[ANSWERED] vMSA Double Loot - Trying to Prove that the RNJesus is skewed

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  • Alucardo
    Kasa is temporarily indisposed (stranded herself on a desolate island in search of herself, and following the worship of a lemur deity), but says she's still charting the vMA loot drops. So keep those pics/drop info coming! What else did you guys find during the double drop bonus? She currently has 1.2k worth of data, so let's give her even more work to do.
  • Skinzz
    Last 4 runs gave me 7 nirnhoned bows and 1 decisive resto. Who believes in rng now?
    Anybody got a group? LFG, anybody? Hello?
  • jakeedmundson
    Realized i posted this first in the wrong thread...so there's a double of this out there now.
    @kasa-obake - here is my list of "rewards" for this event... and one drop from a run just before the event because i thought it started when it had not...

    26 runs total for this event (if you count the one i did shortly before it began)
    so 51 items total

    2 Axes - 1 infused, 1 powered

    3 Daggers - 1 sharpened, 1 precise, 1 infused

    4 Mauls - 1 charged, 1 infused, 2 powered

    3 Battle Axes - 1 nirnhoned, 1 infused, 1 decisive

    10 Bows - 2 sharpened, 2 nirnhoned, 2 defending, 3 powered, 1 infused

    4 Inferno staff (my only destros to drop) - 2 infused, 2 nirnhoned

    11 Resto - 1 sharpened, 3 decisive, 1 nirnhoned, 1 precise, 1 powered, 3 charged, 1 infused

    14 Shields - 4 impen, 1 nirnhoned, 2 sturdy, 3 divine, 4 well fitted
    7 maces - 1 sharpened, 2 defending, 3 precise, 1 decisive
    7 swords - 1 nirnhoned, 1 charged, 1 precise, 2 sharpened, 2 powered

    So.... mostly garbage. A great waste of 25+ hours.
    Where is the lightning staff you ask?... great question... literally the only item i wanted from here and i stupidly hoped this event would have helped.

    EDIT: Also would like to question why stamina and magicka are not separated on the leader boards? It seems ridiculous to me that 520k + scores (55 minutes or less runs) can't even get me last place on the board. It is completely run by stam sorcs.
    Edited by jakeedmundson on November 21, 2016 3:26PM
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • Artis
    kasa-obake wrote: »
    At any rate, sorry if I seem scathing or tried to deride you personally, but running it 4 more times today and getting charged and decisive loot almost brought me to tears.
    I don't subscribe to the Lich hype for sorcs. Whether it's just me or not, but I really feel like I sustain more with seducer/amberplasm/kagrenac. As such, my build choices are limited. 5 seducer + 2 monster sets require you to have a no-set or vMSA staff.
    In the meantime, I work with golden shadowdancer x4, but it's subpar and I do feel the loss of damage.

    That's not even true, they don't require that. You can use two 5 piece sets on a weapon swap. One of the sets being jewelry + weapon + 1 body piece and the other one being 4 body pieces + a weapon. That leaves two slots for a monster set.
    Edited by Artis on November 22, 2016 9:52PM
  • jakeedmundson
    Do you have an updated list with more drops?
    i'm interested to see the results after 1,000 +
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • Alucardo
    Do you have an updated list with more drops?
    i'm interested to see the results after 1,000 +


    She's currently on a forced holiday at the moment, but will be back from her absence December 2nd and will post the data then :)
  • Moltyr
    kasa-obake wrote: »

    Okay so, I've taken all the loot I got from vMSA, the loot of the people who posted there (only took those who mentioned trait + item for every run and ignored quotes + double posts) bringing the total to 510 drops. It's not much but still more than the people who QQ for 10 runs (and I should know, I started crying after 1 run since the event started).

    At any rate, here are the results:

    And here's some pie charts to help you visualize better:
    As you can see, Sharpened is actually the trait that dropped the most out of 510 items. But they all seem pretty equivalent. No reason to cry so far about rigged rng, right ?

    However let's take a look at the items themselves:
    See ? While the trait drops are pretty similar, the items themselves do not have the same chance to drop, which goes in line with what @Alanar was saying earlier in the thread.
    And among these unevenly distributed loots, we have this:

    @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Finn Would you please reconsider having all two-handed weapons for instance with one unique chance to drop instead of 1 chance per exact weapon type?

    Just give every weapon a probability to drop of 1/12, and then 1/8 chance to get one particular trait. That would give a sharpened fire staff a 1/96 probability to drop, same as a infused battle-axe, same as a powered dagger... You get my point.

    Right now however, we have this unfair mess:

    Of course, what would be even more reasonable, is to remove useless traits from the vMSA loot table at all. I understand that you've tried to improve them and make them more competitive. Well, I'm sorry to inform you that it didn't work. Sharpened by far outmatches any other trait on any offensive weapon, be it in PvP or PvE.

    I don't know if you'll read this; I mean I guess you're tagged in a whole bunch of comments from butthurt kids, but this is actually a bit more serious than "omg another charged resto. Give me my BiS gear, I deserve it".

    You've listened to people complaining about RESTORATION STAVES OF RED MOUNTAIN out of all things. How can you blatantly ignore vMSA drops and a major chunk of end-game PvE content?

    We do not have Arcane Rings of the Vicious Ophidian dropping in 12-men Trials, after all. So why should we deal with Powered destruction staves.. I know I'm comparing "smart loot" types with weapon traits here, but the end result is the same. You wouldn't wear an Arcane ring of the Vicious Ophidian to do end-game PvE, and you wouldn't use a Powered Fire staff either.

    PvP players are even worse off, since they do not even have a PvP equivalent to vDSA - vMSA weapons. There's no 1-slot/bonus weapon available to you through PvP. Or at all actually. Just these 1/144 chance to drop vMSA weapons.

    You want your customers to enjoy the game, right? (Well, you probably want them to pay and consume more, but lets just pretend for a second that you do have good intentions at heart). Not everyone enjoys the PvE aspect of the game. And even fewer people enjoy spending more or less one hour doing the same arenas over and over and over and over again simply to be rewarded unusable loot that cannot even be sold to make some profit (52 gold, really?).

    Being severely limited in your choice of builds because there simply is no alternative to these 1-piece/bonus weapons is disheartening. And there's a number of suggestions that people have already put up on forums and tried to convey to you, if only you were willing to listen.
    • Make a token system: get tokens after each run, and a certain amount of tokens gives you the right to chose a weapon
    • Add Undaunted Plunder to vMSA, or any kind of material reward. It is a Trial, after all. People spend valuable and expensive potions, repair gear, only to be rewarded with nothing. It's one of the biggest gold sinks in game at the moment, along with crafting motifs. And not everyone has gold to sink to begin with.
    • Bring back the old trait system: Sharpened - Precise - Defending, which worked, and should not have been changed to begin with.
    • Give all vMSA weapons the same probability to drop, instead of one global probability per big weapon type, and then one chance per sub-type.
    • Make vMSA weapons tradeable between people who have completed it in a day/week/ever.
    • Make vMSA weapons Bind on Equip.
    • Add other interesting sets for people to take interest in vMSA again. (Apart from Winterborn, and maybe Hunt on a stamblade with shade, the sets that drop from vMSA are worthless).
    • Give the vMSA shield an actual one-piece bonus, instead of the random piece of chopped wood we get and instantly get rid off.
    • Give PvP players a similar one-piece/bonus weapon to get through PvP means (amount of Alliance Points perhaps?).
    • Indirectly, make jewerly craftable. Right now we're stuck with willpower/agility/endurance or aether/ophidian 3 piece combos. Which means that, should you want to equip a 5-piece bonus set and an undaunted set, you're stuck with a no-set staff (this is mostly viable for PvP though). Making jewerly craftable would give more variety to builds, and less necessity to farm vMSA for players who just don't want to have random weapons equipped.

    These all seem like reasonable suggestions, and there were threads made, polls voted upon, and overall a big response from the community about this issue. But, whenever you get your hopes up seing that there is a Z logo next to it and a dev has commented, it's usually to say "this thread has been moved to X category" or "this comment has been edited for profanity/irrelevance".
    Come on, team! We know you're here somewhere, doing /lurk on ERP threads. So lets talk for once about what actually matters.

    @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno this is as constructive as posts can get.


    In more simplistic terms and if you're too lazy to read despite the gifs and the fancy charts:
    The RNJesus isn't rigged. All traits have roughly the same probability to drop. The items however, do not. You have a way smaller probability to drop 2h and staves, which is what interests many people, than bows and restoration staves.
    ZOS just gave different chances to drop for the items, the better the item - the lesser the chance.
    Whether it was an oversight or a deliberate attempt to make the grind lengthier that they hoped players wouldn't notice, I do not know.
    @ZOS_RichLambert has yet to comment or acknowledge this in any way, even if it's to call bull**** on it.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Finn

    Waitin' on Crown Store Online to Change ft. John Mayer

    Me and all my friends
    We're all misunderstood
    They say we stand for nothing and
    There's no way we ever could

    Now we see everything that's going wrong
    With ZOS and those who lead it
    We just feel like we don't have the means
    To rise above and beat it

    So we keep waiting
    Waiting on ZOS to change
    We keep on waiting
    Waiting on ZOS to change
  • covenant_merchant
    Having been on a forced break following the perhaps deliberate usage of the words "woman of promiscuous behaviour" in an otherwise constructive and relevant post, I sadly could not QQ until now. Damn the 19th century maiden sensibilities of the relevant authorities.
    But now I'm back, and with a vengeance. Thank you @Alucardo for keeping my thread updated in the meantime.

    So, while I couldn't post it, I have kept on running vMSA and taking into account posts from others on forums and in-game, still ignoring double-posts (PC EU). This brings the total of the loot to roughly 1.5k (1,471 to be exact, but 1.5k sounds neater).
    Below are the new and updated table and pie charts, because who doesn't love pie charts.




    As with my previous graphs here, seems like the trait distribution is pretty balanced. However the item distribution is not, and that reflects with the sheer amount of Bows and Restoration staves that drop.
    Again, this seems to confirm what @Alanar was saying a month ago.

    Alanar wrote: »
    So your chances of getting a specific weapon are:

    Bow - 1/6
    Restoration Staff - 1/6

    Dagger - 1/12
    Sword - 1/12
    Mace - 1/12
    Axe - 1/12

    Greatsword - 1/18
    Battle Axe - 1/18
    Maul - 1/18
    Lightning Staff - 1/18
    Frost Staff - 1/18
    Fire Staff - 1/18

    So if you're hunting a sharpened fire staff, you have a 1/18 chance of getting a fire staff at all, and a 1/8 chance of getting sharpened, for a total chance of 1/144 on each drop.

    Now, since I feel like I've been silenced away for far too long and I do love writing/talking/otherwise expressing myself and letting people know my righteous wrath, several points have been raised all through the event that I'd like to adress:
    1. People who write on forums are the ones being slighted by the RNJesus - While it is true that some of the posters kept on running the arena for lack of a sharpened staff/ dagger drop, many have gotten them at some point or another. Just look at the Sharpened Trait distribution. And the sheer fact that so many people feel like taking the time to go on the forums and write about it seems to indicate that there's something wrong with the drops. It's not just one guy crying about not getting a sharpened inferno after 500+ runs. It's many. And a lot of people did share their sharpened 2h/1h drops, no doubt fishing for some jealous comments. People who got their sharpened staff/dagger on their first try are the exception, not the rule. And quite a few of them posted about it too.

    2. 1.5k runs isn't enough; these tables do not prove anything until ZOS publishes all the data from all the players.
      Yes, why do you think I'm doing this? I want ZOS to react, I want them to acknowledge this issue, to talk about vMSA and to publish some *** data of their own. I do not care if they deride my fancy pie charts, as long as they react in some way instead of lurking on roleplay threads. If they actually make a statement, at least we'll have something to hold them up to. For now, their deafening silence says enough, I think.

    3. If you think vMSA is such a chore, stop running it.
      No. Some people might have given up on it, some very good players even, and while I'm so very tired of living so close to the sharpened staves that they become a permanent blur out of the corner of my eye, I will keep on running that stupid arena simply because of hope. There is no data from ZOS, there is no statement, and as far as the majority of players is concerned, there is no evidence that the loot is skewed. And while I have the 1.5k runs and their disheartening results, somewhere deep in my cold black heart, I hold out hope that maybe, just maybe, this run will be the right one, and the RNJesus will grant me the sharpened *** staff I have been praying for.
      Which brings me to point 4.

    4. Settle for alternative gear.
      Maybe it's perfectionism, maybe it's entitlement, but I do not want to settle for anything other than the best. Especially when the so-called "best" seems so tantalizingly near, just another vMSA run away. If there were any other viable 1-piece item/bonus available for gold or AP, sure. As it is, there are only vMSA and vDSA weapons. Farm vDSA then, one might say. Well, I did. And got precise staves from it at best. Additionally, vDSA is more time consuming and requires to have a good group ready, whereas vMSA can be done by yourself and faster. (I'm talking in general, I am well aware that you can complete vDSA in less than an hour). Also, vDSA weapons as a whole have less PVE utility than vMSA ones : vMSA daggers are better, vMSA greatswords too, vDSA bows and destro staves have more utility only in PvP, and vDSA greatswords' bonus is useless. Only vDSA 1h swords and restoration staves can find utility in PvE, but as I said, it requires more time and group coordination, making it even more of a chore than vMSA, once you've ran it enough times. (I remember I actually had fun during my first vDSA runs. After awhile though, it becomes tedious and boring).
      For people who enjoy PvE, sure vDSA might be an alternative. Thing is, PvP players have no equivalent for this loot. I play this game for PvP, however unbalanced, laggy and zergy it is. And Maelstrom / Dragonstar staves have no equivalent available via PvP means. Yes, you can do without them, but you will lose overall damage (unless you run Spriggan + Lich in the current meta, which isn't everyone's case). But beyond specific builds, having your choice of gear limited not by your lack of skill or dedication but by sheer dumb luck and uneven odds is flat out depressing.
      I keep mentioning destruction staves here, but for stamina builds it even worse. The Maelstrom Dagger bonus is way too good. And I do mean it. While you can wear a Moondancer or no-set staff and lose about 2k overall DPS, for stamina builds, these numbers are higher.

    5. Settle for a sub-par trait (aka not sharpened).
      Here comes a problem with the overall end-game trait system. Even though ZOS has overhauled other traits with the DB patch, sharpened is just way too good to pass up. I have Precise vMSA staves. I have a lot of them, but they bring worse DPS results than a no-set sharpened staff does. And isn't it quite problematic when the supposed "end-game rare loot" is worse than just a random golden one does?

    Briefly about the utility of other vMSA traits that peasants use :(focusing on DPS builds since tanks and healers have other better weapons at their disposal : dragon, ebony, worm, alkosh, aether, hircine, twilight remedy, spell power cure etc. etc.)

    On the PvE part of things, anything other than sharpened is crap. While there are some niche builds that can afford to run Nirn or Precise - looking at stamblades with Alkosh + Spriggan and Nirned / Precise daggers, that's all they are, niche builds suited for one player out of a raid of 12, and assuming the bosses are fully debuffed with major fracture, breach, crusher, aether etc.

    Making vMSA shields just a random piece with no bonus attached to it was a terrible idea and whoever thought it up should very ashamed. You can't even get a hakeijo back from deconstructing it. *yells shame while some church bells ring in the distance*

    Regarding vMSA swords / maces : in PvE they are way worse than their vDSA counterpart. In PvP they can find some utility, assuming you can match it with another set-piece shield. And for a magicka dk, they can be used on the back bar to get more health for dragon blood, but then again - endurance x2 brings more health. In the end, these items, just like the resto staves, are not the reason most people farm vMSA (I'm saying most because i'm pretty sure than someone, somewhere has a VMSA resto staff fetish). They are more like a necessary evil that you are liable to get.

    Back to the traits : charged. This subject triggers me. Why on earth put Charged as a trait for items that have a 100% enchantment uptime and status effect? Just thinking about it is hilarious. Well until you get one or two dozen of them and want to throw them back at the devs who had this wonderful, nay brilliant idea.
    Same goes for Powered on offensive weapons : daggers, destro staves...

    ZOS has a track record for molesting hybrid builds' corpses, what with them prioritizing fixing the vigor casting animation that made your staff disappear instead of I don't know, how about any other *** more pressant issue ? But what they don't seem to get is that it doesn't work! People don't play them!
    Or rather don't play them effectively. I have some footage of a hybrid sorc I made, where I reverse sliced inside my destro ulti, but never for the love of Talos have I thought about using vigor on a staff. (And that build worked simply because destro ulti is kind of broken atm; it doesn't make hybrids attractive or viable).
    Nobody needs your charged and powered vMSA destro staves and daggers, they're rotten. Just like your thinking process when you've decided to implement them into the end-game loot tables.

    Reprising what I said inb4 my forced vacation, we do not have Arcane rings of Vicious Ophidian, or Healthy Aether. You have taken the server down once to remove Restoration Staves of the Red Mountain out of all things, and supposedly instaured a smart loot system. Well, where is this smart loot system when you need it ? How are Charged vMSA daggers and Powered destruction staves smart? How are Ice staves of the Burning Spellweaver smart? Or Restoration Staves of Alkosh? How did these things, which are just as demanded as Red Mountain, if not more, bypass your smart loot system? How did you in good conscience leave them in the game?

    You know, back when I was in high school and had Philosophy classes, sometimes due to too much other work, procrastination, family matters or other excuses and lack of time, I submitted half-assed essays. And calling them essays doesn't quite fit. They were more like a random collection of botched paragraphs without proof-reading or consistency which I pretended were relevant to the essay topic. And even as I submitted them, I felt ashamed. I felt very ashamed for wasting the teacher's time with these pages of crap, for his surely degrading opinion of me, and for overall not living up to my supposed potential...
    How is it relevant, one might ask?
    Well ZOS, you act like a sixteen year old overworked student with little time to spare on Philosophy when you could be thinking about boys, shopping, movies or literally anything else. Only what isn't too surprising though condemnable coming from a teenager stuck with a mandatory subject in high school, doesn't work out for grown-up professionals who get paid for it.

    Even as you submit these ideas in meetings, work on them, and eventually throw them in the live server, I hope that you too feel ashamed. I hope that you are aware of your own disregard for your work, of the players' degrading opinion of you with every questionable decision that makes it live, and of the fact that you're missing out. This game has so much potential, so many opportunities just waiting to be seized, and players still around hoping for change. But that's all it is, unrealized, untapped potential waiting to be expanded upon by devs who would care.
    And I really hope that you come around to it.

    Maybe rotten ideas like Powered staves stem from a disillusionment in your work, and the universe overall; that state of mind where you just want to submit something and say "done" if only for your superiors to leave you alone, because ultimately none of it is real, and none of it matters. Maybe you wanted to be an archaeologist or a movie star or an explorer, and you ended up working a routine desk job, where everyday feels the same, lines of code stretch out beyond what waking eyes can see, and there is no excitement in sight.
    But what I hope you get is that your game is an adventure. It is a wonderful world filled with original and diverse PvE dungeons, landscapes, storylines, not even to mention players themselves, who desperately try to make good PvP happen and bring relevant suggestions to your attention.
    And this content is dynamic, what with ESO being an mmo and all. You keep expanding and rewriting it, pushing DLCs, and praise-worthy improvements (looking at Apothecary Satchels here). So maybe you do have somewhat boring job that doesn't live up to your childhood expectations, but never forget that these lines of code you work on make other people travel. From the burning sands of Alik'r to the battlefields of Cyrodiil. A world where you're a hero, where you feel like your decisions matter, where there is magic and you can do pretty much whatever, as long as its in line with the Community Rules. A world where you can go to escape the constant disappointment and downsides of a bleak everyday life, or simply to spend a good time. And your decisions to implement that worthless loot in supposedly difficult end-game content that requires time and dedication serve to ruin immersion more than any in-game troll ever could.

    For all the lack of communication, support and back-and-forth with the playerbase, for all the game-breaking bugs that remain live for months at a time and lack of in-game GM presence, you do make good things happen.

    Nothing is eternal. Not the universe, not you or me, and certainly not ESO. But your ship hasn't sunk yet. Over two years later, there is still a game, there are still forums, there are still players, and there is still hope. So seize the moment and make it truly great before it becomes irrelevant and cedes its place to Camelot Unchained or whatever equally promising game the future holds.

    I don't know whether you have given up on the community just like you seemingly have given up on some aspects of the game (*cough* PvP *cough*), but just like I personally do not say you're entirely worthless because of your mishaps and try to acknowledge the good stuff that makes it live, you should not judge the community by a few rotten eggs that write in caps, put in a lot of exclamation marks to sound more important and say stuff like "omg i'm quitting the game, what a sham, zos you suck, worst game ever" yadda yadda. They do not reflect the majority of the players' opinions, and even if they do offend you with childish insults, you can always wipe your tears with the dollars they've spent on Dro Mathra mounts or Crown Crates.

    This is a serious thread. Well as serious as one can get regarding a futile First World issue like unbalanced loot in an mmorpg. But nonetheless, please acknowledge it. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno


    And whenever you decide to add nonsensical stuff like powered destruction staves or restoration staves of the vicious ophidian, please remember that people do care. And that you should too.
    Edited by covenant_merchant on December 2, 2016 5:13PM
  • covenant_merchant
    There's a number of suggestions that people have already put up on forums and tried to convey to you, if only you were willing to listen.
    • Make a token system: get tokens after each run, and a certain amount of tokens gives you the right to chose a weapon
    • Add Undaunted Plunder to vMSA, or any kind of material reward. It is a Trial, after all. People spend valuable and expensive potions, repair gear, only to be rewarded with nothing. It's one of the biggest gold sinks in game at the moment, along with crafting motifs. And not everyone has gold to sink to begin with.
    • Bring back the old trait system: Sharpened - Precise - Defending, which worked, and should not have been changed to begin with.
    • Give all vMSA weapons the same probability to drop, instead of one global probability per big weapon type, and then one chance per sub-type.
    • Make vMSA weapons tradeable between people who have completed it in a day/week/ever.
    • Make vMSA weapons Bind on Equip.
    • Add other interesting sets for people to take interest in vMSA again. (Apart from Winterborn, and maybe Hunt on a stamblade with shade, the sets that drop from vMSA are worthless).
    • Give the vMSA shield an actual one-piece bonus, instead of the random piece of chopped wood we get and instantly get rid off.
    • Give PvP players a similar one-piece/bonus weapon to get through PvP means (amount of Alliance Points perhaps?).
    • Indirectly, make jewerly craftable. Right now we're stuck with willpower/agility/endurance or aether/ophidian 3 piece combos. Which means that, should you want to equip a 5-piece bonus set and an undaunted set, you're stuck with a no-set staff (this is mostly viable for PvP though). Making jewerly craftable would give more variety to builds, and less necessity to farm vMSA for players who just don't want to have random weapons equipped.

    These all seem like reasonable suggestions, and there were threads made, polls voted upon, and overall a big response from the community about this issue. But, whenever you get your hopes up seing that there is a Z logo next to it and a dev has commented, it's usually to say "this thread has been moved to X category" or "this comment has been edited for profanity/irrelevance".
    Come on, team! We know you're here somewhere, doing /lurk on ERP threads. So lets talk for once about what actually matters.

    Rich hasn't been arrested. ;) He still silently lurks the forums daily, but word on the street is that you're more likely to get a /lurk out of him with constructive posts.
    I normally lurk on the forums pretty regularly – expect to see me out and about a bit more often.

    @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno this is as constructive as posts can get.

    And since I wrote a post the size of a small novel by now, I would like to acknowledge all the contributors to the data, whose names I really cba copying.

    Here's to you, team. May you live long and prosper.
  • marquis007
    Soul Shriven
    For that reason im not even wasting my time with that Arena with those horrible drop rates. Seriously a powered destro LMAO!! It is like getting a lump of coal as a Christmas gift when its a 100 degrees outside.

    Templar Healer: PYG IVY
    Dragon knight Tank: Quiszilla
    Thank you @kasa-obake for that amazing post which, I think, sum up everyone's though about vMA in general.

    @ZOS_RichLambert : time to acknowledge
    AD // Marc the Epic Goat // Templar // AR50
    EP // The Goatfather // Templar // AR44
    AD // Unforgoatable // Sorc // AR33
    EP // You Goat Rekt // NB // AR28
    EP // Bill Goats // Swarden // AR28
    AD // Goat Ya // NB // AR24
    AD // Unforgoatten // StamDK // AR 21
    DC // Egoatcentric // Stamsorc // AR16

    and many unused PVE chars


    AoE Rats
    RIP Zerg Squad
    RIP Banana Squad Inc
    Not your typical goat

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