kasa-obake wrote: »@Moltyr yeah I plan on doing the same recap at the end of the event. Do you mind if I add your data too? More samples - more fun. And more chances to prove that the loot is rigged. ]
I've tracked 48 VMA drops, and I can confirm that the 12 weapons do not drop evenly (p < 0.02).
. So your chances of getting a specific weapon are:
Bow - 1/6
Restoration Staff - 1/6
Dagger - 1/12
Sword - 1/12
Mace - 1/12
Axe - 1/12
Greatsword - 1/18
Battle Axe - 1/18
Maul - 1/18
Lightning Staff - 1/18
Frost Staff - 1/18
Fire Staff - 1/18
So if you're hunting a sharpened fire staff, you have a 1/18 chance of getting a fire staff at all, and a 1/8 chance of getting sharpened, for a total chance of 1/144 on each drop.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Rich hasn't been arrested.He still silently lurks the forums daily, but word on the street is that you're more likely to get a /lurk out of him with constructive posts.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »I normally lurk on the forums pretty regularly – expect to see me out and about a bit more often.
Okay so, I've taken all the loot I got from vMSA, the loot of the people who posted there (only took those who mentioned trait + item for every run and ignored quotes + double posts) bringing the total to 510 drops. It's not much but still more than the people who QQ for 10 runs (and I should know, I started crying after 1 run since the event started).
At any rate, here are the results:
And here's some pie charts to help you visualize better:
As you can see, Sharpened is actually the trait that dropped the most out of 510 items. But they all seem pretty equivalent. No reason to cry so far about rigged rng, right ?
However let's take a look at the items themselves:
See ? While the trait drops are pretty similar, the items themselves do not have the same chance to drop, which goes in line with what @Alanar was saying earlier in the thread.
And among these unevenly distributed loots, we have this:
@ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Finn Would you please reconsider having all two-handed weapons for instance with one unique chance to drop instead of 1 chance per exact weapon type?
Just give every weapon a probability to drop of 1/12, and then 1/8 chance to get one particular trait. That would give a sharpened fire staff a 1/96 probability to drop, same as a infused battle-axe, same as a powered dagger... You get my point.
Right now however, we have this unfair mess:
Of course, what would be even more reasonable, is to remove useless traits from the vMSA loot table at all. I understand that you've tried to improve them and make them more competitive. Well, I'm sorry to inform you that it didn't work. Sharpened by far outmatches any other trait on any offensive weapon, be it in PvP or PvE.
I don't know if you'll read this; I mean I guess you're tagged in a whole bunch of comments from butthurt kids, but this is actually a bit more serious than "omg another charged resto. Give me my BiS gear, I deserve it".
You've listened to people complaining about RESTORATION STAVES OF RED MOUNTAIN out of all things. How can you blatantly ignore vMSA drops and a major chunk of end-game PvE content?
We do not have Arcane Rings of the Vicious Ophidian dropping in 12-men Trials, after all. So why should we deal with Powered destruction staves.. I know I'm comparing "smart loot" types with weapon traits here, but the end result is the same. You wouldn't wear an Arcane ring of the Vicious Ophidian to do end-game PvE, and you wouldn't use a Powered Fire staff either.
PvP players are even worse off, since they do not even have a PvP equivalent to vDSA - vMSA weapons. There's no 1-slot/bonus weapon available to you through PvP. Or at all actually. Just these 1/144 chance to drop vMSA weapons.
You want your customers to enjoy the game, right? (Well, you probably want them to pay and consume more, but lets just pretend for a second that you do have good intentions at heart). Not everyone enjoys the PvE aspect of the game. And even fewer people enjoy spending more or less one hour doing the same arenas over and over and over and over again simply to be rewarded unusable loot that cannot even be sold to make some profit (52 gold, really?).
Being severely limited in your choice of builds because there simply is no alternative to these 1-piece/bonus weapons is disheartening. And there's a number of suggestions that people have already put up on forums and tried to convey to you, if only you were willing to listen.
- Make a token system: get tokens after each run, and a certain amount of tokens gives you the right to chose a weapon
- Add Undaunted Plunder to vMSA, or any kind of material reward. It is a Trial, after all. People spend valuable and expensive potions, repair gear, only to be rewarded with nothing. It's one of the biggest gold sinks in game at the moment, along with crafting motifs. And not everyone has gold to sink to begin with.
- Bring back the old trait system: Sharpened - Precise - Defending, which worked, and should not have been changed to begin with.
- Give all vMSA weapons the same probability to drop, instead of one global probability per big weapon type, and then one chance per sub-type.
- Make vMSA weapons tradeable between people who have completed it in a day/week/ever.
- Make vMSA weapons Bind on Equip.
- Add other interesting sets for people to take interest in vMSA again. (Apart from Winterborn, and maybe Hunt on a stamblade with shade, the sets that drop from vMSA are worthless).
- Give the vMSA shield an actual one-piece bonus, instead of the random piece of chopped wood we get and instantly get rid off.
- Give PvP players a similar one-piece/bonus weapon to get through PvP means (amount of Alliance Points perhaps?).
- Indirectly, make jewerly craftable. Right now we're stuck with willpower/agility/endurance or aether/ophidian 3 piece combos. Which means that, should you want to equip a 5-piece bonus set and an undaunted set, you're stuck with a no-set staff (this is mostly viable for PvP though). Making jewerly craftable would give more variety to builds, and less necessity to farm vMSA for players who just don't want to have random weapons equipped.
These all seem like reasonable suggestions, and there were threads made, polls voted upon, and overall a big response from the community about this issue. But, whenever you get your hopes up seing that there is a Z logo next to it and a dev has commented, it's usually to say "this thread has been moved to X category" or "this comment has been edited for profanity/irrelevance".
Come on, team! We know you're here somewhere, doing /lurk on ERP threads. So lets talk for once about what actually matters.
@ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno this is as constructive as posts can get.
In more simplistic terms and if you're too lazy to read despite the gifs and the fancy charts:
The RNJesus isn't rigged. All traits have roughly the same probability to drop. The items however, do not. You have a way smaller probability to drop 2h and staves, which is what interests many people, than bows and restoration staves.
ZOS just gave different chances to drop for the items, the better the item - the lesser the chance.
Whether it was an oversight or a deliberate attempt to make the grind lengthier that they hoped players wouldn't notice, I do not know.
@ZOS_RichLambert has yet to comment or acknowledge this in any way, even if it's to call bull**** on it.
I've posted about every time it comes up, and will continue to do so. Why is Charged even in the loot table for VMA? It has *zero* effect on Maelstrom weapons.@ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Finn
Please for the love of god at least comment on your thoughts about this issue, if you cannot even provide simple justification for such a seemingly unreasonable design, then it is only clear you have zero regard for the community.
The problem with vMA is the absolute lack of progression. If I didn't get anything in 200 runs, as most people have not, I really might as well have only done 1 run. Is a definitive finish line really too much to ask?
kasa-obake wrote: »Mhhh a sample of 4 doesn't prove anything apart from potential to rage, true. Which is why I plan on updating it with every run. As for traits, all traits are equal, but some traits are more equal than others, paraphrasing Orwell.
Empirically, Sharpened is the best for PvE end-game, unless, as I said previously, the boss is fully debuffed. Then Precise is good.
For PvP, Sharpened is Best in Slot. Crit doesn't mean much, given that most players wear impen, and Defending, while good for tanking I suppose, makes you loose a lot of damage. There's a reason why Spriggan and Spinner are so popular at the moment; Sharpened is way too good to pass up.
As far as restoration staves are concerned, Precise > Powered. But then again, vMSA restoration staves are only marginally useful on DPS characters. Healers would prefer vDSA staves for a more interesting bonus, or aether/spell power cure staves with 1 Kena pauldron since more spell damage = more heals.
I could go on and on, but some traits are just inferior and overall useless. Charged and Powered on destro staves? It's garbage
No, no it hasn't... I even made freaking pie charts for one-track ponies like you.Every trait-type combo has the same drop rate. You know that in advance.
Yes, yes you are entitled. You complete one of the supposedly most difficult PvE contents in-game and you get no reward. The idea that a Powered Inferno Staff and 164 gold is a good reward is ridiculous.You are not entitled to a specific type-trait combo just because you ran a dungeon a few times. You do get a reward for running it. If you don't like it - well that's tough for you I guess.
kasa-obake wrote: »@Artis did you even bother reading the rest of the thread ? No, no it hasn't... I even made freaking pie charts for one-track ponies like you.
What else would you want from vMSA apart from sharpened weapons? Maybe a defending restoration staff, or precise, w/e.
Yes, yes you are entitled. You complete one of the supposedly most difficult PvE contents in-game and you get no reward. The idea that a Powered Inferno Staff and 164 gold is a good reward is ridiculous.
I do not expect a sharpened staff to drop instantly. I expect fair chances to get one, which isn't the case here. I expect the hardest end-game content to bring me rewards befitting its difficulty and the time spent on it. And Charged Greatswords aren't part of it.
And players weren't crying after the first run, no. They started crying after many fruitless runs that only serve as a gold sink and rage fuel.
Read what I wrote. 510 runs and concrete evidence that, while the trait drops are similar, the item drops aren't.
@nick_dean14 Thank you! Yeah, I'm still collecting. If 510 runs won't make ZOS interested, maybe 2k or something will.
@artis if you run vma 30 times with only 1 weapon in mind you should have it by then. And this "reward you get for running it" is so bad 9/10 that most people leave thisome "reward " in the chest. Completing the hardest content in the game should be rewarded with the best weapon in the game accordingly, not just an extra purple mat to go forgotten In the craft bag
Specific master weapons are supposed to be rare. Not everyone is supposed to have them.
If it's not the case I agree it should be fixed. I'm just not convinced it doesn't work that way, would be cool to see data from ZOS since they probably have it for ALL the drops.kasa-obake wrote: »@Artis
I guess we just have different opinions about it all. I do not ask for vMSA sharpened staves to drop with every run, I ask for them to have equal chances to drop.
kasa-obake wrote: »Well what can I say, I am a spoiled and entitled ***. And I make little pretense of being anything else. Though I do make the effort of running content enough times before crying about it.
While I disagree with people complaining after 1 run or 30, 200 is already a number that begins warranting exasperation.
I run with normal potions. Again, being a PvP player, I have 13k gold in total to my name despite a long list of credentials and PvE achievements that supposedly matter. Nonetheless, even these regular potions cost AP/gold, as does repairing armor.
Though that will change soon enough with the addition of apothecary satchels.
I ran vMSA a lot. And in the past week since the event started, even with the only nirn I deconstructed, I ended up losing more money than anything else. And I'm so tired of living so close to sharpened staves that they become a permanent blur in the corner of my eye.
At any rate, sorry if I seem scathing or tried to deride you personally, but running it 4 more times today and getting charged and decisive loot almost brought me to tears.
I don't subscribe to the Lich hype for sorcs. Whether it's just me or not, but I really feel like I sustain more with seducer/amberplasm/kagrenac. As such, my build choices are limited. 5 seducer + 2 monster sets require you to have a no-set or vMSA staff.
In the meantime, I work with golden shadowdancer x4, but it's subpar and I do feel the loss of damage.
I used to be in the weeklies a lot awhile ago, back when the trait drops were just sharpened - precise - defending, and vMSA actually felt like a challenge. That was also when I had best in slot gear and could afford spell power potions, but w/e. So yeah, I do feel slighted by that stupid RNG and the uneven item drop probabilities.
I don't care if ZOS calls *** on my work in recording the loots. I just want them to answer with data of their own, if possible, to hold them accountable and blame it all on bad luck instead.
In the meantime, I'll believe what I see, and that is that staves and 2h weapons drop less than the rest.
[EDIT : Also, I understand that this reads as a whole lot of "I want", but isn't that what human nature is all about? Seeking its own self-interest.
I feel concerned about this vMSA loot issue, as such I'm actively seeking to even the odds. If I had gotten my vMSA sharpened destros, I would have gone on complaining about procs, destro ultis and other PvP related issues, and let someone else keep up raising awareness for the item drops. But as I said earlier, yes I'm entitled, and with good reason.
At least I make an effort not to insult ZOS or write crap in caps. I genuinely wanted to believe that the loot distribution was fair, but from what I see with every run and every additional data, it ain't.]
Okay so, I've taken all the loot I got from vMSA, the loot of the people who posted there (only took those who mentioned trait + item for every run and ignored quotes + double posts) bringing the total to 510 drops. It's not much but still more than the people who QQ for 10 runs (and I should know, I started crying after 1 run since the event started).
At any rate, here are the results:
And here's some pie charts to help you visualize better:
As you can see, Sharpened is actually the trait that dropped the most out of 510 items. But they all seem pretty equivalent. No reason to cry so far about rigged rng, right ?
However let's take a look at the items themselves:
See ? While the trait drops are pretty similar, the items themselves do not have the same chance to drop, which goes in line with what @Alanar was saying earlier in the thread.
And among these unevenly distributed loots, we have this:
@ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Finn Would you please reconsider having all two-handed weapons for instance with one unique chance to drop instead of 1 chance per exact weapon type?
Just give every weapon a probability to drop of 1/12, and then 1/8 chance to get one particular trait. That would give a sharpened fire staff a 1/96 probability to drop, same as a infused battle-axe, same as a powered dagger... You get my point.
Right now however, we have this unfair mess:
Of course, what would be even more reasonable, is to remove useless traits from the vMSA loot table at all. I understand that you've tried to improve them and make them more competitive. Well, I'm sorry to inform you that it didn't work. Sharpened by far outmatches any other trait on any offensive weapon, be it in PvP or PvE.
I don't know if you'll read this; I mean I guess you're tagged in a whole bunch of comments from butthurt kids, but this is actually a bit more serious than "omg another charged resto. Give me my BiS gear, I deserve it".
You've listened to people complaining about RESTORATION STAVES OF RED MOUNTAIN out of all things. How can you blatantly ignore vMSA drops and a major chunk of end-game PvE content?
We do not have Arcane Rings of the Vicious Ophidian dropping in 12-men Trials, after all. So why should we deal with Powered destruction staves.. I know I'm comparing "smart loot" types with weapon traits here, but the end result is the same. You wouldn't wear an Arcane ring of the Vicious Ophidian to do end-game PvE, and you wouldn't use a Powered Fire staff either.
PvP players are even worse off, since they do not even have a PvP equivalent to vDSA - vMSA weapons. There's no 1-slot/bonus weapon available to you through PvP. Or at all actually. Just these 1/144 chance to drop vMSA weapons.
You want your customers to enjoy the game, right? (Well, you probably want them to pay and consume more, but lets just pretend for a second that you do have good intentions at heart). Not everyone enjoys the PvE aspect of the game. And even fewer people enjoy spending more or less one hour doing the same arenas over and over and over and over again simply to be rewarded unusable loot that cannot even be sold to make some profit (52 gold, really?).
Being severely limited in your choice of builds because there simply is no alternative to these 1-piece/bonus weapons is disheartening. And there's a number of suggestions that people have already put up on forums and tried to convey to you, if only you were willing to listen.
- Make a token system: get tokens after each run, and a certain amount of tokens gives you the right to chose a weapon
- Add Undaunted Plunder to vMSA, or any kind of material reward. It is a Trial, after all. People spend valuable and expensive potions, repair gear, only to be rewarded with nothing. It's one of the biggest gold sinks in game at the moment, along with crafting motifs. And not everyone has gold to sink to begin with.
- Bring back the old trait system: Sharpened - Precise - Defending, which worked, and should not have been changed to begin with.
- Give all vMSA weapons the same probability to drop, instead of one global probability per big weapon type, and then one chance per sub-type.
- Make vMSA weapons tradeable between people who have completed it in a day/week/ever.
- Make vMSA weapons Bind on Equip.
- Add other interesting sets for people to take interest in vMSA again. (Apart from Winterborn, and maybe Hunt on a stamblade with shade, the sets that drop from vMSA are worthless).
- Give the vMSA shield an actual one-piece bonus, instead of the random piece of chopped wood we get and instantly get rid off.
- Give PvP players a similar one-piece/bonus weapon to get through PvP means (amount of Alliance Points perhaps?).
- Indirectly, make jewerly craftable. Right now we're stuck with willpower/agility/endurance or aether/ophidian 3 piece combos. Which means that, should you want to equip a 5-piece bonus set and an undaunted set, you're stuck with a no-set staff (this is mostly viable for PvP though). Making jewerly craftable would give more variety to builds, and less necessity to farm vMSA for players who just don't want to have random weapons equipped.
These all seem like reasonable suggestions, and there were threads made, polls voted upon, and overall a big response from the community about this issue. But, whenever you get your hopes up seing that there is a Z logo next to it and a dev has commented, it's usually to say "this thread has been moved to X category" or "this comment has been edited for profanity/irrelevance".
Come on, team! We know you're here somewhere, doing /lurk on ERP threads. So lets talk for once about what actually matters.
@ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno this is as constructive as posts can get.
In more simplistic terms and if you're too lazy to read despite the gifs and the fancy charts:
The RNJesus isn't rigged. All traits have roughly the same probability to drop. The items however, do not. You have a way smaller probability to drop 2h and staves, which is what interests many people, than bows and restoration staves.
ZOS just gave different chances to drop for the items, the better the item - the lesser the chance.
Whether it was an oversight or a deliberate attempt to make the grind lengthier that they hoped players wouldn't notice, I do not know.
@ZOS_RichLambert has yet to comment or acknowledge this in any way, even if it's to call bull**** on it.
Using statistics of people who came to forums to post about how unlucky they've been with drops is not a good set of data to break down the actual drop rates. Obviously people who got unlucky and are disgruntled enough about it to come post are going to have bad drops. You won't hear from the guy who got super lucky and got all BiS weapons on 20 runs. You won't hear from the guy who got about what he expected - i.e. a nice sharpened drop every 6-7 runs. But you better believe the dude who ran it 100 times without a weapon drop he desires is going to come on forums and complain.
I agree that RNG is a problem because it does create a system were some lucky soul can get every item they need in a tenth of the time as another. But simply throwing together data from a select set of complainers or people who had strange luck with RNG is in no way a reliable indicator of what the drop chances actually are. The only real way to put together a reliable data set would be to get a group of 10-20 people to all run it 50-100 times or so and record every single drop to ensure randomness of the sample and a large enough sample size (1000+ or so).
Bottom line is that you can't just throw together a bunch of different posts where people say what drop they got and use that to show that the RNG system is not balanced.