Eidetic Memory Bugs/Comments/Help

BUGGED BOOKS Patch 3.2.5

This Spreadsheet is an ongoing list of problem books and fixed books: Eidetic Memory Bugged Books List

This is an on-going effort to make certain that all books listed in the Eidetic Memory are accessible to all characters, so that 100% completion of the Eidetic Memory may be obtained (between DLCs and Chapters of course!)

There are a few problems that arise that cause books to become inaccessible:
1. They exist inside an area only accessible while the character has the quest. Reading these is not a requirement on the quest.
2. They are a quest item, they may start the quest and/or be read during the quest, but after the quest they have no location in the world. Some of these MUST be read in the quest inventory while on the quest in order to register.
3. Phasing. Some areas in the world change as the character progresses the story in the area and some books are only seen before the story is done.
4. Alliance restricted (this applies to a very few books that only exist within the alliance bases in Cyrodiil)
5. Other

Last but not least, Community help to locate missing books. It would be great if ZoS could confirm books the Community cannot locate are actually in the game:)

I want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who is contributing to this thread/project, you all rock!

If you have trouble finding the following books, please check the spoilers for screenshots:

Letter to Artisan Craftworks: Letters and Missives: Mournhold, Deshaan

Or Else: Daedric Cults: Fighter's Guild area, Riften

A Death Desired: Final Words: (moved in Update 12): Cyrodiil

Kalodar's Letter: Final Words: Venim Woods area, The Rift

Larellei, Wenayasille, Morilata, Angalayond: Mysteries and Clues: Rivenspire thank you @StrangerFull for the new location and screenshots!

Missing Citizens: Mysteries and Clues: Dawnbreak, Auridon
Imperial City Bookshelf Guide

This is the route I take through IC to check the bookshelves. I play EP and this may not be the most logical route for your character. I tried to show the path as clearly as I can (yay Paint!) but the maps aren't that detailed to begin with. I also took a screenshot at each bookcase to hopefully help you locate them all:)

Temple District:
IC Bookshelf 1:
IC Bookshelf 2:
IC Bookshelf 3:
Jump down to reach bookshelf 3.
IC Bookshelf 4:
IC Bookshelf 5:
Bookshelf 5 is in the same room as bookshelf 4.
IC Bookshelf 6:
IC Bookshelf 7:

Nobles District: Be aware there is a patrolling boss monster along this route!
IC Bookshelf 8:
IC Bookshelf 9:

Elven Gardens District:
IC Bookshelf 10:
There is also a bookshelf under the capture area in this district.

Memorial District:
IC Bookshelf 11:
aka the "book stacks"

Not on my map, thanks for those who found these additional bookshelves.
8 Bookshelves in Temple of Rectory in SE Memorial
1 Bookshelf in Elven Gardens under the Flag

I found no bookshelves in the Arena or Arboretum districts.

Try these tips/locations if you have trouble finding the following books.
  • The Knighting Ceremony: Rituals and Revelations:
  • The Hidden Key: Mysteries and Clues:
  • Knowing Satakal: Devoted and Deranged: IC Bookshelf (Book Stack room in Memorial)
  • The Fires Guide the Way: Mysteries and Clues: Shada's Tear, Craglorn in the City District, book starts quest (repeatable) and the prompt on read says "The Light Holds the Way" instead of the proper title.
  • Mauloch, Orc-Father: Lore and Culture: inside Abamath Ruins, Malabal Tor; also found on IC bookshelves
  • Letter to Egranor: Letters and Missives:
    Thanks @StrangerFull for the screenshots
  • Tome of Daedric Portals: Daedric Cults: inside Eldrald Undercroft in Rivenspire. On a table just to the left as you enter the circular room with the daedric portal thingy.
  • Mercano's Journal: Personal Journals: inside the Mages Guild in Woodhearth, Greenshade, on a stool in front of the right fireplace
  • Star Teeth, Volume 1: Rituals and Revelations:
    Thanks @Sounomi for the screenshot.
  • Quartermaster's Log: Diaries and Logs: Blackheart Haven; Thank @StrangerFull for the screenshots.
  • Distribution Notes: Houses, Shops, and Trade: Kalari's House in S'ren-ja. If you go upstairs there is a wardrobe that actually leads into a secret room. There are bookshelves on either side of the door leading back out which have the lorebooks on them. Thanks @jackhburgess
  • Enak-do's Ledger: Houses, Shops, and Trade: same as above

Happy Book Hunting All!
Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 24, 2024 8:05PM
  • Ayantir
    Next update of LoreBok should pop next tuesday depending on ZOS.

    I'll make some change in order to give you the coordinates of some rare randoms in case of false positives.
    And give something to dump your missing books

    @ZOS : Could this topic being moved in another forum, maybe "Other Locales" could be appropriate. This one will get lost here.

    Thank you.

    @Mix @StrangerFull @Whilhelmina @nudel @Hermod @Qyrk @Llogwey
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  • Mix
    I never even noticed that forum before!

    I play on the NA server and Lorebooks said something about the recording books thing only working for EU?
  • Troneon
    Bump :) Keep this going!!!
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
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  • thawks
    This is a big pet peeve of mine. I want them all, dammit.
    • Hears-the-Wind's Note, Note from Maryn: These two were added with the release of the DB DLC, but don't seem to be available in-game yet. Khasaad's Treasure Map seems to be in a similar position.
    • A Death Desired: Based on context it should be located near Sancre Tor (in Cyrodiil, not the area you visit during the main quest), but I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
    • Avenge Us!: Hedoran Estate in Cyrodiil.
    • Lieutenant Jascien's Last Missive: Based on context it should be located near Cath Bedraud, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
    • I Count the Nights: Blackheart Haven, coordinates 0.59, 0.54
    • Picnic Note: Cyrodiil, coordinates 0.20, 0.48.
    • To the Veiled Masters: Based on context it should be located in the Elden Root Altmer Embassy. There is a page in one of the rooms on the lower floor that is uninteractable, so I'm guessing that's the one.
    • Adainaz's Journal: Based on context it should be located in (veteran?) Darkshade Caverns, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere.

    RE: Dawn of the Exalted Viper: Is it possible to get this book by grouping with someone who has not completed the quest and porting into Skyreach Temple?

    I've also had trouble with the following books:
    • Dead Man's Drop: Rituals and Revelations: This one used to be located in the Mages Guild in Velyn Harbor, but that no longer seems to be the case.
    • Tharayya's Journal, Entry [2, 7, 10, 19]: Rituals and Revelations: Cannot be found if one completes the Volenfell public dungeon before the related quest.
    • The Collected Theory Hypothesis: The Devoted and the Deranged
    • Jofnir's Journal: Personal Journals: Does not register as read. Might be quest related.
    • A Reminder from the Judge: Letters and Missives: Should be located in the Court of Contempt in Coldharbour, but I can't seem to find it.
    • Eyes of the Queen Only: Notes and Memos
    • Note from Commander Derre: Notes and Memos: Should be located in the Lion's Den in the Rift, but I can't seem to find it. Might be quest related.
    • Note from Jeegren: Notes and Memos: Should be located in Hightide Hollow in Deshaan, but I can't seem to find it.
    • Someday It'll Be Just You: Notes and Memos
    • Grida's Note to Dralof: Final Words: There is one book called "Grida's Note" which does not exist elsewhere in the library, but it doesn't register for me.
    • Might As Well Die Fighting: Final Words
    • Destroyer's Rest: Words of the Poets: Found in the Bone Orchard, but cannot be collected post-quest as it is located behind a locked door.
    • Ancient Nord Tablet: Wrothgar Writings
    • Torug ag Krazak: Wrothgar Writings
  • Ayantir
    Mix wrote: »
    I never even noticed that forum before!

    I play on the NA server and Lorebooks said something about the recording books thing only working for EU?

    Because datamining is sent by ingame mail and I'm playing on EU, it's only available to only EU players.

    And it's easier than merging data, etc.

    This stuff still require me to be logged on daily on eso. (i still receive ~60 mails a day).

    Before DB it was ~90 mails a day.
    With the mailbox limitation at 70, I was forced to check my mailbox twice per day in order to do not loose data.

    @thawks Hears-the-Wind's Note is the smugglers note renammed.
    Edited by Ayantir on June 8, 2016 5:55PM
    Obsessive Compulsive Elder Scrolls addons Coder
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  • anitajoneb17_ESO

    Just using this opportunity to thank you again for this huge work. Some of us (me included) are truly book- and lore-hungry and your work gives us the opportunity to not miss any of it.

  • Mix
    Ayantir wrote: »

    Which is odd because I have 2 smuggler's notes read, the third is still unread AND Hears-the-Wind's note is unread.
  • Mix

    I haven't tried grouping yet for Dawn of the Exalted Viper, but it is likely accessible that way

    I've also had trouble with the following books:
    • Dead Man's Drop: Rituals and Revelations: This one used to be located in the Mages Guild in Velyn Harbor, but that no longer seems to be the case. (I am also missing, trying to figure out if it is Phase related or what)
    • Jofnir's Journal: Personal Journals: Does not register as read. Might be quest related. (have you tried going to each alliances's Jofnir room? I think there are 3 versions of this book)
    • Eyes of the Queen Only: Notes and Memos (I am trying to find the quest associated with this one...)
    • Grida's Note to Dralof: Final Words: There is one book called "Grida's Note" which does not exist elsewhere in the library, but it doesn't register for me. (I think the one you need has been added, south of Ratmaster's Prowl, Eastmarch near the pool where the bathers were, but it doesn't glow. 46x60, I use Map Coordinates 1.6.3)
    • Ancient Nord Tablet: Wrothgar Writings (added in 2.4 it is on the floor of the House of Orsimer Glories not far from the curator)
    • Torug ag Krazak: Wrothgar Writings (pretty sure this is bugged, I did the quest today on an alt, you read it in 3 or 4 pieces but there is no untranslated full version...)

    A few of the others on your list I also was missing but found and now I have forgotten where...I will dig through my notes! and look at all my map pins.

    oh, @thawks which coordinate addon do you use?
    Edited by Mix on June 8, 2016 7:46PM
  • Mix
    • Someday It'll Be Just You: Notes and Memos (Cyrodiil, brown building north of Waterside mine, 78x51)
    • Might As Well Die Fighting: Final Words (Cyrodiil, brown building just South of Cheydinhal Foothills Dolmen, 87x41)

  • thawks

    Thanks a bunch, I was able to find Grida's Note to Dralof, the Ancient Nord Tablet, and Jofnir's Journal finally registered (being EP, reading the AD one did the trick). A quick trip to Cyrodiil yielded the last two.

    Oh yeah, and A Reminder from the Judge might also be phase-dependant now that I think about it.

    I use Map Coordinates 1.9. :)


    Really? I'm only missing the Mathiisen one, in addition to Hears-the-Wind's.
  • ArtOfShred
    "Lieutenant Jascien's Last Missive" is from a quest in Glenumbra that you can only get if you haven't started the chain at Lion Guard Redoubt yet. It's one of those alternate pointer quests. You can find it in a few places around the entrance to Cath Bedraud. It appears in one of the tents in Lion Guard Redoubt after you turn it in I believe, not sure if it shows up there otherwise.
  • Ayantir
    @Mix @StrangerFull @Whilhelmina @nudel @Hermod @Qyrk @Llogwey @Troneon @thawks @anitajoneb17_ESO @ArtOfShred

    I released a new version of LoreBooks, it'll maybe help you to find few last remaining ones.
    Obsessive Compulsive Elder Scrolls addons Coder
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  • Hermod

    Nice work
    There is only one principle of war and that's this. Hit the other fellow, as quickly as you can, as hard as you can, where it hurts him most, when he ain't lookin'

    William Slim
  • thawks

    Awesome, I'll take a look. :smile:
  • ArtOfShred
    Ayantir wrote: »
    I released a new version of LoreBooks, it'll maybe help you to find few last remaining ones.

    Hey @Ayantir, I'm curious, is there some way to make unknown Eidetic memory track before you've completed the Mages Guild quest? I'm about to start a new character and I noticed that I can't see the books unless I've already done the questline to unlock it.

    Also update looks great, thank you!
  • efster
    There's a Gold Coast Tomes book that is inaccessible after you finish a particular quest (spoiler tagged because it's quest-related):
    Reman's Fortune - Part of the Sweetroll Killer quest; it's supposed to be on the balcony of the Gold Coast Trading Company building in Anvil, but if you complete the quest without reading it, it disappears. I checked two locations where the book might have been placed post-quest -- the area around Louna's farmhouse and Razum-Dar's enchanting shop HQ -- and it's not there. :'(
    AD is the best looking faction. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
  • Epona222
    There is one in the "Wind Tunnels" in Kenarthi's Roost that I could not find on a character who missed it, cannot get back into the tunnels once the quest is done.
    There is a journal in Dresan Keep (Glenumbra) that is very easy to miss because it is part of a pile of books, again this is a location you cannot get back into once you have done the quest.
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Mix
    Epona222 wrote: »
    There is one in the "Wind Tunnels" in Kenarthi's Roost that I could not find on a character who missed it, cannot get back into the tunnels once the quest is done.
    There is a journal in Dresan Keep (Glenumbra) that is very easy to miss because it is part of a pile of books, again this is a location you cannot get back into once you have done the quest.

    Do you recall the names of these books by any chance?

    I think the Wind Tunnels one might be Ealcil's Notes, I can't recall if the third page was in the tunnels off the top of my head.
  • prnoprno
    There's a Gold Coast Tomes book that is inaccessible after you finish a particular quest (spoiler tagged because it's quest-related):
    Reman's Fortune - Part of the Sweetroll Killer quest; it's supposed to be on the balcony of the Gold Coast Trading Company building in Anvil, but if you complete the quest without reading it, it disappears. I checked two locations where the book might have been placed post-quest -- the area around Louna's farmhouse and Razum-Dar's enchanting shop HQ -- and it's not there. :'(
    I have the same problem with Naryu's Fortune and Sweetroll Recipients, the latter of which I'm nearly certain I read while it was in my inventory.
  • prnoprno
    Great work @Ayantir! I hope this receives the attention it deserves.

    Shouldn't we receive a notification when we get a book/note to read in our quest inventory? If only I knew they were available at the time, most of the ones I missed, and am now barred from, I would have read.
  • Ayantir
    prnoprno wrote: »
    Great work @Ayantir! I hope this receives the attention it deserves.

    Shouldn't we receive a notification when we get a book/note to read in our quest inventory? If only I knew they were available at the time, most of the ones I missed, and am now barred from, I would have read.

    You have "Lorebook discovered" if it's the 1st time you read the book, that's all.

    In LoreBooks addon, all book marked as being linked to a quest have all been read from inventory / quest inventory.
    They're maybe available by being on ground, but they're also in inventory.
    Edited by Ayantir on June 19, 2016 9:35PM
    Obsessive Compulsive Elder Scrolls addons Coder
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  • prnoprno
    Ayantir wrote: »
    You have "Lorebook discovered" if it's the 1st time you read the book, that's all.

    In LoreBooks addon, all book marked as being linked to a quest have all been read from inventory / quest inventory.
    They're maybe available by being on ground, but they're also in inventory.

    I suppose I've gotten confused, since some quest item "books/letters" can't be read, when I first started leveling I seldom noticed or saw the need to check if perhaps this book can be read.
  • Epona222
    Mix wrote: »

    Do you recall the names of these books by any chance?

    I think the Wind Tunnels one might be Ealcil's Notes, I can't recall if the third page was in the tunnels off the top of my head.

    The one in the Wind Tunnels is called "Roost Smuggler's Ledger" and is easy to miss as it is at the far end of one of the cave chambers and you don't naturally run close enough to see it if you just follow the quest without detouring a bit. It is not part of Elacil's notes which appear in the quest tab of the inventory for the duration of the quest (and you get 3 parts of those, one from each of the crew members that you locate at Cat's Eye Quay before entering the tunnels), the one I am referring to is in the environment only and is in the tunnels themselves.

    The one in Dresaan Keep, I am not sure of - I know I missed it on 1 of my characters, I need to check through their eidetic memory lore library and use the help of an addon to pinpoint what it was, will let you know when I work it out.

    I'm in the process of compiling a list - the other day I went through on my main and was disturbed to see that although I have done every quest in base/silver/gold zones, I am missing a LOT of eidetic memory books - some of these I know should have been logged during the process of doing quests but haven't been marked off - my main is EP and stuff like "Note in a bag of Vvardenfell Silk" which is from a sidequest in Nimalten (The Rift) which I know I have done is not marked off in my eidetic memory. Same for "Uggisar's Diary" which is a quest related one in Eastmarch. Both books are interactables on the ground and open to the text of the book when doing the quests, but for my main were never marked as read in Eidetic Memory (I got Eidetic Memory after doing those quests, although that shouldn't make a difference and they should be added retrospectively upon Eidetic Memory being granted, it is clear that some stuff that I had previously read did not get properly checked off the list - and it bugs me that I cannot get those checked off now).

    One that is placed in the inventory during a quest is "Spymaster Ramorgol's Orders", and there is another one in that quest - I have 1 of them checked off in Eidetic Memory, but not the other - and cannot find either in the world now (I would expect to find them near the questgiver at Jorunn's Stand if they had been placed in the world on quest completion, but I looked all over the encampment and cannot find the one I am missing).
    Edited by Epona222 on June 20, 2016 12:44AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • thawks

    The two in Jorunn's Stand can be found at the back of one of the big tents next to the southern entrance. They are however broken and cannot be interacted with.
  • Epona222
    thawks wrote: »

    The two in Jorunn's Stand can be found at the back of one of the big tents next to the southern entrance. They are however broken and cannot be interacted with.

    Ah OK, hopefully they will be fixed, because I had a notion to at least get everything in Eidetic Memory on my main. I got an on-screen notification the other night during a run to try to pick up missing books that I had read 2000 books so I am getting there but some are still bugged.
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Ayantir
    Don't build list until you achieved 2400/2500 books, it's a waste of time.
    You still have a lot of reading to do.

    And for books you are certain have already read and not marked as being in eidetic, it's an update, I don't remember which one (1.5 or 1.6) which marked as "not know" few books for everyone.
    Edited by Ayantir on June 20, 2016 8:41AM
    Obsessive Compulsive Elder Scrolls addons Coder
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  • Epona222
    Ayantir wrote: »
    Don't build list until you achieved 2400/2500 books, it's a waste of time.
    You still have a lot of reading to do.

    Thanks for the tip, I didn't go through all of Craglorn, Wrothgar, Hews Bane, and Gold Coast yet and will wait until I have done so to start raging about my missing books :D

    I do know though that a lot of the ones I am missing are ones I read already as part of quests (such as "Note in a bag of Vvardenfell Silk") and they didn't get added as they ought to be.
    Edited by Epona222 on June 20, 2016 8:42AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Qyrk
    Replying here to make a note to reply later.

    At the moment have 164 books left to read (with 72 still pending to be read that I know I can access). I'll be reporting back once I am able to compile a list for books that is unavailable (either inaccessible due to quest/dungeon etc.).

    I have sent a few mentioned above for ZoS to look, so hopefully in certain future patches it will be available.

  • Mix
    prnoprno wrote: »
    Great work @Ayantir! I hope this receives the attention it deserves.

    Shouldn't we receive a notification when we get a book/note to read in our quest inventory? If only I knew they were available at the time, most of the ones I missed, and am now barred from, I would have read.

    I do like the new "Lorebook" alert when we read any lorebook but I agree, sometimes a quest throws a letter in the quest inventory and I don't notice and it isn't necessary to read it to advance the quest, a lot of the time if you read/listened/asked the quest giver questions you don't need the information in the quest item letter to solve the quest. I am missing a few from failing to read them in my quest inventory too!
  • Ayantir
    A word to say that maybe at last minor patch or I don't know when, my Eidetic completion has been (I think) modified by ZOS.

    First, books from the collection Handbills, Posters, and Decrees is now completed for me.

    It was 2 of my 3 lasts books in Alik'r which are now tagged as known.

    First is "KIDNAPPING!" which was before marked as being in Sentinel tavern and 2nd "Shipyards Workers, Take Warning!" in Tava's Blessing.

    I'm now at 2629
    Obsessive Compulsive Elder Scrolls addons Coder
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