Eidetic Memory Bugs/Comments/Help

  • PlagueMonk
    Holy COW. No offense to Zenimax (and big kudos to Mix for finding them) but that list of unreadable books after the fact is HUGE. If the eidetic memory is going to have a counter they should damn well have some way of getting to ALL of those books. They should probably also have some huge asseg ach (like say 50 pts per alliance and 100 pts for finishing it)

    I made a proposal in another thread that, to alleviate this problem somewhat, extraneous pages, books, etc (those read items that only fill in the eidetic memory and not things like mages guild, fighters guild, quest or skill books) be turned into account wide items. That way, if you missed it with one toon, you can take another through that one time quest, get the page in question and have it count for the one who couldn't get it anymore.
    Edited by PlagueMonk on July 3, 2016 2:58PM
  • Tib
    Naughty Nereid Players: Gold Coast Tomes
    This has never been bugged, just a slightly tricky location I guess.
    The Naughty Nereids are performing just outside Enrick's Public House (the inn in Anvil). The note is posted on a lamp post just next to where they perform.
    Senior Achievement Seeker, Scholar of UESP and the laziest trader in Tamriel
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  • Ayantir
    I've updated once again lorebooks, it added few missing books on map.
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  • Mix
    @nurrtibub16_ESO Thanks so much! That section is more for the community to help each other pinpoint books they are missing than to imply they are bugged:) I've never actually been in Anvil to see them perform either!

    @PlagueMonk When you consider the sheer amount of books in game the list isn't really that long! Part of the problem is how broken Eidetic was to begin with and that they don't seem to automatically credit you books that are read during a quest (mandatory reading ones) if you have completed the quest.

    I am at 2867 but I am missing some motif chapters for Abah's, TG and Assassins still. I am only missing 83 lorebooks:)
    Edited by Mix on July 4, 2016 3:47PM
  • PlagueMonk
    Mix wrote: »

    @PlagueMonk When you consider the sheer amount of books in game the list isn't really that long! Part of the problem is how broken Eidetic was to begin with and that they don't seem to automatically credit you books that are read during a quest (mandatory reading ones) if you have completed the quest.

    I am at 2867 but I am missing some motif chapters for Abah's, TG and Assassins still. I am only missing 83 lorebooks:)

    Sure, it the grand scheme 1-2% not being accessible is a small number BUT if they are going to have numbers on all these readables and a total tally, then the sure as hell better allow us to get 100% of them. It's like the ultimate tease.

    Either remove Eidetic memory, make sure 1 toon has access to EVERY book or allow lesser items to be account wide.

    And Congrats Mix for being as close as you are, I'm over 400 short (although the inaccessible books put a damper on my desire to get them all)
  • Mix
    Personally, I dislike the account-wide idea as I believe every character should be able to access everything if they wish to.

    A Death Desired: Final Words: I have looked all over Sancre Tor in Cyrodiil with both my main and a level 10 alt (in case of phasing issues) and cannot find this lorebook at that location.

    Does anyone have this lorebook marked as read? I would at least like to confirm that it is in game (or was at some point) before I continue hunting for it in particular.

    @thawks I came across The Collected Theory Hypothesis on a bookshelf in the Elven Gardens district of IC. I don't know if or why a book not listed in the Imperial Library would only be found in IC but...I am currently seeking a few there myself that the Lorebooks addon says are on the bookshelves around IC.
    Edited by Mix on July 6, 2016 9:54PM
  • thawks
    A Death Desired is neither registered on esoitems.uesp nor esohead, so it might very well not be found anywhere in-game.

    And thanks for the tip. I'm pretty sure that book has been in the game since launch (I remember reading it even before the beta), but maybe it wasn't working as intended. Aside from that I've got a few other bookshelf books that are exclusive to IC that I haven't yet found. What ZOS did in Wrothgar and the latter DLCs, by excluding non-DLC books from the bookshelf tables, was a really good idea.
    Edited by thawks on July 7, 2016 1:37PM
  • Mix
    Yeah the IC bookshelf books (which aren't actually in the Imperial Library category) are being a pain to me too. The bookshelves don't seem to refresh very often and there aren't very many of them!
  • Tobius
    There is a book in Shadowfen, I can see it on the ground all glowy, but when I get closer to it, it phases out and I can't pick it up. it is northeast of the Percolating Mire Wayshrine.
    "Remember: Sometime the Dragon wins."
  • Mix
    Tobius wrote: »
    There is a book in Shadowfen, I can see it on the ground all glowy, but when I get closer to it, it phases out and I can't pick it up. it is northeast of the Percolating Mire Wayshrine.

    I think this book might be "Feyne Vildan's Diary". I'll explore further and see which quest causes the phasing to change:) Thank you for the report!

    "Eyes of the Queen Only" - Does anyone know which quest area/quest this lorebook is linked to? On lorebooks it shows at the Stormhold Guild Hall (dungeon) and there is a dungeon there you go in as part of the zone's main quest but I didn't see it in there when I just did that quest on another toon. I am slowly going through all of Shadowfen looking for that book's location, any help pinpointing it would be greatly appreciated!
  • BlackEar
    Please add:

    "Feyne Vildan's Diary"

    It is located in Shadowfen, but the book and NPC phases out of existence when you get close, making the book inaccessible.
    Bjorn Blackbear - Master Angler - Collector - Black Market Mogul - Ebonheart Pact - Exterminatus - EU.

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  • Mix
    BlackEar wrote: »
    Please add:

    "Feyne Vildan's Diary"

    It is located in Shadowfen, but the book and NPC phases out of existence when you get close, making the book inaccessible.

    Added! Thank you:) The phased ones are hard to catch.
  • bryanhaas
    Has anyone seen the book you get from turning into a vampire in the Eidetic memory? I can't seem to find it.
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  • Mix
    bryanhaas wrote: »
    Has anyone seen the book you get from turning into a vampire in the Eidetic memory? I can't seem to find it.

    Hmm do you recall the name of it? I did the vampire quest so long ago (for the achievement and dye) and I cannot recall even what it said. I checked on the uesp.wiki and all it mentions is that there is a scroll that directs players turned by another player to the shrine to get the quest going.
  • rhapsodious
    Mix wrote: »

    Hmm do you recall the name of it? I did the vampire quest so long ago (for the achievement and dye) and I cannot recall even what it said. I checked on the uesp.wiki and all it mentions is that there is a scroll that directs players turned by another player to the shrine to get the quest going.

    I am pretty sure it's Rite of the Scion.
  • BlackEar
    As a side note; ZOS said they added some inaccessible Hew's Bane books to the game, but can't seem to find them?

    It is regarding:

    Letter to Lady Sulima
    Lord Wallavir's Wedding Invitation

    Bjorn Blackbear - Master Angler - Collector - Black Market Mogul - Ebonheart Pact - Exterminatus - EU.

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  • Mix
    BlackEar wrote: »
    As a side note; ZOS said they added some inaccessible Hew's Bane books to the game, but can't seem to find them?

    It is regarding:

    Letter to Lady Sulima = Sulima Mansion, main floor in the room that is farthest south on the map, it is on the desk.
    Lord Wallavir's Wedding Invitation =

    For the wedding invitations, I think I recall seeing them in Spotless Goods Shipping Concern (Silver-Claw's dock place) but I don't see on my main right now - she has read them both though...so if you haven't looked there try the counter - they may not glow.
  • BlackEar
    Sadly they were not there. I think it was Silverclaws invitation I found the same place way back.
    Bjorn Blackbear - Master Angler - Collector - Black Market Mogul - Ebonheart Pact - Exterminatus - EU.

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  • thawks
    The invitation can only be pickpocketed from Lord Wallavir during the relevant quest.
  • Mix
    thawks wrote: »
    The invitation can only be pickpocketed from Lord Wallavir during the relevant quest.

    and we have no other known location? I'll add it to the list if we are sure they didn't put it somewhere after the quest.
  • AdmiralSam
    "The Perfect Score" is a lorebook that you cannot get due to phasing issues. I have reported this bug over 1000000 times. Yet nothing has come of it.

    Also, don't suppose anyone knows where to get Lord Vallawir's Wedding Invitation if you didn't steal it during the quest..
  • Mix
    AdmiralSam wrote: »
    "The Perfect Score" is a lorebook that you cannot get due to phasing issues. I have reported this bug over 1000000 times. Yet nothing has come of it.

    Also, don't suppose anyone knows where to get Lord Vallawir's Wedding Invitation if you didn't steal it during the quest..

    Have you gone to look at "A Perfect Score" recently? I took both a character who has done all the quests there, and one who has done none and the book is there for both.
  • thawks
    Does anyone know where I can find the books Necromancer's Journal and On the Tel Var Stones: Volume 3 from the Imperial Library?

    Also, has anyone found the book Forgotten Tome from Mysteries and Clues?
  • Mix
    thawks wrote: »
    Does anyone know where I can find the books Necromancer's Journal and On the Tel Var Stones: Volume 3 from the Imperial Library?

    Also, has anyone found the book Forgotten Tome from Mysteries and Clues?

    I think Tel Var Volume 3 is somewhere in the sewers as a static book, I know when I first got Lorebooks there were a few laying around in the sewers that I was able to pick up, but I can't recall exactly where those were and which they were.

    Necromancer's Journal: inside Imperial Prison dungeon, i can't recall exactly where though:(

    Tel Var Stones: Volume 3: it is on Lorebooks in the Sewers, over on the west side of the map after you leave the middle, it isn't too far into that alliances zone.

    Forgotten Tome: it is from the 1st quest (to get the books) from the Mages' Guild, after the quest it can be found on the floor of Mages' Guild in Glenumbra (Daggerfall), it doesn't glow currently. Main floor, go straight in towards the alcove in the back where npc Sandor is, it is on the right hand side just inside the alcove. (or just go in that alcove room and mouse over all the random books laying around...you should be able to find it when it prompts you to "Read" which is how I found it! Added it to the list of non-glowing books too!
  • Qyrk
    Just want to chime in, the necromancer's journal within ICP, is just after the first boss, to the right of the first group of mobs with the flesh aero.
  • thawks
    So I just found Glorious Upheaval in a stack of books (not a bookshelf, in case it makes any difference) in the IC Memorial District.

    List of Targets can be read during the quest The Assassin's List in Rivenspire. No idea where (if) it can be found after quest completion.
    Edited by thawks on July 16, 2016 10:58PM
  • Whilhelmina
    Mix wrote: »
    Have you seen these books? Please post if you have!
    • List of Targets: Plots and Schemes
    This book is at 0.301 0.659 in Rivenspire but the book can't be examined (or to be exact, hitting "examine" doesn't open said book.

    Mix wrote: »
    Non-Interactable and Other
    • Note from Gullveig: Notes and Memos: Fort Fullhelm, The Rift, after quest appears by door but when read is "Arkay the Enemy"
    Book is now interractable at 88 - 59 in Fullhelm and validates but doesn't glow.
    Edited by Whilhelmina on July 16, 2016 11:29PM
  • thawks
    Another question: what about the Unmarked Pages from Plots and Schemes?

    Apparently someone found volume 28 of The Year 2920. Interesting.
    Edited by thawks on July 17, 2016 8:05PM
  • Mix
    @thawks and @Whilhelmina thank you so much!

    Interesting, maybe volume 28 will show up in the next update? Could that entry be from the pts?

    I found Unmarked Pages in Sanctum Ophidia (in a side room between Lamia Boss and Serpent), if you get the group to not disband then you can run back after you kill Serpent and explore that hallway, there are several little side rooms in it and I didn't find any mobs - but that was pre-DB patch.

    I hope they fix IC bookshelves..their tendency to stay on the same book day after day drives me crazy!

  • Mix
    Does anyone have a good strategy for getting the books located in enemy scroll temples? (A Plea for the Elder Scrolls)

    You cannot read the book while in combat.

    I tried invisibility potions but as soon as I activate the book I enter combat and the book doesn't open:(
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