Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • geonsocal
    Defending BRK last night facing the mine. 4 AD DKs taunting and farming not so perceptive players. 3 hidden with 1 jumping bean. Good bait for 1 player to jump down the wall, lose some health, and then get 2-4 shot killed by everyone. Text chat warning doesn't work if they don't have it on.

    I was wondering why I saw one of them start running towards the front door. Moments later, the AD player is on the wall attacking us. I thought Take Flight and Grip/Leash were nerfed to shorter distances to make it unable to reach the NPCs or other players on the keep wall. Anyone know the exploit?

    Fortunately, I was on my DK with Inferno Staff. We kept rooting each other until I knocked him off the wall with Destro Clench, which killed him/her...man, my carpal tunnel was pretty jacked up after that...

    that sounds like a really fun fight you desert dweller you :)

    i just had it recently happen on a platform in IC where someone jumped up - they died instantly (then I did some orc dancing on them, after my character had a good guffaw)...

    also saw it recently where I nightblade "ambushed" through a door...there was a couple of us whom saw it so we were able to catch them pretty quick...

    haven't seen a DK leap up on a wall in awhile though...

    I have to be honest...as much fun as I have in cyro/IC - it can get a little repetitive...i used to like it when enemy players could get on the walls - lost some of my cold fire ballistas that way, but, I appreciated the chaos it caused...
    Edited by geonsocal on April 19, 2017 8:05PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • PhxOldGamer68
    Geo you are correct about Cyro being repetitive lately. I've been spending (literally) more time buying Enchanting runes than playing PVP. Going to every town and trader in the middle of nowhere, I have purchased 200 stacks for 1K or less. I sell so many purple glyphs from 4 guild traders, I have to keep up the stock.

    Still frustrating as usual going into Scourge and seeing the kaleidoscope of keep ownership scattered everywhere. I've actually had better fights and AP in Haderus and Skull.
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    Geo you are correct about Cyro being repetitive lately. I've been spending (literally) more time buying Enchanting runes than playing PVP. Going to every town and trader in the middle of nowhere, I have purchased 200 stacks for 1K or less. I sell so many purple glyphs from 4 guild traders, I have to keep up the stock.

    Still frustrating as usual going into Scourge and seeing the kaleidoscope of keep ownership scattered everywhere. I've actually had better fights and AP in Haderus and Skull.

    the pressures of trying to run a business in a pixelated world :)

    man, it feels like it's been at least a year now and I'm still only around level 45 or so in enchanting - ugh...

    it's only funny cuz it's happened just about every day for the last week - but, for some crazy reason - within about the first half hour of play - i keep getting farmed by the dang yellow emp and his endless eye of flame...worse yet, it's happened to me on both DC and EP characters - i don't think I've even had a chance to get in on killing them but once, maybe two times :#

    I think I may be getting closer to just having one faction in scourge...it's tough cuz I've come to depend on those end of campaign payouts to be able to buy the sets that i want...by the time morrowind hits - i may just have everyone geared the way I want...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • t3hdubzy
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Geo you are correct about Cyro being repetitive lately. I've been spending (literally) more time buying Enchanting runes than playing PVP. Going to every town and trader in the middle of nowhere, I have purchased 200 stacks for 1K or less. I sell so many purple glyphs from 4 guild traders, I have to keep up the stock.

    Still frustrating as usual going into Scourge and seeing the kaleidoscope of keep ownership scattered everywhere. I've actually had better fights and AP in Haderus and Skull.

    the pressures of trying to run a business in a pixelated world :)

    man, it feels like it's been at least a year now and I'm still only around level 45 or so in enchanting - ugh...

    it's only funny cuz it's happened just about every day for the last week - but, for some crazy reason - within about the first half hour of play - i keep getting farmed by the dang yellow emp and his endless eye of flame...worse yet, it's happened to me on both DC and EP characters - i don't think I've even had a chance to get in on killing them but once, maybe two times :#

    I think I may be getting closer to just having one faction in scourge...it's tough cuz I've come to depend on those end of campaign payouts to be able to buy the sets that i want...by the time morrowind hits - i may just have everyone geared the way I want...

    I like to teabag said emp.... though he seems to kill me more then i kill him...
  • PhxOldGamer68
    Shhh...enchanting takes a long time which is GREAT for business. hehehe

    I'm the guy in the back using debuffs far away helping the DPSs kill the enemy...freakin' tanks and sometimes the emp.
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Geo you are correct about Cyro being repetitive lately. I've been spending (literally) more time buying Enchanting runes than playing PVP. Going to every town and trader in the middle of nowhere, I have purchased 200 stacks for 1K or less. I sell so many purple glyphs from 4 guild traders, I have to keep up the stock.

    Still frustrating as usual going into Scourge and seeing the kaleidoscope of keep ownership scattered everywhere. I've actually had better fights and AP in Haderus and Skull.

    the pressures of trying to run a business in a pixelated world :)

    man, it feels like it's been at least a year now and I'm still only around level 45 or so in enchanting - ugh...

    it's only funny cuz it's happened just about every day for the last week - but, for some crazy reason - within about the first half hour of play - i keep getting farmed by the dang yellow emp and his endless eye of flame...worse yet, it's happened to me on both DC and EP characters - i don't think I've even had a chance to get in on killing them but once, maybe two times :#

    I think I may be getting closer to just having one faction in scourge...it's tough cuz I've come to depend on those end of campaign payouts to be able to buy the sets that i want...by the time morrowind hits - i may just have everyone geared the way I want...

    I like to teabag said emp.... though he seems to kill me more then i kill him...

    no doubt, unless he overextends himself, really tough character to take out...been playing on my stampler lately (looks like with morrowind I may finally let go of wearing 7 heavy :(, and, add a couple of medium - black rose, spriggans and grothdar maybe???)...

    as soon as I see them heading my way i start backing up and firing off javelins (which are kinda useless mostly cuz he usually has his pots/immovable on)...

    I don't mind going toe to toe in just about any situation small or large scale - but, I know getting the emp can be a real challenge...

    gotta give credit where credit is due - they have definitely cracked the PvP code in terms of build, skill and social stuff (not to say they're cool people - i don't know him, but, he's figured out a way to get a good group of other players to run with him)...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Anyone have Agility neck/2 rings to sell?
    I was wondering why I saw one of them start running towards the front door. Moments later, the AD player is on the wall attacking us. I thought Take Flight and Grip/Leash were nerfed to shorter distances to make it unable to reach the NPCs or other players on the keep wall. Anyone know the exploit?

    I know a certain blue August Palatine who does this on his DK. Method? IDK, exploit? probably.
    geonsocal wrote: »
    gotta give credit where credit is due - they have definitely cracked the PvP code in terms of build, skill and social stuff (not to say they're cool people - i don't know him, but, he's figured out a way to get a good group of other players to run with him)...

    He does, but last night I was calling some shots on Roebeck/Alessia when red where showing up. Wasn't grouped or anything, but I can't trust everyone else to pay as sharp attention as I do to enemy scouts/movement.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on April 19, 2017 9:48PM
  • geonsocal
    sorry prisoner...i've only got one bound set, and, even that is the cheap arcane version...

    not sure how much the robust version runs...

    ugh, looks like I'm gonna need to go shopping for a black rose: lightening staff, one handed weapon and shield...there goes about 150k or so...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • PhxOldGamer68
    Anyone have Agility neck/2 rings to sell?

    Is there another Agility set that's better than the Agility jewelry that sells for 1K each at guild traders? Edit: Oh didn't see Geo's note about Arcane, Robust...

    Edited by PhxOldGamer68 on April 19, 2017 10:54PM
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    I think the robust stuff goes for 15k to 30k or so a piece...

    that's pretty much the going rate for the second tier of jewelry stuff...

    man, if i spent even a tenth of the time focused on selling stuff instead of buying stuff, I'd be swimming in coins right now...

    actually - for a magblade, the arcane version isn't so bad I guess...
    Edited by geonsocal on April 19, 2017 11:22PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Shhh...enchanting takes a long time which is GREAT for business. hehehe

    I'm the guy in the back using debuffs far away helping the DPSs kill the enemy...freakin' tanks and sometimes the emp.

    not to give away too many secrets - what debuffs do you find effective from range?
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    not sure if everyone has had a chance to see this - hands down one of the best/most fun things i've read on the forum to date:
    Gather 'round, proud warriors all,
    Silent now and standing tall.
    Bow your heads to those who sleep,
    Beneath the ground of Chalman Keep.

    The flames of war seared the land,
    Crushing all with brutal hand.
    Dominion soldiers sought the throne,
    Chalman, undaunted, stood alone.

    Hooves thundered o'er the sward,
    Death neared for all, swift and hard.
    Defenders stood upon Chalman's wall,
    Warriors brave, Covenant heroes all.

    Forward came the Dominion hordes,
    With arcane spells and gleaming swords.
    Walls shook to siege engines' roars,
    Rams thundered upon keep doors.

    The outer doors fell to the invaders' barrage,
    Into the courtyard Elves and Khajiit charged.
    The inner door too gave when assaulted,
    O'er bodies and rubble the attackers vaulted.

    The defenders made their might felt,
    Spells flared forth, death was dealt.
    Fury rained upon invaders' heads,
    'til Khajiit and Elves all were dead.

    No time to rest, no time to heal,
    Doors and breaches they must seal.
    All was repaired, the damage undone,
    As another deadly assault was begun.

    Once again, fierce battle was fought,
    Death was granted where it was sought.
    Entropy rose inside the keep,
    Swept over all, piled the bodies deep.

    Again the bloody tide receded,
    Dominion foes once more defeated.
    Orc and [[Redguard (Online)
    Redguard]] and Breton remained,
    Proud survivors of Chalman Keep again.

    Dominion warriors attacked once more,
    In numbers far greater than ever before.
    They battered aside weary defenders,
    Stopped only in the innermost chambers.

    Into the apse the heroes were hounded,
    Dominion victory cries loudly sounded.
    Then chaos erupted as the Pact swept in,
    Seeing their enemies' forces worn thin.

    Caught between fierce anvil and hammer,
    Elf and Khajiit died in brave manner.
    Only Pact and Covenant soon remained,
    Then the defenders cleared the field again.

    A breath, a pause, a brief respite,
    The Covenant cause now truly desperate.
    A final assault the Dominion did mount,
    A massive wave, too many to count.

    Determined to conquer, refusing to desist,
    The Dominion force impossible to resist.
    The defenders resolved to fight to the last,
    No blow was wasted, no spell shoddily cast.

    One by one the gallant warriors fell,
    Breton, Redguard, and Orc died well.
    Their lives given up for Chalman Keep,
    They rest forever in honored sleep.

    The Dominion banner rose over the hall,
    A Dominion Emperor then ruled over all.
    Peace came to Chalman, damage repaired,
    Attackers dispersed, to other sites they fared.

    That emperor is gone, his reign long past.
    What remains of this day, what of it lasts?
    Just the display of courage, in that final stand,
    Of those who stood, and died, at Chalman.

    kudos @CatchMeTrolling ...that is some excellent writing...
    Edited by geonsocal on April 20, 2017 6:01PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • CatchMeTrolling
    geonsocal wrote: »
    not sure if everyone has had a chance to see this - hands down one of the best/most fun things i've read on the forum to date:
    Gather 'round, proud warriors all,
    Silent now and standing tall.
    Bow your heads to those who sleep,
    Beneath the ground of Chalman Keep.

    The flames of war seared the land,
    Crushing all with brutal hand.
    Dominion soldiers sought the throne,
    Chalman, undaunted, stood alone.

    Hooves thundered o'er the sward,
    Death neared for all, swift and hard.
    Defenders stood upon Chalman's wall,
    Warriors brave, Covenant heroes all.

    Forward came the Dominion hordes,
    With arcane spells and gleaming swords.
    Walls shook to siege engines' roars,
    Rams thundered upon keep doors.

    The outer doors fell to the invaders' barrage,
    Into the courtyard Elves and Khajiit charged.
    The inner door too gave when assaulted,
    O'er bodies and rubble the attackers vaulted.

    The defenders made their might felt,
    Spells flared forth, death was dealt.
    Fury rained upon invaders' heads,
    'til Khajiit and Elves all were dead.

    No time to rest, no time to heal,
    Doors and breaches they must seal.
    All was repaired, the damage undone,
    As another deadly assault was begun.

    Once again, fierce battle was fought,
    Death was granted where it was sought.
    Entropy rose inside the keep,
    Swept over all, piled the bodies deep.

    Again the bloody tide receded,
    Dominion foes once more defeated.
    Orc and [[Redguard (Online)
    Redguard]] and Breton remained,
    Proud survivors of Chalman Keep again.

    Dominion warriors attacked once more,
    In numbers far greater than ever before.
    They battered aside weary defenders,
    Stopped only in the innermost chambers.

    Into the apse the heroes were hounded,
    Dominion victory cries loudly sounded.
    Then chaos erupted as the Pact swept in,
    Seeing their enemies' forces worn thin.

    Caught between fierce anvil and hammer,
    Elf and Khajiit died in brave manner.
    Only Pact and Covenant soon remained,
    Then the defenders cleared the field again.

    A breath, a pause, a brief respite,
    The Covenant cause now truly desperate.
    A final assault the Dominion did mount,
    A massive wave, too many to count.

    Determined to conquer, refusing to desist,
    The Dominion force impossible to resist.
    The defenders resolved to fight to the last,
    No blow was wasted, no spell shoddily cast.

    One by one the gallant warriors fell,
    Breton, Redguard, and Orc died well.
    Their lives given up for Chalman Keep,
    They rest forever in honored sleep.

    The Dominion banner rose over the hall,
    A Dominion Emperor then ruled over all.
    Peace came to Chalman, damage repaired,
    Attackers dispersed, to other sites they fared.

    That emperor is gone, his reign long past.
    What remains of this day, what of it lasts?
    Just the display of courage, in that final stand,
    Of those who stood, and died, at Chalman.

    kudos @CatchMeTrolling ...that is some excellent writing...

    It's the book of chalman lol
  • geonsocal
    It's the book of chalman lol

    good sh.. @CatchMeTrolling ...i just learned something - didn't know you could google all the lorebooks for the texts...

    not that i was getting a whole lot done at work today anyway - but heck, i'm about to do some digging for stuff :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • CatchMeTrolling
    geonsocal wrote: »
    It's the book of chalman lol

    good sh.. @CatchMeTrolling ...i just learned something - didn't know you could google all the lorebooks for the texts...

    not that i was getting a whole lot done at work today anyway - but heck, i'm about to do some digging for stuff :)

    Yeah elder scrolls has always had some pretty good lore, a lot of good ingame books.

  • geonsocal
    Yeah elder scrolls has always had some pretty good lore, a lot of good ingame books.

    howdy @CatchMeTrolling ...once upon a time - i used to be a pretty avid reader...read though just about everything in skyrim...

    started this game out reading everything too...then sometime during the first few months i was playing i somehow got caught up in speeding my way through all the content...maybe it was a desire to quickly level my characters, perhaps seeing other players around me always running or riding their mounts everywhere at frenetic pace...

    the last few months i've purposefully tried to slow the game down a bit - so, i can immerse myself a little better into the environment and lore...

    now that you've pointed it out to me - may take some time to go through some of the lorebooks i've missed (or can't remember :#): http://www.ign.com/wikis/elder-scrolls-online/Lore_Books

    i definitely want to go through the dwemer and vivec stuff prior to morrowind releasing...

    later - geo
    Edited by geonsocal on April 21, 2017 12:19AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • CatchMeTrolling
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Yeah elder scrolls has always had some pretty good lore, a lot of good ingame books.

    howdy @CatchMeTrolling ...once upon a time - i used to be a pretty avid reader...read though just about everything in skyrim...

    started this game out reading everything too...then sometime during the first few months i was playing i somehow got caught up in speeding my way through all the content...maybe it was a desire to quickly level my characters, perhaps seeing other players around me always running or riding their mounts everywhere at frenetic pace...

    the last few months i've purposefully tried to slow the game down a bit - so, i can immerse myself a little better into the environment and lore...

    now that you've pointed it out to me - may take some time to go through some of the lorebooks i've missed (or can't remember :#): http://www.ign.com/wikis/elder-scrolls-online/Lore_Books

    i definitely want to go through the dwemer and vivec stuff prior to morrowind releasing...

    later - geo

    They're usually short but worth it if you're really into it , I'd suggest looking up lore in general as well. It makes you appreciate the elder scrolls games more because you have a sense of what's going on or what' already happened.

    Fun fact: knowing the lore behind the alliances is how I originally picked my alliance.
  • geonsocal
    The Spirit of the Dominion
    Gentle citizen of the Dominion, perhaps you wonder why we must take up arms—why your sons and daughters are called to distant lands. The decision to gather our allies and march into the world is a heavy one, indeed, but we cannot waste this chance to bring all of Tamriel what she deserves: a stable, civilized, wise guiding hand.
    Now, as the Empire rots under its own corruption, our opportunity arises. We, with our ancient wisdom and clear purpose, have the advantage. Together, Altmer, Bosmer, and Khajiit will fight back the evils rooted in the Empire, quiet the unruly hordes of the Ebonheart Pact and Daggerfall Covenant, and usher in a shining age of reason, culture, and peace.
    Stand with us.

    Edited by geonsocal on April 21, 2017 6:54PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Guide To The Daggerfall Covenant
    The Daggerfall Covenant is a compact between the peoples of northwest Tamriel—Bretons, Redguards, and Orcs—that forms an alliance of mutual defense, with a vision of establishing peace and order across Tamriel. Indeed, the kings of the Covenant take the Remans as their model, claiming to be the spiritual heirs of the Second Empire.
    The Daggerfall Covenant was born in 2E 542, when the kings of High Rock allied to repulse an invasion by a horde of Reachmen under the command of Durcorach, "the Black Drake." Howling out of the eastern mountains, the Reach barbarians razed Evermore, besieged Wayrest, sacked Camlorn, and marched as far as the gates of Daggerfall before the Bretons finally stopped them. In the wake of Durcorach’s defeat, the kings of Daggerfall, Wayrest, Camlorn, Evermore, and Shornhelm swore the so-called "first" Daggerfall Covenant, a solemn oath to defend each other’s kingdoms and stand as one against all foreign foes.

    High Rock prospered as the Bretons rebuilt, especially after 2E 561, when miners near Wayrest made the biggest orichalcum strike in recorded history. Emeric, Earl of the domain of Cumberland, the site of the mines, proposed to use the resulting wealth to enhance Wayrest’s fleet and improve trade throughout High Rock. King Gardner of Wayrest granted his approval, but before the fleet was completed, the dreaded Knahaten Flu swept through Wayrest and killed the entire Gardner royal household. Earl Emeric was elevated to the throne and House Cumberland became the second royal dynasty of Wayrest.

    The new King Emeric of Wayrest had been courting the daughter of King Ranser of Shornhelm, but in 2E 566 he married Princess Maraya of Sentinel. This nearly brought down the first Covenant when Ranser, who felt betrayed, launched a surprise attack on Wayrest. The kings of Camlorn, Evermore, and Daggerfall all sided with Wayrest, and Emeric’s superior diplomacy brought the armies of Sentinel into the fray to protect Emeric’s queen. Furthermore, Emeric reached out to a great clan of Orcs in Wrothgar and offered them Orsinium in return for aid. Shornhelm was defeated and the Covenant was reborn: not as a mere Breton defensive pact, but as a new, multinational alliance.

    The conclave that negotiated the alliance lasted for months, with argument and debate at every turn. The final result was the child of King Emeric’s vision, made manifest in dozens of compromises and carefully negotiated provisions. Freedom of trade was guaranteed throughout the region, and over the objections of the nobles of Rivenspire and the Crown Redguards of Alik’r, the Orcs were accepted as full members of the alliance. Eventually, all the city-states of northwest Tamriel swore fealty to the Covenant’s Royal Council, presided over by High King Emeric. As the architect of the alliance, he claimed supreme leadership.

    So this is the modern Daggerfall Covenant, an alliance of the Redguards of northern Hammerfell, under King Fahara’jad; the Orcs of the mountainous northeast, under King Kurog of Orsinium; with the Breton King Emeric of High Rock presiding from his palace in Wayrest. At its best, it is a noble alliance of honorable and chivalrous peoples, representing all the best aspects of the First and Second Empires. And from this solid foundation, perhaps a third, even mightier Empire shall arise, providing all the peoples of Tamriel the benefits of mutual respect, vigorous trade, and reverence for the Divines
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Blood For The Pact!
    Before Ysgramor led the Nord people south, our ancestors flourished in the frozen continent of Atmora, and to this day our people prefer the bitter climes of northern Tamriel. The Dark Elves abide in Morrowind, a harsh land of ashfall and perpetual earthquakes. The Argonians endure the treacherous and impenetrable depths of Black Marsh. The alliance between our races was born in dark times, when Nord, Dunmer and free Argonians fought as one to repel the invasion of the Akaviri slavemasters. Our greatest strength is the adversity we have overcome. Our resolve is glacial, our might is forged in fire, and our courage, cultivated by the beasts of the jungle. We are Ebonheart. We are as one. And by this, our victory is assured.
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    geonsocal wrote: »
    not sure if everyone has had a chance to see this - hands down one of the best/most fun things i've read on the forum to date:
    Gather 'round, proud warriors all,
    Silent now and standing tall.
    Bow your heads to those who sleep,
    Beneath the ground of Chalman Keep.

    The flames of war seared the land,
    Crushing all with brutal hand.
    Dominion soldiers sought the throne,
    Chalman, undaunted, stood alone.

    Hooves thundered o'er the sward,
    Death neared for all, swift and hard.
    Defenders stood upon Chalman's wall,
    Warriors brave, Covenant heroes all.

    Forward came the Dominion hordes,
    With arcane spells and gleaming swords.
    Walls shook to siege engines' roars,
    Rams thundered upon keep doors.

    The outer doors fell to the invaders' barrage,
    Into the courtyard Elves and Khajiit charged.
    The inner door too gave when assaulted,
    O'er bodies and rubble the attackers vaulted.

    The defenders made their might felt,
    Spells flared forth, death was dealt.
    Fury rained upon invaders' heads,
    'til Khajiit and Elves all were dead.

    No time to rest, no time to heal,
    Doors and breaches they must seal.
    All was repaired, the damage undone,
    As another deadly assault was begun.

    Once again, fierce battle was fought,
    Death was granted where it was sought.
    Entropy rose inside the keep,
    Swept over all, piled the bodies deep.

    Again the bloody tide receded,
    Dominion foes once more defeated.
    Orc and [[Redguard (Online)
    Redguard]] and Breton remained,
    Proud survivors of Chalman Keep again.

    Dominion warriors attacked once more,
    In numbers far greater than ever before.
    They battered aside weary defenders,
    Stopped only in the innermost chambers.

    Into the apse the heroes were hounded,
    Dominion victory cries loudly sounded.
    Then chaos erupted as the Pact swept in,
    Seeing their enemies' forces worn thin.

    Caught between fierce anvil and hammer,
    Elf and Khajiit died in brave manner.
    Only Pact and Covenant soon remained,
    Then the defenders cleared the field again.

    A breath, a pause, a brief respite,
    The Covenant cause now truly desperate.
    A final assault the Dominion did mount,
    A massive wave, too many to count.

    Determined to conquer, refusing to desist,
    The Dominion force impossible to resist.
    The defenders resolved to fight to the last,
    No blow was wasted, no spell shoddily cast.

    One by one the gallant warriors fell,
    Breton, Redguard, and Orc died well.
    Their lives given up for Chalman Keep,
    They rest forever in honored sleep.

    The Dominion banner rose over the hall,
    A Dominion Emperor then ruled over all.
    Peace came to Chalman, damage repaired,
    Attackers dispersed, to other sites they fared.

    That emperor is gone, his reign long past.
    What remains of this day, what of it lasts?
    Just the display of courage, in that final stand,
    Of those who stood, and died, at Chalman.

    kudos @CatchMeTrolling ...that is some excellent writing...

    It's the book of chalman lol

    As I recall this book was created after the famous battle of the "Chalamo" that actually happen in PVP during the original Beta PC testing of the game.

    Check out this old reddit post:

  • geonsocal
    as of 6pm p.s.t.
    Queue times:
    AD - 102
    DC - 0
    EP - 0

    Edit: well, looks like I'll be chasing the dragon tonight...
    Edited by geonsocal on April 22, 2017 1:26AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    taking a moment to review my death recap...two names - but one really nice combo: ambush, incapacitating strike, heavy attack, and executioner...well done...that particular sequence hit for a total of 20k...i was already in trouble - but still, nice combo...

    someone rezzed me...

    taking a break on a rock, playing a magdk vamp...yeah, i'm a dunmer - how original, huh :)

    truth is - it really does make a lot of sense :#

    I swear, tonight has felt like old times riding the big angry red zerg...

    no more red here at ash with me...hmmmm, I'm sensing a bloodport in my very immediate future...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    woo hoo, my magsorc has some new duds :p

    married to my lightening staff on this character, was trying to also use a resto staff - decided it just wasn't right...

    went back to the future and re-equipped SnB...it's funny, when i first started the character he used SnB...back then I knew very little of the mechanics and BiS stuff...

    my rational was - man, I'm wearing seven pieces of light armor - I better have something to stick in front of me :#

    finally finished taking my VD off all my characters...used it for well over a year at times on 4 different mag characters...added spinners (5 pc on SnB) and grothdar to my phoenix...

    going haunting curse, dark conversion, crystal frags, harness magicka, mage's wrath, summon atronoch on sword and board bar and power surge, dark conversion, shattering prison, empowered ward, destro reach, destro ult on destro bar...

    still haven't leveled medicinal use on this character, so, I'm gonna hang on to power surge for awhile longer...

    to my regret - I've golded out a bunch of gear in the past (almost all of it currently in bank)...

    truth is - every 4 months or so, I'm normally switching gear up (now that I've started rocking my BiS type gear, hopefully that'll slow down some)...crazy costly buying decent gear all the time...

    however, the next time I do feel like going gold on some stuff - it'll be my phoenix stuff...

    took a break to eat and do some chores, can't wait to bring my new set up back into our cyrodiilean sandbox :)

    just noticed re-reading this - uh oh, I'm kinda light on shields...need to go craft some immovable pots...
    Edited by geonsocal on April 23, 2017 3:54AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    Just noticed you on the Morning Star roster.
    Welcome, I need to spend more time with those good folk.
    Most of my time I am with my original guild Warriors of Cyrodiil which I have been in since the first week.
    Man how time flies.
  • geonsocal
    howdy @TequilaFire ...thanks...hope your saturday has been enjoyable :)

    hubzee turned me on to morning star...great guild, real good people...consistently field excellent guild traders, very low cost, they're involved in dailies, pvp, and all kind of content...

    that's so cool you're still in one of your original guilds - my first guild was traders refuge...still a proud member (gotta remember to kick into their bank today :))...

    I've tried to steer away from pvp associated guilds, just seems to make sense until I find some kind of brotherhood without banners situation...who knows - maybe one day I'll go the whole "lightning lord" route myself and start a cross faction guild...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • wazzz56
    Howdy all hope all is well! Nice seeing you last night @Takes-No-Prisoner I spent half the night trying to find a resource to farm without 9 million other AD showing up...still made like 450k last night..so close to prefect on Argonian Jesus
    GM Tig Ole Critties ps5 NA small scale PvP guild

    "After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
  • t3hdubzy
    wazzz56 wrote: »
    Howdy all hope all is well! Nice seeing you last night @Takes-No-Prisoner I spent half the night trying to find a resource to farm without 9 million other AD showing up...still made like 450k last night..so close to prefect on Argonian Jesus

    Being a red was depressing last night. We didnt hold much for long, and failed to dethrone blue multiple times lol. When we would be close to dethrone half our troops would go somewhere else and then yellow would push brk.
  • geonsocal
    wazzz56 wrote: »
    Howdy all hope all is well! Nice seeing you last night @Takes-No-Prisoner I spent half the night trying to find a resource to farm without 9 million other AD showing up...still made like 450k last night..so close to prefect on Argonian Jesus

    450k...in a day, holy sh**...ugh, on my phone, so much need to insert monty python gif - bring out your dead...stacking bodies, very cool wazzz...

    starting to get a little excited about beginning my next two characters - an agronian magward (healer), and, a khajiit stamward...i have no characters to date with tails...it'll be interesting :p

    was on my stamblade earlier...thought i had things fairly well worked out...went into cyrodiil filled with hope and expectactions...my play was kind of a dud...i forgot just how good many of the folks out there are...

    even the average players are maxed/near maxed and good...on top of that, you get those truly "competitive" type pvpers that have their gear/rotations down to a science, and, are super tough to beat, even with help...

    still a good 10 plus days left to scourge, seems like most AD took the weekend off...I had a bunch of fun though fighting for the queen the last couple of days...a lot of good people in scourge wear yellow...

    of course, the same can be said for both blue and red :)

    have mostly everyone to tier 3 rewards...gonna head into IC this week to try to focus my builds more towards small scale and solo...IC is exciting to me, challenging pve (npcs with enemy players included), and, a lot of intense fights against some really good solo players...

    once you get engaged in combat - always fun to see if you can get the other player to aggro the npcs :D
    Edited by geonsocal on April 24, 2017 6:47AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • wazzz56
    @geonsocal keeping my small group alive stacking heals, not bodies lol....we were 5-6 manning it and mamaged to get some good action before it was 5 or 6 versus 50 lol....
    GM Tig Ole Critties ps5 NA small scale PvP guild

    "After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
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