Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Scourge XB1 EU

  • WassyLad
    Bosov wrote: »
    PREPARE FOR A NEW CAMPAIGN. After Kings Legion zerg was bullied out of Scourge they will most likely return and fight the new formed but already massive in size AD zerg with all their numbers! This will be a battle to behold, slide show Cyrodill performances expected and may the best connection win.

    Seriously though... the game was unplayable with only the AD zerg running around. How will it be when Kings Legion and AD Zerg clash? OMG the horrooorrrrrr.

    Tune in next episode to find out!
  • AJ_1988
    All it will be is who can spam a single button the fastest. No skill involved what so ever
  • Bonzodog01
    So last night was a bit of a wtf moment....where did all those blues come from? Our queue was horrendous, and when I got in finally (after a near 20 minute queue), we had almost the entire board, and had stolen the majority of the scrolls. Towards later part of the night though, it seems we calmed it down a bit, and let the yellows have 3 of their forts back. The reds had most of their home keeps as well.
    Xbox One - EU - EP/DC
    Trying and failing to hold the walls of his Templar house up since 2015
  • SJD_Phoenix
    Campaign reset?

    Genuine question I've been away from my Xbox for nearly a week now.
  • WassyLad
    Bonzodog01 wrote: »
    So last night was a bit of a wtf moment....where did all those blues come from? Our queue was horrendous, and when I got in finally (after a near 20 minute queue), we had almost the entire board, and had stolen the majority of the scrolls. Towards later part of the night though, it seems we calmed it down a bit, and let the yellows have 3 of their forts back. The reds had most of their home keeps as well.

    Always happens on reset everyone jumps in pvp all the blues that gave up last time returned.
    Campaign reset?

    Genuine question I've been away from my Xbox for nearly a week now.

    Yeah reset 5pm on Saturday I believe
  • MightyBantam34
    Why do people even play this game if they are gonna just cheat in pvp, yes I'm talking about toon swap scroll running seems like this is happening way too much now to point where it's getting a bit ridiculous.
    *scrolls once captured and placed into keeps shouldn't be able to be moved to stop this crap . *
    Small amount of individuals ruining the game for the rest of us . I know 3 yellows who are constantly doing it I'm tempted to name and shame. Absolute joke .
  • Brrrofski
    Why do people even play this game if they are gonna just cheat in pvp, yes I'm talking about toon swap scroll running seems like this is happening way too much now to point where it's getting a bit ridiculous.
    *scrolls once captured and placed into keeps shouldn't be able to be moved to stop this crap . *
    Small amount of individuals ruining the game for the rest of us . I know 3 yellows who are constantly doing it I'm tempted to name and shame. Absolute joke .

    Someone just took the scroll of ghartok to that church by EP. He said he wanted to farm EP there. Load of bs obviously.
  • DjSolJAH
    Actually a great tower defense type spot.. I agree though likely bullshyt
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • WassyLad
    Open world pvp is dead. Zenimax you are a disgrace. I will never buy a game developed by you ever again. How can you release a patch like dark brotherhood with so many bugs/changes nobody wanted? Who the hell do you get to PTS/Do customer research? It's an absolute *** joke. Do you all sit in your offices after an update patting yourselves on the back? You have a job to do it isn't *** hard to do. If I produced a similar performance at my work I'd be sacked on the spot.

  • RabNebula
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Open world pvp is dead. Zenimax you are a disgrace. I will never buy a game developed by you ever again. How can you release a patch like dark brotherhood with so many bugs/changes nobody wanted? Who the hell do you get to PTS/Do customer research? It's an absolute *** joke. Do you all sit in your offices after an update patting yourselves on the back? You have a job to do it isn't *** hard to do. If I produced a similar performance at my work I'd be sacked on the spot.

    Constructive! haha

    I think a lot of people havn't been going in to pvp this week what with all the getting new builds sorted after so many changes. I know I've not had a chance to really try things out in pvp properly yet as I expect it to take at least a week for people to settle in to the new patch.

    I do think you can't put all the blame on zenimax for a general decline in pvp though. The amount EP players are stuck fighting blue and yellows fighting side by side is as bad as ever. AD zerg always goes to Blue Road and ignores Roebeck completely for the majority of prime time. Whenever I take my guild in to Scourge its always the same situation and its been like it for months. That and all the alliance switching for scroll hoarding and everything in between, it gets unbelievably tiresome. Those things are on certain players and those around them enabling them to do it.
    Edited by RabNebula on June 18, 2016 11:13PM
  • WassyLad
    Posted after 4 days of long load screens, constant crashes, some characters inaccessible due to the location they are left in, broken gapclosers, stamblade meta op, super lag in pvp, unbreakable cc's etc etc

    I've uninstalled the game so that I'm not tempted to play it anymore.

    Rip eso
  • DjSolJAH
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Posted after 4 days of long load screens, constant crashes, some characters inaccessible due to the location they are left in, broken gapclosers, stamblade meta op, super lag in pvp, unbreakable cc's etc etc

    I've uninstalled the game so that I'm not tempted to play it anymore.

    Rip eso

    You'll be back wassy ;) see you in a couple days lol
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • Qwazzy
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Rip eso

    Edited by Qwazzy on June 20, 2016 10:30PM
    Smallscale/Solo player on multiple servers

    PC North America - Characters
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 16
    AD Templar - PvP 33
    AD Nightblade - PvP 17
    AD Dragonknight - PvP 19
    AD Necromancer - PvP 22
    EP Sorcerer - PvP 20
    EP Templar - PvP 21
    EP Nightblade - PvP 20
    DC Sorcerer - PvP 16
    DC Templar - PvP 24
    DC Nightblade - PvP 18
    Xbox North America - Characters
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 32
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 20
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 14
    AD Templar - PvP 41
    AD Templar - PvP 16
    AD Templar - PvP 14
    AD Warden - PvP 29
    AD Nightblade - PvP 27
    AD Dragonknight - PvP 18
    AD Necromancer - PvP 14
    Xbox Europe - Characters
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 42
    AD Templar - PvP 36
    EP Sorcerer - PvP 16
  • Brrrofski
    Just come fight in IC. I don't play above ground because we're everywhere and good fights are few and far between. IC is fairly even though. Really good small group on small group fights.
  • DjSolJAH

    Pretty much why I've all but given up on PvP. Reds have blues pushed to home keeps trying to dethrone and yellows are taking Arrius rather than dethrone blue emp.
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • Bosov
    Haha yellows are so stupid. Im quite certain our almost grand overlord is snipe stacking at Arius
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • WassyLad
    I'm quite glad dark brotherhood was complete *** up means I can play all the games I neglected
  • DjSolJAH
    Ya getting dashboarded every 30 min gets old
    Edited by DjSolJAH on June 21, 2016 8:42PM
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • Bosov
    Invincible mobs and second loading screens arent greet either. Both combined and dying while going to a crafting place is even worse
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • DjSolJAH
    Hopefully they will be putting some effort into PvP next patch and aren't just gonna throw a flag on top of cities
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • Brrrofski
    DjSolJAH wrote: »
    Hopefully they will be putting some effort into PvP next patch and aren't just gonna throw a flag on top of cities

    I guarantee they're just going to throw flags onto of cities lol
  • AJ_1988
    Why do people even play this game if they are gonna just cheat in pvp, yes I'm talking about toon swap scroll running seems like this is happening way too much now to point where it's getting a bit ridiculous.
    *scrolls once captured and placed into keeps shouldn't be able to be moved to stop this crap . *
    Small amount of individuals ruining the game for the rest of us . I know 3 yellows who are constantly doing it I'm tempted to name and shame. Absolute joke .

    I know the 3 you are talking about. I've already reported them in a pm to Brian with details outlining how they do it. Working on getting screenshots but is difficult in this case.
  • Brrrofski
    AJ_1988 wrote: »
    Why do people even play this game if they are gonna just cheat in pvp, yes I'm talking about toon swap scroll running seems like this is happening way too much now to point where it's getting a bit ridiculous.
    *scrolls once captured and placed into keeps shouldn't be able to be moved to stop this crap . *
    Small amount of individuals ruining the game for the rest of us . I know 3 yellows who are constantly doing it I'm tempted to name and shame. Absolute joke .

    I know the 3 you are talking about. I've already reported them in a pm to Brian with details outlining how they do it. Working on getting screenshots but is difficult in this case.

    A certain two were doing it all last night.

    It's honestly pathetic.

    I don't even understand how it brings any enjoyment.
  • MightyBantam34
    yep it's pathetic. Why even play if you have to cheat.. . And then you have blues jumping on there alts to get them back 2 wrongs don't make a right when will this crap end...
  • AJ_1988
    Basically they are shooting themselves in the foot. They go around pvp and think they are the best and top poo by spamming 1 skill and perma rooting but this shows their true colours and how little skill they have and how sad their lives are. Pretty much people that have to cheat and exploit in games to try and prove something are making up for something lacking in their real life. Unfortunately this is the world we live in these days, the minority ruins everyone's entertainment.
  • AJ_1988
    yep it's pathetic. Why even play if you have to cheat.. . And then you have blues jumping on there alts to get them back 2 wrongs don't make a right when will this crap end...

    Yeah I know right. It will end when they add conditions to be met for scrolls in keeps and when they fix gap closers once and for all. The campaign always being one sided is pretty boring. Last month was AD now it's DC. I jump into pvp and its like, "ok what now, there's nothing to do"
  • MightyBantam34

    Yeah I know right. It will end when they add conditions to be met for scrolls in keeps and when they fix gap closers once and for all. The campaign always being one sided is pretty boring. Last month was AD now it's DC. I jump into pvp and its like, "ok what now, there's nothing to do"[/quote]

    That's why I've rolled a red time to get this war back to 3 factions,
  • AJ_1988
    I'm loyal to DC that and I cbf with the grind again lol may still go to the 7 day campaign tho
  • Bosov
    The grind cant be that bad right now.. all training gear + xp booster + only lvl 50. Before uodate lvl 50 was possible in a day so it should be even easier now.

    Lorebooks, skyshards, fighters guild, undaunted and weapon abilities still need to be grinded which is kinda boringggg
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • AJ_1988
    Yeah that's what I'm getting at. Fighters guild is easy mages is a pain
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