Khaos_Bane wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »There is a lot of commentary on how lackluster the Destro ult is - and for good reason. If I want to use an overly expensive large AoE DOT, I most certainly will be using standard, veil, negate, and Nova because they have other important functions besides damage.
There is not enough discussion on how bad the resto staff ultimate. If I am reading the description correctly, only ONE person gets that heal and the buff. It is not replacing warhorn, it doesn't provided nearly as much healing as the Templar ultimate (which is itself not very good), and is something that would not help complete a Raid or Trial faster. Also, who is going to take the Life giver morph? While that at least has the virtue of healing more than one person, it still isn't as good at the templar ultimate and people are going to take Light's Champion morph because the healing provided is poor and the buffs are the only thing valuable about the ultimate in the first place.
The problem with both resto + destro staff is imo that they don´t have "competition". Resto is the only defensive magica weapon option. Destro is the only offensive one.
This leads to the poor state the magica weaponlines are currently in. They´re used anyways and by not having an alternative that should ideally see use aswell there is no need to put any effort into balancing them.
Things don´t need to be desireable if they´re the only option. And zos has gone out of their way assuring thats the case by nerfing possible ways to utilize dw and shields for magica.
There are 3 DD Stamina weapon lines and only 1 DD Magicka weapon line.
(S&B and Resto being defensive/support)
The solution is perhaps very simple:
Split the Destro up in 3 separate Magicka weapon lines !!!
With different abilities and passives and with 3 different Ultimates.
What we now have is one weapon lines flavored with the 3 kinds of elemental damage.
But once we have really 3 weapon lines, they can each have a truly another character
from more defensive to more offensive
from more sustain to more burst
Yep, splitting staves into skill lines by element would be amazing, but ZoS is LAZY with MAG weapons. They put ZERO thought into the ultimates and it is glaringly obvious. If Wrobel only likes the STA skills they need to bring someone else in to design MAG, because this is complete BS.
Hiero_Glyph wrote: »I would personally love to see each destruction staff type get its own skill tree and ultimate. This would also let those 386 spell damage for cold/shock actually become viable and could stack with the 386 destro set, just like physical and 2H/DW can.
I started with elemental storm. I tried using meteor multiple times, to reach the same crit value of elemental storm. But meteor always had like twice the crit chance. I don't know why. But even IF elemental storm had the same crit chance, it would still be less damage.
But all is not lost by comparison. @Alcast posted a quick video of the 2Hand a Bow Ult's in use against single targets explaining their mechanics. The problem I see is exactly what I stated earlier in this thread, the Synergies of multiple sets making Already strong Stamina abilities Godlike to many.
Nightblade is Back Baby! J/K they never left lol.
In the video at 2:00 minutes with 2hand Ult, he hit for a little bit, just 106,555! damage...poor PVE beetle.
But all is not lost by comparison. @Alcast posted a quick video of the 2Hand a Bow Ult's in use against single targets explaining their mechanics. The problem I see is exactly what I stated earlier in this thread, the Synergies of multiple sets making Already strong Stamina abilities Godlike to many.
Nightblade is Back Baby! J/K they never left lol.
In the video at 2:00 minutes with 2hand Ult, he hit for a little bit, just 106,555! damage...poor PVE beetle.
You can't really base Ult damage off Beetles vs PvP.
The Turret though for Bow is super good in PvP though it seems.
The other Morph suffers from Soul Assault problem but Turret works great.
But all is not lost by comparison. @Alcast posted a quick video of the 2Hand a Bow Ult's in use against single targets explaining their mechanics. The problem I see is exactly what I stated earlier in this thread, the Synergies of multiple sets making Already strong Stamina abilities Godlike to many.
Nightblade is Back Baby! J/K they never left lol.
In the video at 2:00 minutes with 2hand Ult, he hit for a little bit, just 106,555! damage...poor PVE beetle.
You can't really base Ult damage off Beetles vs PvP.
The Turret though for Bow is super good in PvP though it seems.
The other Morph suffers from Soul Assault problem but Turret works great.
I am sure with that ulti you could hit 200k on that poor beetle.
The only thing I do not like is that it gives you INSTA ulti back. Should be reduced to 50% or smth like that.
But all is not lost by comparison. @Alcast posted a quick video of the 2Hand a Bow Ult's in use against single targets explaining their mechanics. The problem I see is exactly what I stated earlier in this thread, the Synergies of multiple sets making Already strong Stamina abilities Godlike to many.
Nightblade is Back Baby! J/K they never left lol.
In the video at 2:00 minutes with 2hand Ult, he hit for a little bit, just 106,555! damage...poor PVE beetle.
You can't really base Ult damage off Beetles vs PvP.
The Turret though for Bow is super good in PvP though it seems.
The other Morph suffers from Soul Assault problem but Turret works great.
I am sure with that ulti you could hit 200k on that poor beetle.
The only thing I do not like is that it gives you INSTA ulti back. Should be reduced to 50% or smth like that.
But all is not lost by comparison. @Alcast posted a quick video of the 2Hand a Bow Ult's in use against single targets explaining their mechanics. The problem I see is exactly what I stated earlier in this thread, the Synergies of multiple sets making Already strong Stamina abilities Godlike to many.
Nightblade is Back Baby! J/K they never left lol.
In the video at 2:00 minutes with 2hand Ult, he hit for a little bit, just 106,555! damage...poor PVE beetle.
You can't really base Ult damage off Beetles vs PvP.
The Turret though for Bow is super good in PvP though it seems.
The other Morph suffers from Soul Assault problem but Turret works great.
I am sure with that ulti you could hit 200k on that poor beetle.
The only thing I do not like is that it gives you INSTA ulti back. Should be reduced to 50% or smth like that.
That's only if it kills the target no? Suppose you could use it to run around one shotting beetles.
They missed the boat completely on destro staff ultis. They should have been single target burst ultis with a ost of 150-175
Flame arrow/lightning bolt/icespike (with relative affects). Why anyone would use the destro ulti as it is now is beyond me.
Shadesofkin wrote: »I think the biggest issue I have with the Destruction Ultimate is that you have something essentially sitting right there with the Celestial Mage. She sends out a shockwave that does a ton of damage and knocks down players. that, but make it elemental type damage and give each element a specific difference. Lightning can be much bigger, Fire can do more damage, Ice can debuff.
I mean, the ultimate as is is pretty, but it's so utterly redundant that it's not even an option.
Shadesofkin wrote: »I think the biggest issue I have with the Destruction Ultimate is that you have something essentially sitting right there with the Celestial Mage. She sends out a shockwave that does a ton of damage and knocks down players. that, but make it elemental type damage and give each element a specific difference. Lightning can be much bigger, Fire can do more damage, Ice can debuff.
I mean, the ultimate as is is pretty, but it's so utterly redundant that it's not even an option.
Ok so someone want to tell me this is ballanced
Even with 1 tick on crit and applying burning status effect still destro staff ultimate deals less dmg and cost more. What the hell Zenimax? The larger area is anough to equals the deal? No ! I'm telling this right now noone will use this ultimate over meteor which also gives 2% more magicka when slotted. Comparing to stamina weapon ultimates this one is more then underhelming. There is only 1 magicka offensive weapon and 4 stamina offensive weapons so this 1 magicka weapon should have ultimate that outshines others and instead of this we get trash that noone will ever use. Well maybe if someone like fireworks. I would rather preffer to use dual wield ultimate on magicka build running with dual wield/destro then destro staff ultimate.
Ok so someone want to tell me this is ballanced
Even with 1 tick on crit and applying burning status effect still destro staff ultimate deals less dmg and cost more. What the hell Zenimax? The larger area is anough to equals the deal? No ! I'm telling this right now noone will use this ultimate over meteor which also gives 2% more magicka when slotted. Comparing to stamina weapon ultimates this one is more then underhelming. There is only 1 magicka offensive weapon and 4 stamina offensive weapons so this 1 magicka weapon should have ultimate that outshines others and instead of this we get trash that noone will ever use. Well maybe if someone like fireworks. I would rather preffer to use dual wield ultimate on magicka build running with dual wield/destro then destro staff ultimate.
Thanks for this, nice write up.
And you even used elemental rage, while I used eye of the storm
Let's see. I am confident, that they will offer us some love during the next few weeks.
I mean, 90% of the comments in this thread are (rightfully) complaining about the destruction staff ultimate. They can't ignore this. But I'm afraid, they will give it a typical Zenimax buff. Like 10% reduced costwhich obviously wouldn't change anything at all.
It's a bad ultimate. No one is going to use a destro staff aoe ultimate. They could lower the cost to 175 and up the damage 25% and still no one would bother with it. There are already a plethora of magicka aoe ultis that are all good for certain situations. Destro staff needed to be a single target burst ulti that hit like an M1 Abrams tank.Ok so someone want to tell me this is ballanced
Even with 1 tick on crit and applying burning status effect still destro staff ultimate deals less dmg and cost more. What the hell Zenimax? The larger area is anough to equals the deal? No ! I'm telling this right now noone will use this ultimate over meteor which also gives 2% more magicka when slotted. Comparing to stamina weapon ultimates this one is more then underhelming. There is only 1 magicka offensive weapon and 4 stamina offensive weapons so this 1 magicka weapon should have ultimate that outshines others and instead of this we get trash that noone will ever use. Well maybe if someone like fireworks. I would rather preffer to use dual wield ultimate on magicka build running with dual wield/destro then destro staff ultimate.
Thanks for this, nice write up.
And you even used elemental rage, while I used eye of the storm
Let's see. I am confident, that they will offer us some love during the next few weeks.
I mean, 90% of the comments in this thread are (rightfully) complaining about the destruction staff ultimate. They can't ignore this. But I'm afraid, they will give it a typical Zenimax buff. Like 10% reduced costwhich obviously wouldn't change anything at all.
Ok so someone want to tell me this is ballanced
Even with 1 tick on crit and applying burning status effect still destro staff ultimate deals less dmg and cost more. What the hell Zenimax? The larger area is anough to equals the deal? No ! I'm telling this right now noone will use this ultimate over meteor which also gives 2% more magicka when slotted. Comparing to stamina weapon ultimates this one is more then underhelming. There is only 1 magicka offensive weapon and 4 stamina offensive weapons so this 1 magicka weapon should have ultimate that outshines others and instead of this we get trash that noone will ever use. Well maybe if someone like fireworks. I would rather preffer to use dual wield ultimate on magicka build running with dual wield/destro then destro staff ultimate.
Thanks for this, nice write up.
And you even used elemental rage, while I used eye of the storm
Let's see. I am confident, that they will offer us some love during the next few weeks.
I mean, 90% of the comments in this thread are (rightfully) complaining about the destruction staff ultimate. They can't ignore this. But I'm afraid, they will give it a typical Zenimax buff. Like 10% reduced costwhich obviously wouldn't change anything at all.
As long as ZoS follows three steps of logic they will be fine:
1. Will it offer a group utility that is better then negate (if yes stop if no move down)
2. Will it offer more dps then a meteor (if yes stop if no move down)
3. Out of options, so reduce the cost to 100 ult (70 with sorc passive) and be done with it.