Maintenance for the week of July 1:
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Scourge XB1 EU

  • RabNebula
    Well its summer time and we won nine campianes in a row so the desire to win isnt as strong as yellow there hungry for this win cuzz they have never won in a full 30 day campaine and they have so many numbers playing pvp 2 bars on haderes and 3 bars scourge and blues have 3 bars scourge prime time then thats it back to 0 bars even with tkl in a 24 man group we dont stand a chance think its probly better to just farm for metierls till next updates for new sets ppl will lose interest keep getting 50 yellows show up when u take a resource or even worse we all make a yellow and then hold all maps and end pvp no one could even leave there spawn on any map lol wat could zenamax do then

    TKL in a 24 man group? Sounds a bit small for them. I'm not surprised they struggle though. They normally run with 3 of those groups and only against npc's. Not like many allow themselves a chance to get strong as individual players.

    The difference is that it seems EP put hate on AD at least a tiny bit less because TKL only get their points from coming on when nobody is on. TKL brought that wrath on DC. It's not a truce. It's just you ask to be smashed and have your points shut down during the day to counter the points you take during the night. Perfect counter clearly as youre no longer able to win like that. Though now AD are doing the nightcapping, 2-3 group zerging and character switching just as bad it may just flip back on them next campaign.

    It wont be happening with EP anytime soon as they just dont have the numbers anymore to keep the fight up for as many hours in the day. A lot of pvp'ers are either moving to Haderus or have quit the game completely for things like Overwatch and Smite. 30 day campaigns arent worth the effort anymore. 2 weeks in and one alliance always taking the nightcaps and things too far means people just give up because it doesnt stay interesting in the scoring. At this point if people give up for 2 weeks then it seems theres a 50/50 chance as to whether they keep playing eso.

    Thinking of joining some of the other EP guilds in switching to Haderus soon just for the fact you get more campaigns so more opportunity to get the victories. Scourge just seems to be dying a slow and painful death.
    Edited by RabNebula on June 8, 2016 8:38AM
  • pod88kk
    Most of the players I regularly play with in EP have spent this campaign leveling characters for the DB Dlc and aren't really bothered about about who wins the campaign we just like playing together and having fun.
  • Brrrofski
    pod88kk wrote: »
    Most of the players I regularly play with in EP have spent this campaign leveling characters for the DB Dlc and aren't really bothered about about who wins the campaign we just like playing together and having fun.

    A lot of DC are doing it too I think. Seen a lot of people on low levels. Next patch we'll see an influx in FOTM probably :)
  • WassyLad
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    pod88kk wrote: »
    Most of the players I regularly play with in EP have spent this campaign leveling characters for the DB Dlc and aren't really bothered about about who wins the campaign we just like playing together and having fun.

    A lot of DC are doing it too I think. Seen a lot of people on low levels. Next patch we'll see an influx in FOTM probably :)

    Stam NB seems flavour of the month next patch, or maybe stam dk
  • pod88kk
    I'd say there'll be a lot of Stam poisonknights in the next patch.
  • pod88kk
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    pod88kk wrote: »
    Most of the players I regularly play with in EP have spent this campaign leveling characters for the DB Dlc and aren't really bothered about about who wins the campaign we just like playing together and having fun.

    A lot of DC are doing it too I think. Seen a lot of people on low levels. Next patch we'll see an influx in FOTM probably :)

    I've noticed a BIG drop in the DC population as of late, especially Tkl, yeah they still pop up in a group of 24 but their numbers don't seem anywhere as big as before.
  • MightyBantam34
    Been running stam dk since day 1 , but next patch you will see me on my frost blade more once I get him the gear . #against the Meta
    Edited by MightyBantam34 on June 8, 2016 10:10PM
  • Brrrofski
    Might break my Dk out for the patch. My first character but rarely play it.

    Depends how bad poisons are. Might end up playing my magplar and stamplar just for the cleanse.
  • SJD_Phoenix
    I'm looking forward to rolling my magDK a lot next patch.

    Be that irritating little **** who doesn't stop flappy wings'ing 24/7
  • smokey13a
    I think I am coming to the conclusion that this campaign is so pointless now that zos might as well delete it(same with haderus).
  • pod88kk
    smokey13a wrote: »
    I think I am coming to the conclusion that this campaign is so pointless now that zos might as well delete it(same with haderus).

    That's just stupid, what would we be left with then a vet and a non vet campaign where the lag would be ten times worse
  • RabNebula
    smokey13a wrote: »
    I think I am coming to the conclusion that this campaign is so pointless now that zos might as well delete it(same with haderus).

    Ha I think thats a bit over the top but I could kind of see sense in dropping 1 and then moving Imperial City into a seperate instance so that can take the overflow of the campaign during peak times as just some quick fighting. But then again, any campaign thats max pop is going to be laggy and crashing like mad so jamming everyone in like that wouldnt really help.

    Maybe to split the players there could be an overall score for both campaigns so that players arent just focused in to 1 campaign. Say you might be losing in Scourge but then each week the Haderus evaluation tops up the alliances overall score for the month. So to win overall the alliances have to be competitive in both campaigns. It would help balance out the populations, reduce that lag in Scourge and could even break down the zergs a little bit. Might actually see some DC on Haderus for once and it could provide some good counter scoring to all the night capping in Scourge from TKL and now AD. Meaning we dont get 2 weeks in to the campaign and its already done because 1 alliance nightcaps the hell out of it.

    Also in counter to the nightcapping they should put in a score multiplier so if its primetime and theres 3-3-3 bar pop then you get more for your score than if theres 1-0-0 bar pop. Zeni really need to consider some big changes like that to revitalise pvp.
  • MightyBantam34
    Might aswell just make it 2 faction war .. Cmon reds stop zerging arena and make it interesting up top.. Just have better tactics then the ones who are on now (with there thou shall not push past blue road mentality)
  • DjSolJAH
    Might aswell just make it 2 faction war .. Cmon reds stop zerging arena and make it interesting up top.. Just have better tactics then the ones who are on now (with there thou shall not push past blue road mentality)

    Blue road grounds are for dance partys only...
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • RabNebula
    Might aswell just make it 2 faction war .. Cmon reds stop zerging arena and make it interesting up top.. Just have better tactics then the ones who are on now (with there thou shall not push past blue road mentality)

    It stopped being interesting 2 weeks ago when AD decided to overtake TKL in nightcaps and build up a ridiculous lead against nobody online. Also if EP arent pushing past BR its probably because if they focus on shutting DC down they can possibly still come 2nd at least.

    Thats the trouble with the 30 day campaigns. If an alliance has a zerg guild that stays on through the night when nobody else is on then its not anywhere near competitive for the last 2 weeks. Everyone loses interest eventually. It's just a buzz kill.
    Edited by RabNebula on June 9, 2016 4:39PM
  • MightyBantam34
    Yes I can see the logic on trying to get 2nd but this has happened for most of the campaign, I have a blue and a red and the difference between the factions is outstanding, area chat on DC is always used to communicate with pugs and organise attacks same happens on yellows apparently, but reds it's stone cold silence .
    Just hope next campaign is better as I love pvp , this game needs a fourth faction lol
    As for the night capping zergs if you think that spawn camping factions is healthy for pvp your only gonna turn people away from the game.
    No enemy's no pvp simples!!
  • WassyLad
    I'm quite glad DC have been zerged down and spawn trapped for days, now that they know how it makes pvp awful to play.

    I also don't hope the ad Zerg lasts pvp has been extremely boring the past week or so.

    Definitely making a red next patch
  • MightyBantam34
    So for a minority of players night capping ... Spawn camping those who play just during the day or evening, pvp needs to be ruined!!! . I hate this logic anyone who spawn camps (DC/AD ) need to get there head checked this ain't healthy for pvp as for night capping I'm afraid there is nothing us normal working people can do about that it's gonna happen Zerg or a few will night cap

    Reds have almost given up on scourge

    Current things that *** me off are
    Night capping
    Spawn camping
    Nb ambushing into empty keeps helped by friends alts
    Spying using alts ,stealing scrolls back
    Ohh lag lol
    Cross alliance truce ... Hell no fight for your banner to destroy all enemy's while on that faction

    Those doing these things are the reason why people are leaving pvp, you know who you are
    Edited by MightyBantam34 on June 9, 2016 11:55PM
  • RabNebula
    Reds have definitely given up on Scourge. Last night I heard there were situations where there were DC and AD camps next to each other and zerging as 1 group on Arrius. It's exactly the kind of thing that EP players are just sick of. A 4th faction could work or it could end up in a lot of 3 to 1 situations.

    I heard some Haderus EP have just quit totally while in Scourge half the guilds are planning to move to Haderus. With that spread, EP will put up fights in both campaigns but it will be difficult to win either as the numbers just arent there to keep the fight up throughout the whole day.

    It seems everyone is fed up with night capping but AD and DC are still both contributing to the problem most nights. Also the scroll stealing with a character switch for alliances to keep a hold of the scroll is also an issue. They need to time lock characters to the campaign so people cant switch alliances at will like that. Lag just happens because of the mass zergs, we could all help that situation by playing with more thought and rely less on DDOS'ing through keeps.

    I agree certain groups of players need to start playing with a little better conduct on both campaigns. I mean the stuff Koopaa was pulling to hog the emp in Haderus last week was just plain desperate at times. Really was pathetic that they had 2 scrolls running around the last emp keep because of character switching to steal them.

    On the other hand, Zenimax really should make some changes along the lines of what I suggested earlier because it would mean people dont get away with half the rubbish they do at the moment.
    Edited by RabNebula on June 10, 2016 3:15AM
  • smokey13a
    pod88kk wrote: »

    That's just stupid, what would we be left with then a vet and a non vet campaign where the lag would be ten times worse

    its not stupid at all but I should have elaborated a bit more, what I mean is they should delete them(or leave them for the ap farming/duelling idiots) and make some new ones for those of us that just want to enjoy the game.

    just to be a bit more thorough let me give you a few examples:

    I was in haderus the other day(as a geust), AD basically owned the map had the highest score and had 2 bars population while we had only one bar and were last, we start taking a few keeps and then we realize that AD are working with DC and using EP alts to let each other into the keeps we just took to get them back, I messaged the current so called AD emp why they had to team up with DC and cheat when they were zerging had quite a few good players on and had higher population, the response I got was basically "all the yellows are randoms, theres only a couple of blues and you have like 100 people on so it doesn't make any difference, also reds are the worst cheaters", now if any of that were true the reds would have been winning and they wouldnt have outnumbered us 3 to 1, they could have been winning legitimately but all they do is cheat/ use the campaign to get their friends the emp title and make it worse for people who just want to play, I mean haderus is basically nothing more then a bad joke at this point, its not really a campaign anymore its just crap.

    although I did find it funny that the next day when the populations matched so they couldnt use their alts to let each other into the keeps without getting ganked and we ended up taking back most of the map and even I as an average player got a few emp kills(with like 1-2 others help because you know...emp).

    ok now take scourge, I jumped in yesterday and the first thing I noticed was both AD and DC had full population and EP had 2 bars and I thought "cool, its going to be all out war" but when I start fighting I realize its actually 2 bars EP vs 6 bars green army(obviously minus anyone in IC), there was a couple of very small fights between AD and DC but most were running side by side straight at Arrius, I mean I know factions will team up every now and then but this is ridiculous.

    I know it sounds like I'm just moaning and well I am a bit because I'm getting so sick of it but now ill give something a little more constructive in the form of a few ideas for a new campaign:

    1: scourge seems a little long and haderus a bit short so I think a 2 week campaign would work well.
    2: no faction switching (well you can but not till the end of the campaign), frankly letting people swap at will was one of the dumbest ideas ever.
    3: magic wards on the inner and outer keep walls so no one can get in either of them(using dragon leap or the nightblade glitch) until a wall/door is down.
    4:spy disguises, I hate people(on all factions) that use alts to spy/let others into keeps or steal scrolls(especially as you cant kill them) but they could add something like spy disguises that you buy from the siege merchant, like I'm EP and I could buy say an AD disguise so I appear as a yellow to all but EP players(maybe have a special marker overhead instead of the normal coloured one showing other people on my team I'm wearing it) and the disguise would let me into keeps...ect (but wouldn't let me pick up the scroll) and then you could have sentry's in the keeps so I would have to be careful as once spotted I could be killed, would add some spice to things.
    5:no bonus/buffs for having the scrolls, usually the zergers/night cappers get them quite easily so the most populated faction ends up doing more damage as well which sucks.
    6:maybe a buff based on population so the lower the population the more damage you do.
    7:change "rewards for the worthy" (because most are rubbish) so you could also get some of the other set pieces and maybe add the possibility to get a gold item every now and then(very rarely though)
    8:change it so duelling gives pretty much no points and taking keeps/resources gives more, so players are actually being encouraged to play the game instead of just standing in dumb places doing jack.
    9:i think there should be some kind of purge mechanism in the towers at resources so when you take a resource theres a slight delay and then a magic explosion or something that kills any enemy left inside(mostly to stop the AP farming bs).
    10:maybe the difficulty of NPC's in keep or at resources could also scale off faction population so it would be more difficult for a faction with high population to take a keep owned by a faction with low population, maybe even have mini boss type NPC's, it would make it a lot more interesting/dynamic.
    11:vicious death should not be allowed or fixed so it doesn't do more damage then 99.99% of attacks from players, although if you think about it the whole "I just killed you and now your dead body's going to explode and kill anyone near you because I'm wearing a set of pyjamas" is both ridiculous and hilarious.
    12:players score should be based on playing the game rather then AP so the only people that get emp actually deserve it.
    13: and finally when the campaign ends everything should reset, so everyone gets teleported back to base each faction gets the same amount of keeps and the scrolls return to their temples, clean slate for the next campaign.

    If there was a campaign like that it would have all of the awesome and none of the rubbish and I know, wall of text, my bad :wink: .

    TLDR: 1:haderus and scourge have turned bad so I want a new campaign without all the nonsense from the current ones,2:i want the players to be encouraged to actually play the game rather then just standing around dueling in the dumbest places or AP farming so that the players who just want to enjoy playing the game can.

    @MightyBantam34, what about the random loading screens :smile:

  • Brrrofski
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Reds have definitely given up on Scourge. Last night I heard there were situations where there were DC and AD camps next to each other and zerging as 1 group on Arrius. It's exactly the kind of thing that EP players are just sick of. A 4th faction could work or it could end up in a lot of 3 to 1 situations.

    I don't know who you hear things from, but they're probably making that up.

    I have never known blues and yellows not kill each other on sight, like it should be. When I logged on we were actually taking Arrius from AD.
  • Dalglish
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Reds have definitely given up on Scourge. Last night I heard there were situations where there were DC and AD camps next to each other and zerging as 1 group on Arrius. It's exactly the kind of thing that EP players are just sick of. A 4th faction could work or it could end up in a lot of 3 to 1 situations.

    I don't know who you hear things from, but they're probably making that up.

    I have never known blues and yellows not kill each other on sight, like it should be. When I logged on we were actually taking Arrius from AD.

    I've seen this happen myself tbh; its players that know each other, roughly 20-30 both factions included.

    No big deal because 90% of them are trash players anyway, but they just try and kill reinforcements/wipe siege lines.

    Why DC are taking Arrius when AD still have emp says it all really though.
    Victrix EU - EP & AD -
    Xbox EU - DalglishUK
  • Hammy01
    Yes I can see the logic on trying to get 2nd but this has happened for most of the campaign, I have a blue and a red and the difference between the factions is outstanding, area chat on DC is always used to communicate with pugs and organise attacks same happens on yellows apparently, but reds it's stone cold silence .
    Just hope next campaign is better as I love pvp , this game needs a fourth faction lol
    As for the night capping zergs if you think that spawn camping factions is healthy for pvp your only gonna turn people away from the game.
    No enemy's no pvp simples!!

    A 4th faction could work ... If the 4th faction consisted of Deadra only whose sole purpose was to wreak havok and burn keeps to the ground. Zos could make a lot of money selling this via crowns or you could even buy a limited time Deadra character slot via AP...say 1 million for 1 month or so!

  • GrigorijMalahevich
    Hammy01 wrote: »
    Yes I can see the logic on trying to get 2nd but this has happened for most of the campaign, I have a blue and a red and the difference between the factions is outstanding, area chat on DC is always used to communicate with pugs and organise attacks same happens on yellows apparently, but reds it's stone cold silence .
    Just hope next campaign is better as I love pvp , this game needs a fourth faction lol
    As for the night capping zergs if you think that spawn camping factions is healthy for pvp your only gonna turn people away from the game.
    No enemy's no pvp simples!!

    A 4th faction could work ... If the 4th faction consisted of Deadra only whose sole purpose was to wreak havok and burn keeps to the ground. Zos could make a lot of money selling this via crowns or you could even buy a limited time Deadra character slot via AP...say 1 million for 1 month or so!


    When you complete Veteran Maelstrom Arena you get a daedra skin, looks quite cool tbh.

    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
  • smokey13a
    your all not going to believe this, something amazing just happened, I've been playing for a while and we've slowly been taking some keeps at the top of the map, at the same time the blues have been pushing down and have taken the yellows home keeps, now this is where the amazing thing happens, me and the group start taking a resource and some blues show so we start fighting and wouldn't you know it in comes a yellow rescue party for them, also instead of taking their keeps back the yellows have gone straight for red keeps.

    I know right I've NEVER seen that before either, what a surprise :wink: .
  • Bosov
    What is going on in Scourge anyway? I was mostly playing Witcher this week but the few moments i was on eso playing pvp i had about 15 freezes for like 10 seconds and when it unfreezes everything what happend during that freeze period will hit me at the same time... which will result in me ending up dead. Only survived it once :(
    Edited by Bosov on June 10, 2016 3:11PM
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • Brrrofski
    Bosov wrote: »
    What is going on in Scourge anyway? I was mostly playing Witcher this week but the few moments i was on eso playing pvp i had about 15 freezes for like 10 seconds and when it unfreezes everything what happend during that freeze period will hit me at the same time... which will result in me ending up dead. Only survived it once :(

    A lot of yellows. That's what's going on. King's are getting out zerged and don't know what to do by the looks of it.
  • AJ_1988
    Bit of luck when DB drops AD will grow more than one finger.
  • AJ_1988
    smokey13a wrote: »
    your all not going to believe this, something amazing just happened, I've been playing for a while and we've slowly been taking some keeps at the top of the map, at the same time the blues have been pushing down and have taken the yellows home keeps, now this is where the amazing thing happens, me and the group start taking a resource and some blues show so we start fighting and wouldn't you know it in comes a yellow rescue party for them, also instead of taking their keeps back the yellows have gone straight for red keeps.

    I know right I've NEVER seen that before either, what a surprise :wink: .

    I find it rather annoying red and blue should be pushing back yellow yet blue keeps going for red while being back doored. Tho I guess that's what happens when they allow cross alliance guilds and characters in the same campaign. Guilds should be character based in my opinion and your toon can't join unless it's part of the alliance that the guild was created in.
  • Bosov
    PREPARE FOR A NEW CAMPAIGN. After Kings Legion zerg was bullied out of Scourge they will most likely return and fight the new formed but already massive in size AD zerg with all their numbers! This will be a battle to behold, slide show Cyrodill performances expected and may the best connection win.

    Seriously though... the game was unplayable with only the AD zerg running around. How will it be when Kings Legion and AD Zerg clash? OMG the horrooorrrrrr.
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

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