vamp_emily wrote: »
So your point is? You listened to my complaint but you basically said i didn't know what i was talking about? And you want what is best for BwB? lol. If you are going to post things I say.. post them all.
You think I am wrong? You want to know what people are saying right now, and It has nothing to do with mei got screenshots but instead I will just type what they said
- Camp their home keeps
- Give them exactly what they gave us yesterday
- Ya yesterday the emp was camping our home keeps
- *** them
- I don't give a *** anymore
And you think I am wrong? lol
I couldn't care less. You've made your choice and obviously there's no changing it so i'm not going to be light-hearted about it. I'm just going to push on EP's side. AD will push from AD's side and we'll just dethrone so that in the next 8 hours, you can come back here and tell me that it's unfair that it was 2 factions vs. one.
That's perfectly and pretty much what we always get. What Emily was objecting to is when there's AD transfuges in EP, clearly just conveniently screwing our backlines while there's an AD emp running around. It lends support to her AvA argument.
Other thing is we got blamed for encouraging people to camp home keeps, when it's something we had never done or encouraged and got sent a 'message'. Since we got that blame anyway, why should we continue to tell people not to do it? I'll go get some free AP at those keeps like solo players have been doing, thanks. Good job alienating the very people who have told pugs/randoms not to do the behavior you explicitly despise.
Emily left pugz because she didn't like us explicitly telling people not to camp your home keeps. Should have given a few people a clue about where DC generally stands on that.
Vurian, go away. Nobody believes a single thing you say anyway.
And Kazu, I put up a really lazy defense at Fare the other day with one other person because I was bored out of my mind after spending the 8 hours or so being emp either sleeping, crafting or doing pledges. I'm not particularly hard to kill anyway.
The Daggerfall Covenant has brought on some attention to it's self apparently. Blackwater Blade, Azura's Star, and Haderus were all trapped to their tri-keeps all of yesterday and the day before Haderus & Azura's Star both. Not sure if there is a trend going on here or if just coincidence..
I actually believe most of what @Vurian97 says. My offer regarding running 6 trebs still stands because we all know that isn't true.
My problem was with them rolling AD when we already had pop advantage and EP was a ghost town.
Let me know when you get a 62k d-tick again at Nik in BwB, Vurian. Maybe I'll consider your opinions again then.
I actually believe most of what @Vurian97 says. My offer regarding running 6 trebs still stands because we all know that isn't true.
My problem was with them rolling AD when we already had pop advantage and EP was a ghost town.
I actually believe most of what @Vurian97 says. My offer regarding running 6 trebs still stands because we all know that isn't true.
Valen_Byte wrote: »
Addressing both of these comments at the same time because they are related. I personally saw Vurian run 6 ice trebs, no down time. He was going for more but only did 6. Confirmed.
vamp_emily wrote: »Is DC not up for that challenge? Last night didn't look particularly unbalanced to anyone I know. Certainly not based on the number of people I would guess were in @Defialed 's group. I have this suspicion that 10ish (and he can confirm how many were actually there because I have no clue) EP have not fundamentally changed the dynamics of Cyrodiil.
I know you have a hard time seeing the point, but I understand. when AD has 3 bars and everyone else has 2 bars, you think that is balanced. But really it is more like DC 2 bars vs ( EP/AD ) 5 bars. Is that hard to understand?
They were more of a distraction than anything, but their motives should have been trying to get their scrolls back or trying to dethrone. If they were looking for fun, then don't you think they would have fun doing that? Instead of helping AD?