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Crafters getting the shaft

  • Chelo
    Tavore1138 wrote: »
    I was close to dropping the crowns for the exclusive motif up now but realised that as I rarely craft gear any more it was pointless since now you just grind out the latest drop set rather than crafting anyway... what's the motif-ation to get motifs if the game is designed to make them pretty pointless?

    Honestly what crafting needs, its a lvl 50 passive that allows you to switch gear motifs... For example I hate the style of drop sets and I would like to change it to Dark Brotherhood or something, crafters need a skill like this. And also allow to change style of unbound gear, so we could sell drop sets with better styles...
  • mlstevens42_ESO
    Sure they can. Many do not desire to spend their time gaining the ability to do this including the nine traits that must be researched and or gathering the mats for said. They just want to play the way they enjoy playing and gathering mats and all that is boring. Those that do enjoy crafting and have put in the time would just like to be more useful. It is not a an entitlement issue.

    It would be the same as well expecting loot for finishing the trial and getting 5 gold. That is it ever. Regardless of the cost of time and effort to complete the trial you receive nothing of value. For that matter why should you get gold or anything to kill after being to an area you have been to before. What? It would hamper enjoyment and the desire to play? Everyone in game can kill mobs or other players if they so desire. Why should they get benefits. See very silly argument which has absolutely nothing to do with the issue.
  • Grymmoire
    i used to be a crafter like you.... till i took a chisel to the elbow....

    Don't you mean took a needle to the knee!?
  • Sheezabeast
    Lol, crafters. Like its a real job anyone cant do for themselves lol.

    Oh dear, the entitlement is over 9000

    You don't know how much work, time, money, and dedication it takes to be a crafter do you? Getting 9 traits in every armor and weapon before they changed Craglorn took a lot of farming for nirncrux, research time, and the only entitlement crafters see is when people ask us for armor and don't provide us materials, money, and they're demanding. Look at my thread here if you want a window into the reality of crafting and what we crafters have to deal with.


    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • VampiricByNature
    I main a healer and haven't concerned myself with motifs since SPC fell onto the scene. :(
  • Integral1900
    I buy jewelry at the store and helms from the cyrodil vendor, everything else is crafted, yes it means I give up a lot of grunt but I don't care, after all when it comes to dropped sets I either like the look or the rules but never both.

    Also to whoever decided that you would need to run the same bloody dungeon hundreds of times to get the pieces you want, a design decision that could make you tired of even the most gorgeous dungeons, I hope you're happy, because I'm done with that. Never again....
    Edited by Integral1900 on December 18, 2016 7:02AM
  • Narvuntien
    I agree that the idea of grinding for gear fills me with dread. I want to enjoy the game for it's story not have to play the same story over and over. I can take a little time out of my questing to set research running and do a writ, but having to co-ordinate 3 other people into a dungeon ergh! its been mostly terrible the few times I have done it.

    The problem with just making better crafted sets is power creep, which is a problem that has to be carefully monitored.
    Jerewely crafting is a no brainer.

    A different option is versitilty and customisation offered by crafting.. increase the customisation, such has custom sets this of course has... balance issues so I suspect it would be quite limited.

    I mean you could create a mechanism that allows crafters to research dropped sets eventually allowing them to make them problem solved?.. or a new one created? I think even in that case some things.. e.g monster helms will remain uncraftable.

  • Rumba1
    Actually what they need to do is make dropped sets work in synergy with crafted sets, for BIS gear you should use crafted AND dropped sets.

    This way no more complaints about crafters having best sets "right away" while grinders do content ad nauseum to get their dropped sets.
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    They gone and tuk urrr jawbs!!!
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Artemiisia
    Lots of work for crafters, just join a major guild and u see the requests for:

    Twice Born Star
    Training sets
    Kags hope
    Night mother gaze

    the thing is, its not that there aint any work for a crafter, its that there are so many now that has 9 traits and that are extremely friendly to help others, which is awesome. That the work for a crafter seems smaller now
  • Narvuntien
    Rumba1 wrote: »
    Actually what they need to do is make dropped sets work in synergy with crafted sets, for BIS gear you should use crafted AND dropped sets.

    This way no more complaints about crafters having best sets "right away" while grinders do content ad nauseum to get their dropped sets.

    That is a good point.. and a clear point against jewelry crafting. jewelry basicallys makes it so you have to run one dropped set.

    I mean spriggans and hundings rage are pretty good they just aren't BIS.

    Perhaps the best soultion is just a nerf to dropped sets. I think the best way to balance the two would be Crafted sets with mostly raw stats and drop sets with things like procs and "cool" effects. Not that that they would be boring crafted sets, you can't have "cool" effects like Clever alchemist (nice niche crafted set) that are very controlable stats boost rather than random procs.

    Right now the cool effects are just straight up stronger than straight stats.
  • Mcgelie1
    I feel if crafters had passives where they could modify equipment and find special improvement materials at nodes that others couldn't, there would be a real market for crafters. I know no would spend so much time looking for these materials. Just an idea, I don't have much MMO experience.
  • BigBragg
    I am looking forward to crafting an Armor Master dining set for my home when housing comes out.
  • Messy1
    Just make a 10th trait . . . i.e. monster heart, and allow people to craft proc sets and dropped sets at new crafting stations all througout Tamriel then think of a new reward system for undaunted and dungeons . . . or maybe something totally different!
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    Lol, crafters. Like its a real job anyone cant do for themselves lol.

    Oh dear, the entitlement is over 9000

    You don't know how much work, time, money, and dedication it takes to be a crafter do you? Getting 9 traits in every armor and weapon before they changed Craglorn took a lot of farming for nirncrux, research time, and the only entitlement crafters see is when people ask us for armor and don't provide us materials, money, and they're demanding. Look at my thread here if you want a window into the reality of crafting and what we crafters have to deal with.


    You dont HAVE to put up with anything, its a game, if someone is rude or you just dont feel like it, you dont gotta do squat.

    Its not a real job, noones getting shafted. Move along.
    Edited by Bobby_V_Rockit on December 18, 2016 8:49AM
  • makeumrage
    Id have it be split. BIS Drop sets would be monster helm and shoulders, weapons and jewelry. BIS Armor should be crafted
  • Mojmir
    Last set of armor I crafted was almost 2 years ago
  • SquareSausage
    Ultima Online was the best, only way to get Armour was to make it, and the best armour was from max level crafters.

    You could I guess, gank people and steal their armour, but this game isnt like that...
    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • Phinix1
    Cool new motifs being crown store only AND making the material to even craft it require MORE crown purchasing is really kinda sleazy and takes a lot away from crafting.

    But they've done it with two new motifs they have added so far and will probably continue.

    Even when you buy something you don't really have it, even if you already pay to sub, and that's just kinda lame.

    Edited by Phinix1 on December 18, 2016 6:02PM
  • Fodore
    Maybe have the bosses drop blueprints for each piece they would otherwise drop, you use the blue print at any crafting station to create the item. Also this could solve people getting useless traits
    Before judging a man walk a mile in his shoes.
    After that who cares?
    They're a mile away and you've got their shoes.
  • Riejael
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    Lots of work for crafters, just join a major guild and u see the requests for:

    Twice Born Star
    Training sets
    Kags hope
    Night mother gaze

    the thing is, its not that there aint any work for a crafter, its that there are so many now that has 9 traits and that are extremely friendly to help others, which is awesome. That the work for a crafter seems smaller now

    Pretty much this.

    Also you need crafting to get that dropped set with the right trait to be upgraded.
    You need crafting for consumables
    You need crafting for Glyphs

    Some sets are best from drops, some best from crafting. I don't see the issue here.

    The only thing I could see crafting needing, is the ability of modifying appearances of existing items. Thats definitely needed, even if its a Plus membership perk.

    Lets put it this way. I don't see anyone without max level crafters on their account. You can't function competitively without them.
  • Iselin
    Let's get real guys.

    There will always be some who sill craft pretty well for the same reason why my CP160 Queens Elegance head and shoulder pieces sell well: some people don't reserve head and shoulder slots for monster sets and will buy those and some people care more about styles than performance and will want crafted sets.

    But looking at dropped sets with all of their neat procs vs. crafted sets with all of their boring passives from a performance and BIS point of view, other than TBS and then only for some builds, crafting has never been as irrelevant as it is right now since One Tamriel.
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    mr1sho wrote: »
    What's the point being a 9 trait Crafter when every BIS sets are drop sets ? Spend all your time leveling your blacksmith etc just to be put to the side I feel like one those angry guys from South Park right now yelling THEY TOOK OUR JOBS

    TBS is a BiS set for stam...your point is invalid.
  • NoFlash
    Just wait. They will eventually release a craftable set and when they do. It will be BiS and broken for pve and pvp.
    Daggerfall Covenant

    The Ninja Squirrels
  • Agobi
    I have now decided to start crafting shafts...that way,whenever I get the shaft..I make moar gold...win-win :D
    Now back to killing mucrabss...filthy creepys
  • billp_ESO
    Just have the bosses and quests drop mats, and crafters can take those mats to make the item.

    When you finish the dungeon, the boss doesn't drop the Diamond Uber Sword of Doom, it drops the Diamond. It then would require a top crafter to take the Diamond and make something with it.

    And put many of the best mats in PvP zones. So a top equipped PvE'er would have to have the help of a PvP'er and a crafter to get the best stuff. This would encourage teamwork.
  • azoriangaming
    sadly yes i agree crafters are getting shafted but we can clearly see what their business model is bis gear will come with each dlc to sell copies of said dlc
  • Iselin
    sadly yes i agree crafters are getting shafted but we can clearly see what their business model is bis gear will come with each dlc to sell copies of said dlc

    Lol... no. I sympathize with your suspicion about business models in MMOs. Heck, I share your suspicions but no, this has nothing to do with DLC and everything to do with getting the LFG tool to put you in a group quicker than before. Same reason all dungeon sets became BOP instead of BOE.
  • Sheezabeast
    Lol, crafters. Like its a real job anyone cant do for themselves lol.

    Oh dear, the entitlement is over 9000

    You don't know how much work, time, money, and dedication it takes to be a crafter do you? Getting 9 traits in every armor and weapon before they changed Craglorn took a lot of farming for nirncrux, research time, and the only entitlement crafters see is when people ask us for armor and don't provide us materials, money, and they're demanding. Look at my thread here if you want a window into the reality of crafting and what we crafters have to deal with.


    You dont HAVE to put up with anything, its a game, if someone is rude or you just dont feel like it, you dont gotta do squat.

    Its not a real job, noones getting shafted. Move along.

    Bwahaha. Try telling people on console that crafters don't have real jobs. When characters transferred, and people transferred over their crafters, they were VERY much needed. I'm just going to let your ignorance speak for itself here.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Thornen
    Not only that, just look at how tight they are with the new life style items. You get 1 per box because they obviously need you to buy mimic stones to feed their starving children...
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