After the Dark Brotherhood dlc i wasn't able to log into any of my characters for 9 days, I would crash trying to load in.
I finally got to play for 3 days and since yesterday after I my game crashed i haven't been able to log into any of my characters yet again.
tinythinker wrote: »For context, threads like this go back to PC launch. ZOS has seen hundreds of them. The whole communicate better/stop pushing buggy stuff/fix the lag in Cyro rant is old hat. I'm not against people complaining or expressing their frustration, but neither the issues or the complaints are new. This the studio. This is the game. There is no FFXIV-style reboot in the works. You will get what they can deliver when they can get it out, whatever and whenever that is. Many who've called it unacceptable are still here, many have left, but this is how it is with ESO.
Well, if it's a bottomline thing, maybe people should take a month break away from ESO and ESOplus... maybe they'll hear us then.
Well, I was just resource gathering in Craglorn and had the thought "wow, I haven't lagged or DCd yet", then I DCd. Listen @tinythinker , eventually they will lose their players if they don't fix things. Where are they getting good stuff in the press besides what their PR people are writing? I'm seeing a lot more bad press than good press when it's not controlled by them. And, by keeping quiet about things has never worked on getting anything done... Check history. So, I will complain and not sit idly by while they take my money. Eventually something else that is less broken will come along. Oh, btw, while writing this, I DC'd trying to log into my character again. If you think this is acceptable, then by all means, continue looking at it as "it's a waste of time to complain because nothing changes". I'll complain until I feel that the game is beyond hope. If ZOS is monitoring this thread, don't make the rest of us hopeless.
I reset my router every day before I play and hard reset my Xbox. I also have a great internet connection. I have felt like those things partially worked until tonight. I was sent to the Xbox dashboard at least 10 times while in Cyrodiil. There weren't that many players fighting. I finally heard back from Zos support about all of my disconnects and they told me to contact Xbox support. What?! I don't even know who to contact there!
So what do you think could be done about the loading screens? Is it the extra lore and pictures they do in loading screens? Bad coding? Something else?The long loading screens is one thing I don't like.Yea my patience is being sorely tested. I've adjusted to the crappy performance since 1.6 and I can accept that MMOs that have bugs, glitches and exploits that can be difficult to fix. It is crazy to think of all the updates we have had since 1.6 and performance is as crappy as ever. Makes me think they are incapable of fixing it.
However, this loading screen bug is really getting on my nerves. One of the most basic functions of ANY game is to load properly in a timely manner. This one is costing me a lot of my limited play time as well as random CTDs I never used to get before.
The most concerning thing though is a minor annoyance that should be easily and rapidly fixed and that is the continuous spam emails congratulating 160 Champ rank. How hard could this be to fix in a timely manner.
I'm really losing my faith in their ability to properly manage and maintain this game which pains me as I really to love the underlying design and foundation of the game which continues to crumble with every update.
I honestly wish I knew. Back when they "fixed" the long loading screen thing, they found that the game was trying to load up all of the completed quest data and the incompleted quest data. So, I don't know what's causing the random load screens or the continued long loading screens. Is it the servers? The programming? No clue.
I would like to know if people with big ram like 16 gigs or more and an SSD still have long loading screens? I have 8 gigs ram and TB HDD. I noticed that when I started doing 4K res, loading seemed to slow a bit more. Could be my imagination..
Wow! Now that's frustrating as hell. I'm so sorry. Just out of curiosity, do you have ESOplus?
Wow! Now that's frustrating as hell. I'm so sorry. Just out of curiosity, do you have ESOplus?
I reset my router every day before I play and hard reset my Xbox. I also have a great internet connection. I have felt like those things partially worked until tonight. I was sent to the Xbox dashboard at least 10 times while in Cyrodiil. There weren't that many players fighting. I finally heard back from Zos support about all of my disconnects and they told me to contact Xbox support. What?! I don't even know who to contact there!
I run i7 5820K. 32GB's RAM. x2 GTX970's in SLI ~8GB GPU. Run ESO off a dedicated Sandisk ExtremePro SSD 512GB, running LAN connection BT infinity ~52MB.
I run only 1 add on Advanced UI when playing PvP orientated content. Playing from just outside capital city, Belfast, where the internet speed is amazing.
I have recently turned a lot of settings to MEDIUM on ESO to try and get the game to run better. Disconnected 4 times tonight, lagged out then D/C'ed on NO CP campaign. Don't even go to TrueFlame anymore as it was unbearable when population increased.
I have played almost all Elder Scrolls games, love the style the lore and the games in general. I am getting frustrated i have a top end PC and running this game in medium settings. I cant even imagine gameplay on a lesser machine.
Log onto other games i play and they run sweet and smooth in 2K. Problems on ESO's end, not mine. Even more frustrating when i get automated replies to my support tickets saying make sure your machine is up to spec.
Imagine our frustration on the consoleThey're pushing us onto Microsoft and saying it's a Microsoft issue. Wonder if PS4 players are being pushed to contact Sony...
Haha! They probably ARE using the same service as Comcast (or insert any other cable company name here)!
davidj8291 wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno
ARE YOU LISTENING??? I'm sick and tired of losing to EP because they can win the "Who has the most players left after everyone DC's" battle
I'm sick of DCing 4 times in one keep defense.
I'm sick of my attacks breaking every time I'm trying to fight.
I'm sick of your new poisons that drain resources being an instadrain that sends you from 32k stamina to zero in one hit, not over time like YOU PROGRAMMED IT TO.
And most of all, I am SICK AND TIRED of paying you money to lose to people because of your crap servers and programming.
When this game works, it's amazing. But it RARELY WORKS WHEN IT MATTERS.
Fix it. Now. Not a pseudo fix in three to four weeks. NOW.
Take some time. Really sit down and work on things. Stop pumping out Crown store content and FIX THE GAMEPLAY.
tinythinker wrote: »For context, threads like this go back to PC launch. ZOS has seen hundreds of them. The whole communicate better/stop pushing buggy stuff/fix the lag in Cyro rant is old hat. I'm not against people complaining or expressing their frustration, but neither the issues or the complaints are new. This the studio. This is the game. There is no FFXIV-style reboot in the works. You will get what they can deliver when they can get it out, whatever and whenever that is. Many who've called it unacceptable are still here, many have left, but this is how it is with ESO.
Cherryblossom wrote: »
Sadly this is so True, I was one of those people at launch demanding that ZOS responded to the community, but I was shot down most of the time by others saying this is what you should expect from an online game!
At no point during my time playing have I seen any improvement with ZOS customer Service or Support, they simply do not care.
It has been nice to see there have been no defenders in this thread though, just angry people who deserve a better service.
Unsubbing or stop playing makes no difference to ZOS, unless we all stop, then they will simply shut the game down. I honestly believe they really do not care about us or the game. If you disagree with me, let me know why!