able to obtain that. It has to be some kind of buff-aid and combination and such. Looking at other hey look at my badass builds youtube clips of other classes, like DK and NB, I have not seen any damages output, as close to what a sorc or that sorc can do.. hmmmm
Horowonnoe wrote: »
Mmm, actually.... it is totally possible to sustain 30k/sec and more. 30k is possible without any raid buffs. 40k+ is possible in raid situation with warhorn, spc, cp etc. I personally know people with toons that dish out 40-50k damage every second in trials without any cheats or manipulations as you have stated. Totally possible.
And 10k damage per second? Lol, i can just sit there and heavy attack and get 15k+ dps.
Dps is not about how much damage you score for a hit once in a blue moon, it is all your abilities damage combined and divided by the secs in combat.
The_Protagonist wrote: »
DPS is taken as an average over time, you start building up slowly at first with dots and then sustain it, heck highest damage done can be quite higher than average DPS.
GreenhaloX wrote: »
Ha ha.. there is no toon in ESO that can do 40-50k Dps, legitimately. This means every second, a toon is dishing out 40-50k damages.. impossible without CE manipulation or some other kind of exploits. I don't have the exact formula for how to measure dps, and you can't really calculate it on console, but dps is apparently measurable in PC, along with many other things. What I understand dps to be is the average per second of the damages output calculated from the total strikes/attacks or combinations of attacks. So, if you are throwing out, let's say 10 strike/attacks in 10 seconds, which can range from 4k to 30k damages per hit/single strike, then the average of all 10 strikes can be computed to what you are putting out per seconds; the dps ratio (unless I'm wrong.) However, there is no toon that can legitimately sustain 30-50k damage per hit/strike every time they strike a target.
What many of the youtube how-to and guides of look at my badass builds are saying.. are that an average of 10k dps is fine for vet contents. The highest damage output from one attack I have obtained, so far, is in the 35k with a greatsword, but that is not sustainable. It may hit once every 5 or more strikes, but usually, I'm hitting anywhere from 16-30k. The only damages of 50-59k I have seem came from a youtube clip showing a sorc in action in a trial. It is a PC clip and shows damages averaging from 3k-10k, but once in a while, you will see damages showing 57k, here and up to 59k there. That amount of damages is outrageous, but the clip is showing such. I don't know how that sorc is able to obtain that. It has to be some kind of buff-aid and combination and such. Looking at other hey look at my badass builds youtube clips of other classes, like DK and NB, I have not seen any damages output, as close to what a sorc or that sorc can do.. hmmmm
Though I gank in Cyrodiil, I'm also dominant in duels. Sometimes, when I'm bored of easy kills, I just walk around and let someone gank me.
Just a few tips: crowd control and sustain is really important, always weave light attacks and don't be afraid to block and roll dodge.
@The_ProtagonistThe_Protagonist wrote: »Hey OP, why don't you do a guide for your bow build, your rotation, strategy and general approach, we would love to see it.
I have no room for Entropy. The only Magicka damaging ability I have is Streak, which I only use to maneuver or CC. I've thought about Sheer Venom though. I could use it for PvP as well, since my DoT's are very strong (I also use Damage Health Poison IX).
The main reason I use Marksman's is due to extra burst, especially for when I gank. I'm not very interested in farming Imperial City Prison for set pieces anyway.
Does Poison Injection count as an execute ability? If so that would be really awesome to use!
GreenhaloX wrote: »
Ha ha.. there is no toon in ESO that can do 40-50k Dps, legitimately. This means every second, a toon is dishing out 40-50k damages.. impossible without CE manipulation or some other kind of exploits. I don't have the exact formula for how to measure dps, and you can't really calculate it on console, but dps is apparently measurable in PC, along with many other things. What I understand dps to be is the average per second of the damages output calculated from the total strikes/attacks or combinations of attacks. So, if you are throwing out, let's say 10 strike/attacks in 10 seconds, which can range from 4k to 30k damages per hit/single strike, then the average of all 10 strikes can be computed to what you are putting out per seconds; the dps ratio (unless I'm wrong.) However, there is no toon that can legitimately sustain 30-50k damage per hit/strike every time they strike a target.
What many of the youtube how-to and guides of look at my badass builds are saying.. are that an average of 10k dps is fine for vet contents. The highest damage output from one attack I have obtained, so far, is in the 35k with a greatsword, but that is not sustainable. It may hit once every 5 or more strikes, but usually, I'm hitting anywhere from 16-30k. The only damages of 50-59k I have seem came from a youtube clip showing a sorc in action in a trial. It is a PC clip and shows damages averaging from 3k-10k, but once in a while, you will see damages showing 57k, here and up to 59k there. That amount of damages is outrageous, but the clip is showing such. I don't know how that sorc is able to obtain that. It has to be some kind of buff-aid and combination and such. Looking at other hey look at my badass builds youtube clips of other classes, like DK and NB, I have not seen any damages output, as close to what a sorc or that sorc can do.. hmmmm
GreenhaloX wrote: »
Ha ha.. there is no toon in ESO that can do 40-50k Dps, legitimately.
What many of the youtube how-to and guides of look at my badass builds are saying.. are that an average of 10k dps is fine for vet contents.
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »With the recent buffs to Bow/Bow its gonna be even more viable to use as an alternative to DW/Bow. Will it do as much damage? Absolutely not, but it will be closer to the mark. All of this would be very exciting, except no need for stamina in trials period...
The_Protagonist wrote: »
This clearly shows that you are good player, you have done something non-meta and have been successful at it and reading your post has been insightful. Thank you for that. I must confess I got sucked into the whole meta idea along with the general citizens of Tamriel.
Horowonnoe wrote: »
Mmm, actually.... it is totally possible to sustain 30k/sec and more. 30k is possible without any raid buffs. 40k+ is possible in raid situation with warhorn, spc, cp etc. I personally know people with toons that dish out 40-50k damage every second in trials without any cheats or manipulations as you have stated. Totally possible.
GreenhaloX wrote: »
Sorry to drag this out.. but, I have to call bullsht on this one! 40-50k is more than most ultimate. You're out of your freaking mind that a toon is able to do 40-50k or more on every hit, each hit, for every second (without cheating or manipulation.) Come on.. been at this game far too long of trying to piece many different armor, weapon and jewelry sets together (of what have been legitimately allowable within the confine of the game) for the best build, and running through countless dungeons and trials with so many different groups, to know better. Even if doing 40-50k as an average, someone would have to be striking 60k or 70k or more for certain strikes. There is no freaking way. Anyways, you can't even see the others' numbers or tell how much damages the others in the group are putting out, in consoles (unless there is way to see, but I haven't figure it out yet); except on those youtube clips where you can see the numbers coming out from the main toon. I'm sure there are many more things you're able to do in PC, whereas you cannot on consoles.
Been monitoring this forum for almost a year now and scanning through the countless youtube clips, to include the how-to and show-me guides by those seemingly ESO's Jedi-masters, and I have not once seen a legitimate account of anyone being able to dish out the damages that you are claiming. I cannot see how and what sets, abilities or combination of skills are legitimately allowing the numbers of what you claimed, especially with things seemingly always getting nerfed.. impossible!
Do you mean for veteran trials? I'm curious about how much DPS I could achieve if I used PvE sets, full Divines and actually used Rearming Trap.
Though I gank in Cyrodiil, I'm also dominant in duels. Sometimes, when I'm bored of easy kills, I just walk around and let someone gank me.
Just a few tips: crowd control and sustain is really important, always weave light attacks and don't be afraid to block and roll dodge.
Red Mountain is terrible choice for bow users. On my sDK, it would proc once in 10-15 fights, when I used just bow.
I feel this set was made for DW flurry users.