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Crafters getting the shaft

  • sneakymitchell
    mr1sho wrote: »
    What's the point being a 9 trait Crafter when every BIS sets are drop sets ? Spend all your time leveling your blacksmith etc just to be put to the side I feel like one those angry guys from South Park right now yelling THEY TOOK OUR JOBS

    This is what I'm saying before like after the patch......https://youtu.be/vFevxqmg92s
    NA-Xbox one- Ebonheart Pact- Nord Tank DK
    PC-NA Ebonheart Pact Nord Stam Templar
  • Danksta
    4 out of my 5 level 50 characters wear a 5-piece crafted set. Clever Alchemist, Kagernac's, TBS and Julianos in case anyone one was wondering what crappy sets I was using...
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • Artemiisia
    even though im a master crafter, I got bored of crafting for all my chars.

    So I bought a 5 piece TBS from a guild trader yesterday for an alt
  • k9mouse
    olsborg wrote: »
    mr1sho wrote: »
    What's the point being a 9 trait Crafter when every BIS sets are drop sets ? Spend all your time leveling your blacksmith etc just to be put to the side I feel like one those angry guys from South Park right now yelling THEY TOOK OUR JOBS

    Agree, why did i bother leveling crafting, thats how it feels like. @ZOS_RichLambert

    I agree with the others here, Crafters are being shoved down the drain. All the hard work: 9 traits (30 days each) and all the crafting styles to farm / grind for what? Now that seems a waste of time to being a crafter, but crafting is my end game.
  • gard
    Dhukath wrote: »
    It would have been better if they had made sets craftable, with the crafting stations hidden behind the final boss of the relevant zones dungeon.

    We already have lots of requirements for crafting certain sets. You have to complete the Fighters Guild quest line to make Orgnum's Scales and Kagnerac's Hope, you have to complete the Mages Guild quest line for access to the stations at Eyevea (or however you spell that place), you have to pay money to be able to craft the sets in Hews Bane and Wrothgar and Imperial City and the Gold Coast. If your idea were to come to fruition it would be another example of a dungeon you would just scale down to the lowest party member to complete to get to the end to craft. That wouldn't be any fun :(

    Maybe you stumbled into the wrong forums by mistake? Dungeons in ESO don't scale to the level of players.
    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • Sheezabeast
    gard wrote: »
    Dhukath wrote: »
    It would have been better if they had made sets craftable, with the crafting stations hidden behind the final boss of the relevant zones dungeon.

    We already have lots of requirements for crafting certain sets. You have to complete the Fighters Guild quest line to make Orgnum's Scales and Kagnerac's Hope, you have to complete the Mages Guild quest line for access to the stations at Eyevea (or however you spell that place), you have to pay money to be able to craft the sets in Hews Bane and Wrothgar and Imperial City and the Gold Coast. If your idea were to come to fruition it would be another example of a dungeon you would just scale down to the lowest party member to complete to get to the end to craft. That wouldn't be any fun :(

    Maybe you stumbled into the wrong forums by mistake? Dungeons in ESO don't scale to the level of players.

    Did you miss the post where I thanked the person who pointed this out? The dungeons used to scale, that's how people were farming Dromathra Motifs. I already acknowledged I didn't know this and thanked the person for letting me know. So maybe you're on the wrong forum?
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • pod88kk
    I regularly get work crafting TBS for randoms & I'm happy to do it for my guildies too because everyone seems to want some nowadays
    Danksta wrote: »
    4 out of my 5 level 50 characters wear a 5-piece crafted set. Clever Alchemist, Kagernac's, TBS and Julianos in case anyone one was wondering what crappy sets I was using...

    How many of them also equip typically at least half their enchants, potions and food from drops?
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Stopnaggin
    Blackers wrote: »
    Agreed, i say we start to flood the forums over this in till we hear something back about changes regarding this

    Don't worry we will be the furniture store soon, lol
    Lol, crafters. Like its a real job anyone cant do for themselves lol.

    Oh dear, the entitlement is over 9000

    Well then go ahead and do it yourself. 18 months of research, something along the lines of 40 different styles. And then the most costly of all, dealing with people such as yourself. Try it out and see for yourself. Probably spent 2 to 3 mil on motifs, time farming mats, deconstructing gear to get levels up, all just to have to deal with people that don't have a clue.

    Here's an example of what us crafters have to deal with, this is not mine but from another post.

    Random: Are you Vampire?

    Me: No

    Random: Can you craft me a Vampire set?

    Me: Wait, what? What is a Vampire set?

    Random: I need the set that makes you into a vampire.

    Me: That's not how it works.

    Random: Can you make me a Vampire set or not?

    Me: Do you have mats?

    Random: I have some Spider eggs.

    Me: Great, I have some Flour. Maybe we can make some Vampire cookies. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?

    Random: Hold on, my mom is yelling at me.

    Me: Not sure I blame her.

    Random: What?

    Me: Nothing. Alright, you take it easy

    Random: Wait, are you going to make the set?

    Me: What, for free?

    Random: Yeah. Cmon, man. Don't be a ****. I don't have any gold.

    Me: Fine. Gimme a sec.

    (3 minutes later)

    Me: Accept the trade. It's free.

    Random: Okay. So how does this work?...Wait, this is light armor. I use heavy armor.

    Me: Look, to be a Vampire you have to wear 7 pieces Soul Shriven light armor. That's what I gave you.

    Random: So how does it work?

    Me: You need to kill at least one guard to start the Vampire quest.

    Random: Okay, cool. Thx.

    Me: Have fun.
  • Fudly_budly
    STEVIL wrote: »
    All they need to do to bring crafting back into favor is one single thing they've been religiously avoiding and no one knows why because it doesn't make any damn sense: MOTIF CHANGE.

    So why the hell are they dragging their feet on something the community not only dearly wants, but is also a financial opportunity for Zo$? It doesn't make any sense.

    Imo its not making sense to think all they need to do to fix underperforming crafting after 20ish skills and large time investment is to give them a cosmetic benefit that wont change one number on any recap sheet ever. The number of players who do care about result outnumbers those who dont, imx.

    Its also imo bad move to see "all that is needed" is to give yet another way for crafting to be used to expand/encourage drop set use.

    good points!
    Interesting tangent to this crafting issue is the mega gold I've pocketed from farming/selling dropped gear.
    For now, I'm hording mats because I'm pretty sure the world will turn, the pendulum will swing and equipment crafting will be all the rage again.
    Then the forums will explode with people complaining that their sexy proc gear has been nerfed.
    Rule #1: RL trumps gaming.
    Rule #2: True immersion is RL.
    Rule #3: RL lag is wonderful.
    Rule #4: People matter. Pixels do not.
  • Stopnaggin
    mr1sho wrote: »
    What's the point being a 9 trait Crafter when every BIS sets are drop sets ? Spend all your time leveling your blacksmith etc just to be put to the side I feel like one those angry guys from South Park right now yelling THEY TOOK OUR JOBS

    TBS is a BiS set for stam...your point is invalid.

    TBS isn't bis anymore, I do much better with a combo of NMG and vicious ophidian
  • Jamini
    Stopnaggin wrote: »


    Me: Look, to be a Vampire you have to wear 7 pieces Soul Shriven light armor. That's what I gave you.

    Random: So how does it work?

    Me: You need to kill at least one guard to start the Vampire quest.

    Random: Okay, cool. Thx.

    Me: Have fun.

    You sir. Are both evil and genius.

    Now the real question is, what gear set do I need to start the werewolf quest?

    "Adapt. or Die."
  • Malamar1229
    Star Wars Galaxies the only MMO I can think of that got this right
    Edited by Malamar1229 on December 23, 2016 4:24PM
  • Malamar1229
    I think master crafters should be allowed to switch the trait on jewelry (like robust to arcane)
  • Eirikir
    When/if we get jewelry crafting it will turn the dynamic around. Drops may be BiS but 2 5-piece sets with monster head and shoulders will take a fraction of the time. So you will sacrifice a bit of mid-max in exchange for getting tthe set, bonuses, and look you want without relying to much on RNG.
    Server: PS4-NA
    PSN: Eirikir
    Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
    Class: Dragonknight (Range DPS)
    Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer
  • lehran
    Jamini wrote: »
    Stopnaggin wrote: »


    Me: Look, to be a Vampire you have to wear 7 pieces Soul Shriven light armor. That's what I gave you.

    Random: So how does it work?

    Me: You need to kill at least one guard to start the Vampire quest.

    Random: Okay, cool. Thx.

    Me: Have fun.

    You sir. Are both evil and genius.

    Now the real question is, what gear set do I need to start the werewolf quest?

    7 piece Savior's Hide medium well-fitted in the Skinchanger style. Then to start the quest you need to pull a werewolf mob over to someone else and have the mob kill them. Crafters can totally craft it, it's in a secret crafting station only accessible via an unlabeled secret passage in the starting Coldharbour area that you can't get back to after leaving. Needs 9 traits.

  • Cronopoly
    Why does breaking down Armor provide NO chance for an Enchanting glyph that was put into it? Enchanting seems a one way drain once applied.
  • Pirhana7_ESO
    mr1sho wrote: »
    What's the point being a 9 trait Crafter when every BIS sets are drop sets ? Spend all your time leveling your blacksmith etc just to be put to the side I feel like one those angry guys from South Park right now yelling THEY TOOK OUR JOBS

    Just wait for Camelot Unchained to be finished next year. Crafter will be responsible for all gear in the as well as building houses, shops, roads, towers, keeps and seige weapons. It will basically be a crafters dream game
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Ways for crafting to be more relevant:

    1. Change the style.

    2. Change the trait.

    3. Jewellery crafting.

    4. Better/more varied 9 trait crafted gear.

    Out of those 1 makes sense for ZoS because it means that they can sell all kinds of motifs at ridiculous - sorry, exclusive - prices. And they get to sell "Morph motif" (TM) scrolls...

    2 is too convenient. Stopping the gear grind when you get the right piece with the wrong trait doesn't fit in with the "grind, 'cos you ain't gettin' no new content" mentality...

    3 we have already been told is unbalanced. Besides, we know what they would do... grind for rare jewellery pieces, deconstruct 20 pieces to get the raw materials... five raw materials for one piece...

    4 would be nice, but obviously takes away the grind for BiS slots - and it makes the non-crafters whine "I deserve to have this because I won it because I'm soooo good. Don't make it easy for them".

    TL:DR Don't hold your breath, ZoS ain't interested.
    Ways for crafting to be more relevant:

    1. Change the style.

    2. Change the trait.

    3. Jewellery crafting.

    4. Better/more varied 9 trait crafted gear.

    Out of those 1 makes sense for ZoS because it means that they can sell all kinds of motifs at ridiculous - sorry, exclusive - prices. And they get to sell "Morph motif" (TM) scrolls...

    2 is too convenient. Stopping the gear grind when you get the right piece with the wrong trait doesn't fit in with the "grind, 'cos you ain't gettin' no new content" mentality...

    3 we have already been told is unbalanced. Besides, we know what they would do... grind for rare jewellery pieces, deconstruct 20 pieces to get the raw materials... five raw materials for one piece...

    4 would be nice, but obviously takes away the grind for BiS slots - and it makes the non-crafters whine "I deserve to have this because I won it because I'm soooo good. Don't make it easy for them".

    TL:DR Don't hold your breath, ZoS ain't interested.

    Well that's why imo crafts don't need to chase more "support drops functions" and "be more like drops" functions but something unique like 4pc sets by dropping a 234 bonus.

    Adds a lot of build diversity and unique ability.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Silver_Strider
    I'd like for more crafted sets to be supportive in nature but still useful to use for Tanking/Healing/DPS purposes.
    Take NMG for example. An excellent mix of DPS and support all in one. Why can't more sets be like that instead of the whole "everything is DPS" mindset?

    Just a thought.
    Argonian forever
  • worsttankever
    I like the ideas about jewelry crafting and just adding more crafted sets in general. The only reason I try to grind for dropped sets now (besides monster helm/shoulder) is to use the 3 jewelry slots for another 5 piece bonus. I really hate grinding and random drops, and would rather craft everything I needed.
    Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.
  • SunfireKnight86
    Cows say moo, horses say nay, crafters say, "We're getting screwed.", and PvPers cry the saltiest tears when exploits are fixed.
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