Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Scourge XB1 EU

  • RabNebula
    DjSolJAH wrote: »
    Objectives should be away from main lines between keeps. There is stellar fighting terrain in the most random of places that most ppl have probably never even seen or traveled through. put a loot drop or spawn a world boss randomly at different locations (pop up a message similar to the scrolls being picked up/dropped and drop a marker/objective point on the map) to spread out the zergs and allow for unique fights on new terrain.

    Cyrodiil is HUGE and it's disappointing that they are not utilizing 50% of the map/terrain. Hopefully (doubtful) this will be in an upcoming update as I feel the game will continue to lose its player base as the majority of end game content is PvP based, more and more players will get bored of PvP and continue to leave the game

    Exactly! :) The emp keeps I get, the links and things its all a good idea but they should have more scoring options to bring more variety to the battles.

    Maybe even just splitting the shapes between the transit lines into territorial areas would just add so many more interesting battles and take just a little importance off having keeps so people arent just transitting around or runnning the same paths over and over between the keeps.
    Edited by RabNebula on June 4, 2016 9:40PM
  • MightyBantam34
    Okay reds you gonna be forever the yellows *** why not try push south for once . Also you do realise that if everyone starts rerolling yellows then there will be no one to fight . Also is the campaign numbers bugged , no where near full dc numbers tonight even tho que of about 30
    Edited by MightyBantam34 on June 4, 2016 11:19PM
  • DjSolJAH
    Okay reds you gonna be forever the yellows *** why not try push south for once . Also you do realise that if everyone starts rerolling yellows then there will be no one to fight . Also is the campaign numbers bugged , no where near full dc numbers tonight even tho que of about 30

    Was on for a couple hours. Blues pushing Arrius the whole time while it was yellow :/
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • WassyLad
    Yellow Zerg last night was dirty took 2 scrolls at the same time haha there was only like 10-15 blues defending the one I took. They've all probably left the campaign or went to sewers.

    Reds have been pushing us bantam, think it was yesterday or day before blues had emp and reds kept trying to take faregyl over and over.
  • pod88kk
    Yeah that was a lot of fun, once we got it and the scroll we left it though and that was the beginning of our down fall
  • Bonzodog01
    Incidentally, the reds are winning AS right now.

    Whats happened to our lot in Scourge...I really honestly do not know.

    TKL has all but been dissolved, and we are getting reports that some switched servers entirely to the XBox NA server. What there is left of TKL is the crowd that come on between 4am - 7am EU time. Those lot are canadians, which is why they use those time slots.

    DC PvE is also a lot quieter now, it seems the EU server all round is losing its population. Daggerfall town centre at prime time yesterday was a lot quieter than it used to be. Only people I could see around were low level new players, and even then, theres fewer of them by the day.

    It seems that soon, DC will more or less drop PvP altogether.
    Xbox One - EU - EP/DC
    Trying and failing to hold the walls of his Templar house up since 2015
  • WassyLad
    Bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Incidentally, the reds are winning AS right now.

    Whats happened to our lot in Scourge...I really honestly do not know.

    TKL has all but been dissolved, and we are getting reports that some switched servers entirely to the XBox NA server. What there is left of TKL is the crowd that come on between 4am - 7am EU time. Those lot are canadians, which is why they use those time slots.

    DC PvE is also a lot quieter now, it seems the EU server all round is losing its population. Daggerfall town centre at prime time yesterday was a lot quieter than it used to be. Only people I could see around were low level new players, and even then, theres fewer of them by the day.

    It seems that soon, DC will more or less drop PvP altogether.

    Same across all alliances mate think in November with all the new releases this game will die. Although I also have a few eu friends who have characters on NA now. Apparently the lag isn't bad and on NA the quality of players is poor so you feel like a god running through pvp haha
  • Buffler
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Incidentally, the reds are winning AS right now.

    Whats happened to our lot in Scourge...I really honestly do not know.

    TKL has all but been dissolved, and we are getting reports that some switched servers entirely to the XBox NA server. What there is left of TKL is the crowd that come on between 4am - 7am EU time. Those lot are canadians, which is why they use those time slots.

    DC PvE is also a lot quieter now, it seems the EU server all round is losing its population. Daggerfall town centre at prime time yesterday was a lot quieter than it used to be. Only people I could see around were low level new players, and even then, theres fewer of them by the day.

    It seems that soon, DC will more or less drop PvP altogether.

    Same across all alliances mate think in November with all the new releases this game will die. Although I also have a few eu friends who have characters on NA now. Apparently the lag isn't bad and on NA the quality of players is poor so you feel like a god running through pvp haha

    Game will die lol

    Been hearing tales of doom and gloom since release. Fallout 4, BDO, DS3 all would kill ESO and its still here.
  • CeeJonesy
    People are more than likely burnt out. Got to say I was suprised with how quiet it has been even thought this week has been half term for people in the uk... maybe most people are taking a break while its good weather or waiting for DB to come out?
  • Badgerbeast
    Well its summer time and we won nine campianes in a row so the desire to win isnt as strong as yellow there hungry for this win cuzz they have never won in a full 30 day campaine and they have so many numbers playing pvp 2 bars on haderes and 3 bars scourge and blues have 3 bars scourge prime time then thats it back to 0 bars even with tkl in a 24 man group we dont stand a chance think its probly better to just farm for metierls till next updates for new sets ppl will lose interest keep getting 50 yellows show up when u take a resource or even worse we all make a yellow and then hold all maps and end pvp no one could even leave there spawn on any map lol wat could zenamax do then
  • Brrrofski
    Don't know about King's, but a lot of DC I know are getting stuff ready for next patch. Farming sets and materials, levelling characters to 50 as well. When I go into pvp there barely seems to be any DC there.
    Edited by Brrrofski on June 6, 2016 6:22AM
  • MightyBantam34
    Yeah but the yellow win is a false win as they had to call there red friends in for favours (thou shall not pass blue road our yellow friends) can we just have a 3 way alliances fighting for there banner . Also a side note Dc will return when db drops so turncoat dominion are gonna get the hammer hard lets see how many of your so called loyal players stick around then , probably go back to there reds haha
  • WassyLad
    Yeah but the yellow win is a false win as they had to call there red friends in for favours (thou shall not pass blue road our yellow friends) can we just have a 3 way alliances fighting for there banner . Also a side note Dc will return when db drops so turncoat dominion are gonna get the hammer hard lets see how many of your so called loyal players stick around then , probably go back to there reds haha

    Considering reds hate yellows there is certainly not a pact lmao the reds push to alessia/faregyl all the time
  • Badgerbeast
    Its a false win just for the fact they need to cheat and steal scrolls from our keeps first off secondly its cheating to make a truce with the reds i dont know why they do that they have the numbers just no skill
  • Buffler
    No truce with us reds going on im afraid.
  • smokey13a
    we won nine campianes in a row

    wait....what?, are you sure it was 9 in a row?
  • Badgerbeast
    Aside from the first 2 and only cuzz the pc transfers were red we won the rest and its been almost a years since game came out and mabey not all reds just the red pvp giulds are truced up randomers wouldint be but they never leave arriuss anyways so not much push from them
  • Badgerbeast
    Its like the reds have leader and if there guna be any help someones gotta make a red and get them organized and make a proper pvp giuld for them
  • Buffler
    Bloody hell badger you dont half talk utter nonsense
  • Badgerbeast
    Wat nonsensce u have reds coming across the map to take our resources u literily passed chalmaan bleakers alswell gladmist just to tak wardens resourses even tho yellows have ur scrolls and emp ur taking our stuff thats a truce to me and if u had any sort of leadership u would be taking blue roads or sajanes
  • Badgerbeast
    Its like ur all pugs and dont know how to play
  • Badgerbeast
    Wat happened to ur skilled players like brontown and his crew
  • Buffler
    Its like ur all pugs and dont know how to play

    Only one way to play against you badger.....light attacks.
  • smokey13a
    I could've swore reds won the campaign before last, shows how much attention I'm paying ;), I agree the pact needs more organization though, most of the time I see lots of small groups of like 4-8 people and lots of randoms running around instead of fewer groups with more people which would be more effective although it probably wouldn't make that much difference anymore what with some factions having low population plus all the faction team ups and cheating, when I say that I'm not specifically talking about scourge on xbox but every campaign on all platforms, zos allowing people to have characters in all factions was one of the dumbest decisions made with the pvp and don't get started on the lag and random loading screes although it was funny when I used dragon leap at blue road hit a loading screen and suddenly appeared inside faregyl, must have been quite a leap, its just a shame I couldn't see it :D .
  • Dalglish
    WassyLad wrote: »
    ad normally hold blue road to ash. Same as DC hold roebeck to chalman. Wasn't being greedy at all when the keep was blue not red and we were deposing emp.

    The whole yellow Zerg was taking ash whilst ep sieged aleswell me and bosov ran up to glademist and put that under, then the Zerg came up and helped take it then ep failed and started pushing blue road. Geniuses! Was just annoying cause we did everything we could to help ep and they still failed.

    No ad were pushing ep until that point. Ironically what you didn't want to happen you caused by dragging the Zerg over to your side and getting pushed back to arrius. Having the random noobs farm you at the lumber.

    Oh well it was only one BoL spamming emp I just couldn't believe how stupid red were being at the time.

    Tbf when you have a group of 24 AD helping DC defend their emp keeps; its a bit of a joke. The same when happens when AD have emp; blues will take lumber and clear out EP siege. Notice what you said there ' and started pushing blue road'. Blue Road is EP home keep, not AD. Complaining that they push there is just plain stupid.
    Wat nonsensce u have reds coming across the map to take our resources u literily passed chalmaan bleakers alswell gladmist just to tak wardens resourses even tho yellows have ur scrolls and emp ur taking our stuff thats a truce to me and if u had any sort of leadership u would be taking blue roads or sajanes

    Says you and your group sitting off at Sejanus trying to stop Reds pushing down to Alessia (and getting wiped instantly).

    Chalman is EP's home keep, why shouldn't they push there? EP are constantly fighting on both sides while DC lose their home keeps and still push Arrius when you only have Dragonclaw, Aleswell and Chalman. When you can only win fights at 7am, it's best to keep quiet.

    Only thing I agree on is that EP are crap and most of them have moved over to AD/DC for the easy wins.
    Edited by Dalglish on June 6, 2016 3:57PM
    Victrix EU - EP & AD -
    Xbox EU - DalglishUK
  • MightyBantam34
    Most of your skilled red players are now yellows and come back to reds to manipulate the way reds push , not gonna mention names but I've seen and heard it . I even see these yellows come on there blues to try do the same not sure if there spying on blue activity or genuinely just playing the game .but they also tend to que up and teabag me when I die rather than help me in the fight then they don't give me a res. So if this is the type of gameplay yellows need to win then so be it I'll keep playing the honest way because Its just a game I play for fun win /loose .
  • Badgerbeast
    I dont even like pushing alswell after we cap back gladmist i know were guna lose our blue randomers to fight the reds at bleakers and chalman the only time i go fight reds at ther home keeps is when were going for emp not deposing yellows i havint even seen a red in 3 days so i dont know wat ur on about mut leash its our randomers pushing chalman if u guys cant quikly wipe them and get back to blue road u have bigger issues then i thought
  • WassyLad
    Dalglish wrote: »
    WassyLad wrote: »
    ad normally hold blue road to ash. Same as DC hold roebeck to chalman. Wasn't being greedy at all when the keep was blue not red and we were deposing emp.

    The whole yellow Zerg was taking ash whilst ep sieged aleswell me and bosov ran up to glademist and put that under, then the Zerg came up and helped take it then ep failed and started pushing blue road. Geniuses! Was just annoying cause we did everything we could to help ep and they still failed.

    No ad were pushing ep until that point. Ironically what you didn't want to happen you caused by dragging the Zerg over to your side and getting pushed back to arrius. Having the random noobs farm you at the lumber.

    Oh well it was only one BoL spamming emp I just couldn't believe how stupid red were being at the time.

    Tbf when you have a group of 24 AD helping DC defend their emp keeps; its a bit of a joke. The same when happens when AD have emp; blues will take lumber and clear out EP siege. Notice what you said there ' and started pushing blue road'. Blue Road is EP home keep, not AD. Complaining that they push there is just plain stupid.
    Wat nonsensce u have reds coming across the map to take our resources u literily passed chalmaan bleakers alswell gladmist just to tak wardens resourses even tho yellows have ur scrolls and emp ur taking our stuff thats a truce to me and if u had any sort of leadership u would be taking blue roads or sajanes

    Says you and your group sitting off at Sejanus trying to stop Reds pushing down to Alessia (and getting wiped instantly).

    Chalman is EP's home keep, why shouldn't they push there? EP are constantly fighting on both sides while DC lose their home keeps and still push Arrius when you only have Dragonclaw, Aleswell and Chalman. When you can only win fights at 7am, it's best to keep quiet.

    Only thing I agree on is that EP are crap and most of them have moved over to AD/DC for the easy wins.

    How is it stupid? Because of ep being donuts blues captured more of the emp keeps back. Because they stopped pressuring them for one keep we had had for ages they should've deposed emp first then taken it back.

    Anyways besides the point I said I didn't really care now, was just annoyed at the time.
  • Dalglish
    Most of your skilled red players are now yellows and come back to reds to manipulate the way reds push , not gonna mention names but I've seen and heard it . I even see these yellows come on there blues to try do the same not sure if there spying on blue activity or genuinely just playing the game .but they also tend to que up and teabag me when I die rather than help me in the fight then they don't give me a res. So if this is the type of gameplay yellows need to win then so be it I'll keep playing the honest way because Its just a game I play for fun win /loose .

    It does happen yeah, 100% agree; a lot of the more known yellow players are known for jumping into keeps and stealth capturing keeps too. I know quite a few blues do the same things with their scrolls, and im pretty sure a lot of EP do it too, but the majority of the time I see it (I don't pvp much anymore, the game is awful these days), it's initiated by AD guys.
    Victrix EU - EP & AD -
    Xbox EU - DalglishUK
  • Dalglish
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Dalglish wrote: »
    WassyLad wrote: »
    ad normally hold blue road to ash. Same as DC hold roebeck to chalman. Wasn't being greedy at all when the keep was blue not red and we were deposing emp.

    The whole yellow Zerg was taking ash whilst ep sieged aleswell me and bosov ran up to glademist and put that under, then the Zerg came up and helped take it then ep failed and started pushing blue road. Geniuses! Was just annoying cause we did everything we could to help ep and they still failed.

    No ad were pushing ep until that point. Ironically what you didn't want to happen you caused by dragging the Zerg over to your side and getting pushed back to arrius. Having the random noobs farm you at the lumber.

    Oh well it was only one BoL spamming emp I just couldn't believe how stupid red were being at the time.

    Tbf when you have a group of 24 AD helping DC defend their emp keeps; its a bit of a joke. The same when happens when AD have emp; blues will take lumber and clear out EP siege. Notice what you said there ' and started pushing blue road'. Blue Road is EP home keep, not AD. Complaining that they push there is just plain stupid.
    Wat nonsensce u have reds coming across the map to take our resources u literily passed chalmaan bleakers alswell gladmist just to tak wardens resourses even tho yellows have ur scrolls and emp ur taking our stuff thats a truce to me and if u had any sort of leadership u would be taking blue roads or sajanes

    Says you and your group sitting off at Sejanus trying to stop Reds pushing down to Alessia (and getting wiped instantly).

    Chalman is EP's home keep, why shouldn't they push there? EP are constantly fighting on both sides while DC lose their home keeps and still push Arrius when you only have Dragonclaw, Aleswell and Chalman. When you can only win fights at 7am, it's best to keep quiet.

    Only thing I agree on is that EP are crap and most of them have moved over to AD/DC for the easy wins.

    How is it stupid? Because of ep being donuts blues captured more of the emp keeps back. Because they stopped pressuring them for one keep we had had for ages they should've deposed emp first then taken it back.

    Anyways besides the point I said I didn't really care now, was just annoyed at the time.

    Because half the time the exact opposite happens, you guys push Blue Road instead of pushing to take Ash; or one of your random crap groups will take Drakelowe then start trying to siege Farragut while Blues have Emp. Pugs will be pugs.
    Victrix EU - EP & AD -
    Xbox EU - DalglishUK
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