Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • reiverx
    reiverx wrote: »
    No issue, I haven't been that happy with what EP has become as well.
    Probably why I went to another campaign to play on DC as AD is too saturated.

    I don't PVP at all anymore. It'll take some big changes in the next update to pull me back in but ZOS aren't interested in doing anything to give PVP an injection of awesome.

    I'm still looking forward to Summerset though, for a change of scenery.

    Problem is the newer players like the status quo they oppose and fight against the changes that are needed to improve PvP and stop the ap farming COD sandbox. All in the fake premise of "playing with friends" or "playing how I want".
    They don't care about winning campaigns, just get in and unlock alliance skills or get motifs.

    Yeah the whole alliance war thing is a dead duck. It's a pity because it started off so well but was slowly eroded away.

  • geonsocal
    missed this earlier this week...a bit of a preview for the upcoming mid year mayhem from the public test server...

    Midyear Mayhem Event
    Starting this Wednesday, April 25, you'll be able to help us test the upcoming Midyear Mayhem PvP event by visiting one of your alliance bases in Cyrodiil – the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Aldmeri Dominion , the Southern High Rock Gate for Daggerfall Covenant , or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Ebonheart Pact.

      [*] Speak to Predicant Maera to acquire the quest aptly named “Midyear Mayhem.”
      [*] Upon completion of this very short introduction, you will receive an item in your inventory, the “Scroll of Pelinal’s Ferocity.” When you use this item, you will receive a two-hour buff that doubles your XP gained from killing other player characters, as well as all earned Alliance Points during the event!

        [*] This buff functions in all PVP-enabled areas, which includes Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds.
        [*] If you’ve already done this quest in prior years and wish to participate, all you need do is use your scroll from last year (if you still have it), or return to Predicant Maera to pick up a new one for a nominal fee of 100 gold or 100 AP.
        [*] In addition to last year's Pelinal Midyear Boon Boxes, the following additional rewards are also in place during the event:

          [*] Pelinal’s Boon Boxes drop from the quests that you can acquire in the Cyrodiil towns.
          [*] The special drops from the Simulacrum of Molag Bal in the Imperial City were slightly increased.
          [*] Pelinal’s Boon Boxes have a chance to drop Transmute Crystals.
          [*] Resource nodes in Cyrodiil yield double their normal results.

          without doubt - i am going to spend at least a day or so just traveling around to some of the more out of the way places on the cyrodiil map - just to farm :)
          Edited by geonsocal on April 26, 2018 7:56PM
          PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
        • wozborne
          geonsocal wrote: »
          missed this earlier this week...a bit of a preview for the upcoming mid year mayhem...

          Midyear Mayhem Event
          Starting this Wednesday, April 25, you'll be able to help us test the upcoming Midyear Mayhem PvP event by visiting one of your alliance bases in Cyrodiil – the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Aldmeri Dominion , the Southern High Rock Gate for Daggerfall Covenant , or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Ebonheart Pact.

            [*] Speak to Predicant Maera to acquire the quest aptly named “Midyear Mayhem.”
            [*] Upon completion of this very short introduction, you will receive an item in your inventory, the “Scroll of Pelinal’s Ferocity.” When you use this item, you will receive a two-hour buff that doubles your XP gained from killing other player characters, as well as all earned Alliance Points during the event!

              [*] This buff functions in all PVP-enabled areas, which includes Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds.
              [*] If you’ve already done this quest in prior years and wish to participate, all you need do is use your scroll from last year (if you still have it), or return to Predicant Maera to pick up a new one for a nominal fee of 100 gold or 100 AP.
              [*] In addition to last year's Pelinal Midyear Boon Boxes, the following additional rewards are also in place during the event:

                [*] Pelinal’s Boon Boxes drop from the quests that you can acquire in the Cyrodiil towns.
                [*] The special drops from the Simulacrum of Molag Bal in the Imperial City were slightly increased.
                [*] Pelinal’s Boon Boxes have a chance to drop Transmute Crystals.
                [*] Resource nodes in Cyrodiil yield double their normal results.
                Here comes the crippling lag and and 500+ man queues. 12k capture ticks will be nice though
              • geonsocal
                wozborne wrote: »
                geonsocal wrote: »
                missed this earlier this week...a bit of a preview for the upcoming mid year mayhem...

                Midyear Mayhem Event
                Starting this Wednesday, April 25, you'll be able to help us test the upcoming Midyear Mayhem PvP event by visiting one of your alliance bases in Cyrodiil – the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Aldmeri Dominion , the Southern High Rock Gate for Daggerfall Covenant , or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Ebonheart Pact.

                  [*] Speak to Predicant Maera to acquire the quest aptly named “Midyear Mayhem.”
                  [*] Upon completion of this very short introduction, you will receive an item in your inventory, the “Scroll of Pelinal’s Ferocity.” When you use this item, you will receive a two-hour buff that doubles your XP gained from killing other player characters, as well as all earned Alliance Points during the event!

                    [*] This buff functions in all PVP-enabled areas, which includes Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds.
                    [*] If you’ve already done this quest in prior years and wish to participate, all you need do is use your scroll from last year (if you still have it), or return to Predicant Maera to pick up a new one for a nominal fee of 100 gold or 100 AP.
                    [*] In addition to last year's Pelinal Midyear Boon Boxes, the following additional rewards are also in place during the event:

                      [*] Pelinal’s Boon Boxes drop from the quests that you can acquire in the Cyrodiil towns.
                      [*] The special drops from the Simulacrum of Molag Bal in the Imperial City were slightly increased.
                      [*] Pelinal’s Boon Boxes have a chance to drop Transmute Crystals.
                      [*] Resource nodes in Cyrodiil yield double their normal results.
                      Here comes the crippling lag and and 500+ man queues. 12k capture ticks will be nice though

                      hahahahahahahaha...that's too funny - i didn't write that down - but, yeah - that was one of the first thoughts that i had...long queues and loads of lag...
                      Edited by geonsocal on April 26, 2018 7:58PM
                      PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                    • TequilaFire
                      Just what I need more transmute crystals, not.
                    • Takes-No-Prisoner
                      All you have to do is log on early. Double resource nodes in Cyro sounds pretty awesome though.
                    • geonsocal
                      Just what I need more transmute crystals, not.

                      I stopped even thinking about them after reaching 200/200 I while ago...

                      every jubilee box which contained them i was just like - oh well...

                      I've already transmuted a bunch of gear, but, i still have a couple of thousand more spread across all my characters...
                      PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                    • Twohothardware
                      geonsocal wrote: »
                      missed this earlier this week...a bit of a preview for the upcoming mid year mayhem from the public test server...

                      Midyear Mayhem Event
                      Starting this Wednesday, April 25, you'll be able to help us test the upcoming Midyear Mayhem PvP event by visiting one of your alliance bases in Cyrodiil – the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Aldmeri Dominion , the Southern High Rock Gate for Daggerfall Covenant , or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Ebonheart Pact.

                        [*] Speak to Predicant Maera to acquire the quest aptly named “Midyear Mayhem.”
                        [*] Upon completion of this very short introduction, you will receive an item in your inventory, the “Scroll of Pelinal’s Ferocity.” When you use this item, you will receive a two-hour buff that doubles your XP gained from killing other player characters, as well as all earned Alliance Points during the event!

                          [*] This buff functions in all PVP-enabled areas, which includes Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds.
                          [*] If you’ve already done this quest in prior years and wish to participate, all you need do is use your scroll from last year (if you still have it), or return to Predicant Maera to pick up a new one for a nominal fee of 100 gold or 100 AP.
                          [*] In addition to last year's Pelinal Midyear Boon Boxes, the following additional rewards are also in place during the event:

                            [*] Pelinal’s Boon Boxes drop from the quests that you can acquire in the Cyrodiil towns.
                            [*] The special drops from the Simulacrum of Molag Bal in the Imperial City were slightly increased.
                            [*] Pelinal’s Boon Boxes have a chance to drop Transmute Crystals.
                            [*] Resource nodes in Cyrodiil yield double their normal results.

                            without doubt - i am going to spend at least a day or so just traveling around to some of the more out of the way places on the cyrodiil map - just to farm :)

                            Looks like I need to create a couple new EP characters since there will probably be a per character limit again and EP had the best reward box farming server in Sotha Sil this last event.
                          • MisterBastahrd
                            Finally making a return to the game. I guess technically I did when I did writs to farm anny boxes and made about 3M gold off of them, but it wasn't really participating in real content. Before I left, I had gotten kicked from an EP PVP guild I'd been in for over 2 years for... no idea why. Sorta soured my mood about the game.

                            My gf got kicked about a month later... also for no seeming particular reason (she had just donated to the guild bank for cryin out loud). She decided to create an AD toon, after 12 EP characters, because why not? Their loyalty is complete BS. She was having great fun killing them. Was also interesting to see how they bragged about their 'victory' when they managed a kill each on some of the former guild members but actually got ragdolled by a zerg half their size and lost the keep they were in (I was sitting on the couch, watching).

                            Turns out I'm probably better off running without them. It's damned boring to keep running to Dragonclaw and Drakelow for no good reason when the actually battlefronts for EP are usually the outposts. Don't get me wrong, I know that strategically you want to keep them and the cities... but it's boring to run for 5 minutes to take an empty keep and then run to an outpost and get facerolled by giant zergs.

                            So now I'm in the process of outfitting 12 characters for PVP and 3 for PVE with an eye on Summerset.
                          • Abysswarrior45
                            PvP is so bad rn, lol. So much lag and if you're solo the enemy will call the whole zerg to ult dump your ass in an already laggy environment. Laughable the *** that play this game afraid to die in a virtual reality so they resort to tank aids and zergs and retreating to zergs instead of getting better by dying. :neutral:

                          • Takes-No-Prisoner
                            She decided to create an AD toon, after 12 EP characters, because why not?

                            I understand this very well. Your GF is not a lone here, I have 12 AD toons and switched to DC for somewhat similar reasons. I know how it feels to be stabbed in the back like that. My condolences, especially since you were both in this guild for 2 years? That is a big commitment.
                            Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on April 27, 2018 6:03PM
                          • geonsocal
                            man, i remember a couple of years ago, when I was still being a little social - I kept getting kicked over and over again by pvp guilds - maybe about a half dozen different guilds...

                            they were mostly AD guilds...

                            I've been a faction hopper since we first could put all our characters on the same map - so, i understood the kicks (I understand that wasn't your scenario bastahrd)...

                            even though I understood it - the kick still bugged the hell out of me...

                            I would be out looking for blood against that alliances for a couple of weeks after each kick...

                            i'm actually still in a couple of EP pvp guilds now...i know I should leave, but, just haven't yet...
                            Edited by geonsocal on April 27, 2018 6:27PM
                            PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                          • Takes-No-Prisoner
                            How hard is Vet City of Ash 2? I need to get the Valkyn Skoria helm. Still need to find a group to do it with.
                          • Jake1576
                            How hard is Vet City of Ash 2? I need to get the Valkyn Skoria helm. Still need to find a group to do it with.

                            That helmet has showed up on the golden before i believe that's how i got mine i've never really done pve stuff all that much i'm sure it couldn't be that difficult tho never really heard people complain about it being that bad the ones i hear people talk about the most are imerial city prison and a few others if you need a dps and i'm on tho i wouldn't mind helping you out never did it either tho so i have no experience in it
                            Edited by Jake1576 on April 28, 2018 6:39PM
                          • Takes-No-Prisoner
                            I've seen the helm before on Golden, just wasn't interested enough then. Am now.

                            The only thing I saw when I pugged it, and failed, was there needs to be a lot of AoE DPS. Especially for the second boss fight.

                            Other then that, lots of fire. Nothing my StamDK tank can't handle with some good heals.
                          • geonsocal
                            did coa1 a bunch of times farming burning spellweave, i have a bunch of the infernal guardian head pieces I never use...

                            i'm not sure what's up with coa2...think though I've heard folks moan about it a bit...

                            I don't think I've done any vet2 pledge dungeons yet...

                            picked up a bunch of the troll king and ilambris head pieces this weekend...

                            want the ilambris for a lightening build on my mag sorc that I want to put together soon...

                            good luck...
                            Edited by geonsocal on April 29, 2018 2:00AM
                            PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                          • Ballcap
                            The door to the Victory Tavern swings wide and a familiar mer strides in. "Give me an Orzorga's Red Frothgar, Hilan. I'm taking a break from that Witchmother's Potent Brew. It is doing a number on my insides," says Talion the Mighty, Star-Made Knight.

                            "Talion, good to see you!" replies Hilan, "I don't know how you can drink that orc crap but here's a cold one for you."

                            "Hey Talion," yells Rolion, "You drinkin' orc drinks and you own a home in Rivenspire. You sure you're on our side?"

                            "Good stuff Rolly, you live in a tree. Are you sure you aren't a spriggan?" laughs Talion.

                            The khajiit near the back yells out, "Sebazi wants to know if you have taken care of our Black Dagger problems?"

                            "This one has not." says Talion, "I have bigger fish to fry."

                            "So," says Taari, "how goes the battlefront? What has our favorite Palatine been up to out there?"

                            "Give us a tale!" shouts Rolion

                            "How is the food at Alessia?" asks Hilan.

                            "Were you there when the three Elder Scrolls were taken?" yells Taari.

                            "Whoa whoa, one at a time. I haven't put together my formal report for Sorcolin yet. However, I do have one for you, this happened earlier today in fact. And yes, Taari, I was there when the three scrolls were taken. We managed to get two back already if I'm not mistaken. I was at Nikel taking care of some business on the Covenant front lines when word reached me that the scrolls were being taken and were close to Sejanus. I quickly ported over and mounted Boo, my fiery nightmare senche..."

                            "You left her outside right? This entire place is made of wood." interrupted Hilan.

                            "Yes, Hilan. Anyway... where was I?"

                            "The scrolls?" chimed in Taari, helpfully.

                            "Right, so I'm dashing across the landscape heading straight for two of our scrolls. There are Pact soldiers everywhere. I'm not kidding, there must have been a hundred of them. I'm seeing scattered battles between our brave Dominion forces and the bandits of the Pact. I'm not stopping though. Eyes on the prize and all that. The Pact was so busy fleeing there wasn't much opposition to me riding right into the middle of the army. Which, now that I look back on it was either extremely brave or foolish. Let's go with brave, it sounds better. I BRAVELY rode into the milling throng of Pact forces with little resistance. That is, until I hear the "clank" of a blow against my armor. I shrug it off and keep moving forward. "Clank" there it is again. I kept riding until another clank brought the stamina of my mount close to zero. I look back and there is a Pact warrior who is shield charging into me over and over again. I was hesitant to dismount at first, as I said, there were at least one hundred of the Pact barbarians crawling all around our scrolls, and while I am good for two dozen or so, one hundred may be even more than I could take. There was something annoying about this fellow though, clanking away at me while I'm riding to get our scrolls back."

                            Talion pauses for a moment and puts some gold onto the bar, "Another Ozorga's please, Hilan."

                            "Aye, Walker, you know your money is no good here" says Hilan as he pocketed the gold anyway, in typical Khajiit fashion.

                            "So this guy keeps coming at me and he's forcing me to dismount right in the middle of the horde. Fine pal, let's do this. What do you have 591 champion points? That's cute. I feared being swarmed but this guy had to be dealt with. I dropped off the side of the senche and drew my swords. I called upon the gods to blast him with a pillar of purifying light and quickly followed by encasing him in a sphere of total darkness..."

                            "The old ying-yang, light and dark, eh Talion?" interjects Rolion.

                            "Just so. This guy, he's lit up AND in the dark and I don't think he's ever encountered this before as he proceeded to beat the hell out of himself. A toppling charge from me with a flurry of stabs from my aedric spear and this guy is swaying on his feet. I figured it was time to end this and I finished him off with a huge blow from both my swords, rending this guy into several meaty pieces. Phew, and I thought these Nords smelled bad on the outside! Down he went, quick as you please. Now I was on foot in the middle of the Pact swarm and the fury of battle came over me. I received word from a fellow guild member (who had the bad taste to be fighting for the EP) that I had managed to take him down too. (Jdj - I'm sorry about that. You are a good dude... even if you were EP). My attacks and those of my fellow Dominion soldiers served their purpose though and the Pact race toward their home keeps was delayed long enough for at least two of the scrolls to return home. I returned as well, shortly afterwards. Battered a bit, but victorious."

                          • geonsocal
                            just had a great time with some AvAvA at chalman...about 30 minutes or so to finally make it through the outside keep front door (needed to open a hole 20 meters or so to the left of the front door)...

                            EP held the keep and off and on during the front door siege, AD players kept harassing us from behind...didn't think much of it until I got inside the front door and noticed a large group of AD inside the keep also...

                            they had knocked a hole in the east wall near the inner keep's side door...

                            once the inner keep front door went down there was a good number of EP folks hanging around the two flags waiting to greet us...

                            while fighting EP, AD made their way in to the inner keep and added to the complete chaos going on...things got real choppy at times - but didn't get kicked...

                            was on my stam dk...lots of health and resistances...great for large melees...i have werewolf and corrosive armor slotted - at the moment, maybe my favorite ultimate combination on any character...

                            got a nice 11k tick for the keep...fighting was still going on a while after the tick...

                            that was a great story ballcap - i was wondering to myself if you have rp kind of stuff going on in your mind while you're playing...if so, that would be even more freaking awesome :)
                            PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                          • geonsocal
                            the new pts notes are out:

                            the only thing which really stuck out to me was this:

                              [*]Decreased the damage done by all Light Attacks by approximately 20%.
                              [*]Decreased the damage done by all Heavy Attacks by approximately 13%.
                              Developer Comments: All Light Attacks now scale their damage with your stats at the exact same rate. All Heavy Attacks now scale their damage with your stats at the exact same rate, but have a consistent damage modifier applied to them based on the length of their cast times.

                              Buffs and Debuffs
                                [*]Major Courage: This is a new buff category that grants 258 Weapon and Spell Damage. It is currently granted by the Spell Power Cure and Vestment of Olorime Item Sets.

                                edit: the more i think about the upcoming "slight" cyrodiil changes - the less enthused i am...

                                i'm not really interested in getting in to drawn out npc fights at resources...i like the way siege works right now - i can use the ballistas for everything...

                                more and more i'm becoming increasingly irritated by wheelers' "crusade" against AP tick leeches - cuz, i'm a very good AP tick leecher :p
                                Edited by geonsocal on April 30, 2018 6:39PM
                                PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                              • Ballcap
                                geonsocal wrote: »

                                that was a great story ballcap - i was wondering to myself if you have rp kind of stuff going on in your mind while you're playing...if so, that would be even more freaking awesome :)

                                I do RP in my head a bit while playing. Otherwise, why play? :smile: Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in Spreadsheet the Game where it's all about min/max numbers and optimizing performance but other times, I just want to whale on some dude with the holy fire of the gods. I enjoy the RP aspect to a degree, but I also like the absurdity of some game mechanics when trying to make it fit. I don't RP (or do anything) too seriously.

                                I ran into fellow thread poster Abyss in game. He and his group got me and me and my group got them. I did shovel his body and he whispered me, but it was all in good fun.
                              • geonsocal
                                Ballcap wrote: »
                                Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in Spreadsheet the Game where it's all about min/max numbers and optimizing performance but other times, I just want to whale on some dude with the holy fire of the gods.

                                oh my goodness...this had me cracking up like seem like a pretty mellow person...i imagine like many folks though - once the action starts - it's on...

                                man, i've said it a hundred times here...but, the most challenging part of pvp for me is the first 30 minutes or so i'm logged in to cyrodiil...

                                particularly if i haven't played a certain character for awhile, or, haven't pvped in a while - or, just had one of 'those" days at work and i just wanna kill stuff :)

                                i'll die repeatedly by being overly aggressive and trying to run over everyone i see - which - for a lot of characters - just, doesn't suit the way they're built...

                                even after all this time - i still can't control that particular aspect of the game...

                                that's way cool you have such a great connection with your character...if, i'm playing the same character for a few days i can start to feel much better connected...but, for those whom consistently play the same character, or, a select few characters - i can definitely see how the experience would be much deeper...
                                Edited by geonsocal on April 30, 2018 9:35PM
                                PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                              • TequilaFire
                                ESO's new and improved ballista arrow!
                              • geonsocal
                                ESO's new and improved ballista arrow!

                                that's funny :)

                                seriously though...after jumping back in to pvp, i started thinking about the upcoming updates for cyrodiil and - other than game performance improvements - I can't think of anything that'a coming that'll enhance my play as a solo participant...

                                I don't know, maybe with the underpop bonuses kicking in much quicker perhaps it will help campaigns stay more balanced, but, not really so sure about that...

                                nerfing my primary siege weapon, buffing resource guards, eliminating "leech" AP...none of that is doing much for me...

                                I'll give them taking off the resource could be fun if you were inside the tower, or wanted the challenge if you were outside to get in and make it upstairs...but, led to a lot of stale gameplay...

                                i'm also glad the old proc sets were toned down in pvp...but, those old sets have already been replaced by new proc sets...

                                I mean damn...add some new siege weapons, buff mount speed...update keep architecture...decrease group something with a huge map and lot a of unused space...

                                don't *** with my easy AP...

                                ugh, end rant :)
                                Edited by geonsocal on April 30, 2018 9:36PM
                                PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                              • geonsocal
                                just got into another all alliance fight at was pretty hard to play at times...

                                times like that it's great to be wrapped in heavy, spamming BoL and unstoppable :p

                                was cool to watch...even though it was super choppy...AD owned the keep, but, there was also a sizable group of EP inside the keep...

                                EP took it from us before we could even "unflag" the keep...

                                I went through over a dozen health pots...
                                PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
                              • dotme
                                geonsocal wrote: »
                                seriously though...after jumping back in to pvp, i started thinking about the upcoming updates for cyrodiil and - other than game performance improvements - I can't think of anything that'a coming that'll enhance my play as a solo participant...
                                I agree. This was Vivec, our only 30 day CP campaign, at 11 AM Eastern on Saturday April 21st - 11 days left and AD already up by 12K (I think they're up by 17K now?)


                                I don't know why we all think that the people who neglected PvP for years, resulting in the decimation of participation and population, are magically the ones qualified to fix it. Guilds have eroded, qualified crowns hard to come by, zerg lag so bad that skills don't fire and animations don't work, and the response is to further nerf solo play and weaken siege, cut light/heavy attack damage by 15-20%, strengthen guards to discourage the solo crews to do anything other than zerg-surf, and of course we'll continue to "think about" faction stacking. Based on the screenshot above, I'd say the time for "thinking" is over.

                                I know I've said it before, but ESO Alliance War PVP had such huge potential. It's one of the most amazing things I've seen on console. When I first played it 3 years ago, my jaw dropped - But it's been headed in the wrong direction for years, and my confidence is low that weakening solo play and the tools used to defend keeps against 70-strong zergs will turn it around.

                                Of course, it will all look rosy when Midyear Mahem kicks off around the same time as the update and everyone jumps in for their double AP. "See - we fixed PvP!" But... come August, when everything settles back down, I'm expecting even Vivec to no longer be pop-locked in primetime. I just see wasted potential and squandered opportunity.

                                I'm not mad. It's their game... they can do what they want. But it's my money, and I'll probably stop subscribing unless they can bring back the experience that led me to become a subscriber in the first place.


                              • reiverx
                                dotme wrote: »
                                geonsocal wrote: »
                                seriously though...after jumping back in to pvp, i started thinking about the upcoming updates for cyrodiil and - other than game performance improvements - I can't think of anything that'a coming that'll enhance my play as a solo participant...
                                I agree. This was Vivec, our only 30 day CP campaign, at 11 AM Eastern on Saturday April 21st - 11 days left and AD already up by 12K (I think they're up by 17K now?)


                                I don't know why we all think that the people who neglected PvP for years, resulting in the decimation of participation and population, are magically the ones qualified to fix it. Guilds have eroded, qualified crowns hard to come by, zerg lag so bad that skills don't fire and animations don't work, and the response is to further nerf solo play and weaken siege, cut light/heavy attack damage by 15-20%, strengthen guards to discourage the solo crews to do anything other than zerg-surf, and of course we'll continue to "think about" faction stacking. Based on the screenshot above, I'd say the time for "thinking" is over.

                                I know I've said it before, but ESO Alliance War PVP had such huge potential. It's one of the most amazing things I've seen on console. When I first played it 3 years ago, my jaw dropped - But it's been headed in the wrong direction for years, and my confidence is low that weakening solo play and the tools used to defend keeps against 70-strong zergs will turn it around.

                                Of course, it will all look rosy when Midyear Mahem kicks off around the same time as the update and everyone jumps in for their double AP. "See - we fixed PvP!" But... come August, when everything settles back down, I'm expecting even Vivec to no longer be pop-locked in primetime. I just see wasted potential and squandered opportunity.

                                I'm not mad. It's their game... they can do what they want. But it's my money, and I'll probably stop subscribing unless they can bring back the experience that led me to become a subscriber in the first place.


                                When the company moved their focus to the crown store, PVP had no chance.
                              • TequilaFire
                                But all those that jumped to AD are "playing with friends"! smh
                              • Takes-No-Prisoner
                                27m AP

                                3.0 All that AP I wish I had
                              • wazzz56
                                sup guys, been away for a while, just stopping in to say hello...what is new? I have hit 5 stars, now have 8 nbs, um....been magblade ganking with a total aids build and bombing on my templar yeah Hope all is well :)
                                GM Tig Ole Critties ps5 NA small scale PvP guild

                                "After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
                              • dotme
                                27m AP

                                3.0 All that AP I wish I had

                                lol I'd have a lot less AP if the Golden ever sold useful (or guild-tradable) goodies. I'm not tight with my AP either. I spring for camps, siege, repair kits of all types, soul gems etc. My /played time on that character is an alarming 160 days, most spent in Cyrodiil, so I guess the stuff just adds up. She got her start in Blackwater Blade many moons ago.

                                Like wazzz65, I got my first ever PvP Grand Overlord rank on that character last weekend (In Shor, ironically - Not much AP to be had in Vivec with the population imbalance on the day in question) so I'm happy about that. :smile:
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